Seventieth Year
Truth Will Preval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. fANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"You Mean There's No Other Way To Keep Them
From Going Communist?"
The Cult of the Individual
And Its Implications
"ABOaUT 80 per cent of the student body dent activities will eventually wither away.
wants to be fed, housed and left alone." Such a prospect would raise a rousing cheer
has become a common comment around the from any and all of the "non" group.
University. This is basically descriptive of the The question is, however: what will replace
attitude of the other 20 per cent and those the groups that die? Unmixed individualism
who try to help them. It is a startling state- won't help; there aren't that many true indi-
ment, and very possibly a true one. vidualists among the "nons," or anywhere else,
Especially in the past few years, a kind of The old standard of active conformity may be
sweeping lethargy has become practically the replaced by a new, totally non-creative con-
sole unifying force among the students of the formity.
University. Signs of this have begun to appear already.
Not even the roaring radicalism of the thir- The quantity and quality of people in student
ties, or the desperate involvement in studies activities has progressively declined recently,
and life prevalent in the mostly-female cam- according to many people, including those pres-
puses of the early forties ever approached the ently in the activities. It has become fashion-
possible magnitude of Apathy Movement. To- able to sneer at anyone interested in anything
day, it is vulgar to care about anything. that cannot be done by two or fewer people in
If there is anything left to care about it is a small room.
the self; each individual is and should be con- The only large-group activity condoned is
cerned largely, indeed primarily, with himself, concert- or theater-going, in which the typical
according to the new philosophy.- 'non," who does dig music and art and such,
The cult of the individual has taken over so goes off into an utterly private reverie, and is
completely that the idea of one's group has liable to snap at anyone who attempts to in-
been lost. This would not be bad, except that terfere with it.
the majority of students have not replaced This kind of mass individualism can be con-
their group or activity with dynamic individ- structive as far as particular persons are con-
ualism, but rather with dynamic lethargy. cerned, but when applied to a large University
Today's student activities are many and group it can be next to disastrous.
curious: a glorification of the personal, espe- The first people who broke off from the ac-
cially of the Personal Problem, and a depreca- tivity conformity which used to exist in the
tion of anything that concerns groups, with hey-day of the hip-flask and the frat man
the possible exception of the group you drink were pioneers, individuals willing to strike off
with. All this is aimed toward the proud dis- on their own and develop their ideas and tastes
tinction of being able to say, "Look at me, I'm on a personal level and according to sometimes
nobody." esoteric tastes.
It has gotten to the point where even the
fraternity groups are pseudo-apologetic. "Well, BUT WHEN esotericism becomes the vogue,
I just joined to have a good place to live and the personal quality becomes corrupt. The
a couple of decent meals," is a common dis- "Bohs" have had their day; the "nons" may
claimer of the joiner. Which takes us right now take over. As a large group they cannot
back to the students' general attitudes. The be effective, at least not on a University cam-
only really important things to want today are pus.
food, housing, and being left alone. Involvement is essential to all education. It
Despite their anti-group attitude, the jug- is vital to care, and to care deeply about the
of-wine-loaf-of-bread-and-me people can be people and the groups of people around you.
lumped into a group of their own. Since it Individuals who subordinate people to things
would be unfair to inflict any specifically posi- can get along as long as they are in the dis-
tive qualities on them, it is best to describe tinct minority, and as long as there are other
them simply as.the 'nons." people who care enough about them to take
This group has always existed, to a certain care of the society in which they live.
extent, on any large university campus. But But if the "nons" take over, scornfully leav-
recently there have been signs that its mem- ing society to the working "trolls," society will
bership Is increasing. More and more one finds be in pretty bad shape. No one wants to be a
people not damning groups like SGC, but simply troll.
denying their existence. They do not vote for It is ridiculous to advocate a return to school
SGC; they do not vote in national elections. In spirit. It couldn't happen in today's society.
a choice between any number of the "trolls," as But it is necessary that the individual's sense
they consider virtually anyone but themselves, of values does not become utterly warped, that
they would rather not vote at all. he does not begin to equate any group action
If this attitude prevails - and it seems that with heinous conformity.
it may - there will be repercussions. On the There are even individuals in activities.
University campus, it will mean that all stu- -FAITH WEINSTEIN
MSU Too Severe.
Pro Musica Concert
'Success' at Rackham
THE EVENING started with Maynard Klein saying, "The University
Choir rehearsal will be let out at 8:16 p.m., since there will be some
fine singing on campus tonight."
As usual, Mr. Klein. was right. The Choir was let out early enough
for it to join the capacity audience at Rackham Auditorium last night,
to hear the world-famous New York Pro Musica Antiqua.
1 ;
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SL.Lois Pcst.Disoatb
It is always a rarity to hear
played on the instruments for whicl
satility of each member of the Pr(
the variety of music and instru-
mentation for which the ensemble
is known.
THE CONCERT began with a
performance of four English mad-
rigals, one of which was by Thom-
as Morley (1557-1603). Morley
was a friend of Shakespeare and
wrote a great deal of music for
his plays. He is also the author of
"Plaine and Easie Instroduction
to Practicall Music (1597)," which
is still a great source of composi-
tion technique and general decor
of the times.
As was done throughout the
concert, the Pro Musica used the
original voicing, having Robert
White, the counter tenor sing
what we know today as the alto
These four madrigals were f 1-
lowed by a series ,of Elizabethan
Ayres, which quite completely re-
vealed the "subtle" Renaissance
humor. "When Prom My Love,"
written by John Bartlett and sung
by Charles Bressler (tenor) was
the most warmly received of this
THE PRO Musica then showed
us the ecclesiastical side of the
Renaissance by performing sacred
music of this period. This marked
the end of the first half of the
concert, but not before the audi-
ence brought the ensemble back
to repeat the last piece in this
group, "Pasallite," by Michael
Praetorius, using bells to simu-
late thoseuwhich would have been
in the church.
The second half of the concert
was opened by the singing of four
early Baroque cantatas by Hein-
rich Schutz, a composer who wrote
all vocal music believing that mu-
sic was to be used as a medium in
order to make words more mean-
THE CONCERT closed with a
performance of four Renaissance,
part songs by Hans Leo Hassler.
At the close of these compositions,
the Pro Musica was brought back
twice, doing "About the Maypole,"
by Morley and "Rui-Rui," an
anonymous Spanish song which
was probably requested by mem-
bers of the University's Tudor
Singers, who are presently re-
hearsing the work for concert use.
The concert was probably the
most successful of the school year.
When "Uncle Maynard" lets the
University Choir out early, there
must be a good reason for it, and
last night was no exception.
--Felix Pappalardi
Renaissance and Baroque music
h it was originally written. The ver-
'o Musica is. mainly responsible for
Hecht Fails
In 'Spectre'
are reputedly a snide bunch
who have never seen a good movie.
Although I like to disprove this
theory whenever possible, I never-
theless stand prepared to add my
little bit of fuel to the fire of pop-
ular opinion. I've seen "The
Spectre of the Rose" and it is not
a good movie -- a statement the
restraint of which leaves me shiv-
"Spectre" was made in the late
thirties or early forties and was
produced, written and directed by
Mr. Ben Hecht, who is quite a
spectre in his own right. It is not,
therefore, difficult to find the cul-
prit, though any attempt to in-
dict him for the right crime is
sheer folly. He commits so many
with equal finesse.
However, the one that earns
him his bread and butter is rhe-
torical pomp with little or no cir-
cumstance, and it is therefore only
reasonable to expect the frequent
intrusion of Mr. Hecht's sardonic
non-sequitors and embarrassing-
ly forced epigrams.
* * *
THE PICTURE attempts to strip
the ballet world of its glamorous
tights, but despite his iconoclastic
quips, Mr. Hecht perpetuates,
rather than destroys, certain
myths, or cliches.
Thus, Madame La Sylph (Ju-
dith Anderson) is a middle-aged,
disillusioned ex-prima donna; Mr.
Polikoff is a middle-aged artistic
failure with acarnation ever in
his grubby lapel; Andre is a great,
if unstable, dancer who bumped
off his wife, and Heidi (yes, Heidi)
is the aspiring ballerina whose
love for Andre knows no bounds.
ANDRE IS an artist and by this
time we're all aware that artists
are inevitably mad. Andre is no
different - even if his real name
is Paul and he happens to come
from Indiana. It is, and he does.
In short, "Spectre" attempts
to achieve the third dimension
unaided by the other two, a task
that any self-respecting spectre
wouldn't be caught dead doing,
-Jim L. Forsht
v I
FRrblock is away due to lness
Schmidt's "The IN and OUT
Book" (Viking Press, 1959, $1.95)
will probably be widely imitated.
In fact, the copycats got down to
work no sooner than the first ex-
cerpts of the work appeared in Es-
quire magazine. Russell Lynes
(listed on page 43 of the book as
an OUT person) contributes an
introduction saying that though
we do the best we can to better
the life of our fellow man, we are,
frankly, proud of our prejudices,
and really do want a few people to
be IN and lots of others to be OUT.
The book puts forth several ma-
jor theses: that there are two
kinds of people and things - IN
and OUT. OUT people can never
get to be IN but they can ruin a
lot of good IN things (e.g., Van
Gogh and Lautrec). IN people can
get to be OUT by messing up.
To really get the swing of this
madness, it must be remembered
that (1) "People who work at be-
ing IN are automatically OUT,"
(2) OUT people who are sincere
OUT people are automatically IN,"
(3) "IN people are not prejudiced
against OUT people; they treat
them with a kindly deference, but
OUT people trying to be IN are
very prejudiced against just plain
vanilla OUT people."
e *C *}
WITH THESE points in mind,
we may abandon the text of Mssrs.
Benton and Schmidt for the mo-
ment and list, with regard to cam-
pus life, some INs and OUTs of
our own. For instance . .
Going to Saturday football
games is OUT unless you come in
after halftime. Selling your tickets
and listening to the game on radio
or watching it on TV is IN - if
you have the right attitude.
Engineers who wear slide rules
on their belts are OUT. So are
language students who obsessive-
ly interject foreign expressions
into conversations.
Going to the P-Bell on your 21st
birthday is OUT. Staying home
and drinking coffee is very IN.
Eating the "student special" at
the Union is IN, but talking about
it is OUT.
BROWSING at 8 in the morning
in the Undergraduate Library is
IN. Studying there at 10 at night
is OUT, though if it's in the Coffee
Room downstairs you might be IN.
The School of Education is IN.
So is graduate work in Business
Administration or Natural Re-
Attending classes, doing home-
work and striving toward a four-
point average is way IN. Being on
probation is, of course, OUT.
Having your parents up for
Homecoming is IN. In fact, being
in good with your parents is very
Getting an A on an exam is a
natural IN. Not talking about it is
* * *
NOT HAVING school spirit is
Not belonging to a campus or-
ganization is OUT,,.and boasting
of it is OSTRACISM.
Running for SGC is IN, especial-
ly if you win.
Having 8 o'clock classes is auto-
matically IN, though going to
them can be either IN or OUT, de-
pending on the course.
"The IN and OUT Book" also
informs us that a thin can be
either IN or OUT for three rea-
sons: (1) "Because it is so classic
and great" - such as Mary Mark-
ley, (2) "Because it is so obscure"
-such as the Kelsey Museum's
Egyptian collection, (3) "Because
it is so OUT even the OUT people
won't touch it" - such as J-Hop.
NIow, for those who still don't
IT HAS BEEN pretty much accepted that
hazing practices must be eliminated. Advo-
cates of this goal can be found on most
campuses including Michigan State University,
and this University. However, opinions differ
widely as to how to eliminate hazing, as can
be seen in comments about MSU's withdrawal
of recognition from the Zeta Beta Tau frater-
nity chapter. Comments that the action was too
drastic and impulsive have been heard. Thus
th'e question has never been whether ZBT
should be punished, but how.
Claims have been made that MSU's severity
was prompted more by the newspaper publicity
of the hazing incident than by a sincere desire
to reform ZBT and prevent this kind of stunt
from ever occurring again.
Nevertheless, in defense of MSU it must be
said that the taking of a strong action now
may prevent their ever having to take action
again. Fraternities, like most groups, will
normally break rules because of four reasons:
1) They don't think they will be caught, 2)
They misunderstand the interpretation of the
rules, 3) They misunderstand what the en-
forcement of the rules is and 4) They are
ignorant of them.
IT IS POSSIBLE that ZBT did not think they
would be caught, but this can not be con-
sidered, as no punishment will prevent rule
breakings as long as the group thinks it won't
be punished.
The second possibility may also be dismissed
in, this case as the Michigan State IFC con-
stitution definitely bans this 'kind of hazing.
In addition, because Sanford Klein, ZBT presi-
dent said he would have stopped the hazing
if he had known ahead of time, it is clear that
a misinterpretation of the rules is in question.
This fact also precludes the fourth possibility.
It therefore appears quite likely that ZBT
men took the pledges for a ride because they
were not aware how MSU would enforce this
hazing ban. As a result MSU's action may be
lauded as a very definite effort to prove that
the ban will be enforced, thus insuring that
ZBT's mistake will not occur again.
However, one can't help wondering if MSU's
point could have been made just as well by
imposing a less severe and possibly more con-
structive a punishment. Perhaps a lesser pun-
ishment such as suspension or even social pro-
bation with the denial of rushing and pledging
privileges would have had just as much pre-
ventive force.
In addition a less severe penalty would have
recognized that the whole fraternity had not
been involved in the act.
know where they stand, we offer
(ignoring the fact that "the edi-
torial 'we' has been and always
will be OUT") a definitive batch of
classic OUT things.. ..
* , ,
REFEIRING to Ann Arbor as
A.A.; wearing a crew-neck sweater
to conceal an un-ironed shirt or
blouse; complaining about dormi-
tory food; buying a new pair of
jeans and washing them every
night to make them look worn;
sitting around the Union drinking
frosted shakes; Club 600; putting
off homework to sit up all night
discussing "how grim life is" with
your roommate; mentioning the
Arboretum; saying "Let them hold
up my grades and see if I care!";
being anti-fraternity or anti-sor-
ority on general principles; feel-
ing confident that you can ana-
lyze yourself and all your friends
after taking one Psych course;
the term BEATNIK.
The rate of turnover being so
elephantine, there can never be
any "classic" IN things or people.
Currently, however, the most IN
things are: shiny blue-serge suits
worn with dark shirts and loud,
handpainted neckties; freckles;
Schwinn bikes; Sanskrit honors;
The Slab; Soupy Sales; print
dresses; the Michigan Technic;
Robert G. Youmo; c o l l e g i a t e
hockey; rooming in co-ops but not
boarding in them; Generation
magazine; "For 2c Plain;" 1939
Luscombe aeroplanes; whistling
the theme music from "La Stra-
da;" being 21 or over, and green
bookbags (OUT people trying to
be IN wouldn't be caught dead
with one). Oh yes, Wednesday aft-
ernoon teas at the President's
home are so far OUT they're IN.
Incidentally, anyone who really
digs this column is automatically
to the
To the Editor:
WITH reference to your first-
.page feature "A Student Once
Lived Near Bardot" (The Michi-
gan Daily, Oct. 25, 1959):
I have been living under one
roof with Esther Williams for one
whole week*. I wonder whether
anybody has found my stolen bike.
K. Ben, Grad.
*On a French liner, traveling from
LeHavre to N.Y.C.
Underage! * ,
To The Editor:
MARKLEY dorm has once again
acted above and beyond the
call of duty. Realizing full well the
University's regulations regarding
alcoholic beverages, the carefully
trained cafeteria staff served apple
cider for dinner on November 6
that was fermented! This con-
sensus of opinion of a remarkably
Greatest Pledge Prank~
(Continued from Page 3)
who expect to take the preliminary ex-
aminations this fall are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634
Haven Hall. The examinations will be
given as follows: English Literature,
1550-1660, Tues., Nov. 17; English and
American Literature, 1660-1790, Sat.,
Nov. 21; 1790-1870, Tues., Nov. 24; and
1870-1950, Sat., Nov. 28. The first three
examinations will be given in the
School of Business Administration Bldg.
In Rm. 121, and the fourth examination
will be given in Mason Hall, Room 429,
from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and- the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due Fri., Nov.
13, for those students whose standing.
at midsemester is D or E.
The green report cards for freshmen
and sophomores should be sent to the
Counselors Office for Freshmen and
Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall; white re-
port cards for juniors and seniors to
the Counselors Office for Juniors and
Seniors, 1223 Angell Hall.
Students not registered in this college
but who elected LS&A courses should
be reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Summer Senior Faculty Research Fel-
lowships: A new program of summer
faculty research fellowships has been
established by the Graduate School for
faculty members of the rank of pro-
fessor or associate professor. Applica-
tion forms may be secured in Em. 118,
Rackham Bldg. The deadline for sub-
mission of applications is Fri., Nov. 20.
International Student and Family Ex-
change, Rm. 528, Student Activities
Bldg., Thurs., 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and
evenings by appointment. Call Mrs.
Jack Trombka, NO 5-6662.
Today at 4:10 p.m. the Dept. of
Speech wil' present an admission-free
performance of "Rosencranz and Guild-
enstern" by W. S. Gilbert. The play
will be performed in Trueblood Aud.,
Frieze Bldg.
Opera Tickets: Mail orders for tickets
to "Don Pasquale," the operatic jewel
by Donizetti, are now being accepted.
The opera will be presented Thurs.,
through Sat., Nov. 19-21, in the True-
blood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Tickets are
$1.00, general admission unreserved
seating. Checks payable to Play Pro-
duction. Mail orders to: Playbill, Lydia
Mdendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor.
T *W F%#&4A
and Fruition - Law and Processes of
Social Change in United States His-
tory," by Prof. James Willard Hurst.
University of Wisconsin, on Thurs.,
Nov. 12 at 4:15 p.m. in Em. 100 Hutch-
ins-Hall, Law Quad.
Thomas M. Cooley Lecture on "200
Years of Lawyers - Law and Processes
of Social Change in United )States His-
tory," by Prof. James Willard Hurst,
University of Wisconsin, on Fri., Nov.
12 at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 100, Hutchins
Hall, Law Quad.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Thurs., Nov. 12, at 4:00 p.m.
in Em. 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. Donald
Jones will continue his discussion of
Chapter 4 of Fraser's Methods in ,Ion-
parametric Statistics.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
M. Shirazi will speak on "Uniqueness
of the Solution of a 1-dimensional Un-
steady, Hyperbolic Flow Problem,"
Thurs., Nov. 12, at 4:00 p.m. in Em.
246 W. Engineering. Refreshments will
be served in Em. 274 W. Engrg at 3:30.
Space Astrophysics seminar: Dr. J. H.
Oort of the Leiden Observatory, the
Netherlands will speak on "Hydrogen
Gas in the Center of the Galactic Sys-
tem," on Fri., Nov. 13 at 4:15 p.m. In
Aud. A.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Raymond
B. Cattell, Laboratory of Personality As-
sessment and Group Behavior, Urbana,
1Il. "Crucial Research Developments in
the Dynamic Calculus," Fri., Nov. 13,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B. Coffee will be served
in 3417 Mason Hall from 3:45 to 4:15
Everyone welcome.
Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Not.
14, 2 p.m., the McMath-Hulbert Obser-
vatory, Pontiac, Mich. Dr. Helen Dod.
son Prince will speak on "Optical Stu-
dies of Three Great Flares,". and Dr.
Orren C. Mohler on "Solar Chromo-
spheric Activity."
MORE MORE MORE ........ ...,.
Placement Notices
Bay City Junior College, Bay City,
Mich., has an immediate opening for
teacher of university parallel first and
second year accounting courses plus
terminal accounting courses. MA pre-
ferred or BA plus considerable work
toward MA. Temporary or permanent
appointment, man or woman. Must hire
before Thanksgiving. If interested tele
phone Dean Bradner collect.
Why Not Egypt?
Associated Press News Analyst
THE OMISSION of Cairo from President
Eisenhower's goodwill itinerary becomes
more noticeable with the addition of Spain
and Tunisia.
The President's stops now include France,
Spain, Morocco, Tunisia (aboard ship), Italy,
Greece, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India and
The skipping of Cairo comes just at a time
actually intervened against Communist activity
in Iraq some months ago.
Khrushchev is now quoted as saying that the
time is not ripe for the emergence of Com-
munism in the Arab countries.
LL THIS comes after a period when Nasser
suspected Khrushchev might pull the rug
out from under him through Communist poli-
tical activity and reductions in economic aid.
Fear of a Communist coup in Iraq had been
revived after the attempt to assassinate Presi-
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