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November 10, 1959 - Image 1

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Warmer and partly cloudy with
light winds and no rain expected.


n ~s r r i v

VOL. LXIX, No. 43
MSU Considers
Pledges Hazing
IFC Executive Council ;Meets,
Determines No Action on ZBT
Michigan State University's Interfraternity Council's executive
committee met last night to determine Zeta Beta Tau's fate as a re-
suit of a hazing violation, but took no action.
"The events have occurred too recently to make any rational de-
cision at all," Ed Rueling, IFC president, said.
MSUI'9 IFC executive committee's meeting was prompted by the
hospitalization of two ZBT pledges, Michael Kukes and Martin B.
Schutzer of Detroit, who had been "kidnapped" from campus by
fraternity actives Saturday evening. They were put into a car and
driven over 35 miles from East



Six P'


To Exchange



With Russia
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is reprinted from the New York
Times with their permission.)
Columbia University has con-
cluded an agreement for an ex-
change of professors with Moscow
University, Dr. Grayon Kirk, pres-
ident of Columbia, announced yes-
The agreement, for one year on
an experimental basis, is one of
the first arrangements' for a pro-
fessorial exchange between Soviet
and United States universities. A
graduate-student exchange be-
tween the two countries is now in
its second year.
The Columbia-Moscow agree-
ment was signed here last Wednes-
day by Grigory D. Vovchenko,
vice-president of Moscow Univer-
sity, and Dr. Kirk. It provides for
an exchange of not more than
five professors.
Research Stressed
Dr. Schuyler .C.. Wallace, who
initiated negotiations last spring
for the exchange, said yesterday
that Columbia might offer to send
professors in Russian history, po-
litical institutions or literature, as
well as scholars in mathematics
and theoretical physics. He added
that medicine was not ruled out as
a possibility.
The agreement said that visit-
ing professors would be able to
"acquaint themselves with re-
search currently going on, engage
in their own research and parti-
cipate in scholarly seminars, con-
ferences and teaching."
Dr. Wallace, who is director of
Columbia's School of Internation-
al Affairs, voiced the hope that fl-
nal arrangements could be com-
pleted by the start of the spring
semester in February. The agree-
ment provides that the "receiving'
university' will have at least three
months' notice of a visiting pro-
fessor's arrival, of his research
field and of the subject of his pro-
posed lectures.
Familiar With Russia
On the subject of language re-'
quirements, Dr. Wallace noted
that the Columbia specialists in
Soviet affairs were already famil-
iar with Russian. As for the pure
scientists, he added, facility in
Russian would be preferred but
not essential, since mathemati-
cians and physicists "speak their
own language anyway."
Under the Columbia-Moscow
agreement, each university under-
takes to provide visitors with ade-
quate research and library facili-
ties, including use of university
archives. In addition each' institu-
tion will, "endeavor" to facilitate
access to research laboratories
elsewhere ' the agreement said.
Such outside facilities would' be at
appropriate institutes of the Acad-
emy of Sciences in the Soviet Un-
ion and at other universities in
the United States.
Tentative Agreement
Last May Harvard University
announced a tentative agreement
for an exchange of professors with
Leningrad University. It was then
hoped to have the arrangement in
operation by September, the start
of the academic year.
The university exchanges were
originally envisaged in an over-all
S o v ie t-American cultural ex-
change agreement concluded last
year. Its renewal is now being ne-
gotiated in Moscow.
Ike Disclaims

Pledges Stripped
Then the abductors stripped off
their shirts, bound their arms and
legs with tape, poured paint and
shellac over them and then de-
serted them, the "State News"
After Kukes had chewed the
tape off Schutzer's wrists, enabling
the two to escape, they stopped a
motorist who notified police.
The pledges were taken to Olin
Memorial, Hospital and were re-
leased yesterday.
The incident seems to have been
precipitated by a similar ride giv-
en a ZBT active who was taken
to a spot near Grayling and left
there, Frank Skinner, MSU infor-
mation officer, said. A ZBT
spokesman denied this, the "State
News" said.
The incident has met with
w i d e s p r e a d disapproval from
many campus figures and frater-
nity members here.
Incident Forbidden
Walt Green, '60BAd., ZBT pres-
ident of the chapter at the Uni-
versity, said that this kind of in-
cident was completely forbidden
in ZBT's national constitution.
"I feel the incident as it was re-
ported was a disgrace not only to
the particular fraternitybut to
fraternities in general, and it is
the type of thing that we and
other fraternities try to de-em-
phasize as much as possible.
"I am shocked at the news and
upset that one of our chapters
continues to have practices such
as this."
Green was especially surprised
because the national took special
precautions to prevent incidents
of this nature from occurring by
sending out numerous bulletins
reminding the chapters that if
hazing practices did exist, to ban
Called Unauthorized
The MSU chapter's president,
Sanford Klein, said that the haz-
ing incident was unauthorized
and that he would have stopped
it if he had known of it ahead of
time. The fraternity members
were informed of the incident
while it was occurring, the "State
News" said. It was not premedi-
A ZBT spokesman called it an
unfortunate incident, in bad
taste. He said members did not
realize the consequences of the
act, and that the fraternity is
printing a statement apologizing
for the incident.
Thomas H, King, MSU's Dean
of Students, said u n iv e r si t y
authorities take "a very dim view
of this sort of thing."
"It's the first serious hazing in-
cident here in several years," he
said. King has already initiated
an investigation into the matter.
ZBT Liable
In addition to MSU's IC ac-
tion, ZBT is liable to action from
its national ,Green said. However,
as this incident is the first of its
kind in ZBT history, to his knowl-
edge, he did not know what ac-
tion the national would take.
. Green affirmedthat the nation-
al did have the power to fine
Suits for damages by the
pledges or their parents are also
still in question, but at present
none are considering it.
Jim Martens, '60BAd., the IFC
president here, felt that the IFC
executive committee would give
most severe penalties to any lo-
cal chapter guilty of such an act.
He said that IFC regulations re-
strict all pledging activities to
within the house and on frater-
nity grounds. This is very strictly
enforced, he said.
None Here
However, Martens does not an-
ticipate any such activities here,
"I think the Michigan fraternity
system is way ahead of Michigan

Laos Trip
Soviet Union protested to United
Nations Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold yesterday that his
proposed trip to the troubled king-
dom of Laos "can only further
complicate the situation."
Hammarskjold plans to leave to-
day for a week in Laos to get a
first-hand look at the country's
conflict with Communist - sup-
ported rebels. He was reported to
have told members of the-11-na-
tion Security Council in °a letter
that he might leave a personal
representative in the little Indo-
chinese nation.
Reject Arguments
In reply, Soviet Delegate Ar-
kady A. Sobolev rejected the legal
arguments set forth by Hammar-
skjold as a basis for stationing a
representative in Laos.
Sobolev said:
'All such steps cannot be con-
sidered otherwise than attempts'
to use the United Nations for
covering the actions of certain
powers, aimed at complete liquida-
tion of the Geneva Agreement,
which cannot but entail dangerous
consequences for peace in South-
east Asia and in the whole world."
The Soviet letter reflected the
growing annoyance of the IWremlin
over Hammarskjold's role in the
Laotian conflict. The Soviet dele-
gation already had protested vigor-
ously against the Secretary Gen-
eral's initiative in bringing the
issue before the Security Council
last Sept. 7..
Follows Report
Hammarskjold's decision to go
to Laos followed the report of a
Security Council subcommittee last
week which found no evidence that
regular forces from Communist
Viet Nam has invaded Laos. At the
same time, the Secretary-General
reportedly felt that some sort of
UN "presence" in Laos might deter
any outside Communist interven-
Ambassador Jorge Illueca of
Panama, President of the Security
Council, said Hammarskjold's trip
has no link with the subcommit-
tee report. Apparently hoping to
head off Soviet objections, he said
the visit "may be based on the
general responsibilities of the Sec-
retary-General and his adminis-
trative authority under the (UN)
Tunisian Head
Wins Election
TUNIS ( d) - Habib Bourguiba,
unopposed in Tunisia's first popu-
lar nationwide presidential elec-
tion, has been reelected-and there
isn't much doubt about it.
Election officials said yesterday
about 93 per cent of the qualified
voters went to the polls in the
election Sunday. Of the 1,007,959
ballots, Bourguiba got 1,005,789.
The rest were invalid.
Bourguiba's Neo-Destour party
got all 90 seats in the new Na-
tional Assembly. Communists, who
had put up 13 candidates, were
defeated in all races and polled
only 3,500 votes.



Soviets Say Test


Might Prevent ar
UNITED NATIONS (A)) -The Soviet Union declared yesterday
France would harm dhances of agreement on a nuclear test ban at
Geneva if it goes ahead with plans to test an atom bomb in the
Soviet Delegate M. D. Yakovlev made the statement in the 82-
nation Political Committee after the United States indicated it does
not believe the French test constitutes a fallout threat to neighboring
+areas. Ambassador Henry Cabot

. .. on atomic tests
"Unpurposed drift," rather than
"directed effort" has characterized
the growth of .America, according
to Prof. Willard Hurst of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin Law School.
Yesterday, in the first if his
series of five Thomas M. Cooley
lectures at the University" Law
School, Hurst explained that most
of the economic and social growth
of America and in all history hap-
pened without plan ". .. or even
awareness of what was happen-
in America, he said, "When
events moved very fast, and at
the same time moved through a
bewilderingly complicated network
of relations, the situation favored
unpurposed results, if only because
of the limits of man's imagination
and energy."
Hurst attributed America's
greatest changes to the advances
of science, rapid population in-
crease, and popular attitudes.
bHcost's remaining lectures will
beopen to the public daily this
week at 4:15 p.m. in room 100,
Hutchins Hall.1







Lodge gave the United States viewj
in a cautiously worded statement
to the UN Political Committee
that avoided outright support of
Unqualified Support
Britain gave unqualified sup-
port last week to French state-
ments that measures to be under-
taken in connection with the test
would ensure the safety of all con-
cerned. But Lodge put the United
States position this way:
"The United States has no tech-
nical details on the device which
the French government may be
testing, or the details of the pre-
cautions which it is taking at the
test site to eliminate health and
safety hazards.
"The French government, how.
ever, has stated that it will be
testing a small nuclear device, that
they are taking full safety pre-
cautions, and that testing will take
several hundred kilometers from
the nearest population center.
Danger Overstated
"The experience which the
United States government has had
in testing of nuclear devices and
which I have just described, is ger-
mane in evaluating the questions
of health hazards which have been
raised in the case of anticipated
French tests."
Lodge said the United States
had conducted nuclear, weapons
tests in relative proximity to large
population centers, including some
only 85 miles from Las Vegas,
Nevada. He added that every
safety measure was taken and the
tests did not constitute a threat to
persons living nearby.
The debate put the United
States in a tough spot.
Morocco, which is negotiating
with the United States on the fu-
ture of .United States strategic air
bases in that North African coun-
try, is pushing for a resolution
urging France not to conduct the
Would Help
A French delegation spokesman
said he believed Lodge's speech
would help the French case "since
it came from an atomic power with
the experience of the United
The committee debate was
marked by a sharp clash between
French delegate Jules Moch and
Ahmad Shukairy, the representa-
tive of Saudi Arabia.

TAX CRISIS TALK-Governor G. Mennen Williams will address
a group of educators here tomorrow in an attempt to gain support
for his emergency tax program. He has warned that education will
suffer most from the tax cut proposed by the Republicans. Here
he is shown on another trip through the state.
Counci Hears Report
Ont City Renewal Plant
A suggestion for the appointment of an "officially recognized
group" to deal with rehabilitation of the former urban renewal area
was considered at last night's City Council meeting.
The suggestion, made by City Administrator Guy Larcom, was
part of the report requested by Council last week to investigate
charges of improper action made by Councilman Lloyd Ives against
the Citizens' Committee for Vol- .

To Give Talk
At University
Governor To Discuss
Schools' Tax Need
In Union Ballroom
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will
appeal to educators in Ann Arbor
tomorrow to support his argument
against the Republican Legisla-
ture over emergency taxes.
He will air yesterday's declara-
tion - "If the Republican legisla-
tive caucus sticks to its plan to
replace the $110 million use tax
with only $70 million in new
taxes, education will take the rap"
--from 1 to 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union ballroom.
Williams' address will be open
to the public. It is one of the first
in a three-day air tour during
which the governor and State Su-
perintendlent of Public Instruction
Lynn M. Bartlett plan to hit 10
cities from Detroit to Marquette.
Will Postpone Building
Under the latest GOP tax pro-
gram, "the schools will get about
$20 less per .child than they have
been promised in the school aid
law and all new construction at
state colleges and universities will
have to be postponed," Williams
said yesterday.
On Wednesday the governor
and Bartlett will also visit Kala-
mazoo, Bay City and Flint, on
sThursday Grand Rapids, Lansing
and Detroit, and on Friday Al-
pena, Traverse City and Mar-
quette-urging educators' support
at each stop.
"The R e p u b l i can legislative
strategists haven't been honest
with the people about the effect
of their program," Williams said.
"Somebody has got to tell the
school people, parents and school
taxpayers that they are about to
be put through the wringer again.
'Won't Keep Silent'
"I won't be a party to this by
keeping silent;" he asserted.
The maneuver promptly was de-
nounced by a Republican leader as
"scare propaganda" likely to dam-
age prospects for an early cash
crisis settlement.
g To the governor's argument
d that education will bear the brunt
h of the state's cash shortage under
the GOP plans, Sen. Frank Beadle
a of St. Clair, Republican majority
leader, replied:
c Beadle Objects
- "I don't know why the schools
should catch it any more than
anybody else or any other agency
of government unless that's the
e way the governor wants to handle

untary Rehabilitation."
Larcom's inquiries showed that
the residents of two houses in the
former urban renewal area named
by Ives were approached by people
unauthorized by the city who
either suggested or ordered that
repairs be made or discontinued.
He was unable to determine who
they were.
Larcom suggested that residents
of the area not make any volun-
tary major repairs without the
advice of the Building and Safety
Engineering Department and
warned them to guard against un-
authorized 'personnel ordering or
requesting remodeling and repair.
The Council authorized forward-
ing of Larcom's suggestion for the
appointment of an official group
concerned with urban rehabilita-
tion to J. Gordon McDonald,1
chairman of the citizens' com-
mittee, for inclusion and further
recommendation in his progress
report scheduled for presentation
to the Council later this month.
McDonald is at present heading
groups of north-central area vol-
unteers in a survey to determine
the program needed to bring prop-
erties of the area up to city stand-

Growth Rate
ByWork Cut
NEW YORK (A') - Republican
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller sug-
gested last night that if American
labor foregoes further work week
reductions the national econom-
ic growth rate can almost double
He said such a step could bring
higher living standards, expanded
government services and as much
as a 15 per cent cut in taxes.
In the face of growing union
pressure for a 30-hour week
Rockefeller told the Economic
Club of New York in a major pre-
pared speech:.
Don't Fix Growth
"There is no compelling reasor
why American growth should b(
fixed at the historic three per cen
rate, or even the postwar four pei
cent rate.
"Since 1930, our average wor
week has declined from over 4f
hours to under 38 hours, or b
three-and-a-half hours every dec
ade. The increase in leisure ha
been an important social gain
but it has also diluted our produc.
tion record. Few would urge that
we should keep cutting the wort
week at this rate for an indefinit4
period into the future.
"If we should decide at anj
point to forego further work weel
reductions in favor of increase(
output of goods and services, thi
of itself could allow us to realiz
the full benefit of our almost thre
per cent annual increase in out
put per man hours. This norma
increase in productivity, plus
reasonably expectable two pe
cent annual increase in the wor
force, would put a five per cen
growth rate well within ou
Rockefeller is widely regarde
as an undeclared candidate fo
the GOP presidential nominatio
for 1960.
His forum, a dinner gatherin
of some of the top men in industr
and finance in the east, was th
same one utilized by Soviet Pre
mier Nikita Khrushchev durin
his visit to this country last Sep


News Analyst Metcalfe To Talk

Washington News Analyst John
C. Metcalfe will speak at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall in
conjunction with International
Speaking on the topic "Where
Are We Going?", Metcalfe will
analyze behind-the-scenes prob-
lems in the capital and discuss his
recent European tour. The pro-
gram will be sponsored by Student
Government Council.
The well - known journalist is
credited with several articles of
major importance during his ca-
reer including the expose of the
German-American bund, Turkey's
severence of diplomatic relations
with Germany in World War II,
the content of the Chinese-Soviet
postwar treaty, and the first re-
vealing of the secret Yalta agree-
Metcalfe formerly was Wash-


GOP state chairman Lawrence
B. Lindemer charged that Wil-
liams is acting like a "bogey man"
and attempting to frighten the
people into accepting his program,
"We have told our party people
to turn, out for the meetings,"
Lindemer*said,*"and make sure
that the Republican point of view
is put across.
"We don't intend to let him get
away, with .this distortion."
GO7P Drops
Tax Resolution
LANSING P)-Senate Republi-
cans last night gave up hope of
working out a bi-partisan emer-
gency tax program and resolved to
draw up their own 70-million-dol-
lar package of so-called "nuisance
The caucus spokesman, Sen.
Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair), told
newsmen "some of my colleagues
don't like the idea of a strictly
Republican tax program, but I
don't see any other way out."
Beadle said no agreement was
reached on specific taxes to make
up the package. He said he hopes
Republicans on the taxation com-
mittee will be able to present


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