See Page 4
Yl t e
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Cloudy, windy, continued, cold
with flurries through Monday.
Associated Press Education Writer
ROCHESTER (P)-Rlight now Michigan State University-Oakland
As just three buildings, a student body of 535 freshmen, a faculty of
25-and a dream.
The dream is to start right from scratch and build MSU-O into
one of the nation's greatest institutions of higher learning. The hard-
headed realists who are building on that dream haven't any doubt they
will succeed.
Even before the first classes opened last fall the goal was clear:
they're out to produce eggheads. Not just from the gifted and the
brilliant, but from any reasonably able youngster who is willing to
Sister to MSU
MSU-O is a sister, but no twin, of Michigan State University at
East Lansing, a pioneer in developing vocational courses in agricul-
ture, applied science and the mechanical arts. It's hard to imagine
two members of the same academic family going in such opposite
At MSU-O the emphasis is on learning, not training; on ideas,
not techniques.
For nearly a century the trend in American colleges and univer-
sities has been away from the humanities, and toward a narrow
h Stresses I
specialization. Many have become mere trade schools, and have grown
soft in the process.
Here at MSU-O they have reversed the trend.
Every student must take at least half his courses in liberal arts.
Required of all are stiff, one-year courses in English literature and
rhetoric, history and development of Western civilization, history and
philosophy of science, and a study of contemporary non-Western
cultures, with emphasis on the Far East, Africa and Latin America.
Every student must master-not just study-a foreign language,
preferably Russian. French and Russian are being offered this year,
Greek, Latin and German will be added next year. Some students may
substitute a sequence in mathematics which begins with calculus, but
they are urged to take a language too.
There are only four fields of study: liberal arts, engineering sci-
ence, business administration and teacher education. In each field
the emphasis is on depth, not a vast variety of splinter courses on
the same subject.
Work Emphasis
In every course there will be strong emphasis on written work, to
develop clear and effective expression.
Perhaps the real key to the MSU-O plan is the freedom given the
individual student.
For example, no roll call is taken in class. It is assumed the
student is there to learn. If he can do it better outside class than
the official view is "good for him."
Students are encouraged to do independent study and resear
and to work together in small groups.
No Frills
No other state university, and very few private schools, is
demanding of its students. There is no time for frills or fol-de-r
Students are expected to be on the campus from 8 a.m. until 5 p.1
and most have four or five hours homework each night. They e
urged to work at outside jobs only on weekends.
At the end of the first quarter, just before Christmas, MSU
officials found they had been too demanding. Forty-three per cent
the students taking calculus, chemistry and economics had fiunk
There was also a high rate of failure among students taking politi
science and French,
"In most cases the instructors were probablyat fault," Lor
Pope, assistant to the chancellor says. "They were demanding t
much, too soon. Perhaps it was a conscious effort to make it tough,
"Many of the students just didn't have the proper backgrou;
for a tough course in political science. And many of the studei
taking math and chemistry shouldn't have been taking those cours
at all."
The students who flunked were given a chance to repeat t
course and erase their failure. More than two thirds of them did;
in, And, starting next year, the course in economics and political science
will be moved up from the freshman to the sophomore level.
ch, "There are no snap courses here," Chancellor Durward B. Varner
says. "All of them are tough. But we didn't want this rate of attrition."
Of the original freshman class of 570, only 70 dropped out at the
end of the first quarter for all reasons. This is about 12 per cent, com-
so pared to a national average of more than 27 per cent.
ol. To help the student devote full time to 4earning, the university
m., has cleared away much of the nonintellectual underbrush which
re grows on most campuses.
Affilliates Forbidden
-O Social fraternities and sororities are forbidden. There is no ROTC
of program. There will be no intercollegiate athletics, no required physical
ed. education.
cal Another departure from normal state university practice is that
there will be no remedial, or "bonehead," courses. Students who need
en extra work to make up high school deficiencies must get it on their
oo own.
When MSU-O opened its doors last September its approach to
nd higher education was an untried experiment. Much still remains to be
ats proved, but staff and students alike are delighted with the results so
ses far.
Says Mary Stewart, an 18-year-old who hopes to become a teacher:
he "Older friends of inine who have gone to other colleges led me to
SO. See SCHOOL, Page 8
To Co
tinue Bomb
Sallade Sets
Aim at GOP
Rep. George Sallade (R - Ann
Arbor) will seek the Republican
nomination for one of the state-
wide offices though he is not yet
saying which one.
Sallade revealed as much yes-
terday when he said he will not
run for thenHouse again in 1960.
He said he would announce by
March 1 whether he would run,
for Lieut. Governor, which would
require a primary contest, or an
administrative position, which
only requires nomination by the
party state convention.-
yg Government
To Develop
Atom Power
De Gaulle Expected
To Press Claims
As Nuclear Power
PARIS (MP-France, an exulta
newcomer to the ranks of ti
s< world's atomic powers, planst
SISTER TO STATE-A new school, Michigan State University-Oakland, was opened this fall. It is a
sister to MSU at East Lansing, but here the relationship between the two schools ends. For the
emphasis on MSU-O has from the outset been on learning, not training, and on ideas, not techniques.
It is intended that this new school will one day be one of the nation's greatest institutions of learning
NJ'U Cagers op ichigan
Michigan drew closer to a 42-
year old school record for Big
Ten Basketball futility yesterday
afternoon, dropping their eighth
consecutive Conference game to
Northwestern, 83-75.
The defeat, which came before
4,200 fans at Yost Fieldhouse plus
a regional television audience,
pushed the Wolverines within two
losses of the record established
by the Michigan team of 1917-18
of ten games.
Once more the Wolverines
showed promise to their followers,
holding the lead through the first:
ten minutes of the first half, and
turning on a stretch drive which
fell eight points short at the final
'M' Cracks Defense
Sharp passing by the home team
cracked the Wildcat defense for
several easy baskets in the open-I
ing minutes of the contest, and
when guard Jon Hall converted a
long pass from center Bob Brown,,
the Wolverines stretched their ad-
vantage to 12-6.
It was their biggest lead. With
Willie Jones and Bill Cacciatore
leading the way, the visitors
chopped away, pulling into a 16-16
deadlock midway through the half.
Michigan knotted the game up
again a basket later, but wilted'
under terrific shooting pressure
from the Wildcats. With Caccia-
tore throwing in three long jump
shots inside of a minute, North-
western spurted to a commanding
39-25 lead, and familiar groans
could be heard throughout the
Close With Rush
However, the unpredictable Wol-
verines, paced once more by
knights-in-armor John Tidwell
and Terry Miller, closed with a
rush near the intermission and
left the floor on the short end of
a respectable 41-36 score.
rrA nalcn1nt__ + a 11 hi
f0 _
Wildcat guard Floyd Campbell
settled the issue shortly, driving
through a full-court press set up
by the Wolverines and sinking a
twisting lay-up. A desperate at-
tempt by Lovell Farris to block
the shot resulted in a foul, which
Campbell converted into North-
western's 82nd point.
The clock ran out before either
See TIDWELL, Page 6
Friends Urge Action
"A number of friends have
called and urged that I might
seek an administrative position,"
but "the direct primary contest
for Lieut. Governor would afford
me the opportunity to discuss is-
sues with and explain my record
to the rank and file Republican
"In order to influence the fu-
ture cpurse of the state Republi-
can party, it is obvious one must
speak from the post of a higher
state office, or at very least be a
member of the state Senate.,.. .
"At times, I have been practi-
cally the sole voice advocating ac-
tion along certain lines among the
Republican membership of the
legislature. . . . I have found my-
self consistently at odds with the
leadership of the State Senate....
"However, there are many Re-
publicans in Michigan who regard
this leadership, although com-
posed of sincere and honorable
men, as almost singularly re-
sponsible for the near demise of
our party in recent years."
Proud of Label
Sallade said he is proud to have
the label "Young Turk," because
"Young Turks" have brought bene-
fits to the state. It is to the "lst-
ing credit" of the Republican
party that it contains such men.
"Further, I think it is the duty
for any one who has stood for a
controversial approach to govern-
ment to carry his views eventually
to the voters. . . . It is one thing
to continually argue and advocate
courses of action for a safe legisla-
tive or senatorial district. It is
quite another thing to ask the
voters to render a judgement on
the particular programs sug-
Four More
To Seek Post
Four more students, Eleanor
Cook, '62, Alan Burnstein, '62, Per
Ha,~sn W) andA A..m. n--
-avid uutrow
PROPHET?-Socialist leader Norman Thomas explained why he is a Democratic Socialist yesterday
in the Undergraduate Library. Thomas said Democratic Socialism is best able to meet current problems,
including the likelihood of war, the inequitable use of technological powers and citizen apathy. It
does not give absolute answer, he admitted, but its answer comes closest to the best.
Thomas Boosts Socialist Views
4) _
Norman Thomas is a Democratic
Socialist because the party's ideals
come closest to solving todays
major problems, including the
likelihood of war, inequitable and
inadequate use of technological
powers, and citizen apathy.
Speaking yesterday to an over-
flow crowd in the Undergraduate
Library's Multipurpose Room,
Thomas said socialists believe it is
"possible for us to reach in peace
for plenty and freedom," that "lib-
erty, equality and fraternity are
not irreconcilable goals" and the
March Election Petitions
To Be Available Tomorrow,
Petitions will be available beginning tomorrow for the Student
Government Council, Board in Control of Student Publications, Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, Union Student Directors, and
senior class officer elections.
Those wishing to run in these elections may obtain petitions in
the Student Activities Building and must turn them in by 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 24. The elections will be on Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 15 and 16.
There are six positions available on SGC, three on the Board in
Control of Student Publications, one for the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, six student directorships of the Union, and
a total of 15 senior class officer posts available in the education, en-
gineering and business administration schools, and the literary college.
Any student in good standing may run for SGC and the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
The member of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
must be a male sophomore, and one of the Union student directors
must be from the Law School, and one from either the medical or
dental college.
Those running for the Board in Control of Student Publications
must obtain 100 signatures on their petitions, those for the Unionj
student directorshin. 200 signatures of Union members, and those
"price we must pay to conquer
poverty is collectivism."
Thomas especially emphasized
the need for world cooperation in
eliminating poverty. Asia and Af-
rica cannot repeat nineteenth cen-
tury economic history, he said.
There are some good things in
the present American system, but
now capitalism is only tolerable,
not ethical or secure. Planning and
purpose are needed, for capitalism
has not solved all its problems and
income should be shared on the
basis of "need and deed," not
"greed and breed."
Things would be better if man-
agement were to work for a com-
mon good, not for stockholders,
if concepts like TVA were ex-
tended and if workers were to take
a share in management.
Further, steps must be taken to
express the idea of a community
larger than the nation-state,
which is a large cause of present
The power now exists to make
civilization the general heritage of
man, to create general economic
well-being, to conquer disease and
ignorance. But at the same time,
the power could result in the anni-
hilation of the race which empha-
sizes the inadequacy of our social
institutions and ideals to meet the
problems of the modern world.
"In our thinking," Thomas ex-
plained, we are "heirs to the people
who have had to accept war as
arbiter of temporal disputes-not
follow up her successful test of
tower device in the Sahara wi
the explosion of an operation
atomic bomb, it was reported la
There was every indication Pre
ident Charles de Gaulle's gover
ment, despite a storm of critic
comment from abroad, intends
develop a nuclear arsenal in su
port of the French claim to eqt
voice with the United Statf
Britain and Russia in the aton
Maj. Gen. Charles Ailleret, chi
of the French special weapons d
vision, said yesterday's successi
test of a plutonium device
Tanezrouf, deep in Algeria ne
the Reggane Oasis, "will permit
to construct swiftly a complete
modern nuclear arms supply."
Voices Enthusiasm
The austere de Gaulle voiced I
enthusiasm in a message to ato
affairs minister Pierre Goulla
maut, who directed the test:
"Hurrah for France! since ti
morning she is stronger at
prouder. From the bottom of t
heart, thanks to you and thc
who, for France, have achiev
this magnificent success."
France is known to have enoul
plutonium, a derivative of uranit
238, on hand for two atomic blas
and is slowly processing more.
Equals Hiroshima
The French blast No. 1 appea
to have been about equal to t
first atomic bombs produced
1945 by the United States. ThE
energy was rated as the equivale
of that packed in 20,000 tons
TNT, or 20 kilotrons.
Hydrogen weapons develop
since by the United States, Brita
and Russia are far more powerh
The United States has tested h;
drogen explosives considered eqt
to 15 to 17 megatons, or 15 to
million tons of TNT.
The French blast was the worl
first since the big three nucle
powers halted proving ground e
periments in the fall of 1958
preparation for their Geneva tal
on banning further tests.
Say No Fallout
French officials said first inc
cations were that there was
radioactive fallout in inhabit
Sahara regions. They said weatl
conditions for the test were ideal
almost dead still near the eartl
. , .,