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November 21, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-21

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

:43 a OA44&khr Ilt

Light snow and rain ending about
10 a.m. followed by heavy overcast

} VOL. LXIX, No. 53










Approval Given
To Council Plan
Major Council Plan Change Means
Powers of Reviewing Board Revised
Editorial Director


* * *





Approve. Building Plans

At their meeting yesterday, the Regents approved the new Stu-
dent Government Council plan, which will take effect immediately.
The major change from the former plan involves replacement of
the old Board in Review with a Committee on Referral, which is set
up to deal with any objections to SGC actions.
The changes were the result of the Regents' request last year
that a Clarification Committee be established to study certain am-
biguities in the old plan. The
Committee's recommendations
were submitted to the Council this
fall for a discussion, and it was a
combination of the two sets of
.ggestions which the Regents ap-
proved yesterday.
Called 'Improvement'
Regent Eugene B. Power com-
......~.~ mented that this plan "is an im-
. provmet over the old one in that
it gets away from the ambiguity
of the former plan."
:TheCommittee on Referral will
consist of eight members, seven
voting and one non-voting: two
students who are currently not
Council members, to be appointed
by the Council; one member of the
University administration, not a
VICE-PRESID}ENT LEWIS member of the staff of the Office
. holds veto power of Dean of Men or Dean of Wom-
en, to be appointed by the Vice-
President for Student Affairs; one
REQUEST: school or college administrator,
appointed by the Vice-President
TAsks for Student Affairs.
MSUAKMembers Noted
Other members will be three
-s faculty members primarily en-
B ldget gaged in teaching, appointed by
Budge Risethe University ,Senate; and one
alumnus, to be without vote, ap-
pointed by the President from a
From State panel of three names submitted
by the Board of Directors of the
EAST LANSING (P) -Faced Alumni Association,
with rising costs and a record en- The Committee will be called to
rollment, Michigan State Univer- meet when either the Vice-Presi-
sity trustees Thursday put in ire- dent for Student Affairs contem-
quest for a $35,471,221 operating plates a veto of an SGC action or
budget for fiscal 1960-61. when four or more members of
The figure is $4 million more the Committee believe that an
than the board asked last year action taken by the Council might
and $7,607,453 more than the involve jurisdictional questions,
Legislature allocated for the cur- procedural irregularities, or un-
rent fiscal year. rea.sonable action.
The budget request, forwarded Upon considering the Council
to the State Budget Division for action, the Committee shall, with
another going-over and a prob- reasons stated, advise the Vice-
able triming, is based on ,an ex- President that the action should
pected enrollment of 21,400 stu- be sustained or that he should
dents next year. Current enroll- direct the Council to reconsider
ment is 20,368, exclusive of newly, the action.


Regents Note
Costs Rising
Schedule Lists Needs
Sent to State in Past
Noting that building costs pres-
ently run "generally nine per cent
higher" than two or three years
ago, the Regents yesterday ap-
proved a five-year building sched-
ule to send to the Lansing budget
It lists essentially the same new
construction plans submitted to
the state in the past several years.
No funds for new building at the
University have been appropriated
for two years.
Costs Increase
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont told
the Regents, "We have increased
proposed building costs from two
or three years ago, when most of
the present projects were con-
ceived and plans drawn, by nine
per cent in general."
le indicated higher labor and
material costs cause the price rise.
"Right now we would get good
bids on construction," Pierpont
commented, "because contractors
in this community do not have a
large volume of work at present."
Cost of materials is low now too,
he added.
Limits 'U'
Lack of space has limited the
University in many ways, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss said. Some-
times money for new faculty does
no good because "there's no place
to put the man," he noted.
The revised capital outlay re-
quest for 1960-61 totals approxi-
mately $16,710,000, yith provisions
concerning the Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology "flexible."
A bill which would grant $800,-
000 for the Institute is still being
considered by the Legislature.
Pierpont suggested "this item be
left flexible" since "we're not sure
what's going to happen on this
Music School Tops List
The School of Music remained,
number one on the priority list for
new buildings, although "the first
10 buildings all have equal prior-
ity," Pierpont said.
Other proposed construction in-
cludes a fluids engineering build-
ing, a second unit for a medical
school building, and new buildings
for the education school and the
architecture college.
A sum of $400,000 was requested
for special maintenance and $477,-
000 for remodeling and additions.

CONSTRUCTION ON NORTH CAMPUS-These North Campus buildings represent the University's
last growth spurt. Although a Medical Research Center was recently completed, no new buildings
have been started at the University in the past few years. The Legislature has appropriated no funds,
for new construction in the past two years.
To Continue Giving NDEA Loans

rV ey
'Umbrella' Rule
Covers All Areas
Bonisteel Says Passage Will Make
Already-Practiced Policy Official
The University's first bylaw spelling out a policy of non.
discrimination was ardopted by the Regents yesterday.
Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel said there were "no implica-
tions" in the adoption of the bylaw at this time, the Univer-
sity having "always practiced a policy of non-discriminatior
in the administration and management of its iternal affairs.'
"In its employment practices, admission policies, Uni-
versity controlled housing, and general operative practices
the policy has been constant-"-
ly followed."
'Umbrella Resolution''j G row th ' ole
The bylaw represents an "um-
brella resoluiton" covering all a
ing the institution, according to
Vice-President for Student Af-Go e n
M embers of the administrationre rs a et
to eliminate discrimination wher- Special to The Daily
ever it may exist, he said. TOLEDO-He is eager to have
Lewis cited two specific areas the nation "identify the _. Demo
in which his office will work: co- cratic party of the sixties as a
ordination of efforts of groups party of economic growth," Gov
such as the restrictive practices G. Mennen Williams declared her
committees of Student Govern- esterdav


The Regents informally agreed
yesterday to continue dispensing
controversial student loans pro-
vided by funds from the National
Defense Education Act.
Too many needy students would
suffer if the University dropped
out of the loan program because
of the loyalty-oath requirements,
Regent Donald Thurber said.
"If we're going to be true to our
convictions of providing educa-
tion for many students, we would
have a great deal to answer for if
U' To Host
Ohio Singers
The Ohio State University Men's
Glee Club will join the Univer-
sity Men's Glee Club in a joint
concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Coming to the University for
the eighth annual combined con-
cert, the Ohio State Glee Club
will perform numbers ranging
from Georgian chants to current
Broadway musical arrangements
in an unusual "broken stage" set-
The University Glee Club will
begin its part of the program with
its t r a d i t io n a 1 opening hymn
"Laudes Atque Carmina." It will
follow with numbers ranging from
sixteenth century motets to con-
temporary American classics and
show tunes.
The Ohio State group, which is
making its third visit to Ann Ar-
bor, has performed on several
television shows and in numerous
concerts with the Columbus Sym-
phony Orchestra.

we returned the loan funds," he
In Dissension's Wake
His statements came in the
wake of rising dissension among
American colleges regarding pro-
visions of the federal act, which
require applicants to swear they
are opposed to the overthrow of
the government by force.
Instead of withdrawing from
the program, University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher favored a
"group approach" - a unified at-
tempt by colleges to have Con-
gress remove the disputed oath by
next spring.
Such an attempt failed last
year, but prospects for a change
are growing, President Hatcher
Cites Group Action
The American Association of
Universities and other education-
al groups have "strongly regis-
tered their belief that the oath
has implications that should not
be encouraged," he- explained.
The association of universities
appointed a special group to draft
the association's views and pre-
sent them to Congress this year.
Included on the committee were

Yale President A. Whitney Gris-
wold, and Harvard President Na-
than Pusey. Both dropped out of
the program last week, objecting
to the loan provisions.
"Harvard and Yale moved pri-
vately and unilaterally," President
Hatcher said. "There is a curious
inconsistency when an institution
accepts Fulbright and National
Science Foundation fellowships
but turns down the national de-
fense loans."
'Precise Phraseology'
All three grants "carry{ precise
phraseology" regarding loyalty
requirements, the President point-
ed out.
"Our view, as with most insti-
tutions, is that while this isn't the
kind of requirement we would
prefer, it is still not objectionable
to many people," he said.
The Regents passed a resolution
last spring objecting to similar
loyalty requirements in future
federal acts. The University's
Faculty Senate and Student Gov-
ernment Council took similar ac-
From July through October, the
University committed nearly $300,-
000 in NDEA loans to 386 students.

opened MSU-Oakland.
Salary Increase Needed
Students' fees will bring in $5,-
885,000, requiring a state appro-
priation of $28,069,220 to balance
the proposed budget, Philip J.
May, vice-president for business
and finance, told the board.
Most of the increase would go
for salaries. The board asked $1,-
763,809 for salary adjustments and
$1,065,000 for 142 new faculty
The board separated its request
into four areas, headed by $28,-
069,222 for the East Lansing cam-
pus, including the Labor and In-
dustrial Relations Center and the
Highway Traffic Safety Center.
New Building Questioned .I
MSU-Oakland would get $1,-
065,495, up $515,495 from this
year; the cooperative extension
serviceh$2,874,600, up $659,100,
and the agriculture experiment
station $3,461,960, up $806,156.
The board voiced concern over
the probability that the Legisla-,
ture will skip an appropriation for
new construction this year. It has
passed a $6 million bill for main-
tenance and to continue construc-
tion already begun, but a 12-mil-
lion-dollar bill for new building
has bogged down.
MSU President John A. Hannah
said it is unlikely that any new
buildings, aside from self-liquidat-,
ing types, will be ready for use
before the fall of 1961 if the
Legislature sticks to its present.

1 , "

Retains Veto
In any case, the Vice-President
may still veto any action taken
by the Council.
"The Committee on Referral can
recommend action to you (Lewis),
but you can do as you see fit," Re-
gent Power commented at the
If the Vice-President should de-
cide to veto the action, the veto
See REGENTS, Page 5

Humphrey Moves Audience
At YD National Convention
Special to The Daily
i TOLEDO-"Peace and prosperity" do not exist in the world or
in America and will not until hunger, sickness and illiteracy are
wiped out, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) told cheering crowds
here last night.
"Politics and morality go together--the politics and morality
of service, service to those who need it most," he insisted. Naming
the Republicans "old fogies," with

New Bylaw
Following is the text of the
Regents' Bylaw on discrimina-
tion: "The University shall not
discriminate against any per-
son because of race, color, re-
ligion, creed, national origin or
"Further, it shall work for
the elimination of discrimina-
tion: (1) in private organiza-
tions recognized by the Uni-
versity, and (2) from non-
University sources where stu-
dents and the employes of the
University are involved."
ment Council and the Interfra-
ternity Council, and shaping poli-
cies pertaining to off-campus
'U' 'Works With'
University President Harlan
Hatcher said the phrase "work
with" summed up the University's
approach - "work with rather
than coerce."
In the area of fraternity-sor-
ority bias-clauses, he illustrated,
the University has made "steady
progress." .
Specifically, he said, more prog-
ress toward removing clauses has
been made here than at the Uni-
versities of Wisconsin and Cal-
ifornia, where time limits are
Asks Meaningful Program
"It's relatively easy to take out
a clause," President Hatcher said,
"but a meaningful anti-discrimin-
ation program is directed toward
"working away at the under-
standing of why this is."
Lewis said it was impossible to
say now what approach to bias
clauses would be best; the various
committees working in the raea
will reach whatever solution
seems best.
"Maybe we might even recom-
mend a time limit when we come
back to the Regents," Lewis add-
Time Limit Considered
At one time, a time limit at the
University was a very real possi-
In 1951, the Student Affairs
Committee (student-faculty-ad-
ministration board which preced-
ed SGC) ordered fraternities to
get rid of clauses by 1956 or face
loss of University recognition.
Then, former University Presi-
dent Alexander V. Ruthven ve-
toed the measure, declaring "It is
a long established rule of law that
no individual has an inherent
right to membership in any par-
ticular organization."
Ruthven Vetoes'
Property rights of any organ-

In his appearance before their
national convention the Governor
called on the Young Democrats as
a possible source for a "new per-
spective, not just a patchwork job
on old policies" with which to
forge a "national purpose."
Williams voiced disgust with the
Republicans' "complete value
chaos" that has led to a tight
money, rising prices policy to com-
bat inflation.
Condemns Price Fear
The government should not let
the fear of inflation block striving
toward economic growth, he said,
and specified objectives of "elevat-
ing our whole educational process,
returning people to their jobs and
increasing welfare benefits.
In a press conference after his
talk, he announced plans for a
meeting at Haven Hill, Mich., next
month with the nation's top edu-
cators to discuss current problems
in education and draft recommen-
dations for the 1960 Democratic
He also came out in favor of
expanding the idea of social secur-
ity to include a national health
insurance program.
Favors YD Ideas
"Impressed" with the young
Democrats responsiveness to the
concept, he added that it was still
in the formative stages but he
hopes to have it ready for the 196C
Full employment of the nation's
labor force, he insisted, is possible
if the government is willing to set
up programs to utilize the nation's
wealth for the benefit of all.
"Nobody but the bankers can
afford four more years of Repub-
licanism" in its present form, he
Regents Cite
Lady Pianist
Mrs. Emily Gilmore Stevens, an
enthusiastic woman whom 94
years have not yet dimmed, re-
ceived a Regents' citation at their
meeting yesterday.
Mrs. Stevens is an organist,
pianist and writer who can play
anything from Bach to Shostako-
The Regents' citation, read by
University President Harlan
Hatcher, said in part: "as a pianist
she has accompanied many emi-
nent artists, instrumentalists and
singers . . . often reading the
score at sight." Her philosophy is
"live simply and trust in the
SNEA Region


Board Defends CMU Conference House

By The Associated Press
The State Board of Education
defended construction of Central
Michigan University's controver-
sial conference house on Beaver
Island in Lake Michigan.
The Board called it a "most de-
sirable project" and issued a state-
ment to clarify what Stephen S.
Nisbett, chairman of the Board,
called misunderstandings about
the project. He said the Board's
meeting here was its first oppor-
tunity to answer recent criticism.
The Board is the governing body
of Central Michigan at Mount
Pleasant and Eastern Michigan
University in Ypsilanti. ,
Nisbett said the Beaver Island
facility "was for student use and
that this is the only justification
for the establishment."

He said it was financed from
student funds "none of which
were state appropriated or bor-
He said "construction funds
came from the operation and sale

of temporary housing facilities
and general earmarked reserves."
Nisbett said the Board in ap-
proving the project "decided such
a construction as the Beaver Is-
land center was a most desirable
project because it would greatly

enhance and strengthen the offer-
ings of Central Michigan Univer-
sity in the fields of conservation,
natural science and outdoor edu-
cation considering the natural
laboratory which it provides."

a "no go, go slow, not now, veto
administration;" he insisted the
nation needs a powerful leader if
it is to progress to "occupy the
position of world leadership that
is going to fall either to us or to
the Russians. And that leader, he
asserted, must be a Democrat.
Humphrey Applauded
As his address to the national
convention of Young Democrats--
met with rapt attention and fre-
quent outbursts of applause -
ended, delegates swarmed onto the
floor, waving "Humphrey for Pres-
ident" banners and shouting en-
thusiastic approval.
Humphrey demanded from the
Democrats liberalism - "a liberal
person acts for today and plans
for tomorrow and a conservative
reviews yesterdays"-in order to
win with hard work and bold
moves the peace and prosperity
that could be America's.
The new definition of power is
people and "there happen to be
more colored people in the world
than white," was his analysis of
the civil rights issue.

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