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May 05, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-05

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"Don't Be Old Fashioned - Everybody
Goes Abroad These Days"

Seventieth Year

heP Opinions Are Free
Truth Will 'Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Organizations Neglect
Student Participants

WJHME CAMPUS organizations are screaming
for members and the University students
are constantly being accused of apathy and
inactivity, there is a steady undercurrent of
passive negativism in present student clubs
which discourages further students participa-
Not infrequently, supposedly responsible and
public-minded student groups have displayed a
definite attitude of irresponsibility and lack of
concern toward their obvious goals of stimu-
lating student interest and action in campus
and public affairs.'
TI;E RECENT actions of one student organi-
zation, the Democratic Socialists Club, ex-
emplifies this common tendency toward irre-
sponsibility and unconcern for the so-called
"apathetic" students.
The Democratic Socialists scheduled and
publicly announced a lecture on a subject of
popular interest to be held at 4:15 p.m. last
Friday. Then, with no further announcement,
the Club unofficially canceled the lecture-
letting those individuals who wished to hear
the guest speaker search in vain for a meeting
which never would be.
Such intentional violation of social courtesy
-not uncommon in other organized campus
groups-is certainly not indicative of an or-

ganization which deserves the popular support
that the Democratic Socialists seek in their
fight against minority discrimination. It is
ironic that an organization so directly con-
cerned with human relations would be so
apathetic and even negativistic toward private
individuals interested in their Club.
HOWEVER, not only did this unannounced
cancellation inconvenience those who
wished to attend the meeting, but it also
caused unnecessary trouble for Student Gov-
ernment Council and the University Lecture
Committee-two facilities which necessarily
must pass the scheduling of all campus lec-
If the Democratic Socialists, and other stu-
dent interest groups, would do more long-range
planning, perhaps they wouldn't cause the
lecture approval committees the trouble of
scheduling club lectures in conflict with other
major campus activities, such as last week's
big conference on Human Rights in the North.
Such poor scheduling, unannounced can-
cellations and the general prevailing attitude
of unconcern for the study body demonstrate
gross inadequacies in the functioning of or-
ganizations that want to eliminate student
apathy and arouse interest in student affairs.


Red Chinese Offer
Aid to Algerian Rebels
PART OF the carefully guarded conversations between General de
Gaulle and General Eisenhower have now begun to leak out.
Eisenhower, who had received CIA reports regarding Red Chinese
offers to help Algerian rebels, had thought they were bluffing.
NBut de Gaulle told him there was no bluff about it, that Chinese
technicians were already on the way, supposedly as "volunteers," with
men and arms to come later.
De Gaulle appealed to the President to pressure the Algerian rebels

. sr,.

Need New Berlin Status

Student Finds Cubans Alert

to agree to a cease-fire, and come
they were in danger of losing con-
trolof their own revolt.
THE state department has been
undergoing an inner hassle with
itself as to whether it should crack
down on the dictators it has been
supporting with foreign aid dol-
lars, or whether it should main-
tain a strict policy of noninter-
vention in the affairs of other
This is the issue in Turkey to-
day. It has also been the issue for
some time in Korea. It'could be
the issue overnight in Spain. None
of these countries could survive
for more than a week or so with-
out the help of United States dol-
lars. Yet in the past the United
States has followed a general
policy of letting them run their
domesticnaf airs with little advice
and no interference from us.
This means that when Premier
Adnan Menderes jails a prominent
Turkish editor, or the Rhee gov-
ernment steals American aid to
Korea, or Generalissimo Francisco
Franco puts a Protestant priest on
trial in Spain, the United States
gets blamed.
It was because of this hands-off
policy that Eisenhower announced
at his press conference that he
had not interfered in any way in
South Korea.
* * *
story of what happened:
United States Ambasador Wal-
ter McConaughy first called on
Syngman Rhee to urge him to
drop his friend and protege, Vice-
President Lee Ki-Poong (who
later committed suicide). Lee him-
self was kept cooling his heels
outside while i the ambassador
warned Rhee that Lee had built
up such a wall around Rhee that
he, though president, didn't know
what was going on in his own
The 85-year-old president was
visibly shaken. In a tired voice he
said Lee was his friend, that he
had even adopted Lee's eldest son.
But finally he agreed to drop Lee
as vice-president.
Shortly thereafter, Ambassador
McConaughy called again to say
that unless Rhee himself also re-
signed there would be such serious
bloodshed in South Korea that
the country would be weakened
and North Korean Communists
might take over. It was then that
the long-time president of South
Korea agreed to step down.
seen this crisis coming for a long
time. They also have seen trouble
brewing in Turkey. Yet after Tur-
key retained ex-gov. Tom Dewey
of New York as its attorney-fee
$150,000-it got a big new credit
from the United States, plus in-
creased foreign aid. The aid was
necessary to bolster Turkish econ-
omy, yet at the very same time
Turkey was Jailing political op-
ponents and critical newspaper
Some state department officials
felt that along with the aid we
should have required Turkey to
guarantee political freedoms.
(Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)

to Paris to talk peace. Otherwise
Over Bias
To the Editor:
EN YEARS ago Senator Spark-
man;,a Southern Democrat with
a supposedly liberal voting record,
declared: "I am against the civil
rights proposals - always have
been and always will be . . . We
know what our most important
weapon is. It is the ability to work
as Democrats. Some seem to think
that the Republicans are our
friends in defeating civil rights
proposals. Such is simply not the
case." Eight years ago, the Demo-
cratic Party nominated Sparkman
for vice-president.
Twelve years ago a numbe of
Southerners bolted their party and
supported the so-called Dixiecvat
ticket. After the election, they
were all welcomed back into the
Democratic Party and resumed
control of the committee system
of Congress.
* * *
IMMEDIATELY after he cAme
into office, President Eisenhower
appointed the Vice-President to
serve as chairman of a committee
to enforce fair employment and
promotion practices on the part
of firms receiving 'Government
contracts. This committee has
taken a real interest in this prob-
lem, and now, goes so far as to
seek out complaints of discrimi-
natory practices.
It seems clear that only the
Republican Party is sincerely con-
cerned with the rights of this
nation's minorities.
-J. B. Reid, Grad,.
Gargoyle *
To the Editor:
, AS WELL as several thousand
other students, was greatly di-
turbed when I read that the
publication of Gargoyle would be
suspended for at least a year. It
seems to me that the reason for
suspension was extremely inade-
quate. It appeared to be more of
an excuse than anything else.
I believe that Gargoyle was a
valuable outlet for creative stu-
dents and its disappearance from
campus will be a detriment to
the University.
-Aaron Grossman, '63
To the Editor:
THE STORY of the Pulitzer
awards in Wednesday's Daily
failed to mention that the 1960
Pulitzer Prize for poetry went to
W. D. Snodgrass, recent guest
lecturer of the English Journal
Club and a charter member of the
John Barton Wolgamot Society,
for his first collection, "Heart's
-dBernard Waldrop, Grad.
-X. J. Kennedy, Grad.




AS WE APPROACH the summit meeting in
Paris two weeks hence, it is interesting and
no doubt significant that the European conti-
nent is quiet, that it appears to be stable, and
that it is undoubtedly prosperous. By contrast
there is much turbulence outside of Europe-
in Korea, in some degree in Japan, in South-
east Asia, in Turkey, in Africa, in Cuba, Pana-
ma, and elsewhere in the Caribbean basin.
What, if anything, are we to make of this
contrast, especially as it bears on the summit
which is concerned primarily with Europe and
with the tensions caused by the divisiqn of
IF I MAY venture a theory, it is this. In Eu-
rope there is now visible the shape of a
settlement which may last for the indefinite
future. In Asia, Africa, and at least in a part of
the Americas, the shape of the future is as yet
entirely unsettled and it is not even visible. We
are witnessing rebellion in many forms against
not only the old imperial order of things but
against the post-war improvisations of the
past fifteen years.
One of the great consequences of the contrast
is that the vital interests of Russia and of the
West are less in violent collision than they were
ten years ago; they are becoming more and
more parallel. There is a basic agreementhabout
the shape of Europe which underlies the con-
flict of prestige and propaganda over Berlin
and the status of the satellites. And there is a
growing parallelism of interest with respect to
Asia and Africa, which has its center in but is
not confined to the common need to control the
spread of nuclear weapons.
FIRST, the basic agreement about the shape
of Europe. It is a fact that France and
Britain are agreed that the two Germanys are
not to be reunited, and that West Germany is
to remain attached to the Western community
by means of its alliance with a strong France.
Britain and France know, though they must for
the time being refrain from saying so too
bluntly, that the integration of West Germany
in the Western community is incompatible
with the reunification of the two Germanys.
The Germans who believe in integration
know this quite well though they dare not ad-
mit it. We too know it quite well, and Secretary
Dillon's open support of the Common Market
carried with it an acceptance of the continuing
partition of Germany.
As the Soviet policy is also based on the con-
tinuation of the two Germanys, reunification is
not today an issue between Russia and the
West. Moreover, acceptance by the West of the
existence of the two Germanys carries with it
inevitably acceptance of the Oder-Neisse line
as the eastern frontier of East Germany. Gen.
de Gaulle has said this publicly. There is no
doubt that Mr. Macmillan agrees with him. The
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
JIM BENAGH .................... ..Sports Editor
PETER DAWSON ........... Associate City Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL..........,....karsonnel Director
JOAN KAATZ ...... .. Magazine Editor
BARTON HUTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director
FRED KATZ.................Associate Sports Editor
DAVE LYON .............. Associate Sports Editor

Polish-East German frontier is not really any
longer in dispute.
17HE WIDE scope of this underlying agree-
ment on the German question leaves only
West Berlin as a serious point of contention.
There is good reason to think that in West Ber-
lin the real issue on both sides is one of pres-
It is probable that for Mr. K. the objective
is not to absorb West Berlin into the East
German state. That would not only precipitate
a world crisis but, if it succeeded, would leave
East Germany and its protector, the Soviet Un-
ion, with a new Hungary multiplied many times
There is every reason to think that Mr. K.'s
objective is to liquidate the Allied military pres-
ence deep inside the Communist orbit, and to
build up the international prestige of East
Germany by winning for it recognition.
What he wants, it would appear, is West Ber-
lin, insulated both from East Germany and
from the Western alliance, a West Berlin which
under a UN force is guaranteed "freedom"-
that is to say, Its present economy-but is de-
prived of all hope of becoming again the capi-
tal of a united Germany. Probably Mr. K. as-
sumes, and quite rightly, that under such con-
ditions the West Berliners would lose hope and
that the free city would wither away.
FOR THE ALLIES the controlling fact about
West Berlin is that they are deeply and ir-
revocably committed not only to protect its
physical freedom but to maintain the dignity
of the people and their hope for the future.
This is a heavy commitment but it is a solemn
commitment. How is it to be made good? Can it
be done by refusing to discuss the status of
West Berlin, as Dr. Adenauer insists and as
Mr. Dean Acheson argues?
I do not think so. They do not take adequate-
ly into account, it seems to me, the conse-
quences of the underlying French and British
decision to oppose the reunification of the two
Germanys, and our tacit assent to this Franco-
British decision. For if the two Germanys are
not to be reunited, then West Berlin will not
become the capital of Germany, its position
deep in East Germany will remain always pe-
culiar, precarious and abnormal.
In my view, if West Berlin is to remain per-
manently peculiar and abnormal, then it re-
requires a new status. For such a prospect was
never contemplated when Berlin was occupied
in 1945. As long as one could assume that the
position of West Berlin was temporary and
transient, the Adenauer - Acheson policy of
standidng pat on the status quo was rational.
If the position of Berlin is to be permanent,
then its juridical and political foundations will
have to be strengthened. This will require a new
statute negotiated with Mr. Khrushchev.
FOR WE MUST have no illusions about the
strength of the legal position in West Berlin.
It is true that the Allied forces are there by
right of conquest, and that Mr. Khrushchev
cannot unilaterally abolish the rights of the
other allies. But just what are the legal rights
of the German civilians to cross the Soviet zone
of East Germany? On what juridical basis does
the civilian commerce between West Germany
and West Berlin rest? If there are legal docu-
ments supporting these rights, where are they
to be found?
For all these reasons, because West Berlin
must live on without the nronsent of henmingr

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Breitman
wrote her impressions of Cuba as
a "sympathetic onlooker" for the
Wayne State University Collegian
where she is a student.)
THE SINGLE most striking thing
I observed was the dedication
to education, even a reverence for
it, expressed by everyone I spoke
to in Cuba.
Literally everywhere I saw
schools being built or completed
in the last year.
In a little town just outside of
Havana I saw 12 new houses and
a school. I was told that as soon
as 12 wooden shacks had been
replaced by the new houses, the
school was built.
In the city of Matanzas the
school was just being completed.
It was the largest, most modern
building in the town. The govern-
ment has converted all the mili-
tary fortresses into schools.
* * *
closed by Batista during the hial
year of his reign, is now a bustling
institution. The university is run
by the students themselves,
through the democratically-elected
Federation of University Students.
I was told that the present (stu-
dent) administration is strongly
in favor of the July 26 movement,
although there are small pro-
Communist and anti - Communist
Whatever one may think of this
system, it does not seem to breed
apathy. The students seemed pro-
foundly interested in the political
life of their country and had
many questions to ask concerning
the politics of the United States.
I did not encounter any signs of
anti-Americanism throughout my
entire trip. Everyone I met, pri-
vate citizens and government em-
ployees, seemed delighted to meet
and talk with visitors from the
United States.
There were things they did not
understand or like about United
States government policy toward
Cuba, but this in no way lessened
their friendliness and courtesy
toward individual North Ameri-
AT FIRST I could not nder-
stand the gaiety of Cubans walk-
-ing the streets of Havana in the
evening. "Previously," I was in-
formed, "no one dared to walk on
the streets at night. It was unsafe
under Batista, and everyone stayed
I did not see a single picture
of Castro or any other living Cu-
ban leader in any public place in
Havana or the rural areas I
I was told that such displays
are forbidden or discouraged by
the government. But street ped-
dlers sell pictures of "Fidel" and
other leaders for use in homes.
One home I visited had Castro's
picture in a place of honor on the
bedroom dresser.
It seems to be conceded by
everyone, foe or friend of the
..__ _ .. ,.+ 44 n- n .. .4... 1 .. _, 4v,

support of the overwhelming
majority of the population, es-
pecially the poor.
* * *
PEOPLE SPEAK of him with
pride and affection. "He is won-
derful; he speaks to us from the
heart," said one Cuban, "but don't
just take my word for it: I'.n nis
friend. Just ask anyone else, and
they will tell you the same thing."
Over and over again I was asked
if I had not met him: it seems
that they all had.
This doesn't mean that Pvery( ne
in Cuba supports him. While in
the limousine which took m 11from
the airport into Havana I heard
five Cubans arguing vocifercusly
pro and con some recent state-
ments of Castro.
At least three of the Havana
papers are critical of the govern-
ment. That's more than the nui-
ber of opposition papers in Wash-
Not even the opposition ques-
tions the honr Ity and morality of
the Castro government, which is
said to be in marked contrast to
its predecessors. When the cabinet
took office last year, its members
cut their own salaries 50 per' ce:t.
"* *
THE PEOPLE of Havaa tell
you that they have gotten rid of
the crooks and gamblers; that
their city is now clean, and free
of beggars. They say the new
police are their friends.
This morality seeps down to the
taxi drivers, guides and restau-
rant owners who scrupuloujy
avoid overcharging the tourist.
I asked why elections had not
taken place. The most common
reply was that the Cubans were
not ready yet-first they must
rebuild and reorganize the coun-
try after the long dictatorship of
Batista, and only then would elec-
tions be meaningful.
Others said that the only re-
sult of an election now would be
an overwhelming victory for the
July 26 movement, so that noth-
ing would bt changed.
Negroes freely mixing with the
rest of the population. There are
no segregated sections of the city.
A Negro serves as the head of the
Agrarian land reform is the big
promise and the big problem of
the country now. On my visits out-
side Havana I was impressed by
the pride of the people in their
cooperatives, sugar mills and new
I saw farm workers building new
houses. They were replacing their
old thatched huts and outside
privies with cement houses which
have modern plumbing (including
a shower) and electric lights.
At first I did not understand the
exuberance with which F~ople
pointed out some onion anti cab-
bage plots. But it seems like a
big accomplishment for them, for
it represents the beginning of
crop diversification and an es-
cape from the domination of the
sugar cane economy whic't they
feel has stunted their economic

resent is the attacks on Cuban
cane fields by planes they believe
come from Florida. They bay that
people whom they consider war
criminals (Batistists) are being
harbored in Miami and use its
airfield as base for attacks ag;'inst
* * *
WHILE I was there, the New
York Times stated in an editorial
(March 24): "Raids are far more
common than Americans realize.
"According to Cubans, there is
rarely a day without planes com-
ing over from Florida to d-op in-
cendaries on Cuban sugar cane
fields, fly in arms, fly out wanted
personages or even to drop bombs
. . . One cannot exaggerate the
resentment this is causing among
the people of Cuba."
While proft-ssing friendship for
the American people, the Castro
govcernment is encouraging the
CubL~ans, cspecially young people
anrd even school children, to join
militaries to defend the country.
The reopk are hopeful that the
problems of American-Cu an re-
lations wijl be solved peacefully.
but are determined and prepared
to defend themselves against any
interference in their international
The Cubans I met urged tme to
tell Americans how eager they are
to have them visit Cuba and see
for themselves how they and their
government are working to build
their exciting, beautiful country.






DAILY ~mW~m@!MO FFeMERICALE. ,,"' ;.. qyv "'s.
.,{ .: r aeli life" w illbeshownand4an art


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, No. 159
To All Users of the D.O.B.: Because of
the increasing length of the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin, we are compelled to in-
stitute a policy of printing notices of
lectures, colloquia, concerts, doctoral
examinations, etc., one time only. These
notices will be printed each day under
the heading "Events Today."
-Editor, D.O.B.
3519 Admin. Bldg.
General Notices
Change in date of May Regents' Meet-
ing: The date of the May meeting of
the Regents has been changed from
May 26, 27 and 28 to May 20. Com-
munications for conideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than May 10.
There has been a change of date for
the Sociology Department's Faculty-
Ph.D., M.A. student meeting, originally
set for May 6. The new date'is now
Fri., May 20, in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Persons who are interested in usher-
ing for the e e cummings Lecture in,
Hill Aud. Mon., May 9 will find a list
for you to sign, at the Undergraduate
office at the League and at the main
office of the Union. Please sign the list
if you can help, and report at the east
door of Hill Auditorium not later than

amination given by Prof. Lewis (for-
merly given by Prof. Hootkins) must
first pass an objective screening exan)-
ination. The objective examinations
will be given four times each semester
(i.e., September, October, November,
December, February, March, April, and
May) and once during the Summer
Session, in July. Students who fail the
objective examination may repeat it,
but not at consecutive administrations
of the test (e.g., September and Octob-
er) except when the two administra-
tions are separated by more than 35
days (e.g., December and February).
"There will be one more administra-
tion of the objective examination in
French -and German during this sem-
ester. It will be on Fri., May 6, in Aud.
C, at 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Within
48 hours after the examination the
names of students who have passed
will be posted on the Bulletin Board
outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the
Examiner in Foreign Languages, Room
3028 Rackham Building. Students de-
siring to fulfill the Graduate School's
requirement in French and German are
alerted to an alternate path. A grade
of B or better in French 12 and Ger-
man 12 will satisfy the foreign language
requirement. A grade of B or better in
French 11 and German 11 is the equiv-
alent of having passed the objective
screening examination."
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night
Fri.,,May 6, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Stephen Maran will speak on "The
Exploration of Space." After the lec-
ture the Student Observatory will be
open for inspection and for observa-
tions of the Moon, and a double star.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
May Festival Program Books with
notes on all, six programs by Prof.
Glenn McGeoch, are now on sale at
75 cents. They may be purchased dur-

Israeli life will be shown and an' art
exhibit will be on display. The Haneger
Dance Group from Israel will perform
songs and dances.
The following student-sponsored soc-
ial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events5 are due in the Office, of
Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
May 6
Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Delta Delta,
Delta Phi Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Tau Epsi-
lon, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Tau Al-
May 7 (one o'clock closingthomr)
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Epsilon
Pi. Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Kappa
Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Phi, Chi
Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma
Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta. Upsilon,
Gomberg tHse., Jordan, Kappa Sigma,
Mary Markley Hall, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa
Sigma. Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda
Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Delta
Tau, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta
Xi, Zeta Psi.
May 8
Couzens Hall. Geddes Hse, Helen
Newberry, Henderson Hse.
Lecture: Dr. Lester M. Field, Manager,
Microwave Tube Div., Hughes Aircraft
Company, will speak,on "Gaseous and
Solid State Masers, Tunnel Diodes and
Other'Possibilities" on Thurs., Maya
at 3:30 p.m. in Aud. B.
Lecture: On Thurs., May 5, Prof.,1H.
A. Simon, Carnegie Institute of Tech-
nology, will speak on "Theory of the
Decision-Making Process" at 8 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater. On May 6,



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