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February 14, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-14

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Bach Artia GroupToPeform Tueda
The achAri grop, ompsedappears as hardly more than a last performance of the twentieth head of the music school, who has
TeacAiagopcopsdsupplement." annual Chamber Music Festival been a faculty member since 1912.
of world-famous instrumental and Members of the group, directed at 2:30 p.m. today. The goal of $100,000 is to be
vocal soloists and organized ex- by William H. Scheide, are Julius The concert will be presented in collected by July 1, 1961, to coin-ar
pressly to perform the arias and Baker, flutist; Robert Bloom, Rackham Aud. by pianist Victor ide with the end of Dean Moore's a
duets from Bach's cantatas, will oboeist; Eileen Farrell, soprano; Babin; violinist S'zymon Goldman; retirement furlough year. to
Norman Farrow, bass-baritone; violist William Primrose and cell- * "
appear at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Bernard Greenhouse, cellist; Jan ist Nikolai Graudan. A most unusual view of ancient nei
Hill Auditorium. Peerce, tenor; Carol Smith, alto; This afternoon's program will theatre is being presented by Peter n
Their repertoire is comparative- Paul Ulanowsky, pianist; and Mau- contain Mozart' "Quartet in G mi- D. Arnott in a marionette version
ly unknown but remarkably beau- rice Wilk, violinist, nor, K. 478"; "Quartet in C minor, of Plautus' "Menaechmi" at 8:00 sti
tiful, for, as Albert Schweitzer * * * Op. 60, No. 3" by Brahms; and p.m. Friday in the Arena theatre ,
wrote in his book on Bach, "In The Festival Quartet, which Quartet in E-fat, Op. 47" by Schu- o fthe Frieze Bldg. h
comparison with the cantatas, ev- made its first Ann Arbor appear- mann. * That afternoon Arnott will le- P
erything else that Bach has done ance Friday night, will give its* * * ture on "Some Practical Consid- o
____________--_____________________- For the fifth consecutive year, erations in Staging Ancient Dra- te
the University Platform Attrac- ma.'
tions will present another series of Arnott has published a book en-
:Mpthe Burton Holmes travelogues, titled "An Introduction to the
NewlmanClu Gra uat DinerRobert Mallett and Andre de la Greek Theatre" as well as two
Newm n Clb Oaduae DinerVarre will narrate the five films to classical comedies.'
bepresented Thursday evenings
FATHER RItC HAR D CENTER between Feb. 18 and March 17. Adele Marcus, pianist and mm
The course will open Thursday ber of the faculty of the Julliard
6 P. . To ightwith a color film on "The New School of Music, wil present a
Magic of Mexico" which includes recital and a lecture-demonstra-
views of the old arts and crafts- tion at the University this week.
" / pottery and silver designing-as The recital will include "Sonata
Chare. w ll b I.Wwell as the new cultural, industrial in B minor, Op. 58" by Chpin;
Charg wil be 1.00and educational developments of "Intermezzo, Op 118, No. 6 and
the country. Rhapsody, Op. 119, No. 4" by
__________________________________________ * * *Brahms; and Schumann's "Etudes
The Earl V. Moore Scholarship Symphoniques"
iFund of the University has Miss Marcus' lecture-demon-
ann arbor folk & jazz society presents launched a national campaign for stration will discuss 'The Many
$100,000 to provide financial as- Facets of a Teacher's Art
Ame/rca ~tS mot Popullarlk © itE sistance for promising 'students in The recital will be held at 3:00
the music school. p.m. tomorrow, the lecture at 9:00
The fund was established by the a.m. Tuesday, both in the Rack-
i Regents to honor Dean Moore, ham Assembly Hall.
"folk Songs XE ET1A
SAT., B, 0, N N AR ', R i H t{ heDaily Official Bulletin is an Robert Mallet and Andre de Ia Varre.
I, official publication of The Univer- Tickets for the full series as well as
TICKETS $4.40,Q3.3, 2.75, 2.20,1.5 tax in1cL) sity of Michigan for which The for each film are on sale at the pox
MichganDaily assumes no edi- office
orial responsibility. Notices should
ON SALE AT BOB MARSHALLS BOOKSHOP ix Room t3s9TAdmnistratin Build- Concerts
f; ing before2 p.m. the day preceding Cocr:TeBhAiaGupa
- .- -publication. Notices for Sunday nerganThezac Ariao roup, af
Dail du at :00p~m.Friay.world-renowned vocal and Instrumen-
tal soloits, will be presented Tues.,
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1960 Feb. 16 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill And. The
VOL. LXX, NO. 98 vocal soloists in the group are: Eileen
Farrell, soprano; Carol Smith, cntral-
to; Jan Peerce, tenor; and Norman
S* #+ e~eral T~t~es Farrw, bass-baritone; and the instru-
(7r j mentalists: Julius Baker, flutist; Rob-
Burton Holmes Travelogue series. ert Bloom, oboe; Bernard Greenhouse,
Opening Feb. 18, the University Plat- cello, Paul Ulanowsky, piano and
form Attraction series will present five Maurice Wilk, violin; with William H
Gi te t ' qi dtravelogues filmed by the noted Bur- Schede, director. The program for this
ton Holmes cameramen on Thurs. even- concert will consist of cantatas and
ings at 8:30 in Hill Ad. The program arias of J. S. Bach. Tickets may be
Includes "Mexico"' Feb. 18; "Vienna purchased at the offices of the Un-
and the Danube," Feb. 25; "Israel," versity Musical Society and on the
March 3 "Europe by Car," March 10 evening of the concert after 7:00 o'clock.
and "Italy, Roundabout Rome," March
17. All are motion pictures filmed in Recitals
Qt 7.0 Qnd9:00natural door and narration will be by
-- Guest Recital and Lecture: Miss-
TONIGHT at :0 ad :0 Adele Marcus will present a piano re-
cital at 3:00p~m. Mon., Feb. 15. Miss
DANCE Marcus will alsol lecture on Tues. 9:00
DANCEa.m on "The Many Facets of a Teach-
erArt." Both recital and lecture will
FOREIGN C R E P N E TO C E T A be held in the Rackham Assembly Hal,
featuring li.
with THE DIXI E-CATS Student Recital: David Effron will
present a piano recital in Ad. A, at
JE McRAHERBERT MARSHALL HUGH SCOTT 8:3ipl.,Sut. Feb. 1,i partial ful-
MACDANFORTHfilegrent co herequirements for the
Jr AMESCand d Brahms.
plus etrann ato DICK CORRELL
Recial y Sudets n. uskEdu-
B ILL H EN LI N E cation: Students in Music Education
A r T r t /will present a recital in Ad. A, on
AR tI E EDNARDS Sun., Feb. 14, at 4:15 p.m. Participat-
KAY MI ESEN Ing in the program will be Egbert
rARCH ITECTU RE AUDI TORI UM PHI1L STANLEY Blubaugh, Joelen Bonham, Elizabeth
DeBeck, Robert Dennison, Celia Grif-
/ plus many more fore Nancy Hallsten, Gail Haver, Mary
UGHSCOTeA ENC Ellen Henkel, Warren Jawrski, Carol
HUG C TTA E C Jewell, Phyllis Kaplan Linda Kessler,
1 332 Gedds NO 5-5700 Cynthia Kren, Elizabeth Lichty, Karen
________________ ___________ - McCann, Janice Miner, Joan Olson,
___________________ ______________ - - -Christine Paraschtos, Patricia Parker,
mmmmmm mmm - - mmmm mmm....mmmmmm - - m mmmmmm -mm mmmmm mmimmmmmm mgFlorence Poe, Vincent Schneider, Ar-
t I nod Simpson, Linda Vernon, David
Walter, Ardith Watts, and Albert Wer-
At the University of Michigan 1429 Hill Street ,L cu e
UIL cursf

I Assembly, Dr. James V. Neel, Prof. of
# ANNOUNCES A FORUM OF 3 LECTURE-DISCUSSIONS Human Genetics will speak on "Radia-
tion Fallout and Public Health" on
on Mon.. Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. in the School of
I * Public Health Aud.
1"JEWISH-GENTILE RELATIONS:I Lecture: "Analysis of an Atmospher-
IN ERAN, .SS.."ic Model of Self-Determining Static
TRENDSINGRAY UNITED STATES, U....: Stability." by Dr. W. Lawrence Gates,
* Assoc. Prof. of Meteorology. Univ. of
* Wedesda Evenngs t 8v Californiat at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. on
*ensa Evnn1a Mon., Feb. 15, 1042 E. Engrg. Bldg.
I -,'r'~kA~,~,Lecture: Mr. Jean Rey of Belgium
" .February17-EMN " n himno h omsino
*Associate Professor, Gerhard L. Weinberg, History Department *;xtndcaRean tioseuroeansEonof-
l c Community. will speak on "The
* 2. Feray2 - NTDSAE European Community as a New Force
Associate Professor,Grar .Lenski, Sociology Department inWopr Affirso tn M$n,,Feb. 15 at
tProfessor Morris Janowi tz, Sociology Deportment School.
3. Mac* - .S .R Lecture: Sandra Sarti, faculty mem-
i ihe .Luther, Lecturer in History SvitUio)seraoftheAgape Community, Italy, will
sv~crae'~ (Svit Uio)j speak on "Communism's Impress on
! Religions" at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Feb. 16,
I I in Aud. A.
E E L C O M EI A a e i Cut Out and Keep for Reference ;t e
j Automatic Programming and Numer-
TH UR., RI.,SAT.MONDAY at 10:30 A.M.
uznaa* W1% 1 0*CIOE 1

Architects' I
la s The Alpha Rho Chi professional
rchitectural fraternity is holding
n open house from 3 to 6 p.m.
The open house will feature the
smodeling of the fraternity house,
ewly completed this fall.
On display will be exhibitions of
'udent architecture projects.
The winner and runner-up of
ie "Walter T. Anlchka Sketch
'oblem Competition" will also be
ndisplay. Anicka is a local archi-
,ct who gives a problem to the


i raternity
House Today

University architectural students
.twice a year.
There are two divisions in th~is
competition: for senior year and
'Junior year architectural students,.
The winners on display today will
be those of the junior years divi-
kAlso on exhibit. will be the e-
oe nd place winner' in the "Ankara
Turkey Cultural- Center Competi-
tion," an international eontst.


National Service Fraternity
invites you
To Our Open Meeting

Sunday, Feb. 14

2:00 P.M.

3-M Union
Refreshments Served

NO08-6416 NOW
"A masterpiece... noth-
ing short or, miraculous
all of Bergman's
skills are on.. view in
'The Magician7 which
all in all is .a superb
motion picture."
-The New Yorker
.JgJa V~rtnn


AT Shows c
REGULAR ,G!I ,u! o,+ ! n 1:00 -3:.
PRICES 6:15- 8:5



-w -

- -

. .


7:15 P.M. and 9:30 P.M.
HillA Auioim


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