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February 13, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-13

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"We Feel Deeply About Education -Here's a Book"

Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

First Concert Pleasing
THE FESTIVAL QUARTET, as artists-in-residence for the weekend,
played the first of three concerts in the Twentieth Annual Chamber
Music Festival in the Rackham Amphitheatre last evening. Now in their
fourth season of commercial ensemble playing, the Quartet consists of
Victor Babin, Piano; Szymon Goldberg, Violin; Wm. Primrose, Viola;
Nikolai Graudan, Violkoncello. As teachers and recitalists at the Aspen,
Colorado summer music festivals, these men have joined together to
play and record the rich but limited literature for piano and string
The idea of a piano quartet grew from the Baroque accompanied
sonata, where both keyboard instrument and violoncello played the

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Professional Theatre Project:
Many Fingers in the Pie

vEW PROBLEMS in Ann Arbor's professional
theatre project have presented themselves,
for it seems everyone in southeastern Michigan
may be trying to get a finger in the Guthrie-
Rea-Zeisler pie. As soon as Ann Arbor turned
to wealthy Detroiters to ask for sponsorship
(should the theatre come here at all) the latter
inevitably thought of their own Wayne State
University and Michigan State University--
Oakland as other possible sites.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the mathematics
department, spokesman for the local steering
committee, capsuled the problem by noting the
impossibility of approaching Detroiters with
only Ann Arbor-in mind for the location.
And, Dean Roger Heyns of the literary col-
lege told the Detroit organizational meeting
the Regents were interested in the project on
behalf of the entire area.
BUT THE FACT REMAINS that Guthrie, Rea
and Zeisler approached Ann Arbor and
only Ann Arbor in this region as a prospective
location for their theatre . . . not Detroit, or
Oakland, or any other community nearby.
Rea has said the primary considerations in
locating the theatre included the fund-raising
ability of the community, and the presence of
a university with which the theatre could be
Any number of university communities
throughout the country could fill these require-
ments, however. If the New Yorkers' objectives
in theatre location go no further than' this,
then prospective sponsors in Detroit are justi-
fled in backing Wayne and MSU-O.
ALTHOUGH the New Yorkers did not origi-
nally consider one of the Detroit area
campuses as a possible theatre location, they
may decide on one of these campuses if they
see that the wealthiest sponsors in this region
want the theatre located there.

And probable at the risk of losing the theatre
from this region altogether it would be wise
to go along with the regional sponsors' decision,
wherever in the area it may be.
The fact is, the prospective location of the
theatre hasn't at present been agreed on by
interested sponsors of the area. And this prob-
ably constitutes the greatest weakness in the
region's endeavor to bring the theatre here, for
Guthrie, Rea, and Zeisler should at least get
the idea this region is willing to support it as
a whole.
The prevailing indecision of Detroit sponsors
leaves an impression of inaction and lack of
THE PICTURE of a theatre site has from the
outset been far more extensive than this,
however. Otherwise they would not have care-
fully approached six communities throughout
the country as possible sites: Boston, San Fran-
cisco, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and
Ann Arbor. (The first three cities are currently
out of the race.)
Their interest in Ann Arbor was this: it is
located away from New York, a fine university
is located here, it is close enough to populated
areas to provide good audiences, and small
enough so that the theatre could become asso-
ciated with the city.
Only Ann Arbor, not Detroit or even Milwau-
kee or Minneapolis, can lay claim to the last
quality. And this is one of the best known
characteristics of the Shakespearian Festival
Theatre in Canada: it has identified with the
little town of Stratford, Ontario. Rea, Guthrie
and Zeisler intend to model the new profes-
sional theatre after the one in Canada.
Detroiters and Ann Arborites alike may find
the theatre in the hands of the less-confused
Minneapolis or Milwaukee.

basso-continuo part under the
melodic soprano instrument. By
the late 18th century, the concept
of a string trio with piano had
crystallized. Mozart and Beethoven
were the first to write for this
specific medium.
* * *
THE BEETHOVEN work which
opened the program is the com-
poser's own transcription of a
quintet for piano and four wood-
winds. It is a perfect example of
early Beethoven, particular in re-
gard to the classic logic of formal
Last night, the composer's ideas
could hardly have been better
realized. Mr. Babin is to be com-
mended for his clear, singing tone,
and the slow movement was made
most memorable because of the
warmth emanating from the shar-
ing of a loved work of art. It was
music-making in the most creative
Max Reger, 1873-1916, occupies
a curious position in our musical
life. Never really known in his own
day, and forgotten in the following
years, his works are just beginning
to be heard. He is one of the few
composers whose intellectual prow-
ess gets in the way of the musical
The Festival Quartet is to be
thanked for letting us hear his
opus 113. However, a lack of
memorable thematic material and
tonal wanderings (on the com-
poser's part) plus incessant rush-
ing at the breathing spots (on the
performers' part) made the work
sound excessively thick and ob-
scure. '
BOTH Beethoven and Brahms
introduced themselves to Vienna
as composer-performers with their
works on this program. The
Brahms op. 25 is a gigantic four
movement work, filled with the
characteristic warmth of tertial
harmonies, quick modulations and
aff-beat accents.
I mentioned earlier that there
are few comparisons for piano
quartet. Indeed, the three concerts
of this series will virtually exhaust
the number of masterworks in this
medium. It is precisely because of
this that the Festival Quartet
could render service both to them-
selves and to our musical culture
by commissioning and playing new
works with such instrumentation.
-Kenneth Roberts

MysLi fies-
VIEWING a motion picture such
as "The Magician" is not unlike
listening to a new piece of music:
immediate assimilation Is improb-
able, if not impossible. The ulti-
mate merit of the work will be
revealed only -after continued
familiarity. This. may or may not
breed contempt, but it remains
essential to complete understand-
Ingmar Bergman's latest visual
adventure is a complex allegory.
dealinguwith the supernatural,
spiritual aspects of life. On the
one hand Vogler, the magician, is
a Christ-figure, a mustached,
bearded mute whose silence pre-
cludes the possibility of an ex-
amination of his power. He under-
stands the truth of the spirit, but
is incapable of verbal explanation,
As an animal-magnetist, he is
wanted by the law for charlatan-
ism, and leads a ragged troupe of
entertainers who remain one step
ahead of the law. He Is aided by
his grandmother, who concocts
"love" potions, and by a boy who
aids him in the act, and who
serves as his mouthpiece.
THEY DO NOT, however, escape
the law. Vogler is detained by the
law and questioned byia doctor
(the scientific, or skeptical man)
as to his methods. To the doctor,
everything is logically explain-
able: a belief in the supernatural
work would permit the existence of
spurious phenomena, such as a
At this point the issues become,
complicated and space will not
permit their full explanation. In a
harrowing scene near the end,
however, the loctor learns for him-
self the strange power of the
supernatural. That he later refutes
the experience is unimportant, for
what Bergman is saying is that
truth is independent of personal
-J. L. Forsht

Thomas Is America's Conscience



THE SENATE Foreign Relat
has been holding hearings4
which, curiously and remarkab
introduced by Sen. Humphrey
ardent support of Vice-Preside
as Mr. K. might say, is an in
shrimp has whistled.
The Humphrey Resolution ha
ing of the Administration and
command the support of the D
ership. There are, to be sure, dis
seriously worried that the ace
resolution will be an abdicatio
But they are a small minori
with the huge non-partisan ma
cludes so many of the leading
T HE HUMPHREY Resolutior
what is known as the Conna
to the original Senate Resoluti
Resolution, which was adopted
for the deposit of a declaratio
compulsory jurisdiction of th
Court of Justice. This is the cou
the Charter of the United Nati
States was perhaps its leading
Before the Connally Amendm
the 1946 Resolution said that
any other state accepting the s
the United States accepts the c
diction of the International C
"in all legal disputes" which c
classes of cases.
The International Court is t
sory jurisdiction in a dispute
interpretation of a treaty, (2)f
international law, (3) the existe
which, if established, would con
of an international obligation
nature or extent of the reparal
for the breach of an internatio
The 1946 Senate Resolution
where the compulsory jurisdicti
shall not apply. Of these reserv
portant one is that the Court
jurisdiction in a "dispute with re
which are essentially within the
diction of the United States." TI
then raised in the Senate as to:
decided whether a matter is or i
within the domestic jurisdiction

The World Court
ions Committee HE SENATE answered this question in 1946
on a resolution by accepting the Connally Amendment
ly enough, was which added six words to the original text.
y and has the Because of this amendment the question of
nt Nixon. This, whether a matter is essentially within the
Lstance where a domestic jurisdiction of the United States is to
be "determined by the United States." This is
as the full back- the amendment that both Sen. Humphrey and
J it is likely to Vice-President Nixon want to repeal.
emocratic lead- As the law stands today, the United States
ssenters who are government has the right to exclude the Court
ceptance of the whenever it desires to do so, without having
n of American to prove or to argue its position when it de-
clares that the case is "domestic." This. means
ty as compared that while we thave agreed to compulsory juris-
jority which in- diction in legal disputes, we have in fact re-
lawyers of the served the right to stop the Court's proceedings.
As a result, no other nation with which we
n would repeal have a dispute can be compelled to come before
ly Amendment the Court. What is sauce for the goose is also
on No. 196. This sauce for the gander. Under the Connally
in n1946, called Amendment we cannot be sued without our
n accepting the consent. But equally we cannot sue anyone else
eo International without his consent.
urt set up under This reduces the International Court of
ons. The United Justice to a kind of small sideshow. It is no
advocate. doubt the reason Why, despite all the interna-
ent was adopted national disputes with which the world is beset,
"in relation to the International Court has so few cases before
Same obligation" it.
ompulsory juris-
ourt of Justice HE QUESTION raised in Congress now is
oome under four whether our government or the Interna-
tional Court itself shall decide whether a mat-
o have compul- ter is domsetic. The dissenters, who believe that
about (1) the the Connally Amendment must be retained,
any question of argue that the Court might take jurisdiction
ence of any fact in a dispute which challenged our tariff laws,
stitute a breach our immigration laws, our currency laws, our
tituean br)tea administration of the Panama Canal. These
,i and (4) the fears, though understandable, are groundless.
ion to be made If the Court took jurisdiction in domestic mat-
inal obligation. ters, it would be violating its own statute which
t says expressly expressly limits its jurisdiction to international
on of the Court legal disputes.
vations, the in-
shall not have It is conceivable, although it is in the high-
egard to matters est degree unlikely, that the Court might
Sdomestic juris- violate the law which created it. But if it did
'he question was that, there would be a remedy. We would have
how it was to be an indubitable grievance and we would be en-
s not essentially titled, legally and morally, to challenge the
n of the United Court by political action in the United Nations.
THERE IS, therefore, no risk which would
leave us helpless. On the other hand, the
advantages of building up the jurisdiction of
the Court are very great. Perhaps the most
important of these advantages is one that
the Vice-President pointed out in an address
last April. If the richer nations, like the United
ROBERT JUNE States, are to export capital to assist the under-
City Editor developed countries, there must be legal secur-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article is an appreciation of Nor-
man Thomas, in conjunction with
his lecture appearance at the Uni-
versity. lie will speak at 2:30 p.m.
today in the Multipurpose Room of
the Undergraduate Library.)
ABOUT 1,000 people gathered in
New York's Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel last November to celebrate
the 75th birthday of Norman
Thomas. It was a remarkable and
puzzling assemblage.
Eleanor Roosevelt gave the open-
ing blessing, by tape recording:
Thomas is a great liberal, and it's
too bad he isn't a Democrat.
Norman Cousins, the chairman of
the gathering, thought it was won-
derful that he and Thomas were
now on the same side in the cause
of peace.
When Thomas' own nationally
televised speech was over, there
was a scramble of all kinds of
people claiming Norman Thomas
as their very own: Republicans
Paul Hoffman and Stanley Isaacs;
Jackie Robinson; old Ferdinand
Pecora. And then, after some de-
lay, Socialists.-I
The birthday dinner testimonials
came as no surprise to those fa-
miliar with Norman Thomas. For
it is his combination of civic and
Socialist activities, respectability
and radicalism, which has made
him unique --and effective - over
the years on the American politi-
cal and social scene.
JUST HOW effective he has been
is of course hard to measure. The
direct accomplishments are there:
the lifting of military law in In-
diana in the days of McNutt's
"Hoosier Hitlerism;" the endless
occasions when Thomas has inter-
vened successfully for civil rights
and liberties; his role in the estab-
lishment of permanent organiza-
tion, such as the American Civil
Liberties Union, the Worker's De-
fense League, the Southern Tenant
Farmer's Union, and dozens of
His effectiveness is due much to
the same qualities which make him
an effective molder of public opin-
ion: his power and persuasiveness
as a public speaker, his personal
charm and above all the image he
presents to people.
** *
generally viewed as a man on a
personal crusade against injustice.
This image has been popular from
the days of the wild West through
the Eisenhower "crusade" of 1952.
Thomas' capacity for personal
moral indignation is immense; as
is that of most Americans. The
difference between them has been
-and it is a difference that limits
Thomas' effectiveness in his speci-
fic activities rather than to his
broad Socialist program - that
Thomas and the American people
don't always agree on what to be
indignant about.

For the point that many people
miss. and this includes the ma-
jority of the dignitaries at his
birthday celebration last Novem-
ber, is that Thomas is still a
* * *
THE POPULAR conception is
that the Socialist Party platform
of 1932 has been largely taken over
by the New Deal (as indeed it has)
and that there is nothing left for
Socialist and Thomas to advocate.
To some extent this notion was
reinforced when Thomas declared
after his final campaign in 1948
that Socialists should no longer
rely on their previous tactic of
entering candidates in national
and local elections.
* * *
BESIDES, THOMAS has empha-
sized re-evaluation of Socialist
goals and techniques, an emphasis
which has led many to believe
that he has abandoned Socialism
He has stated that he would
place less emphasis on nationali-
zation as a socialist technique, al-
though he is still in favor of plac-
ing basic industries such as steel
under some form of social owner-
ship and control.
"My critique of our system," he
stated in 1959, "would be more in
terms of Prof. Galbraith's 'Afflu-
ent Society' than of 'Das Kapital'."
But he would emphasize more
than Galbraith "the importance
of justice in our economic order
and the desire for equality, which
(Galbraith) rather ignores. But I
still say, as I have so often, that
our national income should be
divided on the basis of need and
deed, without the introduction of
today's vast scale of breed and
* * *
BUT THOMAS' main concern
over the past two decades has been
with peace.
Opposing United States entry
into World War II until the attack
on Pearl Harbor made it a political
necessity, he has been concerned
since then with the conditions
necessary for a permanent peace.
He conceives these conditions to
be no different than those neces-
sary for the establishment of
democratic socialism on a world
His immediate concern has been
with the establishment of univer-
sal disarmament under the United
Nations, the prevention of all war
except "the essential and wholly
economic war against the bitter
poverty of two-thirds of mankind,
surrounding our islands of afflu-
ence like an ocean. It can be stir-
red into storms of passion in
which our islands will not be
* * *
THE MANY different causes in
which Norman Thomas has en-
gaged have accounted for the frag-
mentation of his following: the
pacifists; the civil libertarians, the

trade unionists, leaders of under-
developed countries throughout the
world. His role as "the conscience
of America" has attracted many
who have an attachment to "con-
science" though who may be in
total disagreement with his poli-
A revealing incident occurred
when Harry Truman, responsible
more than ony other man for
dropping the A-bomb on Hiro-
shima and Nagasaki, an action
which Norman Thomas deplored,
insisted on being photographed
with Thomas for the New York
In Truman's motivation may lie
the secret of Norman Thomas'
unique role in American politics.

Split Council Shows Good Faith

Daly Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
action on the Sigma Kappa
sorority case so far reflects a divi-
sion in Council thinking on the
way to handle the admittedly
touchy issue of restrictive mem-
bership practices.
There is no question that SGC
does and will continue to act in
good faith on the Sigma Kappa
case. The recommendation adopt-
ed this week by the Council is in
full support of their theoretical
obligations as set forth in Uni-
versity regulations.
However, a certain hesitancy in
handling the case is evident from
the dubious attitude toward fu-
ture action on Sigma Kappa
shown by Council members in de-
bate on the issue. This indicates
a tentative, groping approach to
the practical problem facing SGC:
what to do about Sigma Kappa.
While SGC cannot refuse to
consider Sigma Kappa under Uni-
versity regulations, Council opin-
ion is split on whether to take ac-
tion now or defer any decision.
The halting steps taken relating
to Sigma Kappa show this split.
Two clear-cut motions to gather
information leading directly to
SGC action on the case have been
referred to committee and tabled,
* * *
THE ATTITUDE supporting im-
mediate action is roughly this:
now that the new SGC plan is in
operation, SGC should clear its
books by taking a firm stand. If
Sigma Kappa does discriminate,
the sorority is in violation of the
1949 ruling and should have rec-
ognition withdrawn.
What sometimes isn't stated is
an underlying conviction that the
sorority is and should be found in
violation, since the evidence ac-
cording to which SGC voted to
withdraw recognition in 1958 is
unchanged and still relevant. This

conviction underlines a sense of
Old Testament justice in one fac-
tion among SGC members; an in-
sistence on the letter of the law
as the only relevant consideration.
Phil Zook, who made both mo-
tions and who is perhaps the most
effective spokesman for this point
of view, summarized it in ration-
ale for the latest motion.
"Delay up to this point has been
allowed by the Council, out of
fairness to Sigma Kappa, and by
administrative and Regental ac-
tion, to effect review and struc-
ture modification," he said.
He continued that further delay
"has no legitimate purpose, and
can only bring further demorali-
zation to the University commu-
nity at large." This puritan view
apparently accounts for the pre-
cipitate timing of the original mo-
tion; faculty members of the
Committee on Referral were not
even named at that time and
were announced only last week.
* * *
THE OTHER attitude, which
favors deferring action on Sigma
Kappa, corresponds with the New
Testament "justice tempered with
mercy." For a variety of reasons,
several SGC members feel that
immediate action on Sigma Kappa
would be bending the spirit of the
Arguments supporting this view
range from the unfairness of con-
sidering Sigma Kappa during rush
to the inequity of the 1949 ruling
on restrictive practices.
There are any number of rea-
sons in the minds of some Coun-
cil members why Sigma Kappa
should not come up again. Since
it has come up and since SGC is
under obligation to consider it ac-
cording to University regulations,
action should not be taken, this
group maintains.
"Nothing has changed," accord-
ing to this view, in the Sigma
Kappa case since the original SGC
decision and for that matter since

the Board in Review reversal of
it. In effect, then, Sigma Kappa
is a dead issue.
However, although the facts of
the case, the evidence and the
points of debate have not changed.
the context in which the Council
must view them has.
* * *
AS THE reported debate of the
Sigma Kappa Study Committee
brought out, the frame of refer-
ence of Sigma Kappa now includes
the new SGC plan, the new regu-
lations book and the official Uni-
versity policy statement made in
the November Regents' Bylaw.
It would be irresponsible to ig-
nore the case in the light of these
developments, the debate, con-
tinued. And the Council is not in
such a position that it can ignore
Sigma Kappa, because some mem-
bers feel strongly that action
should proceed on the issue.
The immediate trend seems to
be to preserve the status quo while
gathering information and indi-
vidualy considering all sides of
the case. Al Haber's proposed
amendment to Zook's motion
struck this balance by pointing
out a middle course in which the
Council could be sure of collect-
ing pertinent information on Sig-
ma Kappa's status without ac-
tually trying the sorority.
SGC President John Feldkamp's
vote tabling the motion also sus-
tained the middle course.
* * *
WHILE the initial timing on
the Council consideration of the
Sigma Kappa issue is open to
question, the Council's actions
heretofore are circumspect if not
Establishment of the Sigma
Kappa Study Committee has led
to prompt adoption of a recom-
mendation which clarifies the
Council stand on future consid-
eration of the case.
What future action the Council
takes will justifiably be under
close critical scrutiny by the Uni-
versity community. This audience
must accept the stand SOC has
taken and, clearly stated, and
should respect the good faith
which motivated the Council's
clear statement of its nosition.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director


... by Michael Kelly

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I've U5t invented



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