Seventieth Year
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
AY, NOVEMBER 10, 1959
Television Scandals:
What Is the Real Problem?
AN UNBELIEVABLY great furor has been
created over the fixing of TV quiz shows.
"The public has been cheated," cry out the in-
dignant House investigators. The press lashes
bitterly and without mercy at the network, the
producers, and the contestants. Not since the
death of Valentino has the nation been thrown
into such a complete uproar.
But hasn't all this gotten a bit out of pro-
portion to its importance? Nobody will attempt
to condone the deceitful motives of those who
were involved in the rigging. In fact, for the
nation not to react would have been disastrous-
ly apathetic. However, who would have
dreamed that this dishonest but perfectly legal
"fixing" wold have provoked such significant
national and political attention.
AT A TIME when we are vexed by the most
critical steel strike in history, when our
national economy is threatened, and when our
'oreign problems are becoming graver, are we
reading and thinking about these grave mat-
ters that profoundly affect us? No! We're mere-
ly enraged at Mr. Van Doren's crime.
Not that the public's being cheated by tele-
vision producers is not an important matter, it
indeniably is. But it is not just the quiz shows.
The same public that is so angry about these
lishonest shows, every week intently watches
"Shock Theatre," "Murder at Midnight," "Bat
Masterson," and the wrestling matches. These
are just a few of the many shows that really
are cheating the public.
SGC Eleetii
CHANGE is always curious, often amusing,
occasionally worthwhile. A preposterous
statement, but one not easy to argue, since it is
o ill-defined. But perhaps a few examples will
illustrate minor points.
The University of Michigan campus is the
scene of what was probably the first college
ilection without any of the usual fanfare:
posters, handbills, skywriting. According to
hose responsible, this represents an effort to
egislate intelligent voting habits into being.
f students must vote according to candidates'
>latforms, instead of gaudy posters, it is
laimed, then they will vote from high-minded
>rinciples rather than from any artistic appre-
iation of electioneering skill.
ATTEMPTS of this sort seem doomed to fail-
ure, just as any attempt to push people into
habits which theoretically seem to be sound are
[ SO-CAIZLED "adult westerns," the mys-
tery programs, and feature films get away,
unimpugned, with presenting the cheapest and
corniest drama possible. The public must watch
programs such as these, because nothing else is
offered. The greatest technological medium for
education and culture yet invented is being
polluted beyond salvation by bigger frauds than
Charlie Van Doren.
Why hasn't a legislative committee been set
up to investigate this problem? Maybe because
no investigation is needed. The shows are so
obviously pitiful, that most everyone is quite
aware of how corrupted the situation is. It
continues mainly because the shows are psy-
chologically capable at least of maintaining a
certain superficial interest; enough so that
people will listen through the sponsor's com-
mercials - which are the most important, well
planned part of the show! - but not so much
as to overshadow them. Since there is no choice
really, the public listens to the best of the worst
Thus the cause boils down once again to noth-
ing more than the producer's greed for money.
The quiz shows have been crushed under the
weight of national reaction,. while the big of-
fenders have been floating by safely on the
waves of public apathy. Why doesn't some of
this energy, heretofore concentrated merely on
blasting the quiz shows, be rechanneled into
criticizing the real culprits and solving the real
"... A Thick, Poisonous Blanket of Oxygen
And Strontium 90 Utterly Precludes The
Possibility Of Life On This Particular Planet"
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Clark Gable Sparks
But Not for Me'
ALTHOUGH the Perlberg-Sea-
ton production of "But Not
For Me" is reminiscent of the by-
gone era of trifling screen come-
dies, there is still sufficient fresh-
ness and buoyancy to make this
particular piece a welcome addi-
tion to the current season. While
the current tenant at the Michi-
gan is not as sparkling as its pred-
ecessor, "Pillow Talk," there are
still enough rib-tickling situations
and highly diverting sequences to
-keep its audiences very much con-
Clark Gable is appropriately
enough cast as a theatrical en-
trepreneur with an abundant of
savior faire. Not only is this gen-
tleman reluctant to admit to his
56 years, but he is even more hesi-
tant to act accordingly.
Of course, Mr. Gable plays this
role to the hilt, making it most
pleasant to welcome this extreme-
ly popular personality back after
his year and a half hiatus. But
what is probably the most refresh-
ing aspect of his performance is
seeing Mr. Gable finally admitting
to his age and taking some good
natured ribbing about it.
AND THERE to administer the
ribbing are two very skilled and
charming comediennes. Lilli Pal-
mer, who hasn't appeared in an
American film in far too long a
time, makes a triumphant return
as Mr. Gable's "gay" divorcee who
would be considerably happier if
she were still attached. Her line
delivery is excellent and her per-
formance often suggests a depth of
character not apparent in the
John Michael Hayes screenplay.
Lending Miss' Palmer expert
support is Carroll Baker. She is
thoroughly delightful as the,
youthful secretary who falls hope-
lessly in love with Mr. Gable, only
to end up walking away with a
gentleman half Mr. Gable's age.
Lee J. Cobb rounds out the cast,
contributing another of his admir-
able performances.
But despite the extraordinary
competency of the cast, the film is
wholly Mr. Gable's. He skillfully
prods his way through a film tai-
lored especially for his talents.
And he makes "But Not For Me"
a film worthy for you to see.
--Marc Alan Zagoren
Ie Has
HI ole?
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
WASHINGTON M) - It's often
pointed out that the Presi-
dent of the United States has one
of the most powerful jobs in the
But the man sitting in the
White House, faced with problems
that seem to multiply faster than
solutions can be found for them,
must sometimes wonder if his
powers are as great as political
writers say they are.
IT'S IN international relations
that a President's problems be-
come most noticeable.
Eisenhower referred back to
Camp David and Nikita Khrush-
chev's visit.
The two fell to discussing differ-
ences in their countries, Eisen-
hower said, and Mr. K. reported
how Communists are using an old
capitalistic device, the incentive
Eisenhower said Khrushchev
told him the Russians now Use
this more than Americans do, and
better, too. Khrushchev said the
Soviets give incentives that people
can seerand feel and use. Such as
a better house or another bath,
for example.
AND WHAT did Mr. E. say to
Mr. K.?
Well, Eisenhower said, you know
how it is with Khrushchev: Every-
thing you can do we wil do better.
"The best answer," he said, "is
a smile."
Whether this charmed Khrush-
chev as it has the United States
voter, Eisenhower didn't say,
But even international friends
can be difficult.
That proposed Western summit
meeting involves friends. Yet with
everyone - in theory at least -
on the same team, it's hard to get
a date that all can agree upon.
"I have been holding myself
available," said the man in one of
the world's biggest jobs.
IT WAS in dealing' with another
friend, Cuba, that a question was
asked that deserves to be remem-
bered forever for the way it out
out diplomatic niceties and got
down to the hard core.
Someone wanted to know about
Fidel Castro and he wound up his
"What do you suppose, sir, is
eating him?"
Eisenhower laughed, and then
answered in a great many words.
But they too can be boiled down
to a simple statement.
He doesn't know.
Writer Comments on Marshall Letter
ons Useful?
so often unsuccessful. Taking anything too
seriously leads to serious problems, not the
least of which is loss of a sense of proportion.
Since, according to the most popular interpre-
tation, Mr. James A, Lewis can be delegated
veto power over a now powerless SGC by a fig-
urehead administration, it seems hardly worth-
while to legislate an intellectual student gov-
ernment by ruling out flashy campaigns. The
recent resignation of Jo Hardee seems to point
out the disenchantment of a great many cap-
able students with student government as it is
' Perhaps a student who could turn out the
prettiest poster, the most bizarre banner or
the noisiest stunt would be most comfortable
on a student government which cannot be
trusted with anything important.
Guest Writer
To the Editor :
I HOPE that Michael D. Toomin,
'62, who it appears is enrolled
in the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts will leave this
institution with broader horizons
than he displayed in his recent
criticism of General Marshall.
The University has two respon-
sibilities to Mich, u?. The first, of
lesser importance, is to teach him
the facts. He needs to become bet-
ter acquainted both with the his-
tory of the Army from 1900-1950
and with the government and pol-
itics of China. For the latter, I
would suggest Professor Robert
Wrard's course of that title. For
the former, the U. S. Government
histories provide excellent source
material. Information in the pre-
paration of military leaders for
foreign policy roles will be found
in a recent study by John Mas-
land and Laurence Radway pub-
lished by the Princeton University
Press titled "Soldiers and States-
The University will have ful-
filled the major part of its duty
to Michael if he learns the import-
ance of intellectual honesty.
--Elizabeth David, Grad.
Michigan Coeds *
To T-he Editor:
LAST SUNDAY'S Daily con-
tained quite a few interesting
statements relative to the com-
mon goals of the American coed.
One most interesting aspiration
was marrying some "handsome,
healthy, well-educated young man
who presumably will earn money
in the future." Fine. I don't con-
done this. But supposing she does
meet her young Lothario let's
enumerate the benefits he'll de-
rive by tying the marital knot.
It's nasty to generalize, but
chances are she'll be:
1) well-dressed (short coat with
fur trimmed collar, Bermudas,
kneesocks and tennis shoes)
2) sensible (for winter - long,
unbuttoned coat with fur trimmed
collar, Bermudas, etc.)'
3) a stimulating conversational-
ist ("'Well, I mean it's simply
4) well informed ("Last night
at the SGC meeting . . ..")
5) socially aggressive ("I'd like
you to meet Sally. She's affili-
6) educated ("Conceptualize the
form: table. I mean: what is
'table?' ")
7) an avid smoker (she'll have
been weaned on old Betty Davis
8) sincere ("Don't let this get
around, but I hear Dora's dating
only once an evening.")
9) passive.
-Stephen J. Mayor
Lecture Series . .
To The Editor:
AS A RESIDENT of Williams
House, West Quadrangle, I had
the privilege of eating dinner with
Mr. Albert Cohen of Indiana Uni-
versity who lectured on the campus
Wednesday, October 28th.
During my conversation with
Mr. Cohen many of his theories
presented in Delinquent Boys were
clarified and expanded. We alsor
discussed Bohemians and small
town delinquents.
I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Co-
hen's discussion, and it broadened
my knowledge of the class strue-
ture in connection with delin-
quency and Bohemians.
It is my opinion that theunder-
graduate lecture series to be pre-
sented inNthe future by Student
Government Council represents an
opportunity in education which is
invaluable to the serious student.
-Keith Houghtaling
De Gaulle and the Summit
France Holds Back on Conference
Y OCT. 22 it was taken for granted in the
French capital that Mr. Khrushchev would
on be its guest. The date was not known. In-
eed, the very fact that General de Gaulle was
meet the Soviet leader had not been con-
med officially. The rumours were based on
irious clues-the activity of M. Dejean, the
rench ambassador in Moscow, and the visits
aid by Mr. Vinogradov, the Soviet ambassador,
General de Gaulle and M. Debre. When the
port, splashed across the front pages, re-
ived no denial, it was taken as confirmed.
It is this projected Franco-Russian meeting
at gives such an edge to the French govern-
ent's statement which made it plain that
ere would be no summit meeting this year.
he statement welcomed "in principle" the
ea of a meeting at the highest level; but it
id that in the forthcoming months France
ould look for signs at the United Nations, in
e East (presumably the Middle East), south-
,st Asia and Africa that the climate was really
vourable. Hence the summit meeting cannot
envisaged before the spring. A preliminary
eeting of western heads of state has been
prived of its urgency by these French delay-
g tactics.
The prospect of a tete-a-tete between the
neral and Mr. Khrushchev does not arouse
e excitement it once might have done. When
eneral de Gaulle returned to power, some peo-
e feared that he would travel tb Moscow,
here he had gone in December, 1944, and by
spectacular deal wreck the western alliance.
it the behaviour of the general as head of the
Editorial Staff
Itorial Director City Editor
ARLES KOZOLL ............ Personnel Director
iAN KAATZ ................. Magazine Editor
RTON HUTHWAITE .............. Features Editor
M BENAGH........ .......... Sports Editor
LMA SAWATA......Associate Personnel Director
ME$ BOW .,...... .. Associate -Pity Editor
SAN HOLTZEiI........Associate Editorial Director
TER DAWSON ............. Contributing Editor
VE LYON.............. Associate Sports Editor
;ED KATZ........Associate reports Editor
Fifth Republic, however awkward it has been
for NATO, excludes any such prospect.
THE ANALOGY with 1944 is utterly super-
ficial. General de Gaulle went to Moscow
then to sign a pact with the victorious Rus-
siaris directed against Germany. But he had
internal reasons for this trip. France was in a
turmoil. The communists, who had played an
active part in the resistance, were toying with,
the idea of a bid for power. By resurrecting the
"old alliance" with Russia, General de Gaulle
was also getting an assurance from Stalin that
the French communists would be discouraged
from direct action. Now President de Gaulle is
not threatened with a communist insurrection,
and the majority that brought him back to'
power is very different from the leftish coali-
tion of 15 years ago.
The other major difference concerns Ger-
many itself. French foreign policy is no longer
conditioned by the German threat. On the con-
trary, it is expressly by cooperation with Bonn
that General de Gaulle seems to hope to estab-
lish France as leader of a powerful west Euro-
pean coalition. Even if he tried to strike a bar-
gain with Mr. Khrushchev, it is difficult to see
what its terms could be.
Soviet backing for French policy in Algeria
would do more harm to the Russians in the
Middle East than good to France and Mr.
Khrushchev is not likely to go beyond his pres-
ent refusal to recognize the Algerian rebel gov-
ernment. A French reversal of alliances would
put an end to collaboration with Germany, start
a financial panic and shatter the vision of a
French-led continental alliance.
WHAT, THEN, has prompted'the general to
stage the meeting? Prestige certainly plays
a part. French officials resented the fact that
General de Gaulle was the only member of the
western big three not to have had a personal
meeting with Mr. Khrushchev. During the
period before the meeting, the slight shiver of
apprehension in the Anglo-Saxon capitals may
strengthen the general's bargaining position.
And there is one issue which the French must
settle with their allies and Mr. Khrushchev as
well: nuclear disarmament. In Mr. Lloyd's latest
disarmament plan nuclear testing is to be for-
bidden from the very start. The French may
Associated Press News Analyst
BRITAIN has been far more up-
set by Charles de Gaulle's foot-
dragging over a summit confer-
ence than has the United States.
In Britain it has gone so far
that at least one of the great Lon-
don newspapers, the conservative
Daily Telegraph, considers it a
threat to the Western alliance.
The conservative Times, which
may not be as great a mirror of
government thinking as it once
was, but which is extremely pow-
erful, says the French idea that
real progress must be made before
a conference stands Anglo-Ameri-
can policy on its head and would
seem to make a conference un-
The Sunday Express said de
Gaulle had cast a shadow over the
Easy Way Out?
cal of the British attitude.
It is obvious that the British
have been led into one of the great
dangers of summitry - the belief
that it can really produce great
accomplishments. Such b e 1i e f s,
when shattered, tend to make
matters worse rather than better.
The United States takes a more
even view of de Gaulle and a much
less hopeful view of possible sum-
mit results.
President Eisenhower thinks de
Gaulle will be ready for a Western
conference on summit procedure
in a few weeks and that things
will progress toward the East-
West meeting.
The expressed American atti-
tude toward the ultimate outcome
is one of wait and see, against an
unexpressed background of pes-
simism. Hope is seen for continu-
ance of the Berlin stalemate; but
not for a settlement such as the
British believe possible. Some hope
is held in other fields such as dis-
* * *
FROM THIS distance, the effect
of the dispute on Franco-British
and Anglo-German relations in
other affairs appears more im-
portant than any far-fetched talk
of danger to the Atlantic alli-
ance. That alliance is the result of
pressures from without which far
outweigh any divergence of views
Germany and France, in the
European Economic Community,
in the European Coal and Steel
Community and in other fields
udder the Council of Europe, are
engaged in a program of econom-
ic cooperation and political unity
which has the British worried.
The British have joined with
seven European countries not
members of the economic commu-
nity to "cooperate" with the Com-
munity, which actually means to
protect their own interests.
THERE IS a period of flux in
which the homogenization of
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 43
General Notices
The Stearns Collection of Musical In-
struments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. Enter at
East Circle Drive (across from the
Agenda Student Government Coun-
cil, Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports: President - Letters;
Vice-President (Executive), Homecom-
ing committee appointments, Restric-
tive practices appointments; vice-Presi-
dent (Admin.) Student Activities Build-
ing Administrative Board, appoint-
ments; Treasurer.
Officer elections.
Old Business: Reading and Discus-
sion (Seasonwein) 6/Oct. 28.
Committee reports: Student Book Ex-
change report (Robert Gunn) 5/Oct. 28.
New Business: Student Book Ex-
change: motion to sell new books
(Zook) 3/Oct. 28.
Members and constituents time.
Exhibits - Seniors, Graduates and
Guest Cellist. Henri Honegger, Swiss
violoncellist, will be presented in a re-
cital in Aud. A, Angell Hall on Tues.,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m. He will be ac-
companied by Walter Robert, and will
perform compositions by Couperin,
Schubert, Frank Martin, Debussy and
DeFalla. Open to the public.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangements
are being made by the International
Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller.
Mr. Amado A. Castro, Acting Director,
Institute of Economic Development and
Research, University of the Philippines,
Nov. 6-15.
Miss Lillian Moore, Secretary, Univer-
sities' Division of the English-speaking
Union, United Kingdom, Nov. 9-li.
Mrs. Songsri Sivakua, Asia Founda-
tion, Nov. 11-25.
Mr. Lucien Jambrun, Chief, French
Section, United States Educational
Commission for France, Nov. 11-14.
Thomas M. Cooley Lecture on "Ini-
tiative and Response -- Law and Pro-
eseses of Social Change in United States
History," by Prof. James Willard Hurst,
University of Wisconsin, on Tues., Nov.
10 at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 100, Hutchins
Hall, Law Quad.
Thomas M. Cooley Lecture on "Lev-
erage and Support - Law and Pro-
cesses of Social Change in United States
History" by Prof. James Willard Hurst,
University of Wisconsin, on Wed., Nov.
11 at 4:15 p.m., in Rm. 100, Hutchins
Hall, Law Quad.
...... ....