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November 12, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-12

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Lives with Aborigines

In his 14 years living among the
natives of New Guinea, Pieter
MerkeliJn has come in contact
with cannibals, headhunters and
young "rock'n roll" enthusiasts.
Commenting on his experiences
among the Papuans, the official
head of the Indigenous Informa-
tion Section of Cultural Affairs in
Hollandia of Netherlands, New
Guinea, said his job is to supply
the people with newspapers, maga-
zines, radio programs and to or-
ganize study groups.
As part of his duties, he has
traveled to the farthest sections
of the island and has worked
among the most primitive people.
Not Frightened
Asked if he had ever been
threatened by Papuans, he noted
he was "more scared in San Fran-
cisco when I was trying to save
myself from traffic than I have,
ever been among the headhunt-
He explained that the natives'
reaction depends on the way in
which they are approached. Al-
though he has had some hazard-
ous experiences such as crossing
a canyon on a swinging rattan
bridge, he has never actually been
afraid of attack.
Merkelijn, who graduated from
Leiden University in the Nether-
lands in 1945, was a district officer
In New Guinea while American
forces still occupied the territory.
During this period Hollandia, the
capital, was General Douglas Mac-
Arthur's headquarters.
Americans Popular,.
"Americans are very popular
with the Papuans," he said. "It is
unusual to see a Papuan without a
United States Army machete."

During his first years as a dis-
tri officer, conditions were very
primitive. Ships from the Nether-
lands would sometimes be delayed
for six weeks, forcing the officials
to use native food and supplies.
Asked if the Papuans exhibit
any resentment toward Holland,
he said that, on the contrary, they
are sometimes too dependent on
their mother country.
Papuans Content
He added that the Papuans are
very content with the aid they
have been given from "the big
Santa Claus," but are "too little
conscious that they should be

more responsible for their own
New Guinea's most serious prob-
lems are medical, especially in the
prevention and treatment of ma-
laria. More than 30 per cent of all
infant mortality is a result of the
disease. Even those who recover
from the disease are severely
weakened and have very little
To combat the disease, teams of
doctors travelled all over the is-
land spraying all houses with DDT
and giving the people a regular
distribution of the newest drugs
to fight the disease.
Trek Through Jungles
"Sometimes they have to trek
miles through the jungle to vil-
lages of only 60 people who may
live in trees and be naked," he
said, adding that he usually ac-
companied the medical teams to
explain the medical procedures.
In the recent campaign against
malaria, they used Walt Disney's
film "Public Enemy Number One"
in the native language. As a re-
sult of such measures, 97 per cent
of the population was innoculated.
He continued that the Papuans
are primarily a nomadic people, al-
though some have begun to make
use of more advanced methods for
raising cash crops.
In the more primitive tribes
head hunting is part of the re-
ligious and social system. As an
example, he noted that in certain
tribes a young man courting a
young woman must pay her' par-
ents a bride's price -- a human
He also noted that one. of the
severest Papuan problems is un-

A dvocate
NEW DELHI VP) - Parading
students yesterday demanded the
ouster of Defense Minister V. K.
Krishna Menon, accusing him of
a "brazen-faced defense of Chi-
nese aggression in Tibet."
Menon, a controversial figure
because of his leftist tendencies
and his views on Red China, has
been attacked in the Indian press
since the Chinese Communists be-
gan encroaching on what India
regards as its Himalayan frontier.
The demonstration ended with
300 shouting students leaving for
Prime Minister Nehru a memor-
andum saying Menon has forfeit-
ed "the confidence of the people
in his patriotism." It added:
"Menon's brazen-faced defense
of Chinese aggression in Tibet,
which hasebeen the root cause of
our present troubles, and his per-
sistent advocacy of China's cause
inside and outside the United Na-
tions, to the annoyance of all
well-wishers of India, has made it
clear he is unfit to represent In-
dia in any international forum,
much less lead its armed. forces."
Nehru is away on a tour. He al-
ways has staunchly defended his
Defense Minister.
The demonstration had been
planned as a greeting to Menon
on his return from New York
where he fought a United Nations
resolution condemning the sup-
pression of the Tibetan revolt last
March. He also vainly championed
Red China's admission to the
United Nations.
The gaunt, wavy-haired Menon
tarried in London, however, and
is not due to arrive until today.
The student leaders said they will
greet him at the airport with slo-
gans calling for his resignation.
Menon, long Nehru's most inti-
mate adviser on foreign affairs,
refused to comment in London on
the demonstration.,
Concerning the border dispute
with Red China, Menon said, "The
best thing we can do is negotiate.
We will not make an issue of the
border clashes but we will defend
our territory. Although we do not
shout strong words, we will not be
He would not say what he
thought of the latest proposals of
Premier Chou En-Lai of Red
China to try to settle the border
Thisreticence jibed with that
of Nehru who plans to end his
present tour of India this week-
end before answering' Chou.
India, meanwhile, sent a note to
Peiping asking when and where
10 Indian policemen and the
bodies of nine killed in the clash
Oct. 21 at Ladakh in Kashmir will
be returned.

Ike Recalls Investigators,



Congressman Supports Steel Magn

A United States Congressman
supported management's side in
the recent steel strike at the Sons
and Daughters of the American
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Generalissi-
mo Francisco Franco of Spain and
President Habib Bourguiba of Tu-
nisia were added yesterday to the
list of national leaders Pres.
Dwight D. Eisenhower will con-
fer with during his travels next
* . ,
B RU S S E L S -"Belgian para-
troops were rushed yesterday from
their Congo bases to Ruanda-
Urundi, Africa, where savage in-
tertribal warfare by official count
has already left 200 dead since
fighting broke out last week.
* * *
DETROIT - General Motors,
which has facilities to build al-
most 2,000 cars per hour, stopped
auto production yesterday because
it hasn't enough finished steel to
build even one more complete car.
. * *..
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Labor James P. Mitchell yesterday
ate a cake hat on the Labor De-
partment's front steps.
The symbolic penalty was paid
because Mitchell last spring fore-
cast employment improvements
that didn't quite pan out this fall.
Mitchell said he would have won
if it hadn't been for the long steel

Revolution dinner Tuesday in the
Rep. Alvin Bentley (R-Mich.),
e x p 1 a i n e d that management's
stand on wage increases and
changes in work rules was prompt-
ed by fear of inflation.
Bentley said management is
afraid of inflation because it sees
an increasing threat from foreign
competition. He said inflation
means rising prices in steel, thus
enabling foreign competitors with:
cheaper wage conditions to under-
sell American producers.
Sees Labor Threat
Besides threatening steel pro-
ducers, he saw this decrease in the
foreign market as a definite threat
to labor. The large percentage of
workers who produce steel that is
exported would lose their jobs if
these markets were lost, Bentley
To show the increased foreign
competition, Bentley gave statis-
tics showing that two years ago
steel exports were four times more
than imports, while at present,
imports are 83 per cent more than
Importing more than we export
affects the value of our dollar, he
continued, adding that the ex-
change value of our money with
foreign currency would decrease
and that much of our gold re-
serves would be lost.
At present, Bentley said, much'
of the gold reserves at Fort Knox
actually belong to foreigners. They
only remain in this country be-
cause of the higher interest rate
in the United States.
If they were removed, Bentley
added, our resources would be de-
pleted below the legal limit.
Bentley proposed three methods
to improve the dollar. First, the
United States should demand re-

... works with Papuans

OSU Looks at Housing Bias

* . . backs manag
ciprocal trade agreeme
ery lowering of their
Second, the United
should cut down on t
aid, and our Western a
take up the slack. B
this country should d
in foreign aid from Gr
France and West Geri
that they have recover
Deplores Fund
Third, Bentley deplo
of United States loa
purchase from otherz
advocated having strin
to our loans to requir
from American produc
Speaking on United
eign policy, Bentley ter
cessful if we do not ha
problems year after ye
sult he said that we ha
successful in Berlin an

Seek To Halt
tes Resumption
Of Walkout
Eisenhower Wants
Quick Settlement
WASHINGTON (') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, trying to
.'head off renewal of the crippling
steel strike this winter, recalled
his fact finders yesterday and or-
dered them to help find a peace
Announcing the action, White
House Press Secretary James C.
Hagerty said Eisenhower "trusts
that both sides will recognize their
responsibilities to the United
States and will continue negotia-
tions and reach a settlement as
? n soon as possible."
gTLEY The three-man fact finding
ement panel was instructed tocooperate
with the Federal Mediation Serv-
ents for ev- ice. It appeared they would get
own trade going on their task in about two
d S t a t e s The President took the step as
heir foreign steel mills gradually returned to
allies should normal under an 80-day truce or-
entley said dered by the Federal courts. More
emand help than half of the 500,000 steel
reat Britain, workers were back at work under
rmahy, now a Taft-Hartley Law injunction.
ed from the The rest were expected on the job
by the weekend.
Use Secretary of Labor James P.
Dred the use Mitchell said all America expects
n funds to the Steelworkers Union and the
nations. He steel producers to settle their dif-
igs attached ferences and sign a contract with-
e purchases out a renewed strike in January.
ers. Until stopped by court order last
States for- Saturday, the strike had lasted
rmed it suc- 116 days.
ye the same A F L - C I 0 President George
ar. As a re- Meany urged his federation's 131/z
ave not been million members to keep up con-
ed Formosa. tributions to support the steel
workers "until the hour the strike
is settled."
The union's 40-man executive
board and its 171-member wage
policy committee prepared to
meet today in New York. Union
President David J. McDonald, in
calling the meetings, said Mon-
day the purpose was to give the
union's top policy makers a situa-
tiT1 report.
In reconvening his fact-finding
3 panel, Eisenhower followed proce-
dure set forth under the Taft-
Hartley Law.

COLUMBUS - The problem of
discrimination in Ohio State Uni-
versity housing currently being
studied by the Council on Student
Affairs is eliciting a great response
from members of the faculty.
Sixty-nine faculty members, in-
cluding all the members of the
political science department, have
signed letters protesting racial and
religious discrimination by land-
lords, although no satisfactory
preventive has yet been found.
accused the University of Califor-
nia branch here of practicing dis-
crimination in university housing.
Citing "numerous complaints,"
the ITAACP said that students had
received eviction notices for in-
viting Negro students to share
their apartments. A meeting be-
tween the Dean of Students and
the administration has established
the need for a specific statement
on the problem and for definite
action against offending landlords.
BERKELEY-The student coun-
cil has, voted to strengthen its
control over campus athletic pol-,
A sub-committee recommended
that the athletic program remain
under strong student control for
financial reasons, as well as to
maintain council prestige and
voice in policy-making decisions.
dent poll has revealed that "an
overwhelming -majority of lower
division men students are opposed
to compulsory ROTC."
After Gov. G. Pat Brown of
California came out last week
against the program, the poll re-
sults were issued, indicating that
most students did not intend to
continue with voluntary ROTC
and that almost all seriously
doubted the necessity of compul-
sory training.
* 0 *
LOS ANGELES-A new non-
discriminatinon policy adopted by
the administration in regard to
student organizations has been
unanimously endorsed by the
UCLA Inter-Fraternity Council.
The vote was the first formal
expression of council feeling to-
ward the policy, and it committed
the organization to complete sup-
port of the University non-dis-
crimination policy. Starting Jan.
1, offending fraternities will lose
charters, university recognition
and privileges.

NEW YORK - The Columbia
engineering school, in accepting a'
group of freshmen, has reversed
long-established tradition.
Only students with several years
of collegiate experience have been
admitted to engineering school
until this year. The admission of
freshmen now inaugurates an un-
dergraduate program in what was
formerly a purely professional
s S s
CHICAGO-Roosevelt University
students will soon be able to tour
Europe and Russia for a summer
and receive college credit.
The trip will cover parts of
Europe and many of the major
cities in Russia, and credit will be
given as for a three semester-hour
* s. *
ITHACA-The Cornell Univer-
sity Arts College faculty recently
endorsed a statement expanding
the school honors program.
In a broad outline of goals, the
idea of sophomore seminars was
introduced, and the issuing of
more advanced credits, and in-
creased special course opportuni-
ties were suggested to encourage
and challenge superior students,
Although effective basically on a
department level, the general sug-
gestion encourages an expansion
of opportunities for advanced stu-
dents in all departments.
Ph.D., M.S., B.S.
Our announcement to ap-
pear in this paper November
14 and 15 may well affect
your future professional ca-
reer. Watch for it!
Electronic Equipments Div.
Beverly Hills, California

MINNEAPOLIS-A new all-stu-
dent association has formed on
the Minnesota campus.
The organization will fill its last
remaining seats within a month,
when it will begin formal opera-
tions. Its new president hopes to
promote all-university unity and
to promote a Cuban exchange as
an international relations service
to the campus.
BLOOMINGTON - At the sug-
gestion of the student association
president, the Indiana University
Faculty Council has suspended the
non-cut penalty rule for skipping
classes the day before and after
a vacation.
Effective this Thanksgiving, this
rule abolishes the former practice
of subtracting one half hour credit
for students cutting classes for va-




Second Front Page

November 12, 1959



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