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May 05, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-05

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Plan 'Blitz'
To Promote
The League of Womens Voters
and the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce have announced that they
are planning a "blitz" campaign
for signatures on petitions pro-
posing a state Constitutional Con-
About 400 people are expected
to make a house-to-house "Citi-
zen's Drive for Con-Con" tonight,
Mrs. Algo Henderson and Herbert
Wuerth, presidents of the two
organizations announced yester-
day. Organized drives are being
planned all over the state in an
effort to contact every registered
The campaigners have asked
people who wish to sign the peti-
tion to leave their porch lights on,
so that the workers will know
where to call.
By the lodal deadline of June 1,
the two groups hope to have one
signature for every "yes" vote
cast in 1958, a total of 10,553. At
the present time, over 5,000 sig-
natures have been obtained in
Ann Arbor alone.
The present petitions would add
an amendment to the November
ballot changing the majority
needed to call a con-con and also
the basis of electiong delegates.'
If approved, a call for a Con-
vention would be on the April
1961 ballot, delegates would be
elected in August and the Con-,
vention would open in October. A
new Constitution would not reach
the voters before 1963.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
was the first to sign the petition,
followed shortly by Paul D. Bag-
well, Republican gubernatorial
candidate, United States Senator
Patrick V. McNamara and Lt.
Gov. Philip Hart.
League and Jaycee spokesmen
have said that the state constitu-
tion was written in 1908, when the
state was largely rural, thereby
making it impractical for the;
modern industrial environ of to-

Italian Author To View
'Intellectual Confines'
Carlo Levi, post-war Europe mathematicsdepartment,and
writer, will speak on the meaning mahmtc dermnad
of his experience at "a confined president of the Dramatic Arts
intellectual" in presentday Italy Center endorsed the plan, and
at 2:30 p.m. today in Aud. C., stated that the DAC will send
Angell Hall. letters to all its members urging
His best known book, "Christ em o contie
Stopped at Eboli," deals with his Steering Committee .,.°
life rural southern Italy where he Petitions for the Literary Col-
was confined by the Fascist regime lege Steering Committee are avail-
because of his outspoken opposi- able at the Office of the Associate
tion the the dictatorship, Dean, 1220 Angell Hall.
The versatile doctor, painter The committee is premarily en-
and author uses the autobiograph- gaged in discussion rather than in
ical essay form to observe and in- projects, legislation, or communi-
terpret the social and human sit- cation. Membership on the Com-
uation in the contemporary world. mittee offers an excellent oppor-
His accounts of the human pre- tunity to learn about some of the
dicament of the miner and peas- issues in higher education, and
ant in "The Clock," "Words are to observe methods of adminis-
Stones." "The Future Has An An- trating a large college.
cient Heart," and "The Double All literary college students in
Night of the Lime-trees," are con- good standing with the University
sidered enduring contributions to are eligible.
an understanding of Italy and League Petitioniig
Petitioning is now open for all
Economics Lecture . . . League positions during the Sum-
Prof. H. A. Simon of the Car- mer School session. Positions
negie Institute of Technology will available are those of president,
speak on "Theory of the Decision- social chairman. public relations
Making Process" at 8p.m.today chairman, women's judiciary
in Rackham Amphitheater, council chairman and two mem-
At 4 p.m. Friday Prof. Simon bers on the judiciary council.
will speak before the Little Sem- Petitions can be obtained in the!
inar of the economics department Undergraduate Office of the Wo-
on "Some Problems in the Eco- men's League.
nomic Theory of Automation," in Bro-Cat Board
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Freshmen women interested in
becoming members of the Burocat
Civic Theatre . . . advisory board may still petition
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre for any one of the five positions
The nn AborCivi Thetreavailable.
has announced the beginning of Petitions may be obtained in
a drive to raise $20,000 for ttheheLgetin da eradaedOfie
construction of a studio buildingdth e ee ngrdaofie:
to provide larger quarters for re- day and interviewing will continue to-
thearsals, storage, scenery andda and tomorrow.
-costume construction, and meet- Joint Judic .
ings. Petitions for the five open posi-
Charles Chadwick. Civic The- tionson Joint Judiciary Council
atre president, urged faculty and are due tomorrow. These positions
student support of the drive. He are open to students who will
said that the group needs to build have 60 credit-hours by Septem-
this summer. and will do so ifb e6r
the required funds can be raised. ber.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the Engineering Talk . . .
Prof. Lester M. Field of the
electrical engineering department
of the California Institute of
Technology will give a lecture at
3:30 p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell
Hall on "Sensitivity Limits to
Radio Receiving Devices."
Seminar *
Prof. Herbert A Simon of the
Carnegie Institute of Technology
willrgive a lecture on "Some
-'4 rblems in the Fconomic Theory
of Automation" at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in Rackhan Amphitheatre.

Groups Plan
To Support
Nuclear Ban
Students from colleges and uni-
versities throughout the state are
planning a demonstration for dis-
armament between noon and 1
p.m., Friday on the lawn of the
state capitol in Lansing.
Letters to 45 colleges in the
state brought 2,000 signatures
supporting the demonstration, 500
of which were from colleges other
than the University or Michigan
The students hope to express
their concern and interest in the
question of world disarmament by
demonstrating their opinion on
the matter. They also hope to in-
fluence some of the proceedings
at the upcoming summit confer-
ence in Geneva.
A Bay City College student, Bill
Honey, of Saginaw, has mean-
while organized his own separate
demonstration to coincide with the
larger movement from the other
Honey, a student government!
leader, said that his group was!
completely independent of the one
from the larger schools. He said;
that he was undertaking the move
because "it was just time to dol
something about it."
The demonstrations are a part
of the petitioning movements now
being undertaken on various cam-
puses in the state. The petitions;
call for an effective abandonment
of nuclear armament throughout,
the world.
English Potter
Discusses Art
Of Far East
"There is no need for a potter
to go to Monte Carlo, for he gets
all his enjoyment from his work,"
.English ceramist Bernard Leach
said recently.
Discussing a film on Japanese
ceramists and craftsmen, he
pointed out the potter works un-
der none of the strain or tension
common in other lives. Instead, he
shows a personal precision and
perseverance which is character-
istic of his trade.
Traditionally, the Japanese
craftsman digs his clay with!
pick-axe and shovel. After the
clay has been processed, it is pre-
pared for the potter by his wife.
He then forms the pots and uten-
sils which are fired in huge kilns,,
and patterned by a skilled de-
Inspite of all the precision
work, the crafted pitcher is not in
common use, Leach continued. It
has been ousted by the tin pitcher,
which is unbreakable and cheaper,
though not as beautiful. Because
of this sacrifice of beauty to
practicality, the ancient craft of
pottery and ceramics is on its way
Considering this trend, what is
the value of the studio potter
today? Answering, he stressed
that "there are things which can-
not be done by machine; we must:
have more things of human qual-
ity of hand and heart."
The craftsman must work in the
interest of the future to bring
about a reform in modern manu-
facturing methods, he concluded.
"The craftsman is almost the only
person left who employs his hand,
heart and head in a beautiful bal-
Leach operates a pottery in St.
Ives. Cornwall, England. He has,
studied the development of East-
ern pottery and has held many of

his exhibitions in Japan and
An exciting vacation of fishing and
camping in the Quetico-Superior
wilderness. For everyone, and no ex-
perience necessary. Only $6 per day.
Write now for complete information
OUTFITTERS, Ely, Minnesota.

Scientists Note Rise in Radiation Load

v .+ . '

Every living organism, including
man,,has a new and higher radio-
isotope burden as a result of the
atomic age, a special committee of
the National Academy of Sciences
said yesterday.
The committee, which is headed
by Prof. A. Goeffrey Norman of
the University's botany depart-
ment, also noted that "fallout
deposition in the northern hemis-1
phere is quite variable, which'
means that the radioisotope levels
of similar crop or animal products
from different locations. may vary
The implications of this are of
concern in view of the current

inability to monitor all foods or
food ingredients."
The committee said routine
analysis of all foods is not now
feasible because the, procedures
required to determine radioisotope
content of food are expensive in
man hours and equipment.
Cumulative Burden
"There has been debate and
controversy as to the 'permissi-
bility' of the level of this or that
isotope in food or water, and al-
though this device nay ultimately
have merit in regualtory pro-
cedures, it is obviously inadequate
in that in considering the welfare
of the consumer, it is the cumu-

Study ShowsStudents
Can Do Harder Work

" 1

Students will soon be capable of
solving much more complex prob-
lems on computing machines than
at present in engineering school,
a study shows.
The place of computers--ma-
chines which can solve complete
mathematical problems - in the
undergraduate curriculum is the
subject of a three-year study at
the University. The study, which
is financed by a $900,000 grant by
the Ford Foundation, is now in
its first year.
At the present time Math 73,
open to first semester sophomores,
is the introductory course on the
use of computers. The study's pre-
liminary report recommends that
this course be unchanged but that
work be accelerated for upper-
classmen so that students will be
able to do more complex problems
than they are now doing in their
senior years.
Activities which are coordi-
nated with the study include lec-
tures, weekly exchanges, demon-
strations and a summer workshop.
Prof. Elliott I. Organick, on
leave from the University of Hou-
[7ngagmen. ts

ston to head the project, has given
a series of lecturse on use of the
IBM 704 computer.
Faculty luncheons are held
weekly for exchanges of ideas and
Two demonstrations were given
last winter on the use of analog
A seminar this summer on the
computer program will draw spe-
cialists from many different
schools in the country.
To, Produce
Light Opera
The annual Shakespearean Fes-
tival at Stratford, Ontario, plans
to present the Gilbert and Sulli-
van light opera "H.M.S. Pinafore,"
during the traditional music sea-
The performance marks the first
time a Gilbert and Sullivan piece
has ever been done at Stratford
by a professional company.
Tyrone Guthrie will produce
the show, which will open on July
15 and is also credited with pre-
senting the first professional stage
performance ever given outside
the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.
"Pinafore" will be a part of the
14-week festival which will in-
clude alternating productions of
"Romeo and Juliet," "King John,"
and "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," and a series of concerts,
and will also sponsor a conference
of composers from all over the

lative andretained isotope burden
which must be weighed," It went
These remarks were part of a
report to the public on the biologi-
cal effects of atomic radiation re
leased yesterday by the National
Academy of Sciences,
Six special committees reported,
including the committee of Agri-
culture and Food Supplies, headed
by Prof. Norman.
Facts Unavailable
It said that the lack of agree-
ment among scientists on the
present fallout hazards arises from
the difficulty that many of the
essential facts necessary to arrive
at the answers sought are not yet
'available, and are unlikely to be
quickly available.
The committee also said that
future problems will arise not only
from weapons test wastes, but also
fron products "escaping or re-
leased from nuclear power or fuel
element processing plants."
On the other hand, the 'com-
mittee noted that "substantial
progress" has been made in un-
derstanding the mechanisms-in-
volved in the entry of fallout
elements into plants and their
subsequent transfer to man.
Research Acceleration
It said that, through accelera-
tion of agricultural research, radi-
ation and radioisotopes have and
will continue to benefit man
With the possible exception of;
poultry, radiation is not likely to
be helpful in the genetic improve-
ment of farm animals, although
substantial use of radioisotopes is
See Related Story, Page 3
being made in the study of animal
psysiology and nutrition, the re-
port continued.
certain insect pests can be con-
trolled by rendering the male ster-
Ile through radiation exposure,
it went on. One experiment in
1956 showed that the screw worm
fly could probably be eradicated
by application of this technique.
Other experiments since that time
in Florida, Georgia and Alabama
have also been giver} encouraging
results, although this method is
not applicable to all insect pests.
Releases of irradiated flies were
started in January 1958 by .the
U.S. Department of Agriculture in
Florida, then gradually extended
into contiguous portions of south-
ern Georgia and Alabama.
Natural populations were re-
duced to a low level in southern
Florida by year's end, and many
months elapsed with only a single
report of screw worm case in the
'southeastern area where they were
numerous and damaging, it was





. ..and there's plenty of fun to be found in Ann Arbor,. . . as
you'll discover if you read this information-packed article
in the new issue of ESCAPADE Magazine. It's all reported,
from the "Arb" to the Pretzel Bell. (Pictures, too,) Also in
ESCAPADE: the Kingston Trio's big success with the country
bit, a rundown on the Olympic Games, and the lowdown on the
cam-followers who make race weekends racy ones. All in the

DIAL NO a-6416
- Newsweek
"Never hats up -
in its tension.
-NY H l~fb
Bill (Wee Geordie) Travers

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Schon-
schack of Ann Arbor announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Carolaine, to Robert K. Krohn,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Willy F.
Krohn of Birmingham.
Miss Schonschack is a Russian
major and a graduate of Ann
Arbor High School.
Mr. Krohn, a senior, is a politi-
cal science major and a member
of Tau Kappa Epsilon. He studied
in Germany for a year at the
Free University of Berlin.


Solicit ads for 1960 program
Little time involved
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11:00 A.M.-12:15 P.M.
Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Ads
at 7:00 and 9:10
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Mickey Rooney, Dick Powell
at 7:00 and 9:00



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May 5, 1960
Chriatian Science Organization, Regu-
lar Testimony Meeting. May 5, 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall, Fireside Rm.
Folklore Society, Pickup Sing, May
5, 8 p.m., *Diagonal.
Univ. Coed .Horseback Riding Club,
Meeting, May 5, 6:50 p.m., WAB. For
information, call NO 3-7778.
Univ. of Mich. Polonia Club, Or-
ganizational Meeting, May 6, 7 p.m.,
410 S. First St. Refreshments, films of
Poland shown by Fr. Peszkowski of
Orchard Lake, Mich.


The nenarnal Seniick Foudarm



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