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April 29, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-29

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Lessor Sets
on Illegalities

Army Fires
Zeus Missile
From 'Silo'

Prof. Koch's Dismissal Debated


Life on Other Planets Called Probable

NEW YORK ()-Dr. Wernher
Von Braun, the space scientist,
said yesterday it is "likely" that
life exists in the universe outside
the earth.
He envisioned an eventual meet-
ing of an earth astronaut with
"another being in space."
Von Braun used the word
"likely" with deliberate purpose,
he told a dinner of the Bureau
of Advertising of the American
Newspaper Publishers Assn. in a
prepared address.
"There Is good reason to assume,
on purely scientific grounds and
on evidence adduced by observa-
tion, that life of some kind exists
elsewhere in the universe," he
said. "In my opinion that is an
entirely logical assumption. s
"I cannot believe that the Power
which created life and order con-

fined all sensible organisms to
this comparatively tiny planet,
"Our sun is one of 100 billion
stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is
one of billions of galaxies popu-
lating the universe. It would be
the height of presumption to
think that we are the only living
things in that enormous immens-
Von Braun said it would be a
significant milestone when the
first American astronaut returns
safely to earth from a flight
through space.
"But I suggest," he said, "that
it will be an even more memorable
occasion when the first American
meets another being in space.
We can hope the greeting will
be 'hello, Earthman' and not 'Wel-
come, Tovarishch'."

Von Braun outlined a 10-year
schedule the national aeronautics
and space administration is pur-
suing-a program that he said,
"Should excite any American."
The program:
1960-The first sub-orbital as-
tronaut flight.
1961-Manned orbital flight and
lunar impact of a scientific pay-
1962-The first space probe
measurements in the vicinity of
Venus and/or Mars.
1963-4-A controlled landing on
the moon and an orbiting astro-
nomical and radio astronomy ob-
1964-Unmanned lunar circum-
navigation and return to earth,
unmanned reconnaissance of Mars
or Venus. First launching of a
three-stage Saturn rocket, the
largest space transportation sys-.
tem now in active development.
1965 through 1967-Initial phas-,
es of the program leading to un-
manned circumlunar flight and
establishment of a permanent
space station.
Beyond 1970--Manned flight to
the moon.
Von Braun said it would be
highly injurious to be required to
justify the space program expense
in terms of immediate economic
benefits alone. He said any cash
return must come in the wake of
the achievement.

e Miri~jan nDalt
Second Front Page

Friday, April 29, 1960

Pe 3


Michigan Union Creative Arts Festival
Over $200 in prizes

Students Hail
Past Leader
As 'Patriot'
Acting President
Restores Balance
SEOUL, KOREA ()-Syngman
Rhee faded into retirement yes-
terday and his provisional succes-
sor set a three-month deadline for
his aides to rid the nation of "long
accumulated illegalities, injustices
and corruption."
Political illegalities and deep
popular suspicion of corruption
sparked the demonstrations which
forced the resignation of strong-
man Rhee, founder of the Repub-
lic and its first and only presi-
dent. But yesterday he was hailed
as a patriot by the very students
whose Violent demonstrations top-
pled his 12-year-old regime.
A picture of patriarchal tragedy,
he was cheered as he left the pres-
idential palace with grief etched
on his craggy countenance over
the suicide pact death of his pro-
tege, Lee Ki-Poong.
Moved Swiftly
Acting President Huh Chung,
who has a reputation for rugged
independence and political hon-
esty, moved swiftly to set the na-
tion on an even course.
The 64-year-old provisional
chief named six new ministers
and planned to name two more to
fill out a 12-man government. He
told his ministers their supreme
task is "to get rid completely of
the long accumulated illegalities,
injustices, corruption and other
disorders in various departments
of the administration."
Huh said the cabinet should
carry out reforms in close coop-
eration with the legislative and
judicial branches, "so that the
current explosive feeling of the
people can be transformed into
voluntary and constructive patri-
Rapid Prosperity
Huh's statement said the up-
rising of the past two weeks "could
provide, if its lessons are put into
practice, the best circumstances
which would promise the demo-
cratic development of the nation
and rapid prosperity for a free
economy in this country."
The acting president said irreg-
ularities in political institutions
made injustices possible in the
National police influence in pol-
itics and police brutalities were
among factors which led to South
Korea's explosion. Police coercion
at the polls March 15, when Lee
Ki-Poong was elected vice presi-
dent over the opposition incumb-
ent by an 8-1 margin, touched off
the demonstrations.
Apparently oriental-style atone-
ment for his role in the violence
led Lee into a suicide pact. His
elder son shot his parents and his
brother and then turned the gun
on himself.

test fired a Nike Zeus anti-missile
missile from an underground
launching site yesterday.
This raised the possibility that
such weapons, designed to de-
stroy enemy ballistic missiles,
could be located far up in the
Artic toward the top of the world.
The first firing of the experi-
mental missile from an under-
ground position was carried out
at the White Sands, N.M., missile
Hurls Missile
There the 450,000-pound thrust
of the Zeus' main booster rocket
hurled the missile aloft. The sec-
ond stage engine and warhead of
the test model were dummy de-
vices, merely to simulate weight
and shape.
Maj. Gen. William W. Dick, dir-
ector of special weapons for the
army's research and development
office, told newsmen the test was
successful, meeting all objectives.
The chief purpose, he said, was
to prove that the Zeus could be
launched from a deep, fortified
hole as well as from surface
launching pads.
The launching "silo" used for
yesterday's test was 60 feet deep,
9 feet square.
Emplaced In Ice
Dick was asked if there was any
reason why such silos could not
be emplaced in ice, such as the
Greenland glacier, or in the froz-
en soil of Arctic tundra.
"I can see no reason why not,"
he answered.
The air force is now building
the first of three ballistic missile
early warning systems near Thule,
in northwest Greenland. These
stations are intended to detect
intercontinental missiles as they
rise above the horizon from Soviet
bases and as they go into traject-
ory which would take them across
the Artic toward North America.
Counter - weapon sites in the
Arctic could make possible the
interception and destruction of
ICBM's in areas far removed from
the populated regions of the
United States and Canada.
Find Cities
In Dead Sea
long lost evil cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah have been found by
American divers on the bottom
of the Dead Sea, a Baptist mis-
sionary-explorer reported yester-
In his disclosures to an inter-
viewer, Dr. Ralph E. Baney of
Kansas City, Mo., head of a four-
member expedition, told also of
finding extensive underwater rem-
nants of Biblical civilization that
flourished and languished 4,000
years ago.
His evidence indicated that the
cities of the once fertile plain were
engulfed after a levee collapse in
an earthquake and lay hidden for
centuries until his divers found
them in the heavily salt waters.
Some of their levee works that
held back the waters in ancient
times might emerge to view
through evaporation of the Dead
Sea waters within a few years, he

Deadline: May 2nd

Pick up entry blank now
at Michigan Union
Student Offices

makes another great discovery...
It's what's up front
that counts

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You can reproduce the experiment.
It's easy as ?W. (Yes, you can do it
in the bathtub.) Assuming that you
have first visited your friendly tobac-
conist, simply light your first Winston
and smoke it. Reasoning backwards,

flavor cannot come from the filter.
Therefore, it's what's up front that
counts: Winston's Filter-Blend. The
tobaccos are selected for flavor and
mildness, then specially processed for
filter smoking. This extra step is the

Bears the shield of elegance
-the styling of the master-



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