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April 29, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-29

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FRIDAY, APRIL 29 ,1964



Future Easing World Problems


Medical School Lectures OPENS TUESDAY:
On Closed-Circuit-TV New York Actors To Appear (

ning of the policy of containment
from 1947 and said that the same
basic policy has been continued
through the present.
Policy Established
"In spite of the Republicans'
talk of a more positive policy," he
said, "they followed in the main,
a path which was already well
established and had existed when
President Eisenhower's Adminis-
tration took office."
With the exception of the "dis-
asterous results of the civil war
in China." the policy of "contain-
ment" has succeeded in maintain-
ing the original status of countries
against Communist aggression,
Prof. Dulles said.
However, he pointed out, this
policy has not led to any easing
of the situation as regards the
basic conflict between the West
and Communism.
But the future should see some
development beginning to ease
this tension, Prof. Dulles said,
though perhaps it will be only
"some small beginning, not so
significant in itself, but pointing
the way along lines that will
become more significant."
Prof. Dulles will lead a dis-
cussion on "What Europeans
Think of American Foreign Pol-
icy" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Vandenburg Room of the League.
The discussion is intended pri-
marily for honors students, but is
open to anyone wishing to attend.

A curiosity until a few years
ago, teaching via closed-circuit
television is now in full swing at
the medical school.
A professionally equipped studio
run by the blue-jecketed staff of
the University's television office,
regularly broadcasts in color and
black-and-white to audiences of
several hundred people.
One of the 18 schools through-
out the country that have oper-
ational television equipment, the
University's facilities, installed in
1958, are matched only by the
army's Walter Reed Hospital.
Highlight of the University Hos-
pital's $180,000 system is an over-
head color camera in a third floor
operating room, which is operated
by remote control from the con-.
trol room downstairs.
Unobtrusive during surgery, it
automatically follows the lights
as the surgeon moves them, thus
keeping the various areas of the
operation within its field of view,,
while its three lenses permit wide-
angle shots of large surfaces, or
close-ups of a finger tip.
Funds for the equipment were
granted by the Dow Foundation
of Midland, Mich. The cost of air-
conditioning, paid for by the Uni-
versity, brought total costs to
$250,000. Air conditioning is nec-
essary because temperatures over

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The Ann Arbor alumnae clubI
of Pi Beta Phi sorority will observe
Founder's Day with a luncheon at
12:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Mrs. Carl Morse, Epsilon prov-
ince president, will speak on the
sorority's founders, and Mrs.
Robert Tefft will speak on "Writ-1
ing for Young People."
Alumnae and collegiate mem-
bers of Phi Mu sorority will gather
in Ann Arbor for a State Day
convention at 11 a.m. tomorrow at
1541 Washtenaw. At 1 p.m. lunch-.
eon will be served in the Anderson
Room of the Union.
The principle speaker will be
Prof. James M. Davis, president
of the National Association of

Foreign Student Advisors and di-
rector of the International Center.
Mrs. Landon Fraber, Mrs. J. F.
Bennett, and Mrs. Clifford Herold
will also address the group.
"Enchanted Escapade" will be
the title of the spring dance for
Adams and Allen-Rumsey Houses.
The dance will be held from 9-12
p.m. tomorrow in the second floor.
dining rooms of West Quadrangle.
The dance is open to men of
both houses, their dates, and in-
vited guests, and will feature the
Don Schetter band. A gambling
casino from Reno will be an
added attraction.
* S *
Kappa Delta sorority will hold
their pledge formal at 6 p.m.
today at the Washtenaw Country
Club. Entitled "Moonlight Mas-
querade," the dance will feature
the Kingsmen Band.

82 degrees cause color distortion.
Programs originate either in the,
operating room (for live surgery)
or in the second floor studio.
M a n y lectures, demonstrations
and animal experiments are car-
ried by the studio's black-and-
white and color cameras to the
amphitheatre adjoining it, which
seats 200.
Image Shown
Here a projector throws the
image onto a six-by-eight foot
screen. Other rooms and auditor-
ium provided with reception
facilities boost total potential aud-
ience for any program to several
Due to the excellent cameras
and the lack of air-borne trans-
mission difficulties, picture quali-
ty is much better than in home
color sets. Every student can see
even small details, regardless of
his seat in the amphitheatre, and
the time saved by showing lectur-
er. demonstration and film at one
class meeting instead of several
is invaluable.
A medical school committee
headed by Dr. Harry Towsley,
professor of pediatrics, supervisesj
budget and policy, which Dr.1
Richard Judge is programming
coordinator. Hazen Schumacher
of the Broadcasting Service is in
charge of technical matters.
Boons Provided
One of the major boons pro-
vided by television teaching has
been in the field of psychology.
Patients were formerly interview-
ed in front of 200 students, which
didn't provide much in the way
of privacy. Today, the relative
privacy of a television camera
makes subjects far more respons-
ive and natural.
The use of two or more cameras
permits operating room shots tot
alternate with X-rays or other
data. Also, electrocardiagram data
may be superimposed upon the
operating room picture to show
the immediate effects of various
The most important advantage
of the viewing system, however,
lies in its magnification of details
which could previously be seen
only by surgeons, and not always
by them.
Professional Equipment
Although so far all programs
have been closed - circuit, the'
equipment is of professional cal-1
ibre and could be used for broad-
casting over local stations or na-
tional networks. Other possibilities
include scrambled image broad-'
casting, which could be picked up'
by special receivers with decoding
mechanisms, and coaxial cables
connecting the 'U' with hospitals
throughout the state.
The biggest flaw right now is
the lack of a means to record pro-I
grams, either on tape or film. If
such apparatus were available
lectures and operations by the na-
tion's greatest doctors could be
preserved for future study.
Facilities Available
The television facilities arei
available to all departments of4
the medical school, but so far only
15-20 percent of the faculty has;
made use of them. As a result, the*
equipment is unused a good deall
of the time. Meanwhile the uses
of television as a teaching aid are1
slowly being established.-
While up to now television has
been used only for teaching,;
future uses will include the mon-
itoring of complex experimentsI
from a central point, and inter-
com systems to supplement hos-I
pital visiting hours. Also, patients
in psychiatric wards could be ob-
served for long periods of time
by hidden cameras, revealing sig-l
nificant trends in their behavior.
Funds Raised
At Minhiginas
Students and citizens of Ann'

Arbor spent a total of $41 thou-
sand at Michigras last weekend,
sponsors of the show announced
Some 20 thousand people helped
the biennial carnival raise funds
to donate to childrens' charities.
After profits have been figured,
the sponsors of Michigras, the
Union and the WAA, plan contri-
butions to The Children's Fund
for Leukemia, the National Mul-'
tiple Sclerosis Society, the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Club, and the
Muscular Distrophy Associations
of America.
Since 1937, Michigras has given
over $50 thousand to various char-

... in drama season

Sell Tickets
Maize-Blue Activities for Frosh
Weekend are reaching a high point
this week, both in number and
Both teams have revealed their
secret themes, ticket sales have
begun, and the finishing touches
are being put on preparations for
the Frosh Weekend Dance, to be
held at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, in the
League Ballroom.
The Blue Team picketed on the
Diag to advocate that Abluevia,
Little BluedBoo's native land, be
made the fifty-first state. The
decision to picket was the result
of a meeting of the Abluvian diplo-
mats in the Diag trees last week.
The Blue Team tickets to the
Frosh Weekend Dance feature Lit-
tle Blue Boo standing on an out-
line of the state of Abluevia. The
Blue ticket stand on the Diag is a
polling booth; one votes to admit
Abluevia into the Union by pur-
chasing a ticket. The tickets'
which cost $1.50, also are being
sold at the Undergraduate Library
and on the Hill.
Other Blue Team activities in-
clude wearing of "Go Blue" but-
tons and having Abluevian license
plates on bicycles.
The Maize Team has also been
avidly publicizing Frosh Weekend.
The Maize Team tickets, in the
form of a lace-trimmed maize
parasol with a be-ribboned pipe-
cleaner handle are being sold un-
der a larger parasol on the south
side of the Diag, as well as in front
of the Undergraduate Library and
on the Hill. Tickets to the all-
campus, girl-bid dance cost $1.50.
Early in the morning on Mon-
day, "The South Will Rise Again
Day," the Maize Team decorated
the Diag with "lines" of crepe
paper and placed the "M" into a
bell, in honor of the Maize 'n Dix-
on Line and Maisey Belle, a typical
Southern girl.
The floorshows of both the
Maize and the Blue Teams enter-
tained this week at Mercywood,
a home for the mentally disturbed.
After performing the skit which
will be shown in full costume this
Saturday night, the teams led the
patients in community singing.


In Ann Arbor Drama Season


Leading New York character
actors Dorothy Sands, Stephen
Elliott, Ethel Britton and Edna
Preston have been signed for sup-
porting roles with the Ann Arbor
Drama Season.
Monica Lovett, Robert Carra-
way and Mickey Deems, members
of the original. Broadway cast of
"The Golden Fleecing," will re-
create their roles locally.
One of the theatre's best known
character actresses, Dorothy
Sands played the role of Helen
Hayes in the Broadway production
of "Time Remembered" last sea-
She has also recently been seen
with the Lunts in "Quadrille,"
with Rosalind Russell in "Bell,
Book, and Candle," and with Eva
LeGallienne in "Mary Stuart."
Elliott appeared on Broadway
this season in "Roman Candle."
Miss Britton played in Harvey for
five years in New York, and has
since toured with Edward G. Rob-
inson in "Middle of the Night"
and with Gloria Swanson in "Red
Letter Day."
Drama Season will begin its
25th anniversary on Tuesday, May
10 with Ann B. Davis (TV's
"Schultzy") in "Happy Birthday."
The Season will include David
Wayne in "The Golden Fleecing,"
Kim Hunter and Charles Hohman
in "Dark at the Top of the Stairs,"
Robert Q. Lewis in "The Gazebo,"
and Dana Andrews in "Two for
the Seasaw."

supporting role
Editor Keller
to Lecture,
Allan Keller, assistant city edi-
tor of the New York World Tele-
gram and Sun and professor of
journalism at Columbia University
will speak on "The Power and the
Glory of the Written Word" at
10 a.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.

music SHOPS

211 S. State
NO 8-9013
205 E. Liberty
NO 2-0675

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Shows at
7-9 P.M.

DIAL NO 8-6415

From 1 P.M.
and Sunday


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CIZ Kx" A*z

TONIGHT at 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M.


Petitioning for offices in the
Women's League during the sum-
mer school is now open.
The positions available are
president, social chairman, chair-
man and two members of Wom-
en's Judiciary Council and public
relations chairman.
Interested applicants may ob-
tain petition forms in the under-
graduate office of the League.
* * *
Seeks Election .. .
George H. Stevens, research
physician for a Detroit pharma-
ceutical house, announced yester-
day that he would seek election
in June to the Ann Arbor Board
of Education.
Stevens received his BS degree
in pre-medical sciences from Mor-'
avian College in 1943. Upon dis-
charge from the Navy, he entered
Temple University medical school,
where he received his MD degree
Hehas previously served as an
instructor in neurology, and was
chief of the neurology section at
the Albany Veterans Administra-
tion Hospital.
* * *
Obtain Petitions .. .
Petitioning for the Burocat ad-
vistory board is now open to all
women who will be sophomores at
the University next fall.
Burocats is an organization de-
signed to introduce freshman
women to the activities and func
tioning of the Women's League.
Petitions for any of the five
available positions can be obtained
in the League Undergraduate Of-
fice. Petitioning will close on May
4, and interviewing will extend
from May 4 to May 6.

a. i-" N
"NEVER LETS UP IN ITS TENSION, which being disctlwVly
Bergman is a blend of an ilosephy, mud stinging
"Sensationally reulist. Bergman presents a childbirth scene
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e *
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.1.. .M EOtEIG~M;'


at 2 P.M.
Entertainment Nightly

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W orld-Tele. JN A
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