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November 24, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-24

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Seventieth Year

Two More About To Blow

Vhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Preval"

rltorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Summertime Skillful
araese Picturesque
ANYONE WHO enjoys experiencing fine movies should be grateful
for the revival of two of 1955's best pictures, "Summertime," with
Kathryn Hepburn and "The Captain's Paradise," with Alec Gulness.
Each film deals with a middle-aged person's search for happiness.
The captain's solution is to lead a double life-to be a home body in
one port and a real man about town in the other port. The secretary
in "Summertime" has a bittersweet fling in Venice with an antique
Although both movies have themes of the same general nature,
they differ widely in their treatments of this theme.
* * * *
"SUMMERTIME" is filled with the heavy Romanesque splendor of
Venice. The sun beats down unendingly. Heat is everywhere. In this

DAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1959



University Confused About
Anti-Discrimination Policies

"HE REGENTS recently passed a new bylaw
* calling for the "University to work to end
scrimination in private organizations recog-
zed by the University.
Outstanding among these are, of course, the
aternities and sororities on campus. And the
ost apparent discrimination lies in their
rmal "bias clauses."
In response to the new bylaw, Vice-President
r Student Affairs James A. Lewis said that
s office could not say now what policy toward
ganizations with bias clauses would be best,
it that various committees were studying the
VHY WEREN'T University officials ready to
state what they considered to be the best
>licy immediately after the bylaw was passed?
he clauses are generally as old as the frater-
ties so the problem has been around a long
The question, of course, is difficult to answer.
Some people might think that the University
ther had.never considered the bias clauses be-,
re, or had no policy against them or any other
rm of discrimination.
But such people wouldn't be well informed,

for the University has certainly considered the
clauses before, as witness the two-time veto of
action against them by University presidents
(in 1951 and 1952).
Also, Regent Roscoe Bonisteel stated quite
plainly that the University had always had
anti-discrimination policies and that the bylaw
merely made an already-practiced policy offi-
cial; and President Hatcher was speaking spe-
cifically about bias clauses when he said that
the University had made "steady progress" in
their information.
THIS SEEMS to leave only two possibilities:
either the policy the University has been
following and has made "steady progress" with
was not carefully considered and might not
be the best one possible. Or the University's
organization has become so hidebound and
bureaucratic that its right arm doesn't know
that its left found the best policy some time
ago, and will therefore form more and more
committees to publish more and more reports
bound in more and more miles of red tape.
And neither one of these possibilities would
seem to reflect any large measure of credit on
the University.


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Oaths and Academic Freedom

Herbiock is amwy duetolness

CBprigWt, I1S9, The PPr~l lKlshUn e..
St. LOuis POD!-Dis'.tc:

EF LOYALTY OATHS required for student
loans by the National Defense Education
t have become a controversial matter re-
.tly. Angry student governments have voiced
ement refusal to accept the generous educa-
ial loans. They claim that academic freedom
being infringed upon by the oath and dis-
imer requirement. Some of the finest col-
es and universities, for this reason, have
cially withdrawn from the entire federal
i program.Y
'his might at first appear quite noble and
rificing, on the part of the colleges. But what
the people directly effected by the program?
his fight for what educators have found con-
lent to call "academic freedom," worth.
rificing the education of thousands of in-
igent students who could not attend college
bout government financial aid?
'he loyalty oath demands merely that, in
er to receive a loan, one must vow he has
been and is not now a member of an or-
dzation planning to overthrow the govern-
nt by force or by illegal means. What is so
air about requesting such an oath? To
gest that this simple loyalty oath hinders
demic freedom somehow seems a bit absurd.
S LONG AS the federal government is giv-
ing out the loans, it seems reasonable that

It should be able to expect at least some state-
ment of the recipient's responsibility toward the
loan. If the individual student agrees to swear
to this perfectly reasonable oath, it can hardly
be said to be infringing upon his academic free-
What really does infringe upon academic
freedom, however, is the recent withdrawal of
certain colleges from the federal loan program,
which results in many students being denied
the right to an .education they could have
otherwise had. Oberlin's student government
conducted a poll which showed that the general
consensus of student opinion was that the
loans should not be accepted. But no mention
was made of how those few students directly
effected by the loan program felt about it.
It is very easy for the self-righteous student
who don't need financial assistance to nobly
proclaim that colleges should not accept federal
loans. But to those who need the assistance,
these loans cannot be summarily rejected.
When seventeen pf the nation's top colleges
peremptorily reject funds that could have
meant an education for many needy students,
this-not the loyalty oath-is truely a viola-
tion of academic freedom!

See Liberal C'ivil Rights Stand

SENATOR Hubert Humphrey
seems to have made sense in his
civil rights stand. He told a group
of young reporters that he felt
that the South recognized its re-
sponsibilities and was prepared to
carry them out. But to accomplish
this they need strong support from
the White House.
Humphrey's stand is not new.
Last spring Harry Golden, editor
of the Carolina Israelite and au-
thor of two currently best-selling
books, told a University audience
substantially the same thing. Sen.
John Kennedy backs this view.
Vice-President Richard Nixon
seems to agree, although he is
obviously hesitant about contra-
dicting the President.
This view seems to have been
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's. The
1947 President's Committee on
Civil Rights indicated that strong
national leadership was in order.
THIS ALSO seems to be the
view of Southern Young Demo-
crats. Humphrey delivered to the
convention a fighting liberal
speech including a vigorous civil
rights position. Although the

Southerners refused to comment
specifically on the contents of
Humphrey's speech, most of them
joined in the rousing applause
Humphrey received and repeatedly
called it an excellent speech.
The Young Democrats passed a
"perfectly" liberal set of resolu-
tions--including those in the civil
rights area. Although Arkansas
delegates expressed their disap-
proval of several civil rights reso-
lutions and four other Southern
states objected to the entire slate
of resolutions, their protests were
moderate and seemed to be only
token objections.
ALL OF THE candidates for
president of the Young Democrats
were decidedly liberal. Even the
candidate with Southern support
advertised himself as a liberal.
But the most startling evidence
is the conversation of Southern.
delegates. They repeatedly point
out the civil rights progress the
South has already made. They
repeatedly acknowledge that the
National Democratic Party will
come out for a strong civil rights
program. They accept this and

then go on to stress that the
South is interested in other things
in addition to the civil rights
They express no fear that a
strong White House stand would
bring severe Southern reaction..
They stress that most of the
trouble comes from a relatively
small group.
* * *
THERE ARE, of course, several
important qualifications to put on
this optimistic civil rights picture.
Youth is traditonally liberal. These
men are not facing an electorate.
The Young Democrats is a tradi-
tionally liberal group. The more
conservative young Southerners
stay away from the Young Demo-.
crats organization.
Nevertheless, 'there are many
Southern delegates from families
with long records in politics. The
Southern Young Democrats repre-
sent at least an important force
in future Southern politics, pos-
sibly the dominant force.
The South seems ready to co-
operate with a national civil rights
reform, but they need leadership
from the administration.

blinding atmosphere, Miss Hep-
burn tries to find love but she can-
not become part of the local scene.
So she leaves for her regular world
vi her office in Akron, Ohio.
Guiness captains a ship between
Gibraltar and North Africa. He
has come to believe that there is
no such thng as the perfect wom-
an so he gets two women, each
half perfect and thus derives a
perfect mate.
In Gibraltar, he is married to a
frumpy, British matron who is the
epitome of domestic virtues and
skills. In Morocco, he has as a
girl' friend a wild, passionate night
club dancer.
* *
HIS PLAN for perfect happiness
runs aground when it develops
that each woman longs to be able
to display the talents of the other.
The dancer wants to cook and
sew; the wife wants to romp
around in a Bikini.
All three principals - Guiness,
Yvonne DeCarlo (the dancer), and
Ceila Johnson (the wife) - are
superb. Guiness marvelously trans-
forms himself from the drab hus-
band into the dapper lover and
back again with the skill of the
comic genius that he is.
* *
AS THE CAPTAiN'S "wild, child
of nature, benthoneadorning
and beautifying her own body,",
Yvonne DeCaro is a sexy delight.
She embodies the sensual without
becoming smutty or repulsive.
Ceila Johnson's transformation
from the perfect wife into a wom-
an of the world is a masterpiece
of dry, British humor. For sheer
abandon, her jitterbugging comes
very close to Miss DeCarlo's fiery
Spanish dancing.
Special mention must be given
to Malcom Arnold's witty score,
for it remarkably captures the wry
spirit of fun in this film.
* * *
THE TONE of "Summertime" is
quite different from the pixie
charm that characterizes "Para-
dise." It has many moments of
genuine humor but it probes
deeper into the human soul than
the British farce does.
As the drab secretary desper-
ately seeking life, Katherine Hep-
burn turns in a performance that
is a masterpiece in characteriza-
tion. All the little mannerisms of
an old maid prone of self-depraca-
tion are visualized in constantly
interesting manner. When the an-
tique dealer (Rossano Brazzi) be-
gins to pay some attention to her,
Miss Hepburn blossoms in a truly
charming manner.
Suave and continental, Brazzi
would be the answer to any maid-
en's prayer. He romances the sec-
retary with the skill and finesse of
the true operator.
THE THIRD principalin this
film is the city of Venice itself,
which is a feast of shape and
color. Time after time, the camera
pans up and down .the Grand
Canal, or about St. Mark's square
revealing new beauties and won-
ders in each shot.
One technique that is very suc-
cessful is that in which a charac-
ter emerges from shadow into
brilliant sunlight. An added at-
traction for Venice by photography
is that the canals are odorless.
-Patrick Chester.

InSy ria
Associated Press News Analyst
P ERHAPS the most significant
measure of the extent of un-
rest in Syria under Nasser lies in
the revival by General Kassem of
the old fertile crescent idea of
union between Iraq, Syria and
Kassem apparently thinks Syria
is sufficiently fed up with its posi-
tion in the United Arab Republi
to be ready for a break toward
Nasser himself recognized unrest
in Syria last month by tightening
his control. He appointed his own
man, Field Marshall Abdel Hakimt
Amer as supervisor of the NAR's
Syrian region, with power to con-
trol the Syrian government and
to take emergency action n his
initiative if necessary.
**s *
LEBANESE newspapers ave
been commenting on public re-
action against economic condi-
tions in Syria. Long before Kas-
sem's pronouncement his Baghdad
radio began drumming the sub-
ject, predicting an "explosion" In
Heretofore the fertile crescent
idea, originated by the late King
Abdullah of Jordan, has been con-
demned by the Arab world, includ-
ing Syrians and Iraqis, as an
emanation of British imperialism.
Now Kassem claims it would ease
Syria's troubles and specifically
strengthen Iraq and Jordan
against imperialism.
The Egyptian press, however,
says all Kassem is trying to do is
take over Syria.
LOOKING at it from the stand-
point of whit little is known about
internal politics in Baghdad, 'it
appears that Kassem's basic mo-
tive is to create an issue to dis-
tract attention from his own
The forces which joined in Kas-
sem's revolution against King
Feisal were composed of both
Communist and anti-Communists.
The Communists were reported
planning a coup against Kassein
last year when advised by Mos
cow to call it off.
Tle anti-communists now are
suspected of planning a coup be-
cause Kassem has not been tough
enough on their opponents.
Kassem is still recovering from
an assassination attempt.
Jordan has been reported mak-
ing plans to intervene if danger
of a Communist take-over in Iraq
becomes too great.
Against this background of Kas-
sem's own insecurity, it seems un-
likely that even the most dissident
Syrians would rely upon him to
free them from Cairo's rule.
Strange things have happened
in the Middle East, however, and
will again.



Nehru Clue to India


EW DELHI-I should call Nehru the most
complex mind and personality of any of the
at world leaders of today, and I should call
ha the most complex of the civilizations.
at is one reason why the best clue to India
the subtle, many-faceted, tortured mind of
hru. He is not only leader and ruler of India:
is India-or better, he is the India that is
erging from the darkness of traditionalism,
te, communal rivalries and hatreds, and is
king to find itself, paintfully, slowly, stum-
igly, but irresistably.
[is place in history is assured, even if-as is
sible-the Chinese were to nibble away at
ha's frontiers, then overwhelm it, and make
iru not only the first Prime Minister of a
e and united India but also the last. He has
d to lead India toward the three goals of
edom, unity, and democracy.'Now comes the
ghest task, which is to see India through
crisis of menace by the ruthless imperial
nit on its borders:
WOULD be too easy to say that Nehru
as been transformed from the revolutionary
) the compromising and power-conscious
mne Minister. The fact is that Nehru was
er a convinced Marxist, although he took
r some of the Marxist language along with
anti-imperialism. He was a revolutionary
tionalist until he became Prime Minister.
w that he carries the burdens of fateful
isions he is what every prime leader must
-conservative and radical at the same time,
once stubborn and a compromiser.
'or twelve years,;under the sway of his mind
i personality, India has been going through
lent revolution. The castes are beginning to
ak up, the language divisions are getting
led by the creation of new language-states,
steel mills are going up, the "Plan" is
ting to get off paper onto reality, and
re is at least talk of decentralizing the huge
vieldy administrative system through village
low, Yes, it is terribly slow, when compared

with the urgency of the times. But think of
the United States in 1800, a dozen years after
the start of the national government, and you
get some measure of India's progress. The
trouble is that we had no fanatical empire
overshadowing us as India has, and we could
make our blunders in relative safety with an
ocean separating us from Europe.
NEHRU HAS been called the "Socialist leader
of a liberal-conservative party," and the
truth in the remark is that he is far ahead of
the inert mass of India in his aim at a semi-
Socialist welfare economy. He has had no rich
natural resources to work with, no tradition of
science or technical skills, no large army, few
weapons. All he has had has been population--
and too much of that for the primitive farming
methods to feed.
He cannot be blamed for the inadequacies
of what was given to him to work with. But
he can- and must be blamed for not under-
standing that to overcome this lack, India
must be given a leadership that would infuse
its people with purpose and fire. Not that he
has stinted any in giving himself. He travels
over every mile of the Indian sub-Continent,
visits every city and many of the villages, ap-
pears at every cornerstone laying, makes in-
numerable appeals to innumerable gatherings,
scolds, upbraids, moralizes. He is Prime Minis-
ter, Foreign Minister, party leader, teacher,
father of the nation. Yet somewhere he and
India are failing.
S TRIED to put my finger on it in the last five
minutes of the interview he gave me. I asked
why there was so little in the India of today
of the ferment and fire it had in the days of
the struggle for Independence-so little also of
the excitement I recalled during the years of
our own New Deal. I asked why the young
people of India today seem to have so little
interest in politics, so little of the idealism
that his own generaton had.
He agreed with the general drift of what I
said. vet he had no answer to it. except a sense

Commend Regents' Bias Position

To the Editor:
WE WOULD like to take this op-
portunity to commend the
board of Regents for their recent
adoption of a by-law on discrim-
ination. We find the general form
of the by-law acceptable in that
it establishes a broad standard
which the University may take
pride in maintaining.
It is our hope that the Univer-
sity Administration will consider
this action of the Regents a man-
date for active efforts toward the
solution of various problems, such
as discrimination in off-campus
housing, bias in membership se-
lection in fraternities and sorori-
ties, discriminatory provisions of
scholarships, and the placement
problems encountered by some of
our graduates because of their
race, religion or national origin.
Considerable thought and effort
will be necessary in order to
"work for the elimination of dis-
crimination," and it is our feel-
ing that full implementation can-
not be achieved in a reasonable
period of time without the ap-
pointment of additional personnel
specifically responsible for such
The University community,
other higher educational institu-
tions, and groups throughout the
state will no doubt continue to
watch developments on our cam-
pus with great interest. We in the
Guild shall continue our efforts
to develop a campus environment
where all persons are considered
in terms of their individual mer-
its, and not discriminated against

culture nor -social conditioning
they are turned loose, veritable
children, among the more enlight-
ened professions. Perhaps this is
so. However before you too quickly
accept this stock and often re-
peated opinion, analyze just brief-
ly, if you will, the present situa-
tion in modern intellectual society.
No longer are the greatest minds
engaged solely in the Pursuit of
The Daily Oficial Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Friday, December
18. Nineteen copies of communications
for consideration at this meeting must
be in the President's hands not later
than December 8.
The Stearns Collection of Musical
Instruments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. Enter at
East Circle Drive (across from the
School of Music Honors Scholar pro-
gram: Applications now being received

poetic truths or literary beauty.
There isra certain amount of men-
tal effort being' expended in a
totally different direction. This
effort is being carried out in a
realm of logical abstractions; de-
scribed by mathematics, con-
structed by nature, and interpreted
by the "engineering approxima-
The language of this world the
technical man is beginning to un-
derstand, and his life is dedicated
to its exploration. This is a com-
plex and exacting regime, but one
that offers much to the welfare
of man.
* . *
hear the many derogatory, and
even, amazingly enough, pitying
statements concerning the social
status of the engineer, is that
modern society doesn't really know
At .,he root of this ignorance is
fear. I can hear the chuckles even
as I write this, but look more
carefully, history major, and be
sure your mind is at ease. Time
and again the "fear of ignorance"
has been pointed out to you. Do
you know the language of my half
of this world? Do you back down
from the quantitative exploration
that is our way of life? Do you
understand that other shadowy
world that sits at the very founda-
tion of modern man.
Before you cast the next stone,
look carefully at what you say,
and why you say it. If you have
had access to both sides of. this
intellectual fence, and if you real-

The Ever-Widening Gap




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