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November 24, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-24

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Summit Date Debated;
Diplomatic Visits Delay
Plans for SpringMeet


irt igttn


Second Front Page
November 24, 1959

Page 3

By The Associated Press
French and American diplo-
matic sources said yesterday dates
somewhere between the last week
in April and the end of May ap-
pear to be logical for an East-
West summit conference. r
However, in London, diplomatic
observers said yesterday the start-
ing date for East-West summit
talks keeps receding at a fast
pace. They even suggested it
might become impossible to ar-
range such a top-level meeting in

This argument appears in sev-
eral of Britain's most carefully
edited Sunday and daily news-
papers, including the usually well
informed "Sunday Observer" and
"The London Times."
Dates Not Proposed
And the French and American
sources -note, the Western Big
Three have not reached the point
of fixing dates to e proposed to
the Soviet Union.
There is general agreement that
a summit session cannot be held
before late in April since Soviet

Washington Roundup

By The Associated Press
Secretary-General Paul Henri
Spaak is pressing a campaign to
broaden the 15-nation North At-
lantic Alliance into an organiza-
tion which would coordinate for-
eign policies of member govern-
Spaak's ideas, voiced privately
and somewhat more cautiously in
public during a visit, have aroused
considerable interest as well as
support among representatives of
various nations.
One of Spaak's key suggestions
is understood to be that special
Atlantic Pact committees be cre-
ated to study and develop broad
policy lines for dealing with Afri-
ca, the Middle East and Asia.
Recommendations agreed upon
then would be forwarded to the
full Atlantic Pact membership fr
guidance of their governments in
dealing with these regions.
United States, Britain, France,
Italy and West Germany would be
on all these committees with oth-
er countries being added, depend-
ing on their special responsibility
in the region.
Belgium and Portugal, both of
which have colonial possessions in
Floods Hit
N orthwest
SEATTLE (IP)-Western Wash-
ington's worst floods in 26 years
crested last night after turning
lowlan areas into inland seas and
virtually cutting off land travel
across the Cascade Mountains.
New trouble was dispelled as a
high pressure ridge shunted aside
another rainstorm moving in from
the Pacific. No more rain is ex-
pected before tomorrow.
Rivers crested at record or near-
record heights after wreaking
havoc in lower valleys. Hundreds
fled their homes or were snatched
tosafety by helicopters, power-
boate and amphibious craft.
River Valleys Flooded
Vast areas of the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie and Green River Val-
leys within a radius of about 50
miles of Seattle were under water.
The loss is expected to reach
millions. No exact estimate could
be made until rivers start to sub-
.Giant mud and rock slides
loosened by the deadly mixture of
too much rain, wind and warmth
rumbled down in the Cascades last
night and early today, blocking
main cross-state highways and rail
Maroonedin Train
Ninety passengers were ma-
rooned 10 hours in a stlled train
* before gtting out to safety.
Heavily traveled four-lane US
10, the state's principal East-West
route, had a 300-foot chunk
gouged out by the wild Snoqual-
mie. First estimates were it would
be closed 30 days but tonight the
state highway department said
one-way travel would be possible
by Friday.

Africa, would be members of the
African committee. Greece and
Turkey would be put on the Brit-
ish committee and the Nether-
lands on the Far East group.
* * *
Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers
yesterday brought anti-trust ac-
tion against a large steel industry
group, charging it with conspiring
to eliminate competition =in the
steel industry and in distribution
of steel bars for reinforced con-
crete work in seven western states.
The suit, filed in the federal
district court at San Francisco,
named as defendants:,
The Western Reinforcing Steel
Fabricators Assn,, headquartered
at Oakland, Calif.; 12 reinforcing
steel bar fabricators; and six steel
companies, including Bethlehem.
Steel Co. of Bethlehem, Pa. and
U.S. Steel Corp., Pittsburgh.
The suit alleged the fabricat-
ing companies named had induced
the steel mills to refuse to sell re-
bars direct to general contractors
for processing on Iarge construc-
tion jobs, had allocated rebar fab-
ricating among themselves and
had adopted uniform contract
* * *
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's decision yesterday to name
Edward Page Jr. as United States
minister to Bulgaria ends an al-
most 10-year diplomatic vacuum
between the two nations.
Relations, between the United
States and the small Communist
country in the Balkans, broken
of- in February 1950, resumed last
March 27. Eisenhower announced
the appointment of career diplo-
mat Page yesterday before head-
ing back to Washington from
Augusta, Ga.

Premier Khrushchev is due in
France March 15 for about two
weeks and de Gaulle has accepted
an invitation to visit Britain from
April 5 to 8. Western consulta-
tions after the Khrushchev visit,
plus t e c hn I c a 1 arrangements,
could occupy another two weeks.
De Gaulle May Visit
There is also a possibility de'
Gaulle will visit the United States
toward the middle of May and
that would push back the summit
date further.
Yet in London as well as else-
where Prime Minister Harold A.
Macmillan's government still pro-
fesses optimism. The Prime Min-
ister's office and the Foreign Of-
fice characterize summit doubts
as speculation and deny that
stories on this subject were based
on official inspiration.
Anxious for Summit
Clearly Macmillan remains as
anxious to go to the summit as
ever. In fact he would have pre-
ferred getting such a meeting ar-
ranged for this fall.
But this optimism is the public
line. Obviously government circles
have begun to fear that the longer
a summit meeting is delayed the
more complicated and difficult:
the whole project becomes.
The summit doubts generally
fall into two groupings.
Seek Acceptable Date
The first has to do with find-
ing an acceptable date. The en-
gagement books of the world's po-
litical leaders already are full.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
might lose interest if the project
is stalled much beyond the middle
of next June. By then President
Eisenhower's authority would be
somewhat overshadowed by the
looming presidential election and
Khrushchev, so this argument
goes, might prefer to do his talk-
ing with the next President.
Debate Communist Feelings
The second group of doubts are
based on estimates of what is go-
ing on inside the Communist
camp. According to this theory
Khrushchev is not nearly as
anxious for a summit now as he
appeared to be a couple of months
Signs have appeared that Com-
munist China's Mao Tse-Tung is
putting on all the pressure he can
in Moscow to prevent an accord
between the Soviet Union and the
Western powers. Red China, it is
assumed, wants to prevent any
summit negotiations in which she
would not take part.

later, in a serenely sculpted United Nations building, the question
of .Communist Hungary comes up for debate.
UN1 Overrules Soviet Veto
To Hold Debate on Hungary
} }
V A Y . L

The united Nations Steering Com-
mittee brushed aside yesterday So-
viet objections and ova.. whelm-
ingly approved a United States
request for full General Assembly
debate on conditions in Commu-
nist Hungary.
The Soviet Union contended
that another airing of the Hun-
garian question here would de-
stroy the "spirit of Camp David."
This was a reference to the talks
last September between President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Pre-
mier Khrushchev on relaxation of
East-West tensions.
Discusses Conference
But United States Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge told the As-
sembly nothing occurred at Camp
David "that requires us to pass by
in silence on the other side of the
street when a brutality is com-
mitted." He added:
"What is against the spirit of
Camp David are acts which turn
a brave little country into a
moaning colonialist slum.'
The vote in the powerful Steer-
ing Committee was 15 to 3 in fa-
vor of the United States proposal.
The lopsided vote foreshadowed
victory when the action comes be-
fc. the 82-nation Assembly for
Calls Munro Pu~et
Vasily V. Kuznetsov, Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister, de-
nounced Sir Leslie Munro of New

Zealand, the UN's Special Repre-
sentative of Hungary, as a puppet
who was performing dirty work
for certain Western circles desir-
ous of keeping the cold war alive.
Munro has prepared a special
report for the Assembly on Hun-
Kuznetsov described anti-Com-
r unists in and outside of Hun-
gary as "monsters." He said they
were aligned with those who wo:k
against a relaxation in interna-
tional relations as evidenced by
the Eisenhower-Khrushchev talks.
Recalls Conference Events.
Lodge recalled that he was at
the Camp David conference, and
nothing happened there that "er-
quires us to condone evil," or "to
prevent us from acting like hu-
man beings made in the image of
God when cruelty is being prac-
"The spirit of Camp David was
not intended to be a soporic to
the peoples in the democracies to
put them asleep in the belief that
this dangerous world - which we
all hope some day may be safe -
has actually been made safe."
He issued this challenge to
Communist leaders to show the
true spirit of Camp David:
"Why don't you take down the
barbed wire and the observation
towers which now divide the poor
Hungarians from Austria and the
free world and which have turned
Hungary into a vast human cage?"


HAVANA (A') --Cuba's organized
labor rejected a Communist bid
yesterday and elected an all-Cas-
tro slate as its ruling committee.
It also invited workers of other
countries to join in a new Latin
American "Revolutionary Labor
Confederation." This could develop
into an effcrt by followers of Pre-
mier Fidel Castro to export his
labor policies t hr oueghoaut the
Americas ast as they already have
tried to sell his political program
to his neighbors.
Re-Elect Castro's Choice
A 16-hour marathon closing ses-
sion of the Congress of the Cuban
Confederation of Labor ended with
the re-election of David Salvador
-handpicked by Castro to boss the
nation's 2%/2 million union workers
-as Secretary General.
The bearded Cuban Premier per-
sonally appeared before the 3,000
delegates late Saturday night and
made a fiery speech continuing
into Sunday morning demanding
unity, after a disciplined Com-
munist minority of about 150 put
up a hard fight for representation
on the Executive Committee.
Salvador Chooses Committee
With Castro's blessing, the dele-
gates finally permitted Salvador to
pick his own committee. Composed
exclusively of representatives of
Castro's 26th of July movement,
without any outright members of
the Communist organization, the
committee was approved by a
roaring voice vote.
It included several former Com-
munists and sympathizers, how-
Castro's lashing address ap-.
peared to have crushed the more
strongly anti-Communist elements
as well as the Communists.
Becquer Not Appointed
Absent from the list of com-
mitteemen was Conrado Becquer,
head of the powerful Sugar Work-
ers Union and the most active and
outspoken anti-Communist in the
Cuban Labor Movement. His union
has 500,000 men and is the largest
in Cuba.
On the other hand, the new Sec-
retary for Foreign Relations on the
committee, a key post in contact
with labor abroad, is Odon Alvarez
de la Campa. De la Campa, who
lost both forearms in the Cuban

Organized Labor
Picks Castro Slate

revolution, is regarded as one of
the closest collaborators with
Communist labor elements in
Votes To Withdraw.
The delegates set the stage for
a new Cuban-inspired Latin Amer-
ican Labor organization by voting
to withdraw from the Inter Amer-
ican Regional Organization of La-
bor (GRIT), an affiliate of the
anti - Communist International
Confederation of Free Trade
Unions (ICFrU). GRIT was as-
sailed as a pawn of "American
imperialism which has consistently
supported all dictators."
Quit Stations
NEW YORK A'})-A wave of
resignations hit the spinning
world of disc jockeys yesterday as
radio and television s t a t i on s
pressed their own investigations'
of Payola.
In New York, WNEW - T V
dropped Alan Freed. In Detroit,
Don McLeod resigned from WJBK
the third performer to leave that
station in 36 hours. In Philadel-
phia, Joe Niagara resigned from
his job spinning records for WIBG
Networks and some individual
stations, taking a cue from Con-
gressional probers, have started
investigations of Payola, the pay-
ments by record companies or
other sources to disc jockeys for
plugging certain records.
Freed, who specializes in rock 'n
roll, repeated his denials that he
ever accepted payments for record
playing. Station WNEW and the
performer said after a conference
that his contract was being ter-
minated "by mutual agreement."
Freed was fired last week by
radio station WABC after refus-
ing to sign a statement denying.
acceptance of any Payola. He de-
nied taking any money, but
claimed the statement, asked by
the ABC network of its disc
jockeys, was a slur on his in-

Sp otcFlees Here

Key Polish
Seeks U .S. ,

WASHINGTON (?)-A key Po-
lish officer who may have inside
knowledge of Communist spying
operations around the world has
fled to the United States with his
The State Department said yes-
terday that Col. Pawel Monet has
asked asylum and that his appli-
cation to remain in this countr3
is being processed "in the usua
manner." Officials said Monat's
request probably will be granted
Otherwise, the department kepi
mum about the defection of Mo-
nat, who reportedly was Intelli-
gence Chief of Polish military at-
taches in embassies and other dip-
lomatic missions around the globe
Brings Strategic Information
In crossing over from the Com-
m u n i s t world, Monat likely
brought with him considerable in-
formation his strategic job gave
him about Polish military intelli.
gence. Since the Soviet bloc works
so closely together, Monat may
also know much bearing on Rus-
In acknowledging that Mona
and his family had arrived in this
country, State Department press
officer Lincoln White confirmed a
report carried by "The New York
Times" yesterday.
Surrendered in Vienna
Writing from Vienna, "Times'
reporter A. M. Rosenthal said Mo-
nat had turned himself over to
United States representatives :It
While the State Department
was vague about when Monat de-
fected, Rosenthal's story said it
happened last summer "at a timi
when a crisis was birewing in
"It had political ramiflcation
... a result of economic and po-
litical problems," the "Times'
story said.
Rosenthal wrote that Monat's
defection to the West was one o!
the incidents that helped con-
vince Polish Communist Chie:
Wladyslaw Gomulka that "Com-
munist rule in Poland was rotting
because of a lack of 'discipline
and that tougher men anti tough-
er ways were needed ..:.


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