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September 22, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-22

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;, 1959




=ii Wair Fighting Continues in P rimitive Laos


TOM HENSHAW -_ I ..._ detailed moo _ .__

F- I

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
A few weeks ago, one of the
Royal Laotian Air Force's' eight
airplanes, crammed with badly
needed munitions, glided in for a
landing at the primitive frontier
airport of Muong Het.n
But, instead of friendly waves,
the startled pilot was greeted by
machine-gun fire. Gunning his en-
gines he narrowly escaped with
the first report: that Muong diet
bad fallen to the' Communist1
It's like that over most of strife-
torn northern Laos.
Communications and travel f a-
cilities are so bad that it's some-
times days before news of rebel
actions scarcely 25 miles away fil-
ters into the government strong-
bold of Sam Neua.
There is not a mile of railroad
in all Laos. The only paved streets
are in the capital of Vientiane. In
the back country, lines on the map
called "roads" are little better
than footpaths.
Terrain Rugged
it -takes an airplane about an
hour to cover the nearly 100 miles
between Vientiane and the royal
capital of Luang Frabang. Over-
land, the same trip, often takes
almost two °weeks.
Laos, cut off from the sea by
North and South Vietnam, has al-
ways been known as the most
backward of the states that made
up the old French Indo-China.
The reason is, geographical.
The northeast area in particu-
lar, where the, current fighting has
been going on,, is a heavily forest-
ed land of mountains and plateaus
cut' by deep valleys and precipi-
tous gorges.
Troop movements, except, those
byV smalla agile bands~ of guerillas,
are slow. Transporting the cum-
bersome" equipment of a. modern
army over such terrain verges on
the impossible.
To make matters worse, the

-~~ :-:.: ~$ZLo: = -s UNG Yen ngUO Chw ~lfTL~
_rM Hep M -on.>.. NORTH'-- - _f~li
- B~Sop~o..
_ = _ _ Sp *-et.---- _ - A B.Luo
M.Sj g on a na -- ~-- - __a___ _t _
B.o- .M. Poua_*MHan -_ MPng-.
-- - ~ ~ 2-. SopSim '44,4
_ ~~:M 1ut- :SAM NEU1A; - =MBTr-
Thane !'":= =' - _-a ;U _- _m _- -- _MI_ eo
i M.Muoi --
- -~ - -__.P:'. BHao BiS.hen' -
Sop .-- .-. 41 -z- & o
- Hua Muting -=sonic:: .-.. -- --$NG --L
:NoKiacg mow'- - ,C ---- Bun..-.
BSo 1Ca' = :----
S-p h- ..-
- - =- _ -= - - -= - '.HTa:_:M ing ° - __ = o -
- Xi# -_=~a- -M.E._'-i _
-- t--rrZ--
1y, vastly superior in number, an organized army- in the field. that almost encircle Sam Neua.
, been spread so thin counter- At last reports, the rebels were They possibly may be the staging
guerrilla moves that when massing troops at Muong RHetI areas for a dry season attack on
.d upon to fight they usually Samn Ten and Hua Muone laesIamNu
.Inc ' IexN1[e\"Ives ouwlutYYY~hmd g vllgs amNea

New. Shipments of



arriving dal I
For that- hard-to-find textbook


monsoon season currently is turn-
ing the land into a soggy mass.
Thuns far the fighting In Laos
has followed the pattern' of the
early days of the Red revolt in
neighboring ietnam. That: small
war ended. with the Geneva agree-
ment of 1954, dividing the coun-
try north and south.
Guerrilla Tactics
Small rebel bands roam the
countryside, capturing small vil-
lages, giving them up when gov-
erment troops arrive in force and
never forcing a major, pitched
Troops of the Royal Laotian

A m

322 South State Street.

Bob Graham, Mgr.

Hostile to Government
A large. segment of the popula-
tion of northeastern Laos is more
friendly to the rebels than to the
government. The Communists
once ruled the provinces 'of .Sam
Neua and nearby Phongsaly.
But, as was the case in Vietnam,
the pattern of the war may~begin
to change. once the monsoon sea-
son ends in late October or early
November, and the rebels can put

--I _. . w

d'wua asiuu,

AY i M' C

N1,ame Soop to Coordinating Group


Extension :Service Director- Ev-


erett J. Sonop has been appointed
executive committee °chairman of
the Michigan 'Coordinating Coun-
cil of State College Field Services.
Established by the* Michigan
Council of State College Presi-
dents, the= coordinating council's
goal is =the development of pro-
grams on both regional and state-

tionery,' publicity, publications and ing council, each member institu-
other public identification pur-, tion's. identity and unique func-
poses of the. group; 3) a joint Ii- tions will be retained and respect-
binary and audio-visual facilities. ed under the new program.
and 4) the cooperative, inventory,' Individuials, organizations and
purchase and use. of equipment agencies. approaching the coordin-
and standard supplies. ating council will have the oppor-
According to the statement of tunity to select the member insti-
the, state college presidents ap- tution from which they wish to
, proving plans for the coordinat- request services.



wide bases. a c o e0c 0c 0~c o=> caV
Soop will be joined on the exec-0
utive committee by H. R. Neville, (
,Michigan State .University, vice- 0
chairman; J: D. Marcus, Central Piirn fl ~,~TAfV11£ririr
Michigan University, secretary- 0 TJH " I2'iIAJRiNUJLR Ait1JL H L
treasurer; and members-at-large 0
Claud A. Bosworth, NorthernO
Michigan College and C..R. An-
dsoy. Eatr ihgnUniver- is STUDENT HEADQUATERLfor
The coordinating council has a
already begun work on a simpli- kKNITTINGl~
fled plan for cross-enrollments I E 5 II~(
and transfer of credits in ap- o
proved courses among~znember in- Yarns in all wegtcolor's0
stitutions. wigts
The state college presidents 0tt~j
g1~ave requested the new coordinat- and compositions. Y
.ing council to begin work imie- C'o
diately on plans for: 1) joint00
housing; 2) 'a joint name for the c
physical location, telephone, eta- ~ o . cs ~ se oc.e.~c ~ ca~
1. - -E


swinging into kilts for campus honors plus. imported and domestic wool skirts in bright, bold
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