The Michigan Daily-Saturday, December 9, 1978-Page 3
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The wanton genocide at East Quad continues. Five more students
have bitten the dust in the marathon "killer" game which pits
"assassins" against "victims' in a dart gun contest for survival of the
fittest. Only five of the initial 165 participants have not been "hit," and
East Quad dwellers are anxiously awaiting the outcome. The latest
five to be iced were Jim Vander, Stan Nelson, Sue Vala, Bob June, and
Ken Goldberg. Vander was set up in a Biology lecture. Nelson, Vala,
and Goldberg left no details of their demise, but it is perhaps June who
suffered the worst. June had been rumored to be dead certain he
would win because he had gotten Bruce Springsteen to sign his gun
when Springsteen appeared last month in East Lansing. But, alas, the
Springsteen mystique carried no protection and Bob was eliminated.
Perhaps a Jesse James autograph would have been wiser.
Former Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon, who will appearnon
campus Dec. 17, will be speaking at Rackham Amphitheatre, not,
Rackham Auditorium as reported yesterday.
Yesterday we ran an Associated Press story reporting the theft of
1,300 pounds of marijuana which was being held as trial evidence in a
heavily-guarded New York warehouse. "Each pound of marijuana is
enough to make abot 30 cigarettes or joints," the story quoted a drug
enforcement official as saying. At least one alert reader though that
didn't sound quite right. "If he rolls two joints to the ounce I'd like to
get high with him," the caller said. Bet he's not the only one. we
apologize for the typographical error.
We won't drink to that
It was probably bound to happen sooner or later, but we still wish it
hadn't. The "Kool-Aid party," a rough reference to the recent
Jonestown suicide, has started to pop up on campus. It's sort of like the
Animal House toga party (remember those?) sans togas, with Kool-
Aid as the featured beverage. Kool-Aid was originally reported to have
been mixed with the cyanide poison consumed by many of the People's
Temple followers who took their lives last month in Guyana.
Reporters on the scene said it was actually Fla-Vor-Aid, a similar
product, which was used in the mass suicide. But spokespersons gor
General Foods, the makers of Kool-Aid, and Jel-Sert, Inc., which
makes Fla-Vor-Aid, yesterday said neither company plans any action
to counter the adverse publicity. They may not need to. If the current
trend of Kool-Aid parties continues, they won't have to worry about a
drop-off in sales.
Human Rights Day - Last Grave at Dimbasa, 10 a.m.,
refreshments at 9:30 a.m., presentation by Marylee Wiley and Cecelia
Dumor of the African Studies Center at Michigan state University
afterwards, Ann Arbor Public Library, 343 South Fifth Ave.
Cinema Ift- Truffaut's The Man Who Loved Wo en, 7, 9 p.m.,
Angell Aud. A.
Mediatrics -'The Paper Chase, 7, 9p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild - Huston's African Queen, 7, 9:05' p.m., Old Arch.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - The Tall Blonde Man with One Black Shoe,
7, 10:20 p.m., The Apple war, 8:40 p.m., MLB Aud. 3.
Pebdleton Center - "Rhyme Space -poetry Reading," 2 p.m.,
Soph Show - "Pippin," 8p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre.
Music School - Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble, 8 p.m., Hill
University Dance Co., 8 p.m., Power Center.
Back Alley Players - 2 one act plays, poetry reading, 8 p.m., 332
state St.
Falk Festival - music and storytelling, featuring "Banjo Betsy
Beckerman," and the Blue Northern Country Band, in a benefit for A
Periodical Retreat, 8 p.m., East Quad's Halfway Inn.
Ski Racing Team - Ski swap and sale, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sports
Eclipse Jazz - Ann Arbor Jazz Workshop, Beginner session, 3:30
p.m., Union Anderson Room D.
Hockey - U-M vs. Michigan State, 7:30 p.m., Yost Ice Arena.
Phi Beta Sigma - "Blame it on the Boggie," 9 p.m. - finish, Union
Anderson Rm.
Alpha Epsilon Phi - Benefit Ice Skating Party, 11 pam. - 1 a.m., Yost
Ice Arena.
This toy 's all wet
The worst story of the year? We don't want to make any rash
decisions, but the consumer affairs committee of Americans for
Democratic Action (ADA) says it's "Baby Wet-N-Care," a doll that
wets its pants and "gets a pink mess on her rear end." The Yule-
season announcement was made by Ann Brown, chairwoman for the
ADA committee, who called the doll "potentially dangerous and
certainly a bad precedent." The doll, manufactured by Kenner
Products (the same folks who brought you Star Wars coupons last
year), comes with pills that are to be mixed with warm water in a
feeding bottle. Brown said when the orange-colored mixture passes
through the doll it comes out as a "pink guck" supposed to stick to the.
perforations on the doll's bottom, simulating diaper rash. Other white
pills produce a lotion with which to clean the doll. Besides exposing
children to the casual use of pills, Brown said the committee objects to
the doll because the television advertising implies the liquid produces
"pretty pink pimples when it in fact makes a big mess."
Spokesperson for Kenner could not be reached immediately for
comment. We suspect they were busy changinf diapers.
Car wars
There is a civil war being waged in Washington, D.C., and the
territory that is under dispute sits directly beneath the Hubert H.
Humphrey building. The war has been fought with surface-to-air
memos and nuclear-tipped invective. Yesterday, in a move of
desperation, the Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare colonists
declared that the United Spaces in their Underground Parking lot are
now independent of General Services Administration control,
liberating all the free parking for HEW Leader Joseph Califano's
oppressed assistants. Pressure had been building prior to the
confrontation, as GAS controlled the HEW parking lot from afar with
an iron hand. Parking spaces were still available to the HEW
colonists, but only for GSA-sympathetic carpoolers. But now that
HEW has declared independence, things are looking up. GSA
Regional Administrator Walter Kallaur said that HEW's move
Jobless rat remains constant
WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's
unemployment rate remained at 5.8 per
cent in November, but employment of
white adult men rose sharply,
reversing atrend favoring women, the
Labor Department reported yesterday.
The department said' total
employment advanced during the
month by 540,000 jobs, with white men
filling more than three-quarters of
them. That reverses a year-long trend
that has shown women capturing more
than half of the 3.3 million additional
jobs created thus far in 1978.
economists said, the latest figures point
to a healthy job picture, with
unemployment remaining near a four-
point low. In evidence of that, the
department rgted that the
proportion of wing-age adults and
teen-agers holo jobs reached a
record high invember of 59.1 per
However, tunemployment rate
increased for -whites as well as for
women in Npber, and economists
are predictihigher unemployment
next yearr to President Carter's
efforts to brinflation under control.
Carter's 'es to increase rates and
his plans estrict federal spending
are exp;d to slow economic
expansidat, in turn, would result in
fewer joleing created and possibly
some lav-
THE-;LESS rate, which has fallen
dramally from 9 per cent in 1975 to
about 6 per cent this year, is one of the
few noticeable improvements in an
economy, that has been strapped by
rapid inflation.
the latest unemployment rate, based
on a survey of 56,000 households, is
unchanged from October's 5.8 per cent
rate and compares with a 6 per cent
jobless rate in September.
Overall, total employment in--eased
in November to 95.7 million, while the
number of people listed as unemployed
remained the same as in October at 5.9
million. Statistically, the employment
increase was not enough to affect the
unemployment rate.
THE LABOR Department said
cirtualy every industry showed
employment increases during
Inflation gide line violators
could fce Jonsme boycott
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter SAID there are "a whole series of
administration may ask consumers to n steps" being considered to win1
boycott stores and other businesses that (pliance with the program, whichi
raise prices in defiance of government for maximum wage increases of 71
guidelines, the president's chief cent a year and price increasesi
inflation adviser said yesterday. :raging 5.75 per cent.
"It seems to me you have to place a Tahn made these other points:
great deal of reliance on local -The administration will issue
community action, surveillance,'uwised guidelines next Wednesday,
protests, boycotts," Alfred Kahn saidatntcludingra provision to limit the
a breakfast meeting with Associates Mount of increased profits to which
Pressakios meeporgewstheAsso companies are entitled as the result of
editors and reporters here. igher prices.
WHILE SUCH an approach "does n I twas known previously that these
represent a definite decision yet revisions will also include greater
reprsen a efiite eciionyetflexibility in the wage guidelines for
Kahn said it is one of the measuresrflxbiiy i hewge guieie o
Kovenmsendt is ctive comsiesrinsincreases in fringe benefits, although
government is actively considering the basic 7 per cent guideline is
put teeth ito the largely volun expected to be maintained.
wage and price guidelnes. -Details of the wage insurance
He said the administration is'o proposal Carter is preparing for
pondering whether to deny reve- Congress are not yet known. Although
sharing funds to state and;al the figure of $5 billion has been
governments where guidelinire speculted upon as the potential cost to'
exceeded, although it would sire the government, Kahn said the final
congressional approval. figure depends on a number of factors,
"It is clearly an idea orth including a decision by the government
considering, and it is'eing on the maximum salary that would be a
considered," Kahn said. Whie did subject to the insurance. -He
not specify what actions coulger a continues to believes a recession can be
cutoff of revenue sharing ids, it avoided next year. While a recession
presumably could include s things could help control inflation, it would be
as the approval by Illinois leators of unfair because "it hurts those who are
a 40 per cent pay raise. least responsible" for inflation.
-Obtaining a wage settlement in the
trucking industry by the Teamsters
union that conforms to the wage
guidelines is very important for the
future of the anti-inflation program.
Kahn said he is hopeful about the
outcome of the negotiations next year
because the Teamsters leadership is
"patriotic and socially responsible" on
the issue and "wants very much to
make a contribution to holding down
the rate of inflation."
Wage and Price Stability, of which
Kahn is chairman, announced that John
Gentry, a Washington attorney
specializing in labor matters, has been
named deputy adviser to the president
on labor-management relations.
In the interview, Kahn was asked how
people would know whether a
particular wage or price increase
violated the administration's
"It certainly helps for us to tell them
where we can," he responded, citing as
an example the administration's public
complaint about the big increase in pay
for the lawmakers in Illinois.
"I think we will have to devise some
method of responding to public
complaints," Kahn said. He added that
the council might issue lists of
questions for people to pose to
businesses, such as grocery stores,
which might raise prices.
November, but the largest gains were
in mining, construction and
manufacturing, where male
employment predominates.
Because of the large gain in jobs fr
white men during the month, theur
unemployment rate fell from 3.6 per
cent in October to 3.4 per cent.
Black men, however, did not share in
the gains, and their unemployment rate
rose to 8.7 per cent from 8.4 per cent in
FOR ALL MEN, the unemployment
rate remained unchanged at 4 per cent.
Other employment rates reported] by
the department included:
-Adult women 5.8 per cent, up from
5.6 per cent in October after a year of
steady declines.
-Teen-agers 16.2 per cent, down
from 16.3 per cent in October.
-Whites 5 per cent, down from 5.1
per cent.
-Non-whites 11.8 per cent, up from
11.4 per cent.
-Full-time workers 5.2 per cent,
down from 5.3 per cent.
-Black teen-agers, 36.2 per cent, up
from 34.3 per cent.
The report also showed that the
duration of individual unemployment
has declined sharply in the past year
from an average 7 weeks in November
1977 to 5.5 weeks last month.
The average work week in November
rose 0.1 hours to 35.9 hours, while
average weekly earnings increased 0.7
per cent from October and 8.7 per cent
since lovember 1977. The average
production worker earned $5.87 an hour
or $210.15 a week.
All the figures are adjusted to
account for seasonal variations.
The Air Force Medical Service cur-
rently has openings for Bioen-
vironment Engineers. Minimum
qualifications for these positions
include a B.S. Degree in Civil,
Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical,
Sanitary or Industrial Hygiene En-
gineers. Excetlent salary and
benefit package commensurate
with experience and background.
23400 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
A great way of lie
Driver jises car control,
crasheinto Dental Bldg.
'Tis the
An Ann Arbor wonwas in fair con-
at University Hotal yesterday,
recovering from i nesshe sustained
when the car she vdriving slammed
into the side of tjJniversity Dental
The car was extively damaged.
ANN ARBO'olice said that
Mahranguiz Gollneh, 42, dropped off
her husbanda Gcdental building on
North Universat 9:00 a.m. yester-
day. He rem his keys from the
ignition, and slid into the driver's
seat and inset her own keys, police
As she strd the car, the vehicle
made a lwng U-turn, leaped the
curb, past through the concrete
retaining sts that separate the
driveway the sidewalk, and slam-
med into tvall of the dental building,
accordin the police report. The wall
is 20 to 30,Lfrom the driveway.
Her ceacing west, "veered to the
right once sidewalk and into the wall
with extional force," said student
Geoff Isom, who witnessed the ac-
cident. "The car was accelerating until
it hit the wall."
GOLESTANEH reportedly told police
that the car started revving and that
she didn't know why. The police report
indicated that the car's acceleration
and braking linkages were examined at
the scene, and found to be working
Police said they believe that
Golestaneh missed the brake and ac-
cidentally stepped on the accelerator as
she took control of the vehicle.
V'olumei ' IXXXIX, No. 77
Satur.a ecem her 9, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily 'Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning.,Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor: $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
50% off
c r_- n C--
o, not book rush. Christmas.
nd Ulrich's is ready. There's
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rich's guarantees you the
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113 W. Liberty