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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 78
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 10, 1978
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages plus Supplements
U.S. support for
Shah reaffirmed on
eve of protests
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Tanks rum-
bled back into Tehran's streets yester-
day on the eve of a mass anti-shah mar-
ch that organizers claim will "deter-
mine the future of Iran." At least 20
protesters were reported killed in the
latest violence in provincial cities.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance,
speaking in London yesterday, reaffir-
med American support for Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi but ruled out
direct U.S. intervention on behalf of the
beleaguered monarch.
AT TEHRAN'S airport, U.S. Air For-
ce transport planes were reported
ferrying in riot-control equipment, in-
cluding water cannons, after which
they airlifted out dependents of some
850 American servicemen based in
defense Department officials said in
Washington the Pentagon had ordered
five C-141 transport planes to help
speed the departure of U.S. Military
and civilian dependents.
Military sources described the
buildup of tanks and heavily armed
troops at army bases in the city as "a
precautionary measure." There were
fears that extremists would try to
provoke a bloody confrontation with the
army today.
ANXIOUS TO avoid rioting, the
military-led government on F" riday
eased a martial-law ban on processions
to permit the march to mark the prin-
cipal holy period of Moharram, the
Moslem month of mourning.
The procession will take place during
the 48-hour period of Ashura,
traditionally marked by self-
administered beatings with the flat
edge of a sword to mourn the murder in
'U' prof
To University business economist
Ross Wilhelm, the much-discussed
world energy crisis might better be
termed a non-crisis.
According to Wilhelm, the reason for
the non-crisis is OPEC's success-
ful quadrupling of the price of crude
oil back in 1973. The higher price of
crude, currently about $13 a barrel,
"provides an enormous incentive for
people to go out and look for oil," he
AS A RESULT of this incentive,
Wilhelm contends, "the world will be
facing a surplus of energy, and the
monopoly of oil producing nations will
be on the verge of collapse, or will have
collapsed by the 198's."
The School of Business Ad-
ministration professor noted the OPEC
countries are in a double bind.
Whenever new oil supplies from non-
OPEC countries come onto the world
market, the OPEC countries must
reduce their output to keep theyorld oil
price up.
However, he noted, nations such as
Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Iran
" This is the last Michigan,
Daily until January 5, 1979. The
Dailyhstaff wishes toMextend
season's greetings to you and
Iyour families. Thank 'you for
reading The Daily. Enjoy a safe
holiday season. We'll see you
641 A.D. of Imam Hossein, the grandson
of the prophet Mohammed and founder
of Iran's dominant Shiite Moslem sect.
A government source said the latest
deaths included at least 18 persons shot
by troops in the northwestern city of
Tabriz in fierce rioting Thursday night
and Friday. Two others died in Qum
and Hamadan, south of Tehran, yester-
Between 1,000 and 2,000 persons have
died in anti-government riots this year.
Since Moharram began Dec. 1, at least
60 protesters have died, according to of-
ficial count. Opposition sources put the
toll much higher.
Americans and other foreigner.s con-
tinued an exodus out of-this strife-torn
country as Moharram neared its
Iranians faci~ng
trans formation
AP Photo
EXILED IRANIAN RELIGIOUS leader Ayatollah Khomeiny leaves his suburban Paris home at Neauphle-le-chateau Friday
going past signs saying that he does not have a spokesman. It was the Ayatollah who asked his Shiite Moslem followers to
spill their blood to overthrow the Shah.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Powered by
religious fervor and long-repressed
political discontent, the winds of
change are transforming Iran;
replacing abundance with shortages
and reducing Tehran's flashy neon
night life to drab nothingness.
Eleven months of political upheaval
have left many scars on this oil-rich
Moslem country, once an oasis of
stability in the turbulent Persian Gulf
IRANIANS FACE new frustrations
and the nervous feeling that the worst
probably ties ahead.
They can't go to the movies because
devout Moslem protesters have burned
or smashed most of the theaters,
claiming the movies spread unwelcome
Western decadence.
Bars that haven't been burned by
Moslem protesters have discreetly
closed their doors. The casinos were
closed months ago.
THE LAND OF plenty has become
the land of shortages and long lines.
"It's hurry up and wait," a housewife
complained bitterly. "It's a struggle to
go shopping. It's a struggle to buy
heating fuel and gas for my car."
Iran is the world's second-largest
crude oil exporter, but because of wild-
cat strikes at refineries,eIranians wait
in line for hours for a half-tank of
GOING TO TH E movies was a
favorite pastime, but by last count, 108
of Tehran's 115 theaters were burned or
smashed beyond repair. The giant
Broadway Theater survived because of
a heavy police guard.
Several months ago, "Love on a Hor-
se," a mildly pornographic film
Ke llmal
Primarily for security reasons, for-
mer Michigan Student Assembly
President F. Scott Kellman may be
living in the official residence of the
University president next term, after
current tenant Robben Fleming
vacates the house.
F1 eming is leaving the University in
t mnaytend hous
January to accept a new position with Kellman said he may pay a small
the Corporation for Public Broad- amount, but Smith said that although
casting in Washington, D.C. he has not discussed the issue of rent,
Law Professor Allan Smith, who will he suspects that Kellman's duties at the
be acting University president next house would be sufficient exchange for
term until a permanent successor to the living privilege.
Fleming is found, said he will not be THE USE OF the large white house at
living in the house on a full-time basis 815 S. University St. is supplied free to
during his term as the University's in- the president of the University. Smith
terim chief executive. said he and his wife will use if for
various formal and entertainment fun-
THE OFTEN-VACANT house might ctions.
pose security problems, Smith noted. Kellman, who is now a first-year law
"He (Kellman) is in my class at law student, was MSA president from the
school and stopped by after class and fall of 1976 until he resigned the office in
said he understood there might be a October of 1977. Kellman is now a
need of living in the house," said Smith. Resident Advisor (RA) in West Quad,
"I had him interviewed by my wife to but he said he decided to give up that
be sure that she would be agreeable td position several months ago to increase
his living there, and since we don't plan concentration on his studies.
to be there every night, it seemed to be Kellman also said he believes the
a good idea to have someone." living arrangement requires the ap-
Kellman said he will probably be proval of the executive officers of the
living in the servant's quarters in the University, although Smith has already
rear of the house. He said his duties indicated his support for the
would include checking the various arrangement.
rooms of the house regularly and just Kellman apparently won't be given
generally keeping an eye on the man- full reign over the mansion. "I will not
sion. be permitted to have any parties,
'It is not clear if Kellman will be although I may have a guest or two,"
paying any rent for living in the house. Kellman said.
Cafeteria supervisor
fires six emn-ployees
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT 7:15, but I punched them out at 7:00.
Six South Quad cafeteria dishroom Marguerite Mills, one of the dishroom
personnel were fired Friday night in a work leaders, said that while 7:15 was
dispute with a supervisor over a new the time they officially should get ofi
break policy instituted last week by work, they rarely get finished before
cafeteria management. 7:30.
Student supervisor Cheryl Teachout , Employees reported mass quitting
fired the six students because of a sup- and walk-outs might take place becausE
posed infringement of the new break of the firings. One student has quit since
policy, which allowed workers only one the action, and several others havE
break and barred them from the dining called in sick,
room during the break. They also charged morale had beer
Teachout was upset because on low among cafeteria employees
Friday night eleven dishroom workers throughout the year. Students say thE
were holding a going-away party for cafeteria will be short of help for
one of the work leaders, Don Brdce. while and also have a hard time getting
"THEY TOOK a break in the dining employees for next term.
room last night, and I told them I would ANDY HIRZEL, one of the fire
dock them 15 minutes time for violating dishroom employees, felt Teachout was
our rules. They were supposed to quit at See SIX, Page 12
Michigan tops Dayton
to notch third victory
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