See Page'4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Indian Summer to retreat
in wake of biting breezes.
VOL. LXX, No. 23
. ..
U.S. Mourns Loss
Of Gen. Marshall
WASHINGTON ()--Gen. George Catlett Marshall-who helped
lead United States arms to victory in World War II and fathered the
cold war Marshall Plan - died yesterday after a long illness.
He was 78 years old.
Death came to Marshall at Walter Reed Army Hospital where
he had been under care since last March 11. There was no immediate
word on cause of death, but the soldier-statesman had been serious-
ly ill since suffering a stroke at his winter home in Pinehurst, N.C.,
last Jan 15.
Tributes General
President Dwight D. Eisenhower said Marshall's death "is cause
for profound grief throughout the United States." Eisenhower spoke
glowingly of Marshall's World
U.S. mourns death
World Law
Code Asked
E. Blythe Stason of the University
Law School has proposed the cre-
ation of an international clearing
house to promote greater uni-
formity in world law.
Stason, in his speech yesterday
to the' Association of General
Counsel, described present prog-
ress in this field as "dreadfully
slow." He recommended increased
public and private support to
maintain this country's leadership
in encouraging world-wide uni-
formity in law. ,
Nations could adopt one "pre-,
ferred" rule from several existing
systems or they could abandon all
existing rules in various fields of
law and adopt and develop new
Stason recommended that the
clearing house keep up a continu-
ing pressure for greater uniformi-
ty in law, "pointing out the ad-
vantages of unification of the
laws that affect international
transactions and activities and
promoting their adoption."
Stason suggested that the
American Bar Foundation would
.be a possible focal point for U.6.
efforts in this field. He was rep;
cently appointed administrator of
the Foundation, which serves as
the research arm of the American
Bar Association. Following his rep
tirement from the University next
year, Stason will devote his full
efforts to this job.
This country's top law schools
have recently devoted a great
amount of effort to the study of
international. legal problems, Sta-
son observed. He cited not only
Michigan, but also Yale, Harvard,
Columbia, Chicago, Stanford, Cal-
ifornia, Pennsylvania and other
"forward-looking" law schools be-
cause of their trend toward more
concentration on this problem.
In the past five years, he noted,
the Ford Foundtaion has made
grants of nearly $8 million to pro-
mote international legal studies at
14 different law schools.
Four factors will continue this
trend in the future, he predicted:
(1) demand for more trained le-
;gal personnel in international
trade and commerce; (2) need to
develop international legal states-
men; (3) recognition of new areas
for research; and (4) desirability
of working toward international
legal unification.
Ta Validity
Stil Undecided
LANSING (P) - The Michigan.
Supreme Court yesterday ended
40 [r~nhr 4awm nrnfra"..a h
War II record as Army Chief of
Staff and later as Secretary of
State and Secretary of Defense in
the administration of President
Harry S. Truman.
"His courage, ,'fortitude and
vision, his selflessness and stern
standards of conduct and charac-
ter were an inspiration, not only
within the Army, but throughout
the nation and among our allies,"
Eisenhower's statement said.
Marshall's death must be, es-
pecially poignant to Eisenhower,
because Marshall is generally
credited with plucking Eisenhower
from obscurity at the outset of
World War II and starting him
upward toward becoming Supreme
Allied Commander in Europe.
From Moberly, Mo. Gen. Omar
Bradley said of Marshall, "He was
one of the greatest Americans our
country has ever produced."
Commenting at Berkeley, Calif.,
Fleet Adm. 'Chester W. Nimit
called Marshall "capable of car-
rying on in almost any capacity
for his country's good."
Marshall was one of the few
Army Chiefs of Staff who wasn't
a West Point man. His school was
Virginia Military Institute, where
he made his marks as a student
and football tackle.
Marshall was born in Union-
town, Pa., on the last day of 1880.
His father was in the coal and
coke business. One of his fore-
bears was an uncle of the re-
nowned Chief Justice John Mar-
Places Sought
By Students
For Council
A total of 16 students have tak-
en out petitions for the forthcom-
ing Student Government Council
Nancy Adams, '60; Charles
Franzblau; '60; Al Haber, '60;
John Garland, '60; Buckley H.
Robbins, '60; Casey King, '62;
Jeff Jenks, '61, and Charles Kline,
'61, are those with petitions to
Also, Richard Warrer, '61; Ron
Bassey, '61; James Stevenson, '60;
Boyd Conrad, '64A1)D; R. E. Ga-
lonska, '60; Elliott Tepper, '62;
Conrad Batchelder, '60E; and
Dennis Shafev, '63, announced
their candidacy.
Bassey and Haber are the only
incumbents seeking election. Con-
rad and King have decided not to
run for election, making the pres-
ent field of candidates only 14.
The election this year will op-
erate under a revised set of rules
adopted by SGC recently. Under
the new rules, incumbents have to
present a petition signed by 100
s t u d e n t s and non-incumbents ;
must submit a petition with 350
signers. Under the old rules, in-
cumbents did not have to file a
petition for re-election.
Petitions must be returned by
Hopes Rise
With New
Union Offer
WASHINGTON (P)-The steel-
workers union yesterday made a
compromise peace offer scaling
down its money demands, and
Secretary of Labor James P. Mit-
chell said he is optimistic that the
94-day steel strike may be settled
"The parties are closer together
than they have been since the
negotiations started," Mitchell
told newsmen.
"One of the key issues here is
the necessity of a quick resump-
tion of production."
The Labor secretary declined to
comment on the merits of the un-
ion's latest proposal in which the
steelworkers reportedly cut their
money demands by about one-
Retains Details
Earlier, union President David
J. McDonald declined to spell out
The administration is expected
to seek a strike-halting court in-
junction early next week in the
event industry-union negotiations
collapsed or became deadlocked
again over the weekend.
Top. industry executives prom-
ised to study the proposal. They
arranged to meet this morning in
New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel
to make their decision. Their an-
swer is to be made known to the
union here late today.
An industry counter-offer would
surprise nobody, since the union
proposal for ending the record 94-
day strike reportedly left unsatis-
fied the management demand for
more freedom in changing work
practices to achieve manpower
No Wage Boost
Highly .placed sources said the
union proposal contemplated a 21-
cent - an - hour increase for the
workers over a two-year period.
This would include no wage boost
but substantial insurance, pension
and supplemental unemployment
benefits during the first year, plus
a sizable pay hike of about 10 cents
an hour in the second year.
From all sides-from the gov-
ernment, from steel customers
and, likely, from the purse-
strained 500,000 strikers-pressure
was being applied to the industry
.and union to quit haggling and
hammer out a new contract.
The government slapped defense
priorities yesterday on available
steel supplies. The Commerce De-
partment issued orders channel-
ing production by the 15 per cent
of the industry still operating in-
to items destined for use in mis-
siles, launching sites and nuclear
Seeks Settlement
Chairman George W Taylor of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
steel inquiry board told the antag-
onists yesterday the nation yearned
for a settlement. He said the im-
portant thing now is to end the
strike, not so much how that is
The growing pinch on the eco-
nomy was illustrated by word from
Detroit that General Motors Corp.
may have to stop producing autos
by Nov. 1 due to lack of steel. Al-
ready 60,000 GM employes have
been laid off. Altogether, more
than 725,000 workers in -and out
of steel have been. idled by the
Internal Russian politics and
Russian relations with China are
the major factors prompting the
new complexion of Soviet foreign
policy, Harrison Salisbury said last
Speaking at the Union to the
University Press'Club of Michigan,
the New York "Times" corres-
pondent added that these factors
give a chance for real progress in
"warming" the cold war.
Salisbury warned, though, that
the progress had to be on a step-
by-step basis; there will be no
general agreement.
Explain Visit
In the present world context,
the political and China factors
also help to explain Khrushchev's
recent American visit, Salisbury
Better relations with theUnited
States would go a long way to-
ward solving both problems. But
Khrushchev is not a dictator
like Stalin either, he said. Though
he makes the final decisions,
Khrushchev encourages arguments
among subordinates and will listen
to them.
Khrushchev would like reduced
tensions with America, Salisbury
said, so he can devote more of
Russia's production to peaceful
Forty-five per cent of the Rus-
sian budget is devoted to defense
and this creates an overly heavy
Inducements are needed to pro-
duce gains, the newsman said, and
these cannot be given if consumer
goods are not produced.
Replaced Terror
These inducements have re-
placed terror as the force of gov-
ernment in the USSR, Salisbury
added. Again, he contrasted the
Stalin era with present times.
Khrushchev could not return to
terror in his lifetime, Salisbury
added, since he probably will not
live long enough to reconstruct
Stalin's system, and, anyway, he
probably prefers his present meth-
There is the. question yet to
be resolved, Salisbury noted, of
whether these new methods will
Salisbury illustrated the other
Russian problem-China-with an
Attended Party
When Chou En-Lai stopped in
Moscow after the Geneva talks,
Salisbury narrated, he attended a
Kremlin party.
He told Mikoyan he should
learn Chinese, but Mikoyan re-
plied that Chinese was a difficult
Chou said "We had to learn
Russian; it is time you learned
Salisbury saidie distrusted pub-
lic protestations of Russiai-Chi-
nese unity, citing the competition
in Outer Mongolia as symptomatic
of real differences. The Chinese
are teaching the Mongolians to
talk of Russia in the same breath
as they mention the U.S., he said
-both are "reactionary."
Asian diplomats who have been
in China have assured Salisbury
that China is pursuing an inde-
pendent, competitive policy of its
own. -
There is only one power in the
world that could counter-balance
China, if Russia needed help, Sal-
isbury noted, and this is the
United States.
Khrushchev would like to see
the results of his policies in his
The Daily will begin pub-
lishing an inside front page de-
voted to national and inter-
national news and features.
This page will expand The
Daily's coverage to complete
Associated Press news of the
Watch The Daily tomorrow
for the first inside front page.
National and local drama col-
umns, science news and ma-
terial of current and historical
interest will appear on Page 3
Journalist Sees War Thaw
own lifetime, Salisbury said, and
will work strongly for them.
But he also is a realist. The new
industrial centers and agricultural
developments in Siberia, Salisbury
said, cn be used for either peace-
ful or warlike purposes.
Khrushchev may be inclined to-
wards using them for peace, Salis-
bury said, but he is not afraid to
use them for war if he must.
Salisbury said that he would not
take Russian promises simply at
face value; there must be solid
practical motivators to back them
These motivators now exist, he
concluded, and they are giving the
present chance for a new United
States-Russia relationship.
.Editor Asks
Red Trade
Opening the University Press
Club of Michigan conference, Er-
win Canham said yesterday the
United States must soon' decide
its policy on trade with the So-
viet Union.
The editor of the "Christian
Science Monitor" called Soviet
trade "a tricky area."
"But we should move into it,
we've got to move into it, we're in-
evitably in it," he told a crowded
audience of newsmen and jour-
nalism students.
Although trade with the United
States will enable Russia to fill
gaps in its economy and technol-
ogy, Canham advocated trade
"with clear enforcement of pat-
ent rights."
Big Two trade relations can be
only "an interlude, a transitional
period" anyway, he indicated.
Growing Fast
The Soviet economy is growing
fast, he said, building an econom-
ic base "which will support trips
to outer space, an ever more
threatening military position and
power not to be ignored."
However, growing economic
power' also creates a "yen" for
consumer goods.
Canham saw three queues lined
up in front of Sears.Roebuck cata-
logues at the American exhibit at
the Moscow. fair. "If the struggle
is a battle of the books, and the
books are 'Das Kapital' and the
Sears Roebuck catalogue, then
certainly we will win," h said.
He added that if Khrushchev
has aligned himself*with 'efficien-
cy," as it seemed when he called
private homes and cars he saw in
the United States "waste," then
"he has chosen the wrong side of
the forces moving in the world."
Calls For U. S. Action
What must the United States do
in the economic race? It should
promote economic growth, and tax
reform at the state and federal
level as an incentive to that
growth, he said.
Calling incentive through low
tax rates and high salaries "one
element of capitalism most defi-
nitely incdrporated in the Soviet
Union," he noted that high-paid
Russians receive about 45 times
the salary of the artisan. Highest
salaried Americans get 12 times
an artisan's wage, and hig;-paid
Britons about three times as
-Daily-Fred Shippey
OFF AND RUNNING-A Wolverine demonstrates the technique
the. team would like to use with some success in today's "grudge"
game against Northwestern who last year delivered a crushing
defeat to the Michigan squad.
(M' Seeks" Revenge
Last Year's Rout
Wildcats Enter Contest Unbeaten;
Strong Despite Injuries to Key Meu
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's year-long wait for revenge is at an end.
The Wolverines meet Northwestern at 1:30 this afternoon in the
Stadium with memories of a 55-24 walloping last season acting like
a burr under the saddle.
Fury and that extra shred of determination ordinarily saved
for rivals Michigan State or Ohio State have been strictly reserved
for the Wildcats.
Seldom has a Michigan team ever been blitzed in such horrendous
fashion that its successors didn't demand something in return. And
... discusses Russia
no matter what the benefits of
rapproachment with America,
Khrushchve will still drive a hard
bargain, Salisbury said.
"And I don't begrudge him this,
either," he added.
Outlined Problem
Salisbury outlined the problem
of internal politics first, emphasiz-
ing that neither this nor trouble
with China would put the Red
leader out of power.
The people of Russia, Salisbury
asserted, are tired of working only
for the benefit of their chlidren;
they want some of the benefits of
the Revolution themselves.
Russia has gone, in the past 401
years, through a period of night-
mares-the Civil War, the purges,
World War II, the rebuilding of
'the nation-and the people are
ready for better times, he said.
Reason for Rise
This is. a big reason, too for
Khrushchev's rise to power, Salis-
bury added. Khrushchev mirrors,
accepts and is attempting to carry
out the wishes of the people.
Evidence of the new sympathy
of the leadership to the peoples
wishes is everywhere.
Khrushchev's trips to the Mos-
cow beaches, like the one he took
with Vice-President Richard Nix-
on, are one manifestation of this.
Khrushchev is a "political per-
son," Salisbury explained; he likes
to be with people and to communi-
cate with them, in contrast to the
secretive Stalin who never traveled
out among the people.
this year's squad, young and, ifs
anything, over-eager, regards its
visitor as a' prime prospect to pay
the piper.
But it'll be far from easy. In
fact, whipping Northwestern will
be one of the most formidable jobs
undertaken by any football team
in the country this year.
The Wildcats, a 12-point favor-
ite, are ranked number' two in the
nation behind Louisiana State.'
They and Purdue are the Big
Ten's only unbeaten outfits, and]
no one has played more than two
Conference games.
They have beaten such notables1
as always-fine Oklahoma, defend-
ing Rose Bowl champions Iowa,
and suddenly-rugged Minnesota.
And don't let their highly-pub-
licized injuries fool you.#
Sure, they've lost quarterbacks
Dick Thornton for the season.
Additionally, Ron Burton, who
most likely will end his colleget
career as the highest scorer in
Northwestern history, will view theF
game from the sidelines.
But there's strong reason to
believe that the ballyhoo about
nhmr Bnh (Tke) Eickhoff's r
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Western officials
suggested last night President
Charles de Gaulle wants to delay
East - West summit talks until
France explodes her first nuclear
Such a development would al-
low France to enter the world's
nuclear club alongside the United
States, Russia and Britain.
Informants offered this expla-
nation 'as one possible reason for
the seeming French wish to slow
down the East-West march to the
A test-blast of France's first nu-
clear weapon somewhere in the
Sahara Desert is expected by the
end of the year.
WASHINGTON - The doctrine
of "peaceful coexistence" advo-
cated by Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev as offering a way out
of the cold war was sharply chal-
lenged yesterday by a United
States spokesman.
The peoples of the world "are
entitled to something - better,"
Asst. Sec. of State Andrew H.
Berding said.
Berding said the United States
cannot accept an arrangement
with the Soviet Union that would
rule out for the peoples in Com-
munist nations the prospect of ob-
taining "true freedom, genuine
nation independence, and . . .
whatever form of government and
economic and social institutions
they wish."
* * *
HAVANA - Raul Castro, fire-
brand younger brother of Cuba's
prime minister and his heir-ap-
Diag Inhabitant Pe
Yesterday was a great day for
Fat brown ones were romping
on the Diag, gathering nuts for
their winter hoards. Frisky andI
bright-eyed, they swished their
thick, bushy tails behind theni as
they scooted to and fro in the sun-
But one little recluse nibbled his
dainty morsel in the solitude of
the lawn behind Haven Hall. As
he sat, precariously rocking back
and forth on his haunches, several
passer-bys stopped to stare, for
this +inv mammalilaced the dis-'
s u plooreU
wounded shoulder is just so much
possum-playing at Evanston.
ex es P rofEickhoff, a fourth-string signal
escaped the bench last week late
at a disadvantage for chasing fe- 1 "It must be very -embarrassing in the third quarter to direct an
male squirrels-he just can't run for him," he said, thinking for a 86-yard touchdown march. It was
as fast up and down big trees after moment. "He might even have an the only score in the 'Cats-
them." inferiority complex, especially if Gophers fracas.
Considering the effect on the squirrels' tails have any sexual Burton, who sprained an ankle
animal's self - confidence, Carroll significance," the first time he carried the ball
suggested that squirrels may not Across the lawn in the Natural against Minnesota, also had a
be aware whether they have tails Science Bldg., Sally Allen, a re- replacement who seemed to be
or not. search associate in zoology spe- itching for his opportunity.
Selected Out? cializing in genetics, explained the Mark Johnston, senior halfback,
Prof. Bordua contended it is a scientific aspects of the stump and See MICHIGAN, Page 6
"clear example of sociological se- its possible causes.
lection." Since the squirrel couldn't She noted that it could have
run fast enough to prevent losing been the result of an accident after Trum an Cites
his tail in the first place, he birth or it might have happened
shouldn't reproduce his kind. / in the uterus. From experiments Russian ,Plan
soa i -.-. 44., -- - with mice, she has found that tail- M SR
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