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February 13, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-13

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Chinese Finds Americans Hospi

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of interviews with
international students. The sub-
ject is a Far Eastern student study-
ing at the University.)
A petite Chinese student who
came to the University from Tai-
wan (Formosa) in September has
found American families very
hospitable to Far Eastern stu-
dents, particularly those from
She explained that Americans
seem to feel sorry about Japan's
defeat in the war and try to com-
pensate for it. She cited Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher's
personal welcome to Kimie Tojo,
Grad., daughter of a "war crim-
Born in Nanking, she attended
the University of Taiwan and the
University of Sydney, Australia,
where she gained a proficiency in
"But," she said, "the language
is difficult for most Chinese stu-

dents. They can read, but have
some trouble understanding lec-
She was surprised at the con-
sideration of American instructors
who "go out of their way" for
their students. Professors at the
University of Taiwan are more
aloof from their students and at
the University of Sydney lectures
are even delivered through a mic-
While she likes the feeling of
closeness between students and
faculty, she noted some disadvan-
tage in that the student is more
tied to his instructor and "you
have to be nice - you feel bad
about skipping lectures."
Too Busy To Think
Although she likes the close
supervision of the American edu-
cational system because it "keeps
you up to date," she sometimes
feels that she is too busy to think.
She noticed that at the Univer-
sity she has been required to hand
in "many more pieces of little

work" than at her previous
schools. At both Taiwan and Aus-
tralia she was used to "long essays
on manners and morals with a
flowing style."
Admitting that she still prefers
the essay type examination, she
noted that under the American
system more people pass their
courses. But at the University of
Taiwan, entrance examinations
are very stiff and anyone that
passes them is assured he can do
the required work.
Paper Work
"I have never struck anything
like it before --- I was absolutely
amazed at the number of papers,"
she said when asked about her ex-
periences at registration in the
Before she could be admitted to
the University, she had to under-
go a complete health examination
including x-rays and injections
while in Taiwan. Then when she
arrived here, she had to have ev-
erything again because the first
set was not recognized.

Her academic record at the Uni-
versity of Sidney was also not
given full credit by the University,
though she has a special scholar-
ship to attend the g r a d u a t e
Superiority Complex
"Everybody has a superiority
complex," she said, explaining
that she has to spend half a se-
mester as a special student be-
cause the University doesn't trust
her work in Australia. On' the
other hand, all her instructors
there wouldn't understand why
she wanted to come to an inferior
American school.
Asked if her money was deval-
uated when she exchanged it for
American currency, she said the
official government ex c hange
amounted to a gain, but the sum
a person is allowed to take out of
the country is limited to $600.
Many people exchange money
through "black market" chan-
nels, but lose value on the change.
She sad that most Eastern stu-

French Atom

Bomb Site

dents are not here on full schol-f
arships, and most come on short-t
term scholarships given by thet
government which insure that
they will return to their homeland
for their career.
Many Oriental students whot
come to this country to study
come because their families haver
attended school here and they areI
following in the tradition. She cit-
ed herself as an example, admit-e
ting that, while she doesn't mind
studying, has no "overwhelmingt
love" for it.t
Live in Apartmentst
She noted that most East Asian
students at the University live in
apartments mostly because of
their inability to eat American
food, although the money factor
Is important too.
"A person who has eaten rice
all his life will have a complete
mental and physical breakdown
if he has to switch to American
food," she explained.
So far in her association with
Americans, she has found them
to be "open and friendly." Some
of her countrymen, however, are
hindered socially by their shy-
ness and their inadequacy in the
use of language.
Very Studious
They are also very studious be-
cause they take their chance to
come here very seriously and want
to make the most of it. Although
she feels that some students lose
the value of their opportunity by
studying too much, she noted that
they have to study more if it takes
them four times longer to read a
book than an American student.
There is no general prejudice
against Eastern students as far
as dating goes, she said. More
Chinese boys date American girls
than vice-versa, but she attribut-
ed this to personal reasons rath-
er than a general feeling.
"Most Chinese boys are very
shy. A lot of them aren't aggres-
sive enough to ask someone and
feel very bad if refused," she said,
explaining that most date within
their own group.
Not Active
She noted that most Oriental
students are not very active so-
cially because they take their
work too seriously, but there are
a Chinese Students Club and two
Chinese fraternities as well as
smaller groups within these.
Religiously, Chinese students
are "very different from other
students." The majority are not
Christians and most of them
don't profess a formal religion ex-
cept Confucionism, which is "just
a way of life."
Although she was used to a few
cold days in Taiwan, she was
somewhat unpleasantly surprised
by the continuously cold weather
in Ann Arbor, and always wears
a sweater.

GENEVA OP)--Russia's Semyon
K. Tsarapkin said yesterday Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's plan
for a partial nuclear test ban
treaty was a Western "conspiracy"
to resume nuclear weapon devel-
He said Russia would never
agree to a treaty allowing resump-
tion of any nuclear testing.
He hinted the Soviet goveri-
ment would consider the Eisen-
hower plan only if it were linked
with a moratorium on tests not
explicitly banned by the treaty.
Such tests could not be con-
trolled, and a moratorium would
thus require each side accepting
the other's good faith without
scientific proof.
The Eisenhower plan was sub-
mitted to the three-nation talks
Thursday by United States dele-
gate James J. Wadsworth. It
called for a test ban treaty cover-
ing only those tests which can be

policed with available detection
techniques. Small tests under-
ground and some tests in outer
space would be excluded from the
treaty because they cannot be
controlled now.
Western officials said a final
Soviet reply to the Eisenhower
plan may not be given until So-
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
can present it personally at the
summit conference opening in
Paris May 16.
At yesterday's 171st session of
the talks, Tsarapkin asked nu-
merous questions of detail on the
Eisenhower plan. After hearing
the replies he repeated that the
plan was unacceptable to Russia,
and insisted that "there are no
grounds for hoping we will change
our position."
However, Western officials saw
in the questions he put to Wads-
worth and British delegate Sir



Michael Wright an indication tb
the plan would receive caref
consideration in Moscow.
penI Drive
The Earl V. Moore Scholarsh
Fund has launched a natior
campaign seeking $100,000 to E
promising students in the mu.
Prof. Clyde H. Thompson,
the music school, the natior
chairman of the. fund, said ti
the goal of $100,000 is to be su
scribed by July 1, 1961. The pit
project, undertaken in Decembi
1959, "has given promise of eve
chance for success," Prof. Thom
son said.

Russia Attacks U.S. Atom Test Ban Pl

. .
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Sahara Test
Conditions Favor
Minimum Fallout
PARIS (P) - The vast Sahara
Desert where France intends to
test her atomic bomb was barred
to air flights yesterday.
French civil air authorities dis-
tributed a communique warning
airlines that a test could be ex-
pected anytime after 6:30 a.m.
(12:30 a.m. EST), which is just
after dawn on the Sahara.
At the test site of Reggane some
600 technicians have been await-
ing favorable weather for the test.
Drilled Before
Once before the French made a
s I m i1 a r announcement which
turned out to be a drill for the
This was part of the compre-
hensive precautions taken by the
French to guard against an acci-
dent that would mar their test ex-
plosion which has been opposed
by the United Nations General As-
The French have insisted they
would wait on the most favorable
weather to insure minimum fall-
out from their explosion.
Hiroshima Plus
Indications are that the explo-
sion, when it comes, may be some-
what larger than the United
States blast over Hiroshima in
World War II.
That blast was equal to about
20,000 tons of TNT.
The desert area barred to air
travel measures roughly 1,250
miles from east to west and 1,500
miles from north to south.
Warn Tribes
Patrols have been sent through
the area to warn off nomad tribes.
Despite French official claims
that the area is sparsely populat-
ed, the French left-wing but non-
Communist newspaper France
Observateur said some 20,000 peo-
ple have been evacuated.
The test site itself is a complex
scientific city with some workers
in air-conditioned buildings and
others in tents.
A steel frame tower rises some
300 feet in the air at "point zero"
about 20 miles from Reggane,
where the first bomb is scheduled
to go off.



Still Has




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OPEN: Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30
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ATOMIC BLAST-If weather conditions continue favorable for minimum fallout, French atomic '
bomb tests are predicted to be bigger than the United States blast over Hiroshima in World War II.
Tests were planned to take place some time this morning at a Sahara Desert bomb site. The blast
pictured is a recent United States bomb test.




Soviets Deny Launching
New Mystery Satellite

New Books If You Prefer


HAVANA MP)-- Anastas I. Mi-
koyan, Soviet First Deputy Pre-
mier, said yesterday a mystery
satellite reported speeding through
space was not put up by the Sol
viet Union.
"The Soviet Union has no mys-
terious satellite," he told report-
ers before a scheduled TV appear-
ance last night. "The world knows
all about our satellites."
Washington announced earlier
this week that United States space
surveillance operations had de-
tected an unannounced object in
near polar orbit. There has been
speculation that it might be of
Soviet origin.
Mikoyan also told newsmen at
a reception given by the Cuban
Association of Industrialists that
the Soviet Union is willing to
supply war planes for Cuba.
"If we are asked," he said, we
will sell planes to Cuba."
The Castro government has
been seeking to buy jet fighters
for months and has charged the

United States with blocking the
sale of such craft.
Mikoyan returned earlier from
a three-day inspection of Cuba's
revolutionary farm cooperatives
and a side trip into the moun-


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Applied Mathematics


S4n £Friogan ail
Second Front Page


Saturday, February 13, 1960

Page 3

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Taking you into the
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