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April 29, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-29

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Seventieth Year,

Grosse Pointe's Inbred Image

ien Opons Are Pree
rruth Wi PrevaU"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

. APRIL 29, 1960


Negative Phrasing,
Positive Action

'TUDENT Government Council's new, posi-
tive phrasing of its proposed anti-discrimi-
ation ruling changes nothing, and can only
take the public wonder why the Council
oesn't realize it.
True, the new formula begins on a sanguine
ote : "All recognized student organizations
hall select membership and afford opportuni-
Les to members on the basis of personal
nerit .. . ," but the negative ultimately creeps
n with ". .. and not race, color, religion, creed,
.ational origin and ancestry."
If the Council is looking for a ruling which
hows real good faith and acts as a positive
tide in membership -selection, why not simply
ay, "All recognized student organizations shall
elect membership on the basis of personal
nerit only."
Thus no snide, negative shadow of suspicion
would be cast in advance, so to speak, on the
H0 Polloi
Williamson of the University of Min-
nesota delivered an address to the eleventh
annual Big Ten Conference of Interfra-
ternity Councils and Panhellenic Associa-
tions. His topic was "How the Greeks Can
Maintain Effective Leadership Although a
For universities of today, this viewpoint
is a curious one indeed, and one that ap-
pears justified neither by history nor

organization. The regulation would presume no
particular five unethical membership selection
criteria take precedence over others. It. would
offer as a liberal (though ambiguous) stand-
ard, "personal merit," which (considering the
secret membership selection procedures most
fraternities use) is in any case the most suit-
able because it puts the burden of proof on the
BECAUSE the number of interpretations
which can be placed on "personal merit' 'is
innumerable, such a term will not work as sole
standard. Who knows what forms of bias this
colorless phrase could hide? This is undoubted-
ly the rationale for including the half of the
rule ,which says, "thou shalt not."
And there is added support for this rather
negative stipulation: the November Regents'
Bylaw which reads, "The University shall not
discriminate against any person because of
race, color, religion, creed, national origin *or
After all, isn't the new regulation to be an
implementation of the Regents' policy as
stated? This was an important point in the
rationale for the motion as originally brought
to the Council.
To take a stand against a social evil is
positive. If. the Council wants to show a
positive attitude, it should be no more hesi-
tant in expressing its position than the Re-
gents were.
The Regents' Bylaw continues, "Further, it
(the University) shall work for the elimination
of discrimination in private organizations.. ."
This is an example of the considered positive
attitude whch the Council needs and wants.

Daily staff writer
"GROSSE POINTE," commented
Time magazine last week,
has its grosser points. The story
dealt withthe controversy which
is currently raging over the point-
rating system used by the Grosse
Pointe Property Owners Associa-
tion in determining in conjunction
with the Grosse Pointe Brokers
Association just who may live in
the fashionable suburb of Detroit.
"We think they (both associa-
tions) deserve our sincere thanks,
and our support," countered the
Grosse Pointe News, the com-
munity's senior publication and
society billboard, which admitted
that it saw "these things in a far
different light than that shed
under the ugly appelation of racial
* .
TO MANY, however, neither
Time nor the Grosse Pointe News
has done the situation justice.
"Grosser points" is a conservative
slap on the hand; a close look at
the editorial published in the News
reveals a screen of shallow think-
ing thrown up in clumsy support
of both the intentions and meth-
ods of the property owners.
Although Time reported realtor
Paul Maxon as saying that the
system is "approved by at least
95 per cent of the people out
here," it seems rather doubtful if,
the system does in fact enjoy that
kind of support.
By its own admission, the Asso-
ciation represents only 973 fami-
lies out of a population of close to
. What is interesting, not only to
the outsider, but to many Pointe
residents who have been rela-
tively unaware of the screening
system, is the justification offered
for it by the News, which may be
considered the quasi-official pub-
lic spokesman of the property
* "En
"WE ADMIlRE their interest in

attempting to guard standards al-
ready achieved, or seeking to ob-
tain an environment that has
been part of dreams not yet come
true," crowed the News. It would
seem that here one is almost
forced to stop and question just
what standards and dreams the
Association is concerned with.
A few tepid suggestions are in
turn offered by the News, "keeping
up their properties . . . guard
their own property rights . .. (so)
we can boast of one of the most
beautiful residential areas any-
where." These considerations, al-
though valid in a minor way, do
not scratch the surface of the
motives behind the activities of
the Association. In fact, many
more people than Grosse Pointe
evidently realizes hold these same
considerations about their homes
and properties.
* * *
WHAT SEEMS important, and
it is relevant to note that the
Grosse Pointe philosophy is repre-
sentative rather than unique, is
the apparent striving towards
mass homoegeneity in the image
of what the Association must con-
sider to be an "American."
An "American," according to
the Association, should speak
without an accent, dress conserv-
atively, have a "typically Ameri-
can" name, and should not have
a swarthy complexion. This de-
termines "who gets in."
"Who gets in," and "who does
not" has proved to be a question
which many people have been un-
able to resist exploiting.
"By these standards," a Grosse
Pointe Congregationalist minister
noted last Sunday morning, "Jesus
Christ would only score 45 points.
Unfortunately, the Association
says Jews need 85."
Maxom, reported Time, reas-
sured them that he was "sure Al-
bert Einstein would have been
accepted here." The man who de-
veloped the relativity theory could
easily have had for neighbors any
one of a number of recognized

gangsters who have been able to
qualify, apparently on the basis
of appearance rather than repu-
THE ULTIMATE result of vig-
orous application of the screening
system would be a city of people
remarkably similar in general ap-
pearance, dress, language, and
names. To maintain this concept
of cultural incest, the Association
would keep elements out of the
city which would threaten" to
bring something of a different na-
ture to bear on the Grosse Pointe
outlook on life.
. By arbitrarily classifying those
who would live in the area, and
through cooperation with the' bulk
of real estate men, the Association
can apply very effective economic
pressure directed at discouraging
and preventing individuals not
cast in the specified mold from
living in Grosse Pointe.
Here a contradiction with the
classical American "melting pot"
tradition becomes self-evident.
America became great behind the
impetus of ideas which enabled it
to draw on the best elements of
many different cultures, and to
combine a diversity of culture
with a singleness of purpose called
* * *
THE DRIFT of Grosse Pointe
provincialism seems dedicated to
editing some sort=of "model Amer-,
ican" out of the melting pot and
gathering reflections of this image
together around the ivy-cloaked
ikon of Grosse Pointe.
The Grosse Pointe News natu-
rally is not inclined to directly
state these purposes-perhaps the,
issue, being on a superficial level,
is much more simple to them.
They feel that the Association is
to be commended for its effort in
trying to fulfill "a dream not yet
come true." However, dreams are
dreams - Grosse Pointe may be
rudely awakened some grey morn-
ing in the midst of a sterile so-

Benson Prepares To Bow Out

Turkish Suppressions
Inite Student Protests''
Associated Press News Analyst
ANY TIME you see a government which feels it is necessary to
suppress the means of communication among its people you see
a government which both fears and invites an explosion.
For years, now, the Turkish government has been jailing editors
and closing down newspapers which criticized it.
Persecution of opposing political parties has been a standard
practice, and public discussion of it has been banned.
But Turkey for centuries has been afraid' of Russia, in all the
latter's political guises and the stages of her territorial aggrandizement.

One of Soviet Russia's first post-
war claims was for Turkish terri-
* * *
SO TURKEY is a staunch mem-
ber of both NATO and CENTO,
the Western and Middle Eastern
anti-Communist alliances.
And so there has been no great
Western outcry against the un-
democratic practices of her gov-
ernment, just as in the cases of
Cuba's Batista, South Korea's
Rhee, and all the other tyrannical
regimes which have bought their
licenses by opposing Communism.
South Korea, after the poorly
conceived postwar partition, was
the first country founded under
the wing of the United Natioxis.
The free world, led as always by
the United States, thus assumed
responsibility for the ancient coun-
try's destiny. It acted on this
responsibility in the Korean War,
which served notice on interna-
tional Communism that military
expansion would not be permitted.
But Rhee opposed the armistice,
and every other policy which
would limit his desire to retake
North Korea. Since 1950 he has
been an embarrassment to the
United (States and the other coun-
tries which fought to save South
BUT SUCH regimes as this un-
like those of the Communists,
have made the mistake of letting
their young people learn about
Turkish youths fighting for the
freedom of others made a great
name for themselves in Korea.',
Now South Korean youth have
reminded them that freedom be-
gins at home.
Turkey is the southeastern an-
chor of the Western front. The
anchor's firmness is vitally af-
fected by the country's stability..
Prime Minister Adnan Menderes,
whose resignation is being de-
manded by the demonstrators, is
unable to attend a CENTO alli-
ance meeting because of the crisis
at home.
THE BIG THREE Western for-
eign ministers and the NATO for-
eign ministers are scheduled to
meet in Istanbul over the next
few days in pre-summit discus-
The Turkish students, appar-
ently fired up by the success of
democratic factions in Korea in
recent days, could not have chosen
a better moment to bring their
complaints before the world if it
had been more deliberately plan-j
The long trail of freedom
through history is marked by the
bodies of those who have fought
for it. Yet, as Pindar the Greek
poet put it 2,000 years ago, their
efforts "are not lost in darkness,
neither hath counting the cost
fretted away the zeal of their

Antitoch Admits Objector
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial, recently printed in the Antioch College newspaper, con-
cerns publicity given a New York high school student over his refusal on principle to sign a loyalty
oath required by New York schools.)

EDWARD JAHN, a Queens (N.Y.) high school
student, has refused to sign a loyalty oath
ecause he believes that it's a form of govern-
aental coercion.
Antioch has accepted him for fall admission
wen though he will not have a high school
iploma at that time because of his principled
"I refuse to sign because I do not believe
>yalty can be forced this way'" he maintained.
The loyalty oath goes against the assumption
hat you are innocent unless proven guilty. It
asumes you are guilty until you sign other-
rAHN, UNLIKE other students in his school
in the past who have signed under protest,
r others who have just signed because "it's
ot worth bothering about," feels that they
ok the "easy way out," and believes "it's
rorth putting up more of a fight."
It is gratifying to know that Antioch will
ake a rebel, a person who has stood off the
ecay of society, if only temporarily. The ad-
aissions department is to be congratulated
or their action in the case.
The publicity resulting from this case has
een good. The New York Times and the New
Cork Post, among others, have carried a

running account of the Jahn boy's fight
against bureaucracy.
BUT HOW MUCH BETTER would the pub-
licity have been if Antioch had stated
publicly that the boy's refusal to take the
oath had been definitely in his favor in his
application to Antioch?
Mrs. Inman, head of admissions, has stated
that the boy was judged on "What kind of a
person he would be at Antioch, his record, just
like any other prospective student." But Ed-
ward Jahn is not like any other prospective
student that we know of - he's a little
stronger, perhaps a little more idealistic, a
little more worthy. He has acted where others
have only talked.
TVHE AMERICAN student is growing more
conservative each year. Antioch is, too.
Wouldn't it be a feather in our cap if we
could say that the rebel, the nonconformist,
the principled person who resists the corrosion
of environment was more welcome at Antioch
than the politically average, the conservatively
In any case, we look forward to having Ed-
ward Jahn in the freshman class next year.
His principles might be a lesson to others.

4' Our Korean Responsibility

E ZRA Taft Benson read his own
political epitaph as Secretary
of Agriculture the other day while
testifying before the House agri-
cultural appropriations subcom-
mittee. He knows that Nixon
doesn't want him and the Demo-
crats, if elected, wouldn't keep
In a closed-door session, Rep.
Jamie Whitten of Mississippi re-
marked: "Your administration has
to run this fall, Mr. Secretary, and
his subcommittee has to run again
so this may be the last chance we
have to sit across the table from
each other."
"I hope all of you will be back,"
Benson replied, with a half smile.
"I do not expect to be."
* * *
have been buzzing all week in re-
gard to a serious blunder that
could be made in connection with
Eisenhower's trip to Japan in
The American Embassy in Ma-
nila has been warning the White
House confidentially that the
Filipino people will be bitterly re-
sentful if he stops in Japan to
visit an old enemy and ignores the
Philippines, our best friend in the
United States Ambassador Jack
Hickerson in Manila, a skilled dip-
lomat, has been literally begging
Eisenhower to stop off in the Phil-
ippines en route.
What causes hesitation at the
White House is the fact that if
Ike goes to the Philippines he
would also have to stop off on the
island of Formosa to see General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek. And,
though he would like to see
Chiang, Ike's doctors don't want
him to get bogged down with too
many welcoming ceremonies.
However, this writer can report,
following a recent visit to the
Philippines, that the F i l i p i n o
people are our most enthusiastic
friends in the Pacific - though
they could be like Cuba if neg-
lected. Both the Philippines and
Cuba were liberated from Spain
following the Spanish-American
War and both countries were then
given their independence by the
United States.
Democracy is much more deep-
ly rooted in the Philippines than
in Cuba. It is -a passion with the
Filipino people. Their elections
are wide open and 90 per cent of
the people vote. The United States
is their great idol and no man can
be elected to public office if he is
openly critical of the USA.
TheiPhilippines suffered great
hardship under the Japanese oc-
cupation and there is still consid-
erable bitterness. So, if Eisenhow-
er visits Japan and shuns the
Philippines it would leave a very
sour taste with 19,000,000 people
who now are devoted friends of
the United States.
* * *

%My grandfather was born in
your state of Kentucky," replied
the British prime minister.
"Now I understand why you
have done so well on the political
scene," said the Senator from
Kentucky, "but I didn't realize
Kentucky politics whs so powerful
that it extended to the British
s * S
ONE OF THE BIG accusations
Bobby Kennedy and his boss, Sen-
ator McClellan of Arkansas, has'
been making against Jimmy Hoffa
and the Teamsters Union is, that
Hoffa hired ex-convicts. This was
one reason why the Landrum-
Griffin Act bans ex-convicts as
labor union officials.
However, Senate chickens are
now coming home to roost. The
Teamsters' monitors, appointed by
the federal court to watch the
Teamsters, have just discovered
that they have been employing an
ex-convict. Furthermore, his name
is Kennedy. Finally, he was em-
ployed to look for criminal ele-
mc4ts inside the Teamsters.
That's why the monitors have
suddenly dropped Pat Kennedy
(no relation to the Senator from
Massachusetts) as chief investi-

gator for the monitors. They
found that he had a record of
several arrests and convictions
including time in Sing Sing for
assault and robbery.
energetic Sen. Hubert Humphrey
has been trying to persuade the
agriculture department to adopt
a food-for-peace plan to distrib-
ute surplus food to needy coun-
tries. put the agriculture depart-
ment has thrown one obstacle
after another in the way. Last
July, for example, Undersecretary
of Agriculture True Morse testi-
fied against appointing a food-
for-peace administrator. However,
under pressure of election-year
politics, President Eisenhower re-
cently appointed Don Paarlberg as
"food-for-peace coordinator.". .
Congressmen Emanuel Celler and
Abraham Multer, both New York
Democrats, denounced the Repub-
lican "voluntary" medical insur-
ance plan for the aged last week
as "a cruel hoax." Two days later,
Vice-President Nixon declared sol-
emnly in San Francisco that the
Democratic plan for old - age.
health insurance was "a cruel

Runs Show
By The Associated Press
IF YOU want to know how many
bags of cement are going into a
project in Turkey's development
program, , or even the telephone
number of the construction super-
intendent, ask Premier Adnan
The dark-eyed, sharp-featured
premier is known as "Adnan the
builder" and his building is a one-
man show. That's 'one thing his
opponents are complaining about.
Menderes takes criticism of his
plans as a personal insult. He
stifles his political opposition and
has Jailed scores of newsmen for
criticizing him. All this sparked
demonstrations in Istanbul yes-
terday. Menderes reacted with
typical speed, force and direct-
ness. He imposed martial law.
MENDERES entered politics un-
der Kemal Ataturk, the dictator-
president who set the strongman
pattern by tolerating no opposi-
tion of his plans to modernize and
cure Turkey- "the sick man of
He soon was recognized as a
dynamic political organizer and
entered parliament in 1931. After
Ataturk's death he helped found
the Democratic party. He became
premier in 1950 on a program of
free enterprise.
He boldly rewrote the laws to
invite foreign investment. With
United States aid-it eventually
amounted to more than two bil-
lion dollars-he imported tractors
and boosted farm subsidies, opened
new coal and ore mines, sugar
beet factories, textile and steel
mills, huge dams, highways,
power lines and irrigation pro-
jects. Irrigation increased tenfold.
In 1953 Turkey began exporting
THE RESULT was new pros-
perity for Turkey's 20 million
people, 65 per cent of whom were
illiterate peasants when he took
office. But by the end of 1957,
the spending program produced
serious inflation. Foreign credit
nearly collapsed, but Menderes re-
fused to slow down.
In 1958 Turkey's allies had to
supply loans. Their reasons were
primarily strategic, for Turkey
forms the geographical link be-
tween the North Atlantic and
Middle East alliances. It has al-
ways been bitterly anti-Russian
and now is anti-Communist. .
President Eisenhower, visiting
Ankara last December, cited Tur-
key's economic advancement as an
example to all newly independent
countries. "No power on earth, no
evil, no threat, can frustrate a
people of your spirit," he told the
But if Menderes accepted for-
eign praise, he refused to heed ad-
vice at home and abroad. His
lieutenants rejected criticism of
Turkey's press laws by the Inter-
national Press Institute. He re-
fused to let his critics speak free-
ly. Some opposition political meet-
ings were banned. More newsmen
were arrested.
Menderes, father of threechil-
dren, has a name that belies his
forceful disposition. Menderes is
the Turkish name foe the lazy,
winding Meander River that gave
birth to the English word "mean-
der." But Adnan Menderes has
always been a man in a hurry.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:s00 p m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, No. 154
General Notices
Regents' Meeting; May 26, 27 and 28.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Mon., May 16.
Please submit nineteen copies of each
Tonight: Look Homeward, Angel,
Ketti Frings' adaptation of the Thomas
Wolfe novel. 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendels-


"You Go On Back, Now"


F THERE IS any criticism to be ma
State Department in its dealings wi
orea, it is that it might well ha
For years Korea has been an1
adache. Rhee has played the despot
tried on a regime which made a rn
the bloody struggle we waged to sa
orea for democracy and liberty. In
ns with Japan and with his powerfi
rs in East Asia he has been an irre
isance. With his war-mongering i
wve been a dangerous nuisance had
pt a close watch on him.
After the brazen theft of the elec
arch his dictatorship, which we1
anaged to tolerate, became intolerE
ter the violence and dishonesty ofI
ins, rebellion broke out all over Sout
His government had lost the final e
itch dictatorship can be justified-t
e able to govern. When Rhee resigner
ased to be able to govern.
N ALL probability the United States c
have saved Rhee had it wanted to

de of the There was no reason why we should have
th South wanted to save him. In taking its stand against
yve acted Rhee and for a new deal, the State Department
acknowledged the inescapable responsibility of
American the United States. It is that we are involved in
and has Korea and are responsible for the maintenance
ean joke of a stable and a reasonably liberal regime.
ve South It was an honest and a healthy thing to in-
his rela- tervene openly. For the open intervention is a
'ul neigh- public acknowledgement of the real situation,
sponsible which is that the South Korean state was cre-
he would ated by American arms, is protected by Ameri-
I we not can power, and is maintained by American
ctions in All the world knows this, and therefore all
had just the world holds the United States accountable
able. For for the behavior of the South Korean govern-
the elec- ment. There is no way in which we could pro-
1h Korea. . tect and support South Korea and at the same
xcuse by time act as if it were an independent country
hat they like, for example, Switzerland or Denmark. The
d, he had critics of the State Department's intervention
cannot have it both ways. They must not ask
us to underwrite South Korea and at the same
could not time demand that we leave it entirely alone.
do that.
IT WOULD suit most of us in America much
better if we could leave Korea alone, if we
did not have to intervene, if we did not have
to take a part in overthrowing a government,
if we did not hne tn worry hout its succes-

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