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May 05, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-05

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

7416 tii







Organ izat ion















Sets Up Committee
To Monitor Groups
Committee To Study Violations,
Recommend Disciplinary Action
"All recognized student organizations shall select mem-
ship and afford opportunities to members on the basis of
personal merit," Student Government Council says.
Selection on basis of race, color, religion, creed, national
origin or ancestry is not legal, the Council ruled last night
in passing the motion on non-discrimination in student or-
The Council will rule on such violations and prescribe
disciplinary action, assisted by a Committee on Membership
Practices in Student Organi-

MSU Group Censures Hantnah

Nolte Says
Egypt Gains
By Neutrality

The Michigan State University chapter of the American Associa-
tion of University Professors Tuesday censured MSU President John
L. Hannah for failing to support the faculty in the recent controversy
over compulsory military training (ROTC) there.
The group also passed a motion saying that the vote of the Board
of Trustees "implies either that the deliberations of the faculty were

City To Ease
Student Vote
University students may soon
find registration for voting easier
if proposed new regulations are
City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner
is presently working on a set of
rules which would simplify pro-
cedures for qualified students
wishing to establish residence for
voting registration.
Fahrner met last week with a
dent wives and members of the
League of Women Voters, who
approached him on the subject.
To Consider Formalization
OPahrner will consider formal
codification of the rules today.
The new code will be his interpre-
tations of the state constitution
and Attorney General's state-
ments on the subject.
The code will not qualify all
students who meet the state age
requirement, but will simplify and
clarify the criteria for determin-
ing whether a student is a legal
resident of the city.
The code will not include
rulings which basically differ from
those presently in effect but will
only make it easier for students
to register.
The new statements will help
the city clerk's office "use the
rules to permit students who are
qu'alified" to vote by putting the
procedures and rules "down in
black and white."
Agrees On Eligibility
Fahrner said he agreed with the'
rulings by the Attorney General
on student eligibility and would
be guided by them in drawing up
the code.
The cases will be decided on
the basis of strength of "parental
ties, financial independence" and
the activity and residence of the
student during the non-academic
part of the year.
He said he did not feel students
should be qualified on a "blanket
basis" but that it was necessary
to facilitate students registration.
Registration Difficulties
Students are registered by the
city clerk's office which leads to
some difficulties in interpreta-
tions. Questionable cases are re-
ferred to the city attorney for
individual decision.
This procedure and the section
of the state constitution which
states that attendance at a college
in the state does not alone qualify
a student as a legal resident, have
discouraged many student voters
from registering.
SGC Motion
Student Government Council
passed a motion on April 8 to
send letters to the City Council
and the Board of Regents request-

Allmembers present voted to
accept the motion as ammended
last night. One member was ab-1
As the motion was amended last
night, the committee will consist
of four students and three mem-
bers from the faculty and admin-
istration. Previously, specifications
were: three student, two faculty
members and two administrators.
Arthur Rosenbaum, '62, moved
that at least one member be a
faculty member and one an ad-
ministrator. The Council also ac-
cepted this move.
The Council appoints committee
members on suggestion of nomi-
nating committees.
As the original motion was
amended, student members serve
one-year terms; now student
members will serve two years as
the original motion stated.
Functions of the membership
practice committee include:
1) Formulation of policies to
further the general regulation and
presentation of recommendations
to the Council on them.
2) Investigation of charges of
violation of the regulation, holding
of hearings and collection of evi-
dence on the charges.
3) Recommendation to the
Council of disciplinary action in
cases of violation.
4) Development of educational
The Committee must report to
the Council at least once every
semester. Its proceedings are con-
fidential unless the Council or a
party working with it request they
be made public.
By the end of next semester
the committe must report its stan-
dard procedures to the Council for

... endorses chancellor
Asks State
The need for a chancellor of
higher education in this state was
presented by Rep. George Sallade
(R-Ann Arbor) yesterday.
Speaking before the student
chapter of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers in the East
Engineering Bldg., Sallade said
that citizens should be proud of
their colleges and universities and
that severe limitation of non-resi-
dent students "would ruin in one
short - sighted gesture what has
taken generations to build up."
The local Republican supported
the move by the Council of Col-
lege Presidents to name a chan-
cellor who "could well coordinate
and improve our educational fa-
cilities by eliminating rivalry and
duplications that may now or
someday exist."
He dismissed the concern of
many legislators, saying that the
chancellor must be established if
the Legislature "sincerely believes
in" higher education.

<Hgnored, or that they were con-
sidered incompetent, irresponsible,
uninformed or all three."
The AAUP unit called the ac-
tion of the trustees "regrettable,
and not in the best interests of
the university."
Responsive Resolutions
The resolutions came in the wake
of a recent four to two vote by
the trustees to continue compul-
sory ROTC at MSU.
The trustee's vote climaxed a
long student campaign for removal
of the compulsory training.
Shortly before the trustees voted,
the academic senate had voted 400
to 248 in favor of abolishing re-
quired ROTC.
Hannah declined to comment on
the action by the AAUP chapter,
and none of the trustees have
issued any statement on the group's
Pass Censure
Prof. M. Ray Denny of the MSU
psychology department, president
of the AAUP chapter, said that
the censure was passed at the
group's regular monthly meeting
The purpose of the resolutions
was to "let the administration
know how we feel . .. to let them
know that we will not take this
lying down," Prof. Denny said.
The statements might also serve
as a method of reopening the issue,
he said.
Many faculty members felt the
sentiments expressed in the reso-
lution, Prof. Denny said, adding
that "this (the AAUP chapter)
seemed the logical group for the
statement to come from.
Clear Obligation
The resolution censuring Han-
nah said that he was entitled to
a personal opinion on the matter,
but that "in his capacity as presi-
dent he has a clear obligation to
support the vote of his faculty on
a curriculum matter."
Hannah had neither endorsed
nor disapproved the recommenda-
tion of the academic senate.
"I have no comment on the
resolution at all," Hannah said.
"The ROTC question has received
too much publicity. It has been
decided by the Board of Trustees
and is a closed matter as far as
I'm concerned."(

* .. censured by faculty
Hold Debate
Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.)
indignantly insisted last night
that if he wins in the West Vir-
ginia primary next Tuesday he
will be a serious threat in the
Democratic presidential race.
He thus took direct issue with
a constant refrain by Sen. John
F. Kennedy (D-Mass.), his op-
ponent here, that he isn't a serious
candidate with serious hopes of
the nomination.
This was about the only differ-
ence in a celebrated television de-
bate last night. Each took pokes
at the Republicans, each said how
well he thinks he could do the job
as President, and on almost every
question involving state or national
issues, their remarks were almost
A couple of exceptions: Humph-
rey said he favors raising income
tax exemption from $600 to $800,
while Kennedy said he believes
that the federal government needs
to do so much he doesn't think the
income tax should be cut now.
Humphrey said he favors fair
trade laws to protect small busi-
Kennedy said he wants small
business protected, but he said we
should be careful about enacting
any fair trade law.
Not until near the end of the
hour was there a shred of excite-

"Positive Neutralism pays off,"
Richard Nolte said describing the
Egyptian position in the United
Arab Republic.
"Since the revolution in 1952,
Egypt has gained secure inde-
Ine pendence and is acknowledged as
a sovereign nation throughout the
Nolte, Director of the Institute
of Current World Affairs in New
York City, spoke on "The United
Arab Republic 1960: Progress and
Problems" yesterday afternoon in
Auditorium C.
Describes Visit
Describing his recent visit to
Cairo, Nolte said, "There have
been marked superficial changes
in Egypt during the last eight
Although a new skyscraper now
stands on the Nile, and women
from respectable families work in
hotels, Egypt is mostly the same.
Donkey carts, decay, and ineffic-
iency are still there.
According to Nolte, "All of these
superficial changes add up to a
new sense of movement and pro-
gress which has not been there
In order to cover the many
changes which have taken place
in the United Arab Republic in
general and Egypt in particular,
Nolte used an analogy of a tripod.
He said the government has three
main objectives: it wants political
independence and unity, economic
development, and what the Arabs
call "social justice."
Divided Desire
Nolte divided the desire for
political independence and unity
into two subheadings: internal
and external unity. "Since the
revolution in 1952, one of the most
bloodless in history, Egypt has
progressed regularly along the
road to sovereign independence."
He briefly outlined the events
which have taken place in Egypt
during the last eight years, in-
cluding the Suez Canal Agreement
of 1954 when British forces were
evacuated from the Canal Zone,
and the Nasser government gained
He mentioned the war with Is-
rael which Nasser lost and the
Eisenhower Doctrine when the
United States refused to buy oil
from Egypt and would not sell
them medicine or surplus wheat.
Achieves Unity
Today Egypt has achieved both
internal and external unity, and
is acknowledged throughout the
world as a secure, independent
Economically Egypt is basically
a farming nation as fertile land is
their only natural resource. Two-
thirds of the population are farm-
ers when there is sufficient work
to go around. New industries are
developing there, however, as evi-
denced by a flourishing textbook
firm and the new steel industry in
the south.
The third leg of the tripod is
"social justice," the desire for
better education, national health,
Democracy and civil liberties.
Pushes Education
"While the government has
pushed education, not a great deal
has been accomplished as far as
Democracy and civil liberties are
concerned. People there are still
careful when speaking on the
street and are afraid of the po-

Council Requests
Review ol! Case
Faculty Group To Consider Appeal
Of Judic Decision at Meeting Today
Student Government Council early this morning recom-
mended rescinding the suspensions of Mark Hall, '63 and
Stanley Lubin, '63, alleged leaders in last Wednesday's food
riot - panty raid.
It recommended reconsideration of the case.
The Faculty Senate Sub - Committee on Discipline is
scheduled to review the case today.
Meeting in an executive session with Lubin, Hall and
Joint Judiciary Council Chairman Michael Sklar, '60, SGO
concluded that the suspen-
sions were "unduly severe T
presented by Joint Judic.
However, "this recommendation
does not imply that SGC favorsDevelopment
panty raids, food riots, or rioting
in any form." Federal Aid
Nor does it "imply the Council
condones the actions of the in-
dividuals involved in the demon-
stration under consideration." WASHINGTON (P-The House
Hall and Lubin should be "dis- shouted approval last night of an
ciplined but not so severely as Administration-opposed $251 mil-
they have been," the Council con- lion area redevelopment despite
cluded, threats of a veto.
The Council desires "fair and Final action came on a 201-184
just action be taken to discourage roll-call vote that sent the meas-
such demonstrations as they tend ure to the Senate which approved
to put the University in a bad a $389 million program to help
light." areas' economically distressed by
Improper Treatment chronic unemployment.
Further, the Council "believes The House's largely party-line
the students in question have been vote was far short of the two-
subject to improper treatment in thirds needed to override a veto.
an attempt to halt such demon-

' 1

Speaks onLiterature, Dogma
"Literature made it possible for me to enter vicariously into the
experience of others," Prof. Arthur M. Eastman of the English
department said at Hillel last night.
He chose "Literature and Dogma" as the topic for the eighth in
a series, "What's Worth Living For?"
Prof. Eastman's title comes from a book by Matthew Arnold,
in which he defines the object of literature and dogma as reassuring
- those who feel an attachment to Christianity but who recognize the
growing belief of miracles.
Insists on Truth

Following the meeting, one of
the two suspended students, Lub-
in, said he was very pleased with
the results. However, he said that
he was not surprised with the deci-
sion as it could well be justified.
Hall, also suspended for his ac-
tions in the demonstration, said
that their case had received a
more thorough examination by
SGC than by Joint Judie. "It was
more thorough in examining the
Student Opinion
"I believe that student opinion
is on our side. SGC and two of the
three quadrangles so far have
come out in support of our cause.
I don't exepect the punishment to
be removed completely, but I do
hope that it will be lessened."
By last night over 600 names
had been affixed to petitions re-
questing that either the action be
reconsidered or the suspension be
dropped completely. William
Townsend, '61E, president of Hins-
dale House, said last night that he
and several other members of the
house had taken a petition signed
by 350 students to John Bingley,
assistant dean of men, yesterday
Both Hall and Lubin are mem-
bers of Hinsdale House.
Position Clear
Townsend said that Bingley
made the position of the Dean's
office quite clear to them. Bing-
ley said that the case was now
in the hands of the faculty sub-
"Following the discusion with
the Dean we talked to Michael
Sklar, chairman of Judic, who
explained the action taken," Town-
send said.
"When we went to the dean's
office we only had about 350 sig-
nitures, but the petitions keep
coming in from the other housing
units. We are getting petitions
from ,Stockwell, Vicky Vaughan,
Mary Markley and also the other
men's quadrangles.
"Since we are not allowed to
actively circulate the petition
through the quadrangles I posted
a netition hv the door to the

vote linl
Voting for the bill were 178
Democrats and 23 Republicans.
Against it were 69 Democrats and
115 Republicans.
There was a strong probability
the Senate would accept the
House version rather than risk
sending the bill to a conference
that might Jeopardize final Con-
gressional approval.
As it cleared the House, the bill
provided for $75 million in loans
for urban industrial development,
$75 million in loans for rural de-
velopment, $50 million in loans
for construction of public facili-
ties, $35 million in grants for
public facilities, $4.5 million in
technical assistance grants; $1.5
million in vocational training
grants and $10 million in grants
to retrain workers.
Major Areas
An estimated 32 major indust-
rial areas, more than 100 smaller
ones and several hundred rural
counties would be eligible for as-
The House repeatedly, repulsed
efforts 'to delay or diminish the
bill during a 9-hour session.
It beat down all efforts to mod-
ify the measure and bring it into
line with an Eisenhower-supported
The action was taken in the
face of broad hints that the Presi-
dent would veto the measure,
which provides for $139 million
less than the Senate has voted to
help economically distressed areas.
By a standing vote of 152 to 77
the House turned down an ad-
ministration proposal for a $54-
million program.
'U' Honorary
Taps 10 Men
When Zeus climbed high on gold-
en dawn and smiled on fates of
Priam's land,
He blessed pursuit at noble Hec-
tor's hand.
The call went forth for each to

Arnold insisted on the "natural truth of Christianity." He
believed God was "the enduring power, not ourselves, who makes for
righteousness." Prof. Eastman suggested that Arnold was saying that
the Bible is a book of history, not dogma, which proposed a newer
humanity in place of the older divinity.
Reviewing the background and influence of his parents, Prof.
Eastman said that he inherited a secularist religion. "Literature
we had, but not Dogma."
He proposed that the "Fourth Dimension" (the spiritual and the
eternal) did not develop fully within him and that, rather, he
rebelled against his parents and all they had taught him. removing

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