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November 21, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-21

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ident Tour

Cheerleaders Work To Drum Up Spirit'

U' Regents Accept Nearly $600,000


Be Held

kpproximately 35 international
dents will tour Washington, D.
and New York City December
through 31, Arthur Milne, In-
national Center Assistant Coun-
or announced recently.
the tour, sponsored by the In-
national Center, will cost the
rticipants approximately $65
d will include three days in the
dital and two days in New York
y. The group will travel to the
st by train and will visit several
as of interest in each city.
n Washington the group will
ir Capital Hill, the Washington
d Jefferson monuments, the
,tional Art Gallery, the Supreme
urt and Library of Congress.
ey will also have a special con-
cted tour of the White House.
The New York City tour will in-
Lde a ride on the Staten Island
ry, a tour of the Empire State
ilding, Radio City and the
sited Nations Building. For an
ditional fee the group may at-
Id an opera at the Metropolitan
era Company, view a television
ogram in Radio City and hear a
ncert at Carnegie Hall.
Tours of both the cities will be
ranged and conducted by special
encies which specialize in deal-
g with international students,
ilne said.
enior Society
nitiates 14
Senior Society, an independent
)men's honorary, "tapped" 14
ture members in the early hours
the morning Thursday.
The seniors tapped were Jean
rr, SM, Judy Mansfield, SM,
incy Comins, Ed., Charlotte
ott, Spring Condoyan, Cress
ashburn, Judy Meyers, Ruth
owers, Nancy Gilford, SM, Ann
iltzie, A&D, Shirley Woodcock,
ieo Meyer, Nancy Hallsten, SM,
id Sally Heath.

When Johnnie Campbell walked
onto the center of the Minnesota
football field in 1898 to lead the
crowd in a cheer for the home
team, he scarcely realized that he
was establishing a precedent in
amateur sporting events.
Selected by the student body to
lead the then-popular war cry of
"sky-u-ma" at half-time, Johnnie
became college football's first
Although cheerleading's primary
function is still to drum up school
spirit on the football field, it has
developed into a science that
would hardly be recognizable from
Johhie Campbell's day.
"Cheerleaders have to adjust
themselves to holding the interest
and attention of today's college
audience," Bill Skinner, '60E, cap-
tain of the U of M's cheerleading
team reported.
Establish Contact
"We find that establishing con-
tact with the fans and channeling
their attention to the field is the
Council Gives
Humanist Post
.to Frankena
Prof. William Frankena, chair-
man of the philosophy depart-
ment, has been appointed a Fellow
of the Council of Humanities at
Princeton university to work on
the newly-formed Ford Humani-
ties Project.
Leave has been granted him for
the second semester of this year to
work on the council.
The project, supported by a
grant from the Ford Foundation,
will . attempt to determine how
humanistic scholarship and teach-
ing. in the United States could be
Sponsored and coordinated by
Princeton's Council of the Hu-
manities, the project will study
American humanities education
during the last 25 years.
It will also investigate the inter-
relationship of concepts in the
humanities and natural sciences.

most important part of our job,"
he said.
"Through the use of the power
megaphone this year, one of our
major problems in contacting the
crowd has been solved.
"Our voices naturally carry only
10 to 12 rows in the stands so we
have always had a hard time mak-
ing ourselves heard through the
crowds," he added.
Also, urging fans to act together
by the use of Block sections is very
effective in making contact, par-
ticularly with large audiences such
as we have at Ann Arbor, Skinner
noted. a
The cheerleaders agreed that
half of the battle was getting the
crowd to look their way. Newt
Loken, cheerleading coach, re-
vealed some methods he employed
during his own cheerleading days
at the University of Minnesota
from 1938 to 1942.
Try Clowning
"We used clowning and acro-
batics such as performing head-
stands on the goal posts and work-
ing teeter boards during half-time
to stimulate student interest," he
"We had a special attention get-
ter which we called the volumeter
or volume indicator," he contin-
ued. They used to bring it out on
the field during the game, have
the crowds cheer as loudly as they
could, and record the volume of
noise they made, Loken said.
The cheerleaders made a little
contest out of it by publishing the
results in the following issue of
Minnesota's daily newspaper, en-
couraging the fans to try to out-
do themselves at the next game.
The Wolverine cheerleaders have
found a little buffoonery and some
work on the trampoline are sure
to loosen up the crowd and get
them cheering.
"We also use these tactics to
divert the crowd when it gets
disorganized or rowdy," Skinner
added. "Booing and rowdiness is a
bad reflection on the student body
and the spirit of the school as a
He added that the cheerleaders
do everything possible to stop it
quickly and inconspicuously when
it occurs during a game.

GO BLUE-Bill Skinner, '60E, leads a Michigan cheer with the
newest in cheering conveniences: the power megaphone. With
this and their gymnastic ability, the University cheerleaders try

to raise spirit at football games.
Due to the size of today's audi-
ences, the trend seems to be to-
ward using large-motion, rhythmi-
cal yells, he said. It is very difficult
to introduce something new and
intricate to a huge audience, and
Cite Budget
Two and one-half million dolars
in budgets initialed since Oct. 23
were reported to the Regents at
their meeting yesterday.
Research grants and contracts
made up $2,400,000 with instruc-
tional programs accounting for
$100,000. Other categories: student
aid, $40,000; student activities,
$12,000; state and publicaservices,
The federal government pro-
vided $2,200,000 of the total while
foundations added $160,000 and
individuals, $100,000.

long, length cheers seem to get
lost in the stands.
Though their technique and ap-
proach seem to be regimented to a
science, the cheerleaders are con-
stantly on the lookout for new and
catchy ideas which will hold the
interest of the crowds.
Young Edition
"Having little Dean Olson ap-
pear with us during half-time at
the Northwestern game was the
most successful gimmick of this
type we have used this year,"
Skinner commented.
Dean's father, Greg Olson, who
makes cheerleader's uniforms, had
made a pint-sized cheering outfit
like theirs for his son.
"A couple of us brought him
down to the gym one day to watch
us practice, and before long he was
mimicking our gyrations almost
perfectly," Skinner related. "We
can't use him too often though, he
was up in the clouds for a week
after the game."
Stimulate Spirit
"Sometimes these stunts work in
reverse on the team," Loken sug-
gested, referring to the pig that
ran out on the field during this
year's game against Wisconsin.
"Above all, we believe that our
job is to stimulate student spirit
for the team at the games and at
the pep rallies," he said.

The Regents accepted almost
$600,000 in gifts, grants and be-
quests at their meeting yesterday.
From the Ford Foundation the
Regents accepted a total of $434,-
121 in three different grants.
A grant of $300,000 is for sup-
port over a period of about five
years of research and training at
the Survey Research Center relat-
ing to consumer behavior.
A second grant of $95,350 repre-
sents the initial payment on a
grant of $286,000 to the English
Language Institute for the train-
ing of Japanese teachers of Eng-
The third grant is for $38,771
and is for one faculty research
fellowship and five doctoral fel-
lowships in the foundation's eco-
nomic development and adminis-
tration program.
Establish Fund
The Regents accepted $41,603.28
from the Abby K. Babcock Estate
to stablish the Babcock Ureologi-
cal Endowment Fund. Income from
this fund is to be used to promote
urological medical research work
and the study and dissemination
of knowledge of urological diseases
with the fund to be in memory of
Frederick Reynolds Babcock and
Abby Kettelle Babcock.
A total of $18,725 was accepted
from General Electric Educational
and Charitable Fund.
The grants were: $1,300 to es-
tablish a fellowship in mathe-
matics; $1,125 for fellowships in
mechanical engineering, $8,000 for
a fellowship in metallurgy, $4,100
for fellowships in marketing eco-
nomics, $3,700 for fellowships in
sociology; and $500 for a General
Electric scholarship.
Contribute to Surgery
From the Estate of William A.
Spitzley, Detroit, the Regents ac-
Ask Students
ver Hoiday
Ann Arbor families have invited
international students to spend
the Thanksgiving holiday weekend
with them, Helen Tjotis, secretary
of the International Center an-
nounced recently.
Interested international students
should contact Mrs. Et-Taker be-
tween 1 and 5 p.m. in Rm. 23 at
the International Center.

cepted $15,426.42 for the Dr.
Charles Beylard de Nancrede Me-
morial Fund which is for use by
the medical school's surgery de-
Lilly Endowment, Inc. has given
$12,500 for graduate fellowships in
Charles R. Walgreen, Jr., has
given $5,047.96 for the Pharmacy
Research Building construction
From Arabian Oil Company, 505
Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y., the
Regents accepted $5,000 for schol-
arships for students from Middle
Eastern countries.
Gives $4,800
Riker Laboratories, Inc. has
given $4,800 for the Riker Inter-
national Fellowship in Pharma-
cology which has been awarded to
Dr. Shuji Takaori of Kyoto Uni-
versity in Japan.
Steel Firm Donates
A grant of $4,000 for a fellowship
in metallurgy was acacepted from
Allegheny Ludlum.Steel Corpora-
From James Foster Foundation
the Regents accepted $3,500 for
the Journal of Conflict Resolution.
This represents the first payment
on a $7,000 grant.
New York Life Insurance Com-
pany has given $2,500 for the pro-
gram in actuarial science.
A grant of $2,500 was accepted
for the Michigan Business Execu-
tives Research Conference from
Committee for Economic Develop-
Estate Gives
From the A. G. Bishop estate
the Regents accepted $2,500 for
the Social Science Research Pro-
ject of the Institute for Human
From two units of the American
Cancer Society, the Regents ac-
cepted a total of $2,500. Of this
sum, $1,500 came from the Clin-
ton County Unit and is for the
Cancer Research Laboratory which
is under the direction of Dr. Jere
M. Bauer. The other grant was for
$1,000 and came from the St.
Clair County Unit. This grant is
for the University Cancer Re-
search Institute.
Patients of Dr. Lionel N. Merrill
of Birmingham have given,
through the Alumni Fund, a total
of $2,127.50 to establish the Lionel
N. Merrill Loan Fund for PediatricI
Residents. The fund is for the
benefit of needy residents in train-
ing in the Medical School's De-
partment of Pediatrics.
Dr. Merrill was one of the first
trainees in the Department of
Pediatrics after graduating from
the Medical School in 1922. He
entered practice in Birmingham
and retired in 1959.
Corporation Contributes
Curtiss - Wright Corporation,'
Wood Ridge, N.J., through the De-
velopment Council, has given $2,-
000 for the corporation's fellowship
and scholarship in aeronautical+
Charles Pfizer & Co. has given
$2,000 for a fellowshp in phar-
From Parke Davis & Co. the
Regents accepted $1,875 as the
first payment of a grant of $7,500
for tissue culture research under
the direction of Dr. Donald J.
The Regents accepted $1,813.30
Council Plans
For Students
Student Government Council
will distribute a questionnaire
shortly after Thanksgiving in an
attempt to ascertain student opin-
ion and feelings of topics of con-
cern to SGC and its committees.

These questionnaires will be
distributed through the Student
Activities Committee to approxi-
mately 500 persons selected from
men's and women's residence halls,
fraternities and sororities. House
presidents will be cooperating with
SGC in an attempt to have as
many of the questionnaires re-
turned as possible.
On Dec. 8, these same quesiton-
naires will be passed out to 5,000
students chosen at random.
The questions will cover these
areas as orientation week, hous-
ing regulations, discriminatory
clauses, SGC services, opinion of
SGC, counseling and student ac-
tivities in general.
The questions, 14 in all, will be
predominately multiple choice or
the short-answer type to encour-
age participation.

from the estate of Walter R. Park-
er for the Margaret Watson Park-
er Art Collection Fund.
Babcock & Wilcox Company has
given $1,700 to aid engineering and
technical education.
Accept Money
A fourth quarter payment of
$1,541 was accepted from Lower
Michigan Pulpwood Research As-
sociation, Inc. for the Aspen Re-
generation Project in the School
of Natural Resources.
Westinghouse Electric Corpora-
tion has given $1,150 for three
scholarships in engineering.
Goodyear Foundation, Inc. has
made a grant of $1,375 of which
$1,000 is for a scholarship and $375
is a grant-in-aid to the University.
Two scholarships in engineering
will be provided for a grant of
$1,150 accepted from Western
Electric Company, Inc.
From the Julian and Helen
Sprague Foundation the Regents
accepted $1,000 for the founda-
tion's fellowship in the School or



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granted leave
Regents tGive
ix Leaves
.to Faculty
The Regents yesterday granted
six leaves of absence, extended
another, and approved one off-
campus duty assignment at their
Prof. Lester W. Anderson of the
education school and Prof. Donald
B. Gooch of the architecture and
design college were granted sab-
batical leaves.
Prof. Anderson's leave covers
the second semester of this year,
during which he intends to write
a text on secondary school educa-
tion in collaboration with associ-
ates from Iowa University.
Prof. Gooch's sabbatical is for
the year 1960-61; he hopes to use
it to do a research study on
"Static Visual Techniques for In-
ternational Communication."
Granted Leave
Prof. George Ksh of the geog-
raphy department was granted
leave without salary for the second
semester of this year to do re-
search in Italy.
Leave without pay was granted
William P. Sommers, research as-
sociate in the University Research
Institute, from Oct. 15, 1959 to
Jan. 31, 1960 so that he may con-
centrate on completing the course
requirements for the doctorate in
mechanical engineering.
Prof. Warren L. Smith of the
economics department was granted
leave without pay from Nov. 17 to
Dec, 16 in order that he may
assist in the preparation of a
'report on employment, growth
and price levels for the Joint Eco-
nomic Committee to the U.S. Con-
Leave Extended
An extension of his present leave
was granted to Prof. James R.
Black of the electrical engineering
department so that he may obtain
firm results from the work he is
now doing.
Sick leave from Oct. 20 through
Nov. 9 was granted to Lawrence
M. Rogin, director on the labor
division of the Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations.
Prof. Rogers McVaugh of the
botany department, the curator
of vascular plants in the Univer-
sity Herbarium, was assigned to
off-campus duty in Mexico from
Oct. 26 to approximately Dec. 15.






Late Show

DIAL NO 2-6264



second issue is selling fast




. Spgp y y mm MN U yr ROBERT Rosin
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whatever few issues are left after that
.11 U .l .I A I4A AJ1 "*

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