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December 09, 1978 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-09

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Page 4-Saturday, December 9, 1978-The Michigan Daily

The storieswe would like to see

See Editorial Page

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Samo f f
High Court
called landmark
By Daily Staff Writers
The Supreme Court of the United
States yesterday overturned a lower
court ruling, and granted tenure to
Political Science Assistant Professor
Joel Samoff. In.a 5-4 ruling, the Court
said that the University has persisten-
tly discriminated against Samoff
because of his political views, and
research methods.
Justice Thurgood Marshall, who
wrote the majority opinion, indicted the
entir'e tenure process at the University.
"Discrimination against Mr. Samoff
is only one example of the gross in-
justice of the tenure process at the
University of Michigan' After
reviewing the situation there I am tem-
pted to ask whether or not that in-
stitution is in the least concerned with
education. They have a fine national
and even international reputation, but I
must believe this is based entirely on
the research done there. Students have
no say in defining their own education,
jwhich is a good indication of the
University administration's unconcer-
ned attitude toward students. They
need to revamp the entire process
there, from the ground up."
Samoff, who was reached at home
last night where he was running a
special tutoring session for students
was ecstatic,
"My faith in the Anerican system is.
at least partially restored."
Samoff, who President Carter has
asked to come to Washington as a con-
sultant on African affairs, said he
swulud probably stay in Ann Arbor and
teach "at least for the immediate

Decision culminates
15 years of debate;
Baker leads Regents
By Daily staff writers

THE UNIVERSITY REGENTS (seated right) yesterday voted to divest of all stock in comies operating in South Africa
Regent Deane Baker (K-Ann Arbor), who led the battle for divestiture in recent months~seated second from the left
Baker pledged to lead the struggle to remove University investment in companies present in Iand Nicaragua.

ISP study reveals trend
to ward stu den t activism

CIE secret
reci itment

"It was a long, hard fight, but we've
finally won," Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor) said yesterday after the
Regents reversed an earlier decision
and voted to divest all University
holdings in corporations or banks with
financial ties to South Africa.
"When we lost the first vote on this
issue last year, I was disillusioned,"
Baker said. "I couldn't believe the
University could take such an immoral
stance. I'm relieved to see that. the
Regents now understand that the
presence of U.S. corporations in South
Africa is not helping the blacks. These
corporations only fuel the racist white
YESTERDAY'S vote marks the end
of 15 years of student protest over the
University's financial ties to the racist
South African government. Demon-
strations intensified in 1977 and '78,
reaching their peak when some 200
students marched in front of the Union,
and then carried their signs into the
Regents meeting where that board
ignored them, and voted not to divest.
But the crusading Baker refused to
concede defeat. He led a group of
students in Diag rallies and letter-
writing campaigns, and financed the
divestiture, movement with his own
personal fortuen.
When the students finally gave up,
Baker lobbied on his own, and even-
tually persuaded his fellow Regents to
k( Baker's) strong personal views
and uncompromising moral stance
finally swayed me," said Regent David
Laro (R-Flint).
UNIVERSITY Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer James Brinker-
hoff said he will begin compiling a list
of all corporations or banks in which the
University invests that have financial
ties to South Africa.
"That process should take about a
week, and then total divestiture will
require another month or so," he said.
The Regents also passed motion to
personally boycott products made by
corporations with holdings in South
Africa. Among these corporations are
Ford Motor, General Motors, Nestle
and Coca Cola.
Baker, who also sponsored that
proposal, still was not satisfied.
"There are still many wrongs to be
righted," he said. "Next month I plan to
introduce a motion to divest from cor-
porations with ties to Iran, Chile, and

Hayden J
By Daily Staff Writers
Thomas Hayden, a former University
student, was named President of the
University yesterday by the University
Regents. Hayden will assume office on
January 1.:
In announcing the decision, Univer-
sity Regent Thomas Roach said: "After
three months of intensive discussion,
investigation and careful search we
have found the best person for the job.
The person who most represents the
current concerns of the community,
and a person with the necessary ad-
ministrative skills.
"Although our choice may be a sur-
prise to some, we have selected
Thomas Hayden as the tenth president
of the University."
Hayden, who was a student at the
University from 1957 to 1961, was Editor
of The Michigan Daily in 1960-61, foun-
ded the Students for a Democratic
Society with Rennie Davis, an unsuc-
cessful candidate for Senator in
California, and, with Davis, one of the
"Chicago Seven.'''a -
""I am pleased, honored, and humble4
by the committee's decision," said
Hayden from his California hom
"Jane (Fonda, his wife) and I area
looking forward to living in Ann Arbor
I think my tenure will be a' very
progressive one."
Hayden said that his first action a,
president, wofild be to call for a studel
voting member on the University


Survey anticipates students' move to left to elf at 'U'

By Daily staff writers
The University Institute of Social
Research (ISR) released a study that
indicates University students are
moving toward the left of the political
spectrum and their political philosophy
ijtaking on a more activist posture.
The Institute surveyed 5,000 Univer-
sity graduate and undergraduate
students, 2,500 males and 2,500 females
from a representative sampling of
economic backgrounds.
The results of the four month survey
indicate that students will be less likely
to accept increases in educational costs
and housing costs without putting up a
fight in the future.
JOHN SMITH, who was in charge of
the survey, said, "The data we have
received indicates that students are fed
up with their living conditions in the
city community as well as the con-
tinually escalating costs of higher
"We were surprised to learn that
many of them are beginning to consider
a more active political posture in the
face of theit dissatisfaction."
Of the respondents, 73.9 per cent in-
dicated they would takepart in a city
wide rent strike if one were initiated.
83.4 per cent indicated they would take
part in a tuition strike against the

University. 75.5 per cent indicated they
would participate in a sit-in to protest
this year's tuition hike. 95.8 per cent in-
dicated they would be willing to march
on the state capitol to petition the state
legislature to increase state funding for
the University.I
.UNIVERSITY President-elect
Thomas Hayden, in a telephone inter-
view, said he was encouraged by the
results of the survey.
"I would hate to think that I was
going to be the chief executive of a
major university at which students
were not educated enough to stick up
for their rights."
The survey also revealed a surprising
tendency on the part of students to take
stands on moral issues even if those
stands would inhibit their money ear-
ning power in the future.
The moral issues included affir-
mative action in hiring polices, and
graduate school enrollment policies, a
tax structure that will place a heavier
burden on more affluent Americans,
the withdrawl of American companies
from South Africa, and the state owner-
ship of public utilities.
One student seemed to sum up the
survey's findings when she said, "It's
time to make the University and gover-
nment more responsive to the people
they are supposed to serve."

By DaaffWriters
The Universitygents, in a surprise
decision yester outlawed covert
recruiting of studcon campus by the
Central Intelligenc ency (CIA).
The decision a applies' to all
prospective empers . including,
businesses and goveient agencies.
THE MEASURE ionger than the
Harvard guidelines, 'ing it the most
stringent regulations erning secret
recruitment of studenh any campus
in the United State. ny ongoing
relationship between amber of the
University community egovernment
agencies or businesses 't be, made
The regulations, passe(animously
after five minutes of ste, force
prospective employers torain writ-
ten permission from stus before
requesting the confident records
from the University and be, asking
professors to make recomxdations
on a student's capabilities.
Professors found viola the
regulations would be dismis from
their posts.
CIA Director Stansfield Turk con-
tacted by phone yesterday, 'I he
would abide fully by the reguons.
"We're not pleased, but we cive
with your Regents' decision," he

3 Michigan Indian tribe,
win rnurf orcaseo nr ainst TT:



Belcher announces restricted
campus access for automobiles

By Daily Staff Writers
At a news conference yesterday Ann
Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher unveiled a
new traffic program that will totally
eliminate automobile traffic on the
Central Campus of the University. The
plan will take effect on June 1.
Several major arteries will be com-
pletely closed to traffic. South Univer-
sity between Washtenaw and State
Street, North University between
Washtenaw and State, Thayer Street
between North University and
Washington, Washington Street bet-
ween Fletcher Avenue and State Street.

BELCHER ALSO announced yester-
day the formation of a select committee
charged with overseeing the wastewater
treatment plan and the city's landfill.
The committee will be made up of
University professors to be assisted by
students. Belcher said the committee
will be totally independent.
Appointed to the committee were
Frank Hooper, chairman of the Univer-
sity Resource Ecology department;
Thomas Anton and Dorothy Melnyczuk
of Urban and Regional Planning; and
Morton Hilbert and Richard Rem-a
mington of the Environmental and In-

dustrial Health Department of the
School of Public Heath.
"We have been polluting the Huron
River for too long," said Belcher at a
press conference at which he announ-
ced the appointments. "Hopefully the
committee will come up with recom-
mendations so we can act to promote a
more healthy environment for the city
and the surrounding area." '
Belcher also said the committee will
be charged with overseeing operations
at the landfill to make certain no toxic
chemicals are dumped there in the

" University Athletic Direct,
Don Canham announced yestei
day that beginning next year
students will be given seats bet-
ween .the 20-yard lines and bet-
ween one-third to two-thirds of
the way up in Michigan Stadium.
For basketball, students will
receive priority for the blue seats
between the foul lines. See story,
" George, Ringo, John, and
Paul will open their first
American tour in eight years in
the Power Center next March.
See story, Page 14.
" That constant eyesore, the
Undergraduate Library (UGLI )
will be razed this summer. In its
place, Monticello will be tran-
sported from Charlottesville,
Virginia .p Seen tor> a o2

1' Y G ! G 6. V f'!IG 1.. V4'kJ
By Daily staff writers
The children of tinesChippewa,
Potatwatomi, and Ottawa tribes will
now be able to attend the University for
That was Washtenaw Circuit Judge
Edward Deake's ruling yesterday in a
andmark class action lawsuit initiated1
y Paul Johnson seven years ago. The
uit charged that in the 1817 Treaty of
'ort Meigs, the University pledged to
lucate the children of the three tribes.
'N A 22 PAGE decision handed down
3terday, Judge Deake wrote:
learly, an express trust was1
tiblished when the chiefs and ;
vriors of the Chippewa, Ottawa, and
Fiwatomi tribes conveyed 1,9201
at of their last remaining valuable
la; to the University of
Mgania-the forerunner of the
Unrsity of Michigan."

Regents sold the land, mixed the profit'
from that sale with other funds, an-
have never accounted for those funds. 4.
JUDGEhDEAKE stated in hi
decision that "too long the Native
American have been denied their just
desserts." He noted that the University
took advantage of the fact that Native
Americans "were illiterate and withoall
political clout.
The court ordered the Regents to
assess the amount of money the
University received from the sale of the
land and calculate the value of the trust
today by adding 15 per cent interest on
a yearly basis from 1824.
Elmer White, the tribes' lawyer, said
the tribes could be owed as much af
$350 million.
The court also ruled that the Regents
would be relieved of their resporl-
sibilites as trustees. Johnson. who

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