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February 14, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-14

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Pia t Notes"
Interest Rise
In Aerica
"One is astonished at the ipter-
est in chamber music," Victor
Babin. the pianist of the Festival
Quartet performing at the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre this weekend,
commented Friday.
"There has been in general an
amazing progress and interest in
niusic in the United States in the
25 years," he continued in his
slight Russian accent. "And cham-
ber music has come to the fore
because it was least known."
"What is chamber music? It is
almost every kind of music-as
soon as more than one person is
playing or singing. A pianist plays
chamber music between his left
and right hand."
"In the broader, philosophical
sense, then, whenever more than
one voice or instrument are syn-
chronized it is chamber music."
The most famous kind of cham-
ber music is the string quartet. So
in the lay mind, chamber music is
associated with this musical
.The Festival Quartet doesn't
concentrate on the music of any
one composer, Babin further re-
vealed. Since the eighteenth cen-
tury, every composer of note has
composed chamber music, with the
exception of Wagner.

Argentines Still Search
For Elusive Submarine

BUENOS AIRES (A') -- The 15-
day hunt for an elusive submarine
supposed to be in remote Golfo
Nuevo provoked mounting excite-
ment in Buenos Aires yesterday.
The possibility of international
complications heightened the ten-
sion. Argentina regards the en-
trance of a submerged submarine
in the gulf as an invasion of her
territorial waters.
The scant news coming from
the scene, a 20-by-40 square mile
gulf 650 miles southwest of Buenos
Aires, did nothing to resolve the
confusion. Many Argentines were
beginning to doubt there was any
submarine at all.
Officials Stay Silent
Navy and other officials main-
tained strict silence except to say
that operations were continuing
against an unidentified submarine
which has been bottled up in the
Two Dutch warships, the de-
stroyer Groningen and the frigate
Van Amstel, and two avenger
antisubmarine aircraft reported
from Curacao in the Dutch West
Indies meanwhile that a strange
submarine may have been traced
in that Caribbean area.
The Dutch said radar and anti-
submarine detection apparatus
disclosed the presence of an un-
known object Friday. A check
showed the Dutch submarine Wal-

rus in the area was too far away
to have been involved.
Dutch Uncertain
"We have no certainty about an
unidentified submarine," the
Dutch navy said, adding that sev-
eral ships and planes would have
to exchange data to settle the
Two United States military
transports were expected late yes-
terday at a southern Argentine
base, bringing modern weapons
for attack in Golfo Nuevo.
The Argentine government gave
a rush order for the equipment,
which includes depth charges,
lights, sonar and other antisub-
marine gear.
The two planes were to land at
the naval airbase of Comandante
Espora, not far from the gulf.
Argentine warships, patrol boats,
seaplanes, fighters and helicopters
have converged on the area. They
are operating night and day to
keep the submarine trapped in-
side the gulf. They hope to force
it to come up and surrender or
else destroy it.
There were persisten rumors in
the Gulf area that two more sub-
marines have re-appeared outside
the gulf. These reports said they
were trying diversionary tactics
which might help their trapped'
companion slip out of the block-
ade at the mouth of the gulf.

To Promote
HAVANA ta - Soviet Deputy
Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan yes-
terday signed a huge trade pact
Prime Minister Fidel Castro
making the Soviet Union Cuba's
second largest customer behind
the United States.
Cuban leaders hailed the new
trade agreement, under which the
Soviet Union buys a fifth of Cuba's
annual sugar crop, as the first step
toward closer Soviet-Cuban rela-
American sources said the pact
assures the Soviet Union of a firm
foot in this critical Caribbean area
from which it can extend its pene-
tration deep into the rest of the
Caribbean and Latin America.
Indicates Good Will
Before he left by plane for Mos-
cow at the end of a 10-day visit to
Cuba, Mikoyan also indicated at
a news conference that resump-
tion of Cuban-Soviet diplomatic
relations may be near. A fnal
communique said:
"Both governments approve the
proposition of amplifying and re-
inforcing contacts in the field of
economic cooperation, technical
assistance and cultural exchanges
to benefit their respective peoples.
They agree . . . to discuss oppor-
tunely the renewal of diplomatic
relations on a plane of complete
equality and independence."
Under the trade agreement, the
Soviet Union will buy one million
tons of sugar a year for the next
five years. It will extend Castro's
regime a credit of 100 million dol-
lars to be repaid over 12 years at
an interest rate of two and one-
half per cent.
Of this amount of sugar, the
Soviet Union will pay cash in
dollars for 200,000 tons a year at
the world market price, now 3
cents a pound. The remaining
800,000 tons of sugar will be ex-
changed for farm and industrial
U.S. Buys Half
The United States now buys
about half of Cuba's annual sugar
production of five million tons,
paying from 2 to 2-Y cents a pound
over the world market. price.
Indicating that the United
States might take another look at
its program of buying Cuban sugar,
one well placed United States
businessman predicted Congress
would react quickly and "pretty
rough" to the Soviet trade pact.
The agreement mentioned only
the supply of agricultural and in-
dustrial equipment and the usual
flow of Soviet technicians to as-
semble and operate it. Technicians
also will be supplied for building
factories and plants, the com-
munique said.
But the Castro government is
anxious to buy jet warplanes,
denied by Britain and the United
States, who have halted arm sales
until the explosive situation in the
Caribbean eases.
Mikoyan told a news conference
he had not discussed the question
of warplanes with Cuban officials.
He said earlier, however, the So-
viet Union , would supply war-
planes "if we are asked." The So-

viet credit, which must be spent
in the Soviet Union, could be used
for planes.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
In a series of interviews with in-
ternational students. The subject
represents the 245 University stu-
dents from Europe.)
"My only problem is finding
girls," a Spanish student con-
He also added that most foreign
students don't understand the
"customns and characters" of Amer-
ican girls and are embarrassed
when they go out on dates with
Explaining that he doesn't know
how to "manage them," he noted
that .he fully understood Spanish
Alirls who would never permit
kisses or even hand-holding until
they were engaged.
Women Inconsistent
Here the girls may like to be
kissed or may be very resentful
against it. As an example, he re-
ferred to a recent date he had had
with an American girl. He didn't
kiss her or even hold her hand
during the evening and she re-
ported to her dormitory friends
she didn't know "what kind of
man" she had gone out with.
"The next time he really tried
to prove he was a man," his com-
panion added.
One of the Spanish students,
presently attending the English
Language Institute, contended
that most of the problems of Eu-
ropean students, as well as all
international students, center
around their lack of knowledge of
Language Problem
Although most Europeans can
read English quite proficiently,
they have considerable difficulty
understanding lectures and reci-
tations when the conversation
progresses rapidly from subject
to subject.
The Spaniards also noted that
this lack of language ability is a
real handicap during exams when
the emphasis is on writing the
most coherent essay in a short
time. Although they have to study
somewhat longer than American
students, they termed this "not a
real problem."
One of the Spanish students,
here on a scholarship given by an
American firm, complained of the,
lack of information available to
European students about Ameri-
can universities. He suggested that
the United States foreign service
should have more general inf or-
mation about American universi-
ties for prospective students
Undervalue Credits k
He also advanced a criticism of
the University for underevaluat-
ing the credits of students who
have attended universities in other
countries. Explaining that the

background of European students had never encountered any preiu- prised that students unde:
is usually very good, he noted that dice against them by Americans. years old are not allowed to d
they are required to take courses Sometimes they find students alcoholic beverages because
on a much lower level than they "rather cold" to them, but blamed Spain you can drink when you
have already reached, thus wasting the language barrier for this dif- a year old."
both their time and the Univer- ficulty. They were also intrigued
sity's. 'No Free Time' the vast number of machines
Although he noted that profi- One of the students complained for so many things in this cou
ciency tests to determin academic that he had too much to do and and the general. emphasis
status would be expensive, he said regretted that he had no free mechanization.
they would probably be the best time for activities. The other one, Admitting that he would
solution to the problem. on the other hand, would like the to stay in this country after
Comparing the American sys- University to sponsor more parties ing school, one of the Spa
tem of education to the European, because "on the weekends I don't students said what he wouldr
one of the students said he found have anything to do." like is to have "one foot here
no basic difference between the Both students were very sur- one in the other place."
two. He thought the emphasis on
making a continuous effort was a
good point and liked the periodi-
cal examinations.
Emphasis on Training
He noted the possibility of too
great an emphasis on training in-
stead of a basic education.
"Perhaps there is too much em-
phasis on how rather than what,"
he said.
Oral, examinations, which are
used extensively in Europe, are
more effective than written ones,
in his opinion. He explained that
the professor can make a better
personal evaluation of the student+ -_'
and can cover a much more exten-'":-
sive area of the subject matter." .".2*°*'-
Currency Loses Value,-"--:
Asked about possible financial
problems, he explained that prac- -..;" -. * ;4
tically all foreign currency loses ,
much value in exchange to Ameri- - -'-
cali money. However, since some :., --,* -
manufactured products cost much .'-
less here, it is possible actually to - .*....,4*.* .
gain money.."'-
He explained that food and
clothes are more expensive in the
United States, but record players, ,,'"'.
and automobiles are much cheap-
Finding housing presents no - - *.*""-
special problems to European stu- " 4
dents, one Spaniard commented,= -_*
explaining that most of them live -- **..**
in apartments.- -.*,* . .-.
He said he had an opportunity ---' . t' '
to live in a dormitory, but refused ...-. .' -
because he would have had to pay
in advance and would have been
required to eat all his meals there,
which he found "boring.",arcury rubs its lamp of enchantment and podf
Wanted Roommate your toes are sheathed in creamy-soft glove leather
In looking for an apartment, he slippers agleam with golden teardrops. Choose the pointy
had some difficulty because he
now lives with a. French student toe or the bow-ed harem toe in black, white, green, red,
and an American student and pink. blue, melon, yellow, or bone. Sizes: small (4-6)
better command of English medium (6-8), large (8.10). The foam cushioned
through their late-at-night bull insoles and heel lifts are a magic carpet of heavenly
The approximately $50 per comfort, Handwashable. In their own gold-strung
month rent shocked both students crystal-clear carrying case. About $3.98
at first. He explained that in Spain
"one would have eight rooms and MAIN FLOOR
a maid for that price."
Asked about possible social
problems, both students said they C

Spanish Students Tell Troub


Gay tricks to play on winter clothes just before
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Second front Page



Ann Arbor's Most Fashionable Address

Suriday, February 14, 1960

Page 3

Sweetheart, Spend Valentine's Day with me
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This is the news - the new
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Shown here is a suntime
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Just one of many at





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