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December 11, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-11

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s at America
Red Border



Government E nds Steel T alks

Says U.S.
Has Forces

For Friends


Warns India Against
Military Weakness
NEW DELHI (W) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
told the Indian nation, jittery
over a border dispute with Red
China, that the United States has
strong forces ready to help its
He warned that military weak-
ness invites aggression, subversion
and revolution manipulated from
The President got a deafening
ovation when he appeared before
600 legislators at a joint session
of Parliament.
Cites Danger
But the members were silent
when the President spoke of the
dangers of military weakness, a
point that has been sinking in
here since August when Red
China made the first of her incur-
sions across the Himalayan line
India has long considered her
The President coupled his
warning with an eloquent plea
that universal controlled disarma-
ment is imperative and for a "five-
year or 50-year plan" to rid the
world of fear-begetting tensions,
fixations and propaganda pres-
Impresses With Policy
These parts won frequent rip-
ples of applause - he was inter-
rupted 17 times - and at the end
several Parliamentarians whose
i opinions were sampled said they
were impressed by the President's
basic policies of peace.
The half-hour speech, in the
Parliament hall where India's
Constitution was drafted a decade
ago, was perhaps the most im-
portant the American chief exec-
utive will deliver in his 11-nation,
22,000-mile tour.
Eisenhower Called Symbol
Introducing Eisenhower, Vice-
President Sarvapalli Radhakrish-
nan said India's reception for him
underscored the fact he is regard-
ed worldwide as a symbol of de-
Radhakrishnan said r e c e n t
East-West developments do not
encourage optimism but neither
do they wipe out hope. Eisenhow-
er's 22,000-mile tour enhances the
chances of real peace, the vice-
president continued.
Eisenhower stood before a por-
trait. of Mohandas K. Gandhi,
whom Indians regard as the saint
of their independence. The Presi-
dent spoke firmly and clearly, sev-
eral times departing from his text.

Singer Asks
Firm Stand
In Far East
This country should make use
of President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's cordial welcome in India to
take a "very firm stand" on its
policy on foreign aid and colonial-
ism in Asia and Africa, Prof. J.
David Singer of the political sci-
ence department said yesterday.
Stressing the importance of
more foreign aid, he noted that
Russia has used her aid program
as a "very effective political tool."
Unless more financial aid is given
through the United Nations, Russia
will have no pressure to end her
bilaterial program.
Opposes Asian Colonialism
He advocated an opposition to
colonialism in Asia even though
it would antagonize European
countries, because there is a
greater chance that the East will
be alienated from the United
rated Press wirephoto States.
wd as he rides with "After all, the whole purpose of
will last four days economic aid is not to line up al-
1n Pakistan that he lies, but to strengthen countries
nese border dispute. and help people," he added.
Prof. Singer commented that
India will probably maintain its
policy of non-alliance, unless a
large-scale conflict should devel-
op and that it is to the advantage
r ease of both the East and West to keep
it so.
He also said the trip will prob-
ably result in a political advan-
tage for Republicans at home.
Criticizing Eisenhower's coterie,
>e to questions, Herterhe called the inclusion of a mili-
tary figure, the President's son, a
other points: mistake.
nited States has been Suggests Bowles
efforts to improve re- He should have taken somebody
Cuba. In this connec- who has considerable prestige in
said there are a num- and knowledge of Asia such as
ants for Cuba's share Rep. Chester Bowles (D-Conn.),
ales to the United former ambassador to India.
Although Prof. Richard Park, of
nited States is taking the political science department,
prove the conditions doesn't have much faith in such
nian workers in the "fiy-by-night visits" to solve dif-
al Zone and is study- ficult international problems, he
onsiderable sympathy" thinks America's prestige will not
equest that it be al- be harmed by the tour.
its flag in the Zone. Commenting on India's neutral-
ity in the face of continued diffi-
Remaining Issues culty with Communist China, he
Lainig issues involved noted that India would "make
of the United States- every attempt to remain neutral
curity Pact should be but would take necessary action,
e Prime Minister No- to safeguard her borders.

WASHINGTON () -- The gov-
ernment yesterday suspended steel
labor peace talks.
It did so because they weren't
getting anywhere and because
steelworkers leaders are leaving to
join aluminum industry labor ne-
Director Joseph F. Finnegan of
the Federal Mediation Service said
the steel talks have seen "no
progress of substance."
He said stepped up mediation
efforts in response to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's recent ap-
peal failed to budge the basic at-
titudes of the steel antagonists.
The government's chief labor
peacemaker indicated a hope that
if an aluminum settlement is
achieved it could help point the
way to a steel agreement.
McDonald Joins Talks
It was noted that Kaiser Steel
Corp., which has settled with the
union for its steelmaking opera-
tions, has a major voice in the
aluminum industry negotiations.
Steelworkers President David J.
McDonald is due to join the alu-
minum talks in Chicago on Mon-
Finnegan's suspension move
came after a brief joint session
with top steel industry and union
Shortly before Finnegan's an-
nouncement, McDonald made pub-
lic letters to 95 steel companies
calling for direct individual talks
with union committees.
Gives Post
T o Douglas-'
WASHINGTON (-) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
named James H. Douglas to be
Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Douglas has been Secretary of
the Air Force since 1957.
Eisenhower promoted Dudley C.
Sharp from Undersecretary to
Secretary of the Air Force suc-
ceeding Douglas.
The changes resulted from the
elevation of Thomas S. Gates Jr.
from Deputy Secretary to Secre-
tary of Defense.
Both Douglas and Sharp are
Princeton graduates and Republi-
Douglas is 60 years old and for
many years was a Chicago lawyer
before starting a four-year term
as Undersecretary of the Air Force
in 1953.
Sharp, 55 years old, became Un-
dersecretary of the Air Force ear-
lier this year after putting in
nearly four years as assistant sec-
retary. Before that, from 1927 to
1955, het was with the Mission
Manufacturing Co. of Houston,

FIFTH STOP-President Dwight D. Eisenhower waves to an onlooking Indian cro
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru aiter arriving in New Delhi. The stop in India
and is the fifth on the President's 19-day trip. He had just arrived from talks in
called "constructive." He spoke to the Indian parliament on the subject of the Chi

Army .Pulls
All Forces
In Icean d
said yesterday it is ordering its
1,200 troops out of Iceland in the
next six months.
The Defense Department said
some 4,000 other United States
military personnel, of the Air
Force and the Navy, will remain
in the strategicaly located coun-
Informed sources said the Air
Force also may decide to with-
draw some of its strength from
the area in the near future.
On this score, the Defense De-
Oartment in reporting plans for
reorganizing United States forces
in Iceland said only that the
United States had discussed plans
with the island government which
included "possible expansion of
other defense activities in Ice-
The Defense Department and
the Army denied that the with-
drawal of the 1,200-man army
battalion combat team, which had
been stationed there since 1951,
had any bearing on recent diffi-
culties with Iceland civilians or
represented a cutback in North
A t I a n t i c Treaty Organization

U.S To UgTie
..T r eIcIn Allied Defense

United States is planning to ask
its European allies to carry a
greater share of the burden of de-
fending Western Europe against
the threat of Soviet power.
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter, reporting this at a news
conference yesterday, indicated
the first step would be to propose
an immediate study of the cost-
sharing problem within the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATO To Meet
The 15-nation NATO Council
will meet in Paris next Tuesday,
that session being followed Dec.
19-21 by a Western Summit ses-
sion which President Dwight D.
Eisenhower will attend.
Herter also told his news con-
ference that Eisenhower's 11-na-
tion tour, which so far has taken
him to Italy, Turkey, Pakistan,
Afghanistan and India, has pro-
duced "extremely satisfactory"
conferences between the President
and the chiefs of other nations.
Herter also said the overseas
public acceptance of Eisenhower
has "exceeded our greatest expec-
tations." He noted, too, that Eis-
enhower has very much in mind
the possibility of a visit to Latin
America later on.

In respons
made these+
1) The U
rebuffed inf
lations wiht
tion, Herter;
ber of claim
in sugar s
2) The U
steps to im
of Panamar
Panama Can
ing "with cc
Panama's r
lowed to fly
3) All rem
in a revision
Japanese Se
settled befor
busuke Kish
a visit about
4) The Ui
Egypt's reqt
loan from ti
pansion of t
be handled
er than a p

i of Japan comes on
t Jan. 20.
nited States feels that
uest for a $56 million
he World Bank for ex-
the Suez Canal should
as an economic rath-
olitical matter.

Se MIroi4rn iJ
Second Front Page


December 11, 1959

Page 3



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