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October 17, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-17

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rNORMA SUE WOLFE tencies in the disciplinary agen- Latin Americans and a Japanese
cies" now existing, Dean of Stu- student are housed with Negroes
iLDER, Co.- A complete dents Arthur H. Kiendl, chairman there, he explained. The dormi-
ping of the Utiversity of of the committee, explained. tories for white students are not
to five levels was recently Student Court, presently the top integrated because Negroes are
Tended by an eight-member student-manned disciplinary body, supposedly not able to pay the
ntee of administrative and would be eliminated under the high fees, he continued.
ypersonnel. proposal. In its place would be The student expressed disbelief
Sa Student Discipline Committee of this reasoning.
Bested changes are designed of seven members, appointed by Housing units for women Negro
riinate "overlapping, inequi- the Dean of Women, Dean of students face double housing
id punishment and inconsis- Men and president of the Associ- trouble: quality and space, ac-
ated Students of theUniversity of cording to the Daily Texan. The
Colorado (ASUC). living quarters are overcrowded,
"The old Student Court sat out furniture is in poor condition, bare
in limbo," Kiendl said, "and wasn't light bulbs hang from the ceilings,
considered part of the administra- the plumbing is inadequate and
. tion. Our proposals, we think, wet wallpaper droops from the
would provide as equitable a sys- ceilings.
tem of justice for the students in * * *
a university committee as pos- WASHINGTON, D. C. - The
sible." George Washington University
The first level consists of a five- Student Council recently rejected
member subcommittee of the Ad- a proposal to establish a Council
ministrative Council, an "agency committee for investigation of dis-
of final appeal." Level two is "the crimination in admissions policies
principle disciplinary agency of there.
the university," which is chaired The committee was to meet with
by the Dean of Students. administrative officials in an at-
Levels three and four hear cases tempt to discover whether admis-
of such student organizationsdas sion procedures at GW are de-
the Board of Publications and signed in any way to restrict the
ROTC, while level five hears viola- admission of Negro students.
tions of house rules from Resi- The Council dismissed the pro-
dence Hearing Boards. posal largely because of an argu-
ment that the controversial ques-
VIEMPHIS, Tenn.-Registration tion would involve encroachment
)F. ROBERT H. STROTZ occurred without incident at Mem- into areas of jurisdiction which did
... s lecturer phis StateUniversity, where eight not belong to the Council.
Negro students - became the first
to be enrolled in a previously all- NEW YORK, N.Y.-The admin-
,reotypes white school. istration of Pace College recently
* During the first day of inte- announced the introduction of two
EConom eCS grated classes, policemen and pri- new programs of study.
vate detectives lingered in the A Social Science Seminar will
ve In ghthalls of the university and roamed provide a "channel or arena where
the campus. Four detectives re- the student' must defend his re-
mained during the first week of search and conclusions," the Pace
up stereotypes can help classes. College Press reported.
mists tackle more effectively "We hope it continues to work An Independent Study Program
questions as tariffs, taxes, without incident," President J. will stimulate student interest in
>rice structure, Prof. Robert Millard Smith said. "We took all gathering material beyond the
otz of Northwestern Univer- legal steps available to prevent it, scope of lectures and textbooks.
economies department said. but finally the courts said we had -
lecture, "The Role of Stereo- to do it and we hope it works
in Welfare Economics," was out."S
rst of a series of guest lee' The Negro students were in-J
sponsored by the University structed to avoid white student ToT El I deT
mis department. meeting places, such as the Stu-- .ei ue u
e state of welfare economy dent Center and the cafeteria. ,
allen into'disrepute in the They reportedly agreed and have Four university professors will
years," Prof. Strotz averred, left the campus almost immedi- adise Gov. G Mennen Williams
as been less a study of the ately after their classes each day. on his 1960 legislative program.
Mics of welfare and more a General campus attitude is one The word came from the gov-
of self-concernment with its of avoiding the Negro students. ernor's Lansing office yesterday in
nethodology." "I don't like it, but anything an announcement that 14 men,
suggested that economists said or done wouldn't help matters mostly faculty members of the
tgain improved insight in any," one student said. three large sttae universities, had
work by analyzing their imn . . . been asked to be chairmen of task
on "farmers," "small busi- AUSTIN, Tex.-Although there forces to study needs for improve-
en," "union workers" and is no housing shortage for male ments of state programs and serv-
stereotyped segments of so- Negro students at the University ices.
just as congressmen often of Texas, there have recently been The Industrial Development
their impact on several spe- complaints as to the quality of the committee will be headed by Dean
Interest groups. housing provided. Russell A. Stevenson of the bus-
present," he continued, One student said that after send- ness administration school. Prof.
are economists are getting ing his application for admission Vlado A. Getting, of the public
d down and disinterested in to the university, he received a health school will be heading the
r policy questions because card on which all of the men's division to study public health.
are viewed in terms of their dormitories were listed. Banking and financial institu-
t on an unmanageably large "They had scratched through all tions will fal under the responsi-
er of individuals with con- the 'white' dorms and left the bility of Prof. Thomas G. Gies, of
g interests, poorest facilities on the campus," the business administration school
-eaking the nation down into he said. These were composed of with Dean Stanley G. Fontann
hst groups for research pur- barracks-type and quonset-hut of the natural resources school.
should facilitate this kind of dormitories. The group will act in an advi-
and make its results more The barracks-type are "inte- sory capacity, conducting studies
ingful to the public," he con- grated" to the extent that six and making recommendations to
the governor in the areas under
their command.
MEW - -~

Russia May Become Greatest Power

RHYTHMIC READING-Speech department's Playbill production
of Sean O'Casey's "I Knock At The Door" eliminates scenery,
movement, everything but the actors. Here, actors Terry Thure,
'60, and Diane Stolorow, '60, portray the brother and sister in the
concert reading.
O'Casey A tobiograp hy
OesPlaybill pesSeason

Russia may soon become the
world's greatest power, ,several
University professors told theI
University Press Club yesterday.
These professors, specialists in{
astronomy, geography and politi-
,cal science, have all traveled ex--
tensively in Russia. All of them
agreed that Russia's vast poten-
tial resources and rapid growth
point to an increase of Soviet
The Russian standard of living
is not as high as ours, Prof;1
George Kish of the geography de-{
partment pointed out, "but this is
because the Soviet people have ac-
cepted, or been forced to accept,
the sacrifice of consumer goods
and a high living standard for the
future growth of the Russian
Prof. Kish informed the audi-
ence of the great increase in Rus-!
sian productive capacity in recent
years. In 1955, he said, Soviet
production was about 35 per cent
of the United States total. At
present growth rates it will reach
77 per cent by 1965.
"Based upon equal and possibly
greater natural resources, this
should give us pause," he said.
"The fact that Russia has made
her great strides in only 40 years
is a potential selling point to the
parts of the free world -still un-
Prof. William Ballis of the po-
litical science department said
that he believes that a loosening
of the hold of totalitarianism will
come with the Russian rise in edu-
cation, opportunity and standard
of living.
The rise of a "new managerial
class," which was necessary to the
growing economy has had an ef-
fect on the society.
"But' the Communist party,
which covers the hand of Soviet
government like a glove, is dedi-.
cated to repulsing all threat to
its dominance and ever seeks its
goal of world Communism.
The central challenge now is.
not in the arms race, but in the
contest for the allegiance of the
uncommitted peoples of South-
east Asia, Africa and other areas.
Premier Nikita Khrushchev's ca-
reer is staked on peace and econ-
omic growth."
Prof. Aller of the astronomy de-
partment, presented a picture of

Soviet Russia as a country where
books are peddled from pushcarts
like those seen by Alexander the
The books, .however, are often1
on astronomy or physics, and they
are bought in great quantities.
"Russia is relatively backward
in the biological sciences, but is
not at all backward in the physical
sciences," he noted. "The Rus-
sian instruments sometimes are
termed 'primitive,' but they pro-
duce results."
"And when Russian scientists
really want to do something -
whether to create a sun camera,
a nuclear reactor or a satellite-
they can do it, he added. Their
satellites appear rude, but they,
get them up there and their con-
trol mechanisms are extremely
Some of the world's best work

in theoretical astrophysics is be-
ing done in the Soviet Union, Prof.
Aller explained, but he added that
Soviet scientists may suffer from
lack of exchange information and
outside contacts with foreign sci-
"The Soviet government faces
the problems that if her scientists
are not allowed to circulate out-
side, they may get behind; but if
they circulate too much they may
get heretical ideas," he said.
"The danger is," he added, "that
to train a scientist you must teach
him to think And when he goes
home from the office he may
start to think about why womei.
still use those 'witch brooms' in
the streets."
The Russian people want to
live like Americans, he concluded,
a condition that may not' be too
far off for them.

..r .._. a_ _


Sean O'Casey's "I Knock at the
Door" will be presented as a con-
cert reading again tonight at
Trueblood Aud.
The concert reading, done with
little movement and no scenery,
opened the speech department's
Playbill last night. Tickets are
still available 'for the entire Play-
bill as well as the performance at
8 p.m. today.
"I Knock at the Door" is direct-
ed by Prof. Claribel Baird who also
reads the part of the mother in
the production. Professors ,henry
Austin and Edward Stasheff read
the roles of Archie Casside and
Michael Casside with Prof. Jim
Bob Stephenson as narrator. All
are of the speech department fac-
Two students, Terry Thurs, '60,
and Diane Stolorow, '60, have the
roles of the youthful sister and
brother, Johnny and Ella Casside.
"I Knock at the Door" is the
first volume of Sean O'Casey's
autobiography. Written in rhyth-
SGC Cinema Guild is interviewing
for movie sponsors on Oct. 24 from 9-3
p.m. Recognized student organizations
currently registered with the Office of
Student Affairs are eligible for consid-
eration as sponsors. Petitions may be
picked up Oct. 19-23 in the SAB.
Congregational, Disciples, E & R Stu-
dent Guild, after-game cider hour, Oct.
17; Seminar-"Symbol, Sign & Myth,"
Oct. 18, 9:30 a.m. Guild House, 524
Gamma Delta, worship services 9:15
and 10:45 a.m. Bible study 9:15 and
10:45 a.m., Oct. 18, 1511 Washtenaw.
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Oct.
18, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rackham
(N.W. entrance).
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Oct.
19, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. Coffee and con-
Newman Club, Dunker's Hour, Oct.
17, after game; Communion breakfast,
Oct. 18, after 9:30 mass; Speaker: Dr.
A. Wheeler, "The Racial Problems,"
Oct. 18, 8 p.m. Father Gabriel Richard
Stamm Found., First meeting of year,
Oct. 18, 7 p.m.,.Lane Hall. All E.U.B.
students invited.

mic prose, it tells the story of
O'Casey's early life in Dublin.
Although basically a humorous
work, the plot contains serious
tones concerning O'Casey's
troubled youth, including the
struggle between his doctor trying
to save the boy's sight and his
minister urging him to go to
'U' Barristers
Tap Members
The Barristers, senior honorary
society of the Law School, l4ave
elected fifteen new members.
The new Barristers are Douglas
J. Hill, Roger Findley, Richard J.
McClear, Robert Segar, Steven
Uzelac, Dean J. Shipman, Clifford
H. Hart, C. Robert Wartell, George
E. Leonard III, J. Glenn Sperry,
Thomas 1i. Bierle, E. Roger Frisch,
David A. Lynch; Larry Tate and
Donald R. Joliffe. They are all
seniors in the Law School.
The Barristers sponsor several
social events, support a scholar-
ship fund and contribute to the
operation of the University Case
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In The Daily

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