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December 01, 1959 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-01

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Exotic Climes Lure Holiday Vacationers
for the real center of the out land, orchestras and opera companies
Where would you go if you San Francisco, and see how they are generally better there.
wanted to take an interestingandSanFrancisco, .e.enerettthere.
different holiday vacation? make it out there at Christmas? Then there is the ancient his-
A nelOr maybe he lives in San Fran- tory fan, who loves to go around
According to weekly bulletins -looking at the relics of previous
put out by the British Overseas cisco, or has been there and would civilizations: the Pueblo Indians
Airways Corporation and informa- like to go visit his cool cousins left some interesting relics right
tion garnered at various travel across the sea in Paris; anyway, here in this country (and it's rela-
agencies ad other places around the existentialists are better than tively warm there, too), in the
Ann Arbor, there is an unusual but the American beats,. man, picturesque Southwest.
interesting vacation for everyone. As for the culture addict, the Or, if that is not esoteric enough,
For instance the beatnik: like lover of great art and music, there one could go even farther south
why should he hang around the are certainly more famous art to Mexico and Guatemala to visit
same old pad, digging the same works in Europe than in America, the ruins of the Aztec and Mayan
old cats, when he could bug out and most would agree that the cultures-the pyramids and burial
iFRF R41i'! ii"Smm eR 7t 3isi3 i mounds, the buildings still in use
CHRISMAS TAREHOUR --400-530 D i that were built long before Colum-
CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS -9:00-5:30 Daily bus cae to the Caribbean. u
And still farther south, there
Open eves 'til 9 P.M. 4, 7, 11, 15, 1 6 are the Inca relics in Peru and
on these days 1821 22, 23 Bolivia. One could leave the con-
tinent all together and visit the
islands of the South Pacific, but of
course most of the relics left there
are more primitive than the In-
Then on the more modern side,
ther are the great medieval cas-
something new in gift thrills!. tles in France and Germany as;
well as England and the British
Isles. And 'there are the immense
cathedrals scattered throughout
Europe, particularly famous in
4> France.,
Of course, the Scandinavianr
countries have remains of the
Norse and Viking cultures whoseI
" . /galleys carried their warriors tot
foreign lands to leave their markc
hYon European culture.g
Those who have lived in the "bigi
Svcity" all their lives might visite
relatives or friends in a small.
town or on a farm to see whatc
BLAZE P a Christmas is like in a differentt
PALE BLUE environment; those who are from
a small town or a farm might visitI
}iWHITE relatives in the "big city" to ex-
perience a different kind of holi-
''CuShiOfJ day spirit.
velvet wde ~pThose peole interested in lit-
A 9erature might decide to visit the
settings of some of the books ort
plays that they like: maybe Dun-e
sinane castle from Macbeth or
Howth castle and Dublin fromC
Finnegan's Wake, perhaps India,
YELLOW to see what environment Kipling
SOFT PINK wrote about.
ORANGE Perhaps they would like to visit
RED the places where their favorite
PALEBLUE authors lived: Walden, Thoreau's<
{ zROYAL BLUE paradise, Boston, home of many
of our famous American authors,c
Padddor Stratford-on-Avon, where the
( 'Y a soft So& great Bard was born.1
If one loves to hunt or fish, theret
z a s f 99 are thousands of places right heret
in the United States where he can
do so to his heart's content, for
instance the woods of the upper
- * peninsula of Michigan or of north-
ern New York.
bA VI 1 I auj Then, of course, for those who
simply wish to get out of the snow
-~ and ice of the northern Unitedt
So much soffer,.fluffier, woollier than any slipper yetatethereare aays plaUsto
Watch these new madly merry long-hair shearligs deligh go:
Florida, where, according to the
ier with their shaggy, strokable, foo-cuddling warmth public relations men hired by the
state, it is always warm (and
where, it is reported, men can al-
ways find interesting scenery on
the beaches);
Cuba, where one can, in addition
to staying warm, see what a coun-
try is like after a revolution;:
Or one can go on a cruise and1
306 SOUTH STATE have the smell of salt air in his1
nostrils as well as basking in the
tropical sun.
the much appreciated Christmas '
Cgift.choose from our unusual

.~K _ .collection),
C* , I.,),
lower level
I /
tOur stock is brimming with new and
.. .. colorful sweaters (a good sugges-
tion for "SANTA'S" list.)
Cardigans . . . novelties . .. pull-
overs... bulkies.. . dyed-to-match
a sets... and large group of jeweled
" and detailed sweaters.
I '
;.Imported Cashmeres . . . from $16.98
Wonderfully washable Orlons from $6.98
Luxurious Lambswools . . . from {$6.98
Novelty and bulky knits . . from $7.98
Jeweled and Detailed . . . from $8.88
S * SoP: Monday through Saturday ..


Citizens Cho

Annual Tr

To many Ann Arbor residents
the Christmas season hasn't truly
arrived until the yearly expedition
to the forest to cut down the
Christmas tree takes place. -
This custom isn't indulged in by
all. For one thing, some don'
know where trees grow that can be
cut. (Some do not let this obstacle
stand in their way, and cut down
any tree, anywhere, which faintly
resembles a Christmas tree. This
needless to say, is frowned on by
irate owners.)
Others don't have the time-oi
the snow tires-needed to fare
forth into the snowy wildernew.
where Christmas trees grow. Stil
others refuse to forsake their se-
dentary habits and actually d
the work of sawing or cutting the
tree down and bringing it back t
the house to put up.
In fact, the recent increase in
the use of pre-cut, pre-tinted, and
'so help me. even pre-decorated
trees is filling the do-it-yourself
faction with horror and loathing.
They feel that there is some
thing inherently symbolic and
meaningful about cutting down
the family tree a 'few days before
Christmas. Many families make

the expedition a family ceremon'
occasion, one wh'ch is anticipat
e with joy. completed with enthu;
asm and remembered with rev
t Some families make the wh
e thing a family reunion. "Come
etime to cut the Christmas tnet
n says the letter. And the wh
Y family comes with Uncle hold
the saw, Pop (somewhat out
, breath, but in the best of hum
wielding the axe, the kids swar
r ing around oblivious of the dang
e of swinging axes and falling te
s and the womenfolk standing
l watching the whole procedu
- with a fond eye.
o Then there is the often tickli
e sometimes frustrating process
o loading the tree into the fan
car and taking it home.,
n Then comes the decoration, a
another Christmas is ready to
d celebrated in the. proper manner
- Congratulations
e 1960

ANCIENT RITUAL-Chanukah, the holiday often termed "the Jewish Christmas," will be cele-.
brated this year from Dec. 26 to Jan. 3. It is one of the most colorful of the Jewish holidays*
Jews Celebrate Annual Holday

The story of Chanukah is one1
of bravery, spirit, tragedy, joyful-f
ness and miracles.-
It is one of the most colorful
phases in Jewish annals; its poli-
tical significance intrigues stu-
dents of ancient history, and the
gaiety of 'Chanukah's celebrationj
is a yearly delicht to Jewish chil-
dren everywhere.
The holiday itself lasts for eight
days, from the 25th of Kislev to
the third of Tibet, which this year
is from December 26 to Jan. 3.
Because of the celebration's prox-
imity to the Christmas holidays,'
it has often been termed the "Jew-
ish Christmas."
Holds Special Meaning
This is not true, however, for
the story of Chanukah holds a
significance for the Jewish people
quite different than the Christmas
season holds for Christians the
world over.
The story behind Chanukah
takes place about the first century
B. C. E. when Palestine was a
tributary of the then powerful
Syria. In the year 175, Antiochus
ascended the throne of Syria, and'
one of his primary aims was to
invoke the Greek religious prac-
tices, or Hellenism upon the Jews
then living in Palestine.
He commanded that the people
accept Hellenism upon pain of
death; this was the choice that
faced the Jewish population. h
Jews Migrate
Although many of the Palestin-
ians were at this time emigrating
to many parts of the known world
such as Europe, Egypt, and the
Southern Mediterranean, there
were a considerable number of
Jews still left in Palestine.
In fact, at this juncture in Jew-
ish history, Palestine was the
center of Jewish population and
culture, since the second Temple
was still standing. Thus the Jews
were faced with a terrible prob-
lem: either accept Hellenism or be
killed. Either would spell the end
of Judaism.
Some fled the country, hoping
in this way to rid themselves of
the curse of Syrian oppression.
Some accepted the Hellenistic
faith entirely and were absorbed
into its culture. A great number
of people practiced Hellenism out-
wardly, but secretly kept the Jew-
ish rituals.
Reject Hellenism
The rest, who refused to have
any part of Greek culture, were
tortured and killed. There are
many stories of Jewish men and
women who were brutally cut
down for their refusal to accept
a way of life foreign to their own.
There is the legend of the mar-
tyr, Hannah, who let herself and
her seven sons be killed rather
than give up Judaism and of Elie-
zer, who was burned for the same
It was in the province of Mod-
inre that hope ?inally came to the
Jewish people. Mattathias, a high
priest Who could no longer stand
the atrocities wrought by the Syr-
ians, started a rebellion to drive
them out of the country. This
revolution spread from province to
province, lead by Mattathias and
his five sons. It was a long, bitterly
fought war.
Continues Struggle
After Mattathias died, his oldest
son Judah carried on the struggle.
His band of loyal followers became
known as the Maccabees which in
Hebrew means "hammer."
Finally, after many years of
fighting, Judah drove the Syrians
out of-Palestine and the Jews were
once again free.
On returning to Jerusalem, the
site of the Temple, Judah found
a temple desecrated by the Syri-
ans. Unclean animals had been
brought into the Temple and sac-
rificed on the altar, a' practice
forbidden by Jewish law. The

Eternal Light had been extin-
guished and the Holy Ark had
been ruined.
Begins Reclamation
Thus, Judah took it upon him-
self to start a reclamation of the
Temple. The cleaning was a long
.a .,dou roce,. since each re.

declared that this period should
be observed in memory of the long
and bitter war of liberation that
the Jews had fought.
Chanukah Evolves
This, basically, is the story of
Chanukah, and why it is observed
for eight.days. It has, really, two
parts: Hag Haorim-the Festival-
of the Lights, and Hag Hamacca-
bin-The Festival of the Macca-
Through the years, the custom
of exchanging gifts has evolved
and in many Jewish homes it is a
period of great festivity.
The most important symbol of
the holiday is the nine-branched
candelabrum, the "Menorah."

There are eight branches of
candles representing the eight
days and one for the Shamas, the
candle that is used to light all the
On the eve of the first day, one
candle is lit; one the eve of the
second day,. two candles are lit,
and so on. According to Jewish
tradition, no work is supposed to
be done by the light of these
Thus, through the years, the,
holiday has been ameliorated quite
a bit. It is, indeed, a joyful occa-
sion, yet it represents a success-
ful struggle of the Jewish people
to free themselves from the hands
of oppressors.

Sholly "balsam, o
wreaths mistletoe
334 South State NO 3-5049

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SCARFS-wool or silk for everyone
HANDKERCHIEFS-hand embroidered, initi
prints, men women, and children
Calendar Towels, Guest Towels, Christmas T
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Matching Mats, Rugs, Lidcovers,
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