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September 22, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-22

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Seventieth Year

-~=- W
hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

"If There are 50 States Why Does Everybody
Keep Saying He's from Missouri?"
l' h j r -fx

'South Pacific Fails
To Utilize Opportunitie,
IS THE MOTION PICTURE an art form distinct from all other a
forms? Is it properly called art at all?
Answers to these questions are essential to evaluating a film li
"South Pacific." For if the motion picture is in fact distinct from
other art forms it must offer something different to its audience.
mere filming of another form hardly suffices.
The motion picture has certain advantages over all other drama
forms of presentation. It is freed from the proscenium arch; its vist

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1959


Integration in the South:
Another Look

'HE FALL opening of the newly desegregated
public schools in the South was largely free
the violence that shocked the nation last
ar. And this summer, a moderate segrega-
nist faction in Virginia defeated a more ex-
emist group in a. state-wide election.
Such events have led to a faint feeliig that
neral integration in the South is not nearly
distant or painful as was once thought.
And it is just this beginning feeling of confi-
nce that makes it important to take another
ok at the integration situation in the United
ates. For overconfidence in our achievements
> to now may blind us to a serious defect in,
r entire approach to integration-one which
time may make all recent progress meaning-
T IS TIME we stopped confusing the Negro
who lives in a newly desegregated housing
oject with the Negro who has really been
tegrated into our society. We must remember
at real integration involves more than de-
gregating housing or schools.
For integration in the true sense implies our
rsonal acceptance of members of minority
oups, as human beings of validity and dignity
.ual to our own. Integration at bottom in-
Ives a moral and, ethical attitude - not
aterial status.
The fact that a Negro drives a Cadillac; or
es to a desegregated school with whites,nor
Ln sit where he chooses on :a bus, does not
itself mean that he has attained a real ethi-
I integration, into Americin society.
F6r the Negro Cadillac driver may be cussed.
.t by a cop and the Negroes riding on buses
ay be shunned by the whites. Here, although
tegrated materially, ethically such Negroes
e suffering from discrimination just as un-
ceptable as that involved in segregated
'HE MATERIAL aspects of integration are
wholly secondary to and largely derivative
om its ethical and moral characteristics. We
ould not allow ourselves to confuse the ma-
rial side of the integration problem with its
ore important and less tangible mnoral impli-
The "separate but equal" philosophy of edu-
tion offers a. good example of the way even.
e Supreme Court could at one time be blind.
by an over-concern with the material as-

pects of integration. By this theory, if the
segregated schools for Negroes were as good
and numerous as those attended by whites, il-
legal discrimination was not taking place.
But the Negroes, and eventually the Supreme
Court, rejected this doctrine. They didn't care
about parity in schools, but about their lost
human dignity and equality, which had been-
unsuccessfully-confused with buildings.'
UCH A preoccupation with material integra-
'tion at' the expense of ethical questions
leads 'to a feeling that all we have to do to
really get integrated is to allow minority
groups all-the benefits of our American way of
life. That is, we would practically force (with
all the good intentions in the world) them to
give up their individual customs and submerge
themselves in the uniformity of American
It's all very neat. You don't have to make
yourself accept a Negro as a human being.
That's too tough. All you have to do is to give
him a Detroit car, a room in a desegregated
housing project, integrated schools for his kids,
and presto! You have thereby attained- inte-
And for the aspiring Negro or Jew or Pole
who wants to be integrated: just conform to
the Amer'ican way of life and you're in.
IF THIS EVER happened, and it seems that
kit's, not so distant, a 'horrible unilformity
would settle over the United States.
After a while there would be no Italian or
Polish or Jewish cooking, no Japanese archi-
tecture, no more spirituals sung in Negro
TO BE SURE, we must not condone the ethi- .
wrongs inherent in continued segregation
merely for the' sake of cultural diversity.
But once the essential ethical demands in-
herent Iin integration are fully met, we must
not allow ourselves to be blinded by the pros-
pect of an easily achieved material integration
and its potential uniformity. Ethical integra-.
tion, though difficult to achieve, is the only
meaningful concept; and for us to sugmerge
the diversity of America In what is at bottom
a false view of integration would be most un-'
Editorial Director

are' limitless. It is able to deal
freely with time, with reality or
unreality, with all of the space-
time limitations which the stage
must accept.
Thus the viewer can reasonably
expect to see something more
than a filmed stage presentation
when viewing a motion picture. If
the result is nothing more than
the stage production with more
lavish background, the film has
failed completely to fulfill any
useful artistic function.
* * * '
IT IS WITH this feeling of dis-
appointment, of failure, that the
critic must approach "South Pa-
cific." .
The Rodgers and Hammerstein
production, perhaps Broadway's
most successful musical (at least
until "My Fair Lady") receives
lavish presentation. But the fail-
ure of the moguls to, adapt the
stage idiom adequately to the
screen marks the biggest failure
of this effort.
The Cinemascope screen opens
wide vistas which are filled with
close-up shots of heads; the ac-
tion is. largely static; the choreog-
raphy is confined. Whether or not
the film production is like the
stage production Is an immaterial
consideration; the film version is
distinct And deserves distinct
treatment as a self-contained en-

,. .t ,
:. .
' .

Herblock is away due to illness

Copyrkght, 195,the Pulitzer Publishing Ce,.
St. ousPost-Dispatch

Students Dislike Khrushchev's Visit.

* * *


"MIDDLE of the Night" is a
Paddy Chayefsky classic -
two parts realism, one part pure
soap opera. The result, as usual, is
a highly intense, moving and un-
usually personal tale of tortured
Jerry Kingsley is an ordinary
man fighting the encroachments
of middle age. At 59, a widower, he
is involved in a desperate search
for Life, with a, capital L,. And yet
he is afraid; he is not really sure
he- wants it.
Torn between ,his desires and
his fears, he cannot make up his
mind whether, really, he would
not be wiser to turn from the
world and "settle down," until he
is an old man and desires no
longer occur.
The girl he-rturns to increases
both his desires and his fears.
Betty, 24 years old, is "like an
orphan, like a little child," un-
loved and unloving. Her very im-
maturity attracts him, and she is
drawn to him because "I don't
have to ask him for kindness-he
gives, with both hands."
THE TWO families with whom
they have to ontend are not
quite realistic, yet not quite' caric-
atures, but always honest. Jerry's
daughter is both comical and re-
pelling, yet when she calls the re-
lationship "a neurotic attach-
ment," there is truth.
Every portrait is drawn in' a
dozen dimension at once - the
short glimpses we get of charac-
ters are enough to tell us the most
secret things about them. Chayef-
sky's smoothpen draws pictures
that retain a. clarity that is really
Frederick March,. as the tor-
mented widower, gives a perform-
ance that verges on perfect. You
never doubt him; he is' Jerry
Kingsley, he is tortured and
afraid; and you sympathize with
him as though he were your own.
Kim Novak, as Betty, is the
weak link. Not that she is bad;
she is simply not good enough to
carry such a demanding role, es-
pecially in the company of Marsh's
performance. Betty's emotions are,
in their own way, as deep as
;Jerry's, yet Miss Novak never
seems to get below. the surface of
the role. She is always playing it,
she is never really in it.
The movie as a whole is a little
masterpiece--rbut skip the cartoon.
-Susan Holtzer

LookatRealities Mr. K.

T THE NATIONAL Press Club on Wednes-
day Mr. K. made it clear that the two
Iggest subjects he means to talk about are
Germany and disarmament. We have seen at
he speech at the United Nations what he has
o say' about disarmament. On Germany, he
nay have had, so I venture to think, quite
omething to say. What he said, however, was
ery general and only the talks at Camp David
ext week will show whether he meant as
mch as one might infer that he did.
Judging by his prepared address, it is not a
ar-fetched inference that he was indicating
'here in his view lies the area of negotiation
ri West Berlin. He laid down two propositions.
he first was that "neither the Soviet Union
or the German Democratic Republic (East
ermany) . . . has any claim to incorporate
Vest Berlin into the German Democratic Re-
ublic or of changing the social and economic
heme of things there."
The second proposition was that "the in-
ependent existence of West Berlin should be
isured by the most reliable of guarantees
nown in international relations with or with-
it the participation of the United Nations."
From these two propositions it follows that
e is prepared to negotiate about "the most
liable guarantees" of the independence of
rest Berlin.
)UR OFFICIAL position is that the most
reliable guarantee is the presence in West
erlin of the Allied garrisons. But we have

already indicated that the size and the arme-
ments.of these garrisons is a negotiable ques-
tion and there is no reason why we should
refuse to consider guarantees founded upon
our own presence along with the participation
of the United Nations. There is no doubt that
here is a field of negotiation, and surely in
the series of meetings here in Washington, in
Moscow, and at the summit, this field will
have to be explored and plowed.
In regard to "burying" us, it should hardly
have been necessary for him to explain that
he was not talking about killing us and digging,
our graves. It has always been obvious that
he was expressing his conviction as a Marxist
that our society is "in decline and will shrink
and that the Communist society is growing
and will expand to paramountcy in the.world.
Thus, he says, Communism will replace capi-
talism as capitalism has replaced feudalism.
This is an old Marxist formula which gives
to the true believer an enormous sense of being
the agents of historic destiny itself. But it con-
tains a deep fallacy which has been demon-
strated by the experience of the past hundred
years since Karl Marx first formulated the
The deep fallacy is to ignore the fact that
capitalism is not a static society, as speaking
roughly and broadly was feudalism, but is an
evolving order. Why is capitalism an evolving
order? Because at the heart of it is the great-
est o'f all human inventions, the invention of
the art of invention. This, not the profit mo-
tive, is the progressive mainspring of our West-
ern society. It is the reason why the evolution
of capitalism has confounded the prediction
of the orthodox and antiquated Marxists.
THERE IS no reason to think that we have
reached the end of the evolution of Ameri-
can capitalism. On the contrary, there is every
reason to think that we are on the verge of
great progressive change, and that the present
mood of the country is only a pause, while the
new generation gathers its forces and takes
One can, I believe, predict with cdnfidence
that a period of change is in the making. It
will be moved by the accelerated temepo of
technological change on the one hand and by

Associate City Editor
"... SO WE SHALL begin by
launching the most spec-
tacular peace movement on record.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
University Faculty and Staff Meeting.
,President Hatcher will give his an-
nual "State of the University" address
on Mon., Oct. 5, at 8:00 p.m., in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The Distin-
guished Faculty Achievement Awards
for 1959 will be presented. A reception
will follow in the Michigan League
IUniversity Choral Union. Auditions
are now being held for prospective new
members. Singers interested may make
appointments for auditions at the of-
fices of the University Musical Society
in Burton Tower, either in person, or
by calling either NO 8-7513, or Univer-
sity extension 2118. Membership is open
to all adults who qualify.
Last year's Chorus members in good
standing will be re-admitted without
audition, upon application at the So-
ciety's offices not later than Sept. 24.
This 325-voice Chorus, conducted by
Lester McCoy, performs the annual
"Messiah" concerts in Dec.; and is fea-
tured with the Philadelphia Orchestra
in two concerts at the Ann Arbor May
Festival, under Thor Johnson.
School of Business Administration.
Faculty meeting on Wed., Sept. 23, at
3:30 p.m., B. A. 164.
Ushers are needed for the Choral
Union and Extra Series. Concerts and
for the Lecture Series Lectures In'Hill
Auditorium for the, coming season.
Persons interested in ushering may file
an application at the Box Office in Hill
Auditorium from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. any
day this week and from 10 a.m. to noon
on Sat., Sept. 26.
Students, staff member and faculty
members are all eligible to sign "up for
these positions.
If you have any questions please call
Mr. Warner at NO 8-8597.
.Prospective Debaters for the Univer-
sity of Michigan are invited to a meet-
Ing sponsored by the 'Dept. of Speech.
The meeting will be in Rm. 2040 Frieze
(Continued on Page 5),

There will be more electrifying
overtures, unheard-of concessions.
The capitalistic countries, stupid
and decadent, will rejoice and co-
operate in their own destruction.
They will leap at another chance
to be friends. And when their
guard is down,'we will smash them
with our clenched flsts."-Dmitri
Manuilski at the Lenin Academy in
A loyal Soviet official made this
remark in a lecture to future Com-
munist leaders 25 years before
clenched fists were used in the
Hungarian October revolution.
Another loyal Communist, Nikita
S. Khrushchev, is visiting the
United States now; his trip may
not be*, "spectacular, unheard of
and electrifying," buts itremains
Khrushchev's visit, according to
six University Hungarian -Ameri-
can students, is a detriment to the
free world but an immense ad-
vantage for Khrushchev.
THE TRIP has given him a
chance to strengthen his position
in the Soviet Union, the studen'ts
say, for Khrushchev is not yet
playing the dominent role which
Stalin achieved. They see Khrush-
chev's welcome in this country,
however half-hearted, as a means
for building Soviet prestige among
underdeveloped nations.
The students, who. could not
give their names because' of re-
maining ties with citizens of Com-
munist Hungary, questioned
Krushchev's claim of no interfer-
ence with other countries' private
"We will abide -by this doctrine
as in the past," the Soviet leader
has said, But Hungarian students
recall Manuilski's statement and
are familiar with the doctrine of
intervention in Hungary.
Any they refute Khrushchev's
designation of the Soviet Union
and the United States as "two dif-
ferent social systems."
"'Since when are tyranny and
freedom only two different social
systems?" they ask.
THEY BELIEVE that Russia's
ultimate goal is world domination
and Communism is merely an in-
strument to accomplish this.
"We ask that Americans be more
dedicated to their own preserva-
tion," the young men explain. Ac-
cording to them, the fate of the
West is endangered by Khrush-
chev's visit.

The people in the Soviet satel-
lites will be discouraged when they
see that Khrushchev is welcomed
in the United States, they say.
They are even more concerned
that the Soviet people will be told
by the press that Khrushchev re-
ceived a warm welcome even if
it was really very cool, as during
Andrei Mikoyan's visit.
* * *
HOWEVER, they did see one
positive result from the visit-the
American people may become more
aware of the world situation, and'
will get a first-hand presentation
of Communist doctrine.
Although they believe that the
Russian leader's trip can bring
more harm than good to the free
world, the Hungarian group agrees
that it is a situation that could not
have been avoided. They also noted
that Khrushchev is a little less
confident and 'is "not the sure,
little clown he usually is."
They would be willing to call'
Khrushchev's visit worthwhile,
though, "if even one death sen-
-tence behind the Iron Curtain were
suspended or one prisoner is re-
leased." But they doubt that this
will ever happen.

IN AN ATTEMPT to make the
confined stage presentation pal-
atable to screenviewers, the pro-
ducers relied heavily on colored'
lenses to disguise the otherwise
inadequate production. Almost
half of the film is bathed in un-
usual light-yellow, grey, rosy red.
I prefer people, to look natural, not
yellow or grey and if color is ne-
'cessary, its total overuse in this
film is certainly inexcusable. This
is probably the greatest, and least
justified innovation in the film,
Orally, "South Pacific" is su-
perb. The stereophonic sound is
the best this reviewer has' heard.
The musical score, probably Rodg-
ers and Hammerstein's best, .is
well dealt with by a competent
cast which can sing. Mitzi Gaynor'
occasionally sounds like Ethel'
Merman, but this approach seems
justified by the role.,y
The acting leaves something to
be desired. Rossano, Brazzi looks,
and sounds like Ezio Pinza which
is certainly a close tie with the
original stage version. Miss Gay-
nor has a definite void of talent.
But the film is entertaining,
after the first hour, and this may
be justification enough for seeing
Summing Up: The sound is
good. The visual aspects bad. A
good hi-fi set may be as enter-
taining asi"South Pacific."
-Robert Junker

Khrushchev Reception Causes Worries

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower is wor-
ried about the' treatment Pre-
mier Khrushchev is receiving over
the country, fearing it may color
their talks at Camp David this
Indeed, the lines between Com-
munist and American thinking
were drawn so dramatically Sun-
day night at Khrushchev's meet-
ing with the labor leaders in San
Francisco that the President may
find the climax of the Premier's
visit has passed.
Khrushchev himself issued what
may prove to be the true assess-
ment of the whole trip when he
said of the labor leaders:
"Our positions are irreconcil-
** *
DISCUSSION at the labor din-
ner sometimes deteriorated into
such an uproar, some of them
reported, that it was impossible
to be sure just gxactly what was
Every time someone asked
Khrushchev about self-determina-
tion of peoples, communication
between peoples, individual liberty
and the right to strike, or about
any of the other differences be-
tween democracy and the Com-
munist dictatorship, he blew up.
It got-so bad that Walter Reu-
ther reported his party did not
ask some of their intended ques-
tions for fear the meeting would
actually break up.
This followed a series of epi-
sodes which had disturbed
TKhrushchev.s nme .f them inonlv.

American way before the Presi-
dent began sounding him out on
possible points of accommodation
between the two countries.
Monday's White House state-
ment repeating the President's in-
terest in making a good impres-
sion on the visitor reminded people
of the hope that-the Camp David
discussions would be "construc-

That may yet be. The Com-
munist- visitor has proved himsel
capable of rapid changes in spiril
But he will come back to Wash
Ington remembering that the
American crowds have been very
'cool; that the representatives o
American labor, some of whom
even refused to see him at all
offer him no hope of worker par-
ticipation in the world revolution
he advocates.

Ann Arbor Landscape

Air Da-111

Editorial Staff
:ditorial Director City Editor
IHARLES KOZOLL...............Personnel Director
OAN KAATZ ...................... Magazine Editor
ARTON HUTHWAITE ..............Features Editor
IM BENAGH........... ..........Sports Editor
'ELMA SAWA'YA ...Associate Personnel Director
AMES BOW.:.............Associate City Editor
USAN HOLTZER.........Associate Editorial Director
ETER DAWON .................Contributing Editor
AVE LYON................Associate Sports Editor
'RED KATZ.. ..... ....... Associate Sports Editor

U ~ "4~'~ 'U

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