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May 05, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-05

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President Gives Congress
4Old-Age Health Program'

-AP Wirephoto
ARMOR GUARD-The opening meeting of the NATO foreign ministers conference was guarded by
Turkish troops and tanks against demonstrations in Istanbul, but the city was calm by yesterday's
final session.
NATO Ministers Ask Soviet Sincerity

ISTANBUL (A)-The 15 nationsT
of the Atlantic alliance (NATO),
in their final conference on sum-
mit strategy, challenged the Soviet
Union yesterday to practice as well
as preach the goals of disarma-
ment and peaceful coexistence.
The Western allies accused the
Soviet leadership of an attempt
to swindle world public opini n
on these issues, and said:

On disarmament, Russia has
thus far refused even to discuss
specIfic' practical measures for
ending the arms race.
On coexistence, the Russians
make a settlement with all or
none of the members of the At-
lantic pact. Like peace, a detente,
or relaxation of tension, is indi-
The NATO foreign ministers

Second Front Page
Thursday, May 5, 1960 Page 3

posted this notice for Moscow as
they gave the Western Big Three
their full support in the negotia-
tions opening May 16 in Paris.
The ministers wholeheartedly
approved the proposals on dis-
armament, German unity and
East-West relations which goiern-
ment chiefs of the United States,
Britain and France will submit
to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
As they departed, ending a
three-day pre-summit session, Is-
tanbul was still under martial law.
South Africa
Jfails Leader
of Movement
Aangaliso Sobukwe, fiery leader
of the banned Pan Africanist
Congress (PAC), received a three-
year prison sentence yesterday on
charges of engineering the sweep-
ing Negro campaign against South
Africa's pass system.
Eighteen other PAC leaders also
were convicted. Four were acquit-
White magistrate M. J. Dup-
lessis refused to give Sobukwe the
option of paying a fine instead of
serving the sentence. The use of
a fine in lieu of jail term is an
ordinary practice of South Afri-
can courts in dealing with South
African Negroes, few of whom are
highly paid.
Duplessis told Sobukwe:
"You intended to paralyze trade
and industry, and so undermine
the economy of the country in
order to compel the government
to change its laws.
"Whether the (pass) law is un-
just, or considered unjust, it is
the law of the land and must be

U.S., States
Would Back
Medical Plan
Democrats Oppose
Eisenhower Proposal
hower administration sent the
democratic - controlled Congress
yesterday a proposal for a $1,200,-
000,000 annual federal-state med-
ical program for the aged.
First reaction ranged from cool
to hostile among Democrats; un-
committed to enthusiastic among
The administration plan would
be free for public welfare recipi-
ents, but cost others eligible $24
a year per person. Single persons
with not more than $2,500 annual
income, couples with not more
than $3,800"would be eligible.
Medical Policy
Like a major medical insurance
policy, the plan wouldprotect
against expenses of long illness,
but the participant, unless he was
on public welfare, would have to
pay the first $250 of annual ex-
penses-$400 for a couple-and
20 per cent of expenses thereafter.
The proposal is the administra-
tion's rival to the social security-
linked plan sponsored by Rep.
Aime J. Forand (D-RT) and back-
ed by some, but not all, Demo-
Forand's plan would cover per-
sons retired under the social se-
curity program for the aged. It
would provide hospital, nursing
home and some surgical benefits
without cost and without deducti-
bles. An increase in the social se-
curity tax would finance the pro-
gram, which would be entirely
Describe Plan
The plan described to the House
Ways and Means Committee yes-
terday by Health, Education and
W e l f a r e Secretary Arthur S.
Flemming calls for administration
by the states and joint federal-
state financing.
The federal government, out of
the general fund and not the
social security fund, would pay
half and the states the other half,
but the amount the federal gov-
ernment would put into any one
state's plan would range from
one-third to two-thirds.

Soviets Act
To Reform
High Ranks
MOSCOW (m--A sweeping re-
form in the upper ranks of the
Soviet government and Commu-
nist party was announced last
It included the dropping of
Frol Kozlov as a first deputy pre-
mier and removal of Alexei I. Kiri-
chenko from the party Presidium.
The Tass news agency said Koz-
lov had been relieved of his duties
as vice premier and elected sec-
retary of the party Central Com-
There was no reason apparent
here to believe Kozlov has been
downgraded. Informants said his
new job as secretary involved even
more rigorous duties and it had
therefore been necessary for him
to quit his old post.
Kozlov Deputy Premier
Kozlov had been one of the
Soviet Union's two first deputy
premiers. Anastas I. Mikoyan is
the other.. Both men have visited
the United States, Kozlov to lay
the groundwork for the American
tour Premier Khrushchev made
last fall.
Another change released Ekat-
erina Furtseva from her duties as
a central committee secretary.
The highest ranking woman in
the Soviet communist world, Mrs.
Furtseva was relieved "in view of
her appointment to the post of
Minister of Culture of the Soviet
Union," Tass said.
Actions Taken Early
The agency said the actions in-
volving the widespread changes
were taken during the day at a
plenary meeting of the central
committee of the Soviet Commun-
ist party.
The word of the changes came
only hours before the Supreme
Soviet was scheduled to meet to
hear an important statement from
Khrushchev on the forthcoming
Paris summit meeting.
Career Opened In 1949
Kozlov's career started moving
upward sharply in the Leningrad
City Communist Party organiza-
tion which he headed after 1949.
He eventually became the second
secretary of the Leningrad region
party organization.
Stalin Purge
In January, 1953, when Stalin
was about to purge Jewish doctors,
he wrote an important article in
the magazine Kommunist de-
manding vigilance against foreign
Khrushchev made him the chief
of the Leningrad regional party
organization in early 1954. Since
then, he has received successive
promotions, and in February, 1956,
was made an alternate member of
the Presidium of the central com-

WASHINGTON (M -- The na-
tion's top scientific organization
cautioned yesterday that the ex-
panded use of nuclear energy ex-
pected in the future means "po-
tential radiation hazards will in-
crease accordingly."
The national Academy of Sci-
ences said that "unlike most
other hazards, radiation exposure
can adversely affect many future
The need for conservative man-
agement of all radiation sources
is obvious," it said.

gNixon Leads in Indiana;
States-Rights Split South


WASHINGTON ()-Vice Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon and Dem-
ocratic Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
of Minnesota were buoyed Wed-
nesday as the result of presiden-
tial primary victories in Indiaia
and the District of Columbia.
In Alabama, a slate of Demo-
cratic party loyalists slowly gained
ground on a slate of states right-
ers in a battle for control of the
state's 11 votes in the presidential
electoral college. On the outcome
could hinge the possibility of an
Alabama bolt over civil rights.
In Ohio, Gov. Michael V. Di-
Salle appeared on his way to win-
ning a Democratic squabble with
a Cleveland party leader. DiSalle's
slate of convention delegates led
a partial rival slate, with both
groups promised to Sen. John F.
Kennedy of Massachusetts for the
Democratic presidential nomina-
And in Florida, a strong states
rights advocate and a moderate
on the racial question began plan-
ning for their showdown runoff
clash later this month for the
Democratic gubernatorial nomi-
nation. Farris Bryant, the states
righter, and Doyle E. Carlton Jr.,
the moderate, outdistanced eight
other candidates in Tuesday's pri-
With virtually complete returns
from yesterday's Indiana presi-
dential preference primary, Nixon
had a comfortable edge over Ken-
nedy. But the total Republican
vote for Nixon and a token op-
ponent was smaller than that for

Kennedy and two lesser lights on
the Democratic ballot.
Returns from 4,107 precincts
out of 4,261 showed Nixon with
395,519 votes. Kennedy had 346,-
652 in 4,149 precincts.
Nixon's vote, coupled with that
of Negro attorney Frank R. Beck-
with of Indianapolis, brought the
over-all GOP presidential primary
vote to at least 413,05.

effects of radiation made in June,
1956. The scientists made it clear
their concern about potential
hazards remains at least as great
as it was almost four years ago.
"The steady accumulation of
scientific information since 1956
has not brought to light any facts
that call for a drastic revision of
e a r l i e r recommendations," the
scientists said.
Attracts Interest
In the 1956 report, which at-
tracted worldwide interest, the
sameacademy committees warned
that radiation from any source-
nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors,
the natural environment and
medical X - rays-is harmful to
Perhaps the most significant
recommendation of the earlier
report-and reiterated yesterday-
was the average radiation dose to
the reproductive organs for the
general population during the first
30 years of life not exceed 10
roentgens of man-made radiation

Issues Report
The report issued by the foun-
dation was a compilation of
studies by six reports committees
of the academy. The committees
consisted of experts in the field
of genetics, pathology, meteorol-
ogy, agriculture and food supplies,
disposal and disposal of radio-
active wastes, and oceanography
and fisheries.
Their views were described as
an up-dating of the academy's
initial report on the biological

--including that from fallout, t
peaceful uses of atomic ener
and radiation for medical uses
The report said that while cc
siderable new knowledge abc
hereditary processes has be
achieved since 1956, in some i
spects the estimation of hum
genetic hazards from radiation
more difficult than it appeared
be in 1956."
It said, for example, that sin
the 1956 report, evidence has be
obtained suggesting that the ge
etic effects of chronic radiati
delivered in small doses-as
fallout-may be less. than a
previously estimated.
But it cautioned that estima
of human genetic hazards cc
tinue to be based largely on da
from mice and that the major
of the man-made radiation
which the population of the cot
try is exposed "involves dose ra
not yet adequately investigal
Study Fallout
Also, with regard to fallout fr(
nuclear bomb tests, the commitl
noted that:
"In view of the recent increi
in fallout, which, to a large e
tent, comes from the 1958 tests
and which, of course, will be:i
duced gradually if atmosphe
tests are not resumed--and of t
fact that the contribution
(radioactive) carbon-14 was r
considered in the earlier repo
estimates of the amounts of ra
ation from fallout are increase
The National Academy of S
ences - sometimes unofficia
called the "Senate" of Americ
science -- is a quasi-official e
ganization established by congr(
sional charter in Abraham L
coln's time to advise the gover
ment on scientific matters.

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Predict Danger of Nuclear Energy U

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