Gosel Singer Coming
"We're looking for a lot of en-
thusiastic workers to have a lot
of fun working on Homecoming,"
Martha Farnsworth, '60, general
co-chairman of the weekend ex-
plained yesterday.
To find these willing workers
the Homecoming central commit-
tee will hold a mass meeting at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League
Ballroom. The meeting should last
about an hour, Miss Farnsworth
GOSPEL SINGER-Mahalia Jackson, the "world's greatest gospel singer," will perform at Ann Arbor
High School on Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Although born in New Orleans she has substituted for the
"Blues and Jazz" heritage a spiritual intoxication and intensity, refusing to sing in night clubs' and
singing only gospel songs.
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(Continued from Page 4)
Bldg. at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 24.
Participation in debate is open to aill
The University Choirs, School of Mu-
sic, Ensemble No. 49, may be elected
for one hour credit by students in
many schools of the University.
Bach Choir, M. T. Th. Fri., 3:00 p.m.,
Aud. D, Angell Hall (One hour credit).
University Choir, Wed., 7:00 p.m., Aud.
A, Angell Hall (No credit).
Tenors and basses are greatly needed.
Student Organizations. Registration
of student organizations planning to be
active during .the present semester
should be completed on or before Oct.
10. Forms are available in the Office of
Student Affairs, 2011 Student Activities
Bldg. Privileges such as the use of the
Organization Announcement column in
The Michigan Daily, use of meeting
rooms in University buildings, assign-
ment of SAB facilities, etc., are avail-
able to recognized organizations only.
Student organizations registered by
this date will be considered officially
recognized for the current semester.
All Activities and Projects (other
than closed social events) which are to
be presented to the campus or to a
large segment of it are subject to the
approval of Student Government Coun-
cil. Only recognized organizations are
eligible to submit a petition for con-
sideration. Petitions must be submit-
ted at least two weeks before the event
is to take place and publicity may not
be released until approval has been se-
cured. Forms may be secured from the
Administrative Secretary, Student Gov-
ernment Council, Rm. 1538 or 2011 Stu-
dent Activities Bldg. Activities may not
be scheduled for the seven days prior
to the beginning of a final examina-
tion period. 0
Closed Social Events (for members
and invited guests only) sponsored by
student organizations must be regis-
tered in the Office of Student Affairs,
2011 Student Activities Bldg. Forms
are available in the above office. Re-
quests for approval must be submitted
to that office no later than noon of the
T4esday before the event is scheduled.
A list of approved social events will be
published in the Daily Official Bulle-
tin column of The Michigan Daily on
Thursday of each week.
Football Game Open Houses. These
may be held in student residences be-
tween 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. for pre-
game functions and between 5 p.m.
and 7 p.m. for postgame functions. No
registration is necessary.
Academic Notices
Fulbright Awards for University Lec-
turing and Advanced Research have
been announced for 1960-61 for the
following areas: Europe, the Near East,
the Far East, and Africa. Those apply-
ing for lectureships are expected to
have at least one year of college or
university teaching experience. Appli-
cants for research awards *are expected
to have a doctoral degree at the time
of application or recognized standing
in respective professions. Applications
may be obtained from the Conference
Board of Associated Research Councils,
Committee of International Exchange
of Persons, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
Washington 25, D.C. The deadline for
filing an application is Oct. 1, 1959.
Placement Notices
Overseas Teaching Opportunities -
Under the International Educational
Exchange Program of the Dept. of State
grants are provided for teaching in
national or American-sponsored schools
abroad at the elementary, secondary,
or junior college level for one year.
Grants are also available for teachers
of modern foreign languages to parti-
cipate in seminars abroad in the coun-
try whose language they teach and for
teachers of world and modern Euro-
pean history and the classics to study
at the sites of ancient and modern his-
torical events. Applicants must be U.S.
citizens, possess the Bachelor's degree,
and have at least three years of suc-
cessful teaching experience. Applica-
tions and additional information may
be obtained until Oct. 15 from Teacher
Exchange Section, Office of Education,
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Washington 25, D. C. For any
additional information contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Inland Steel Co., Ishpeming, Mich.,
is looking for a Mech. Engr., either re-
cent grad. or alum. of a few years.
Should be in the upper third of class.
Armour Research Foundation, Chica-
go, has need of Electrical Engrs., Physi-
cists and Chemists, Mathematicians,
Chemists and Chemical Engrs., Mech.
Engrs., Metallurgists, and Bacteriolo-
Shakeproof, Div. of Illinois Tool
Works, Elgin, Ill., has need of: Process
Engr., 2 Project Engrs., Chemist-Plat-
ing, and Industrial Engr. .
National Cash Register Co., Dayton,
Ohio, has need of Engrs., Mathemati-
clans, Technical Writer, Scientists, X-
ray Crystalographer. Full details and
list are on file at the Bureau.
Credit Union Nat'l Association, Inc.,
Madison, Wis., desires to employ a
Family Finance Specialist. Must have
high degree of sensitivity to the: prob-
lems of credit union members, etc.
Rome Air Development Center, New
York, has an immediate requirement
for 4 Physiological and Experimental
Psychologists. Masters' degrees through
Ph.D. for the different positions.
Union Starch and Refining Co., Inc.,
Columbus, Ind., is presently seeking
men 25-35 yrs. of age for sales repre-
sentatives positions. Interested in men
with a Chemical or Engrg. background.
Nekoosa Edwards Paper Co., Port Ed-
wards, Wis., has openings for: Research
Chemist, Research Engr., Analytical
Chemist, and Process Engrg.
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc., Md.,
has need of Counselor and Director of
Student Activities. MA in Guidance
and Counseling and adequate experi-
Stromberg-Carlson, Rochester, N.Y.
has openings for: Technical Manager-
ial people, Research Engrg. and Scien-
tists, Design & Development Engrgs.;
Reliability, Value and Standards Engrg.,
Test, Service & Installation Engrs.; Pro-
duction, Inspection & Quality Control
Personnel; Publication and Patent Per-
sonnel, Administrative, Marketing and
Sales Personnel and others.
WHRV, Ann Arbor, has opening for
a Secretary. Involves typing, short-
hand and bookkeeping.
Radio Station in Detroit Area has
three secretarial openings. One position
requires shorthand, the others require
typing and shorthand will be helpful.
-Woman, no degree specified, but much
prefer college grad, with an interest
in radio work.r
Dearborn School System, Mich., is
seeking an, Accountant for School Rec-
ords. Man with B.B.S., preferably with
an accounting major. Must be able to,
type, and acctg. machine exp. is de-
Nat'l Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Md., has need of Electronics Engrs.
Crucible Steel Co. of America, Pitts-
burgh, Pa., has an opening for a Tech-
nical Librarian. Degrees in Library Sci-
ence; min. of three yrs. technical li-
brary exp.; thorough knowledge of
modern methods of data retrieval..
Shillito's, Cincinnati ,Ohio, is seek-
ing a Production Manager for their
kitchen operation, who is college
trained and who has, had at least 5
yrs. exp. A thorough knowledge of the
preparation of foods in quantity is ne-
cessary as well as exp. In planning and,
working within budgets.
Tranter Mfg., Inc., Lansing, Mich.,
has an opening for a Mfg. Engr. in
sheet steel press forming tooling, pro-
duction methods, involving resistance
welding, electric and gas welding oper-
ations. Experience required.
Blaw-Knox Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., has
openings for: Designer, Design Engr.,
Mech. Engr., Technical . Sales Engr.,
Piping Draftsmen, Jr. Mech. Engrg.,
Vessel Draftsman, Electrical Draftsman,
Structural Draftsman, Product Engr.,
and Piping Engr.
Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., has need of TV
Time Salesman, Transmitter and Stu-
dio Engrs., Director, Studio Asst., Film
Editor, Copywriter, Art Director, An-
The State of Michigan announces ex-
aminations for: Law Stenographer, Le-
gal Stenographer Aide, Prison Athletic
Director; and General Clerk. Closing
date for applications is Oct. 7.
Firm in Ann Arbor Area has need of
Jr. Accountant for Mfg. Account group.
Man with BA in Bus. Admin., or Lib-
eral Arts with some acctg. Would pre-
fer an acctg. major, but will consider
someone with some knowledge of as-
counting and general business.
Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air
Brake Co., Evansville, Ind., is in need
of one to three Mechanical Engrs. Also
have need of a top-notch Engr. to fill
a position of Asst. Director of Engrg.
The State of New York announces
examinations in the following fields:
Engrg., Architecture, Specialists in Ed-
ucation, Administration, Statistics, So-
cial Service, and Career and Trainee
The State of Connecticut has job op-
portunities for: Stenographers and
Typists, Librarian, Nurse-Guard, Asst.
Actuary, Clinical Psychologist, Correc-
tion Officer Trainee (Reformatory).
The University of Sydney, Australia,
has invited applications for the Chair
of Electrical Engrg. Call the Bureau of
Appts. for further information.
Ashland, Ohio, Chamber of Com-
merce is in need of a Manager, and is
accepting written applications for the
Toro Mfg. Corp., Minneapolis, Minn.,
is expanding their Engrg. Dept. arid
would like to receive applications from
Engrs. who have experience in metal
working firms. Though Mech., Indus-
trial, or Electrical Engrs. would be
most appropriate, will gladly consider
New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. is
in great need of people who are inter-
ested in sales and have the ability to
deal with business, professional and ex-
ecutive people, for the North Texas
The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls,
N.Y., has openings for a Manager of
Product and Process Development in
Electro-Minerals Division - Chem. or
Met. Engrg. with experience; also for
Mgr. of Research in their Bonded Abra-
sives Division - Ph.D. in Chem., Physi-
cal Chem., Ceramics or allied fields
with experience.
Retail Store in Ann Arbor area has
need of Asst. Mgr. Man, no degree ne-
cessary, but prefer.
U. S. Slicing Machine Co., Inc., La-
Porte, Ind., 'is interested in hiring a
Mech, Engr. to head Engrg. Dept. At
least 3-4 yrs. experience.
Bendix Aviation Corp., Detroit, Mich.,
is seeking candidates for a position on
their Central Engrg. staff. .Person
should have degree in Engrg. followed
by grad work in Business Admin. Few
yrs, of activity in industry is an es-
sential qualification.
Dept. of the Navy, David Taylor Mod-
el Basin, Wash., D. C., has need of
Aero., Civil, Elect. Engrs., Electronic
Scientist, General Engr., Mathemati-
cian, Mech. Engr., Naval Arch., and
For further /information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371/509.
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