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April 29, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-29

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Ci r

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

40w a t

Scattered showers by evening
with little temperature change.



SGC Supports Picketing

Turkish Troops Patrol Istanbul
To Curb Anti-Government Riot

Student Government Council
yesterday endorsed student picket-
Ing and any other "appropriate"
actions which protest policies of
national chain stores permitting
Southern outlets to practice seg-
The Council also established a
committee "to supervise the im-
plementation" of its protest and
Instructed the SGC interim com-
mittee to continue the protest this
The motion finally approved by
tne Council states the goal of the

protest "is to bring about a
change in the policy of the na-
tionnal offices of the stores in
The protest is "in sympathy
with and inspired by the non-
violent action taken by southern
students in protest of segregated
conditions in the South."
The decision was reached about
2 a.m., following five hours of
debate and procedural struggles
demanding three separate deci-

Opposing Factions Debate
Problems in Con-Con Issue
Three points of view on the current proposal for a Michigan con-
stitutional convention were aired last night in a debate sponsored by
Student Government Council.
Con-con gained the favor of two of the factions and was con-
sidered unnecessary by the third, a representative of the Michigan
Farm Bureau.
Prof. Lynn Eley, of the political science department and associate
director of the University Extension Service, served as moderator, out-
lining the issues at stake for the audience. Prof. Eley explained that by

law, the constitutional question
'U' Readies
New Dorm
For Fal
Final plans are under way b
the establishment of Cambrid
Hall, which will be opened ne
fall to Junior and senior wom
The most recent addition
University dormitory facilit
Cambridge Hall is a conversion
one of the University Terra
apartment buildings. It will hou
approximately 75 undergradua
Two types of living quarters w
be available in the Cambridge pr
Ject: suites, containing a livi
room, kitchenette and bedroo
and "efficiencies," having a con
bination living room-bedroom ar
and cooking facilities. Three
four girls will occupy each unit.
Priority Given
In accepting women for the
fall term, priority was given
current residents of Fletcher H
and women living in the section
Couzens Hall whcih is to be ri
.-'nodeled next year. Hereafter, a
Junior or senior woman may app
for housing in Cambridge Ha
Residents will be chosen on t
basis of interest and financ
Living costs will amount to $3
per year including room and h
A committee has been organiz
by Assembly Association to wo
out the details for the proje
Under the chairmanship of Jo
Comiano, '60, past president
Assembly, the group is worki
with the Dean of Women's ffic
Estimate Needs
The committee Is attempti
to estimate the probable needs
the housing unit in the area
materials and facilities.
It will also coordinate its pla
with Women's Judiciary Coun
to determine the calling hou
sign-out methods, and other pi
cedures to be followed with in t
The students occupying Ca
bridge Hall will remain under Ui
versity dormitory jurisdiction a
will be subject to all-campus ru
for undergraduate women. Ho
and late permissions will not difl
from those of the larger dorm
co-ops and sorority houses.
At West Point
United States ,Ailitary Acader
yesterday announced sweepil
changes in its curriculum, givi'
the humanities equal billing wi

must be placed on the ballot every 16
--4 years, and in 1958 the issue failed
to carry.
Fred Warner, president of the
Michigan Junior Chamber of Com-
merce, and John Racklyeft, na-
tional director of the group, ad-
vocated constitutional reform, a
view supported by their organiza-
tion and the League of Women
"I feel that a constitutional con-
vention should be a compromise
agreement," Warner said.
for Calls for Action
lge He called for action in three
xt major areas-placing the question
en. on the November ballot; requiring
to only a majority of those voting on
ies the question to carry the issue
of rather than a majority of those
ce voting in the entire election as is
ise presently required; a new method
ite ofrdelegate proportionment, allow-
ing one for each state senator and
representative. (Presently there
are three delegates for each sena-
ng or.)
; "We feel that the people should
m; be allowed to vote on the consti-
- tutional question again before
ea 1974," Warnerconcluded.
or Sitting in for AFL-CIO State
President August Scholle, Tom
Downes, representative of the
'60 group, pointed out that labor
to views the constitutional issue as
all an equal rights question.
of Selection 'Morally Wrong'
e- Comparing the over-represented
ny out - state areas to "ballot box
y stuffing," Downes said that the
all. proposed selection of delegates is
he "morally wrong." Downes wanted
4al to "even up apportionment before
calling a con-con."
24 Representing the Michigan
a- Farm Bureau, Stanley Powell pre-
sented the third side of the pic-
ture. He demonstrated decreasing
ed interest in the con-con by compar-
irk ing the votes in two elections.
ct. "In 1948, 40 per cent voted for
an the con-con, while in 1958 theh
of total had been reduced to 35 per
ng cent. We should not hold a con-
ce. stitutional convention unless the
majority of the people want it."

1) Agreement that national
chains have not complied with
SGC's April 13 request for a joint
endorsement of a policy of non-
2) Defeat a motion to rescind
the section of the April 13 deci-
sion which declared SGC would
support picketing if the stores
did not comply with the Council's
3) Finally, the decision to im-
plement the protest by establish-
ing the supervising committee.
Committee Set Up
The supervising committee was
charged with "assuring that all
participants in the Council's pro-
test shall adhere to the norms of
proper conduct, speech, dress, and
appearance that prevail in this
community. Further, this com-
mittee shall make sure that all
participants are aware of the pur-
pose of the protest and are aware
of their responsibilities in partici-
"Particularly, the committee
shall inform participants of the
responsibility and means of carry-
ing out non-violent picketing."
The interim summer committee
was charged with the authority to
"take such action as is necessary
to sustain the Council's protest
and allied activities through the
Kill Specific Steps
The original motion to imple-
ment SOC's endorsement of local
efforts came from Al Haber, '60,
and Roger Seasonwein, '61. It in-
cluded several specific steps: pub-
licizing of the picketing, circula-
R oll Call
Student Government Coun-
cil's long debate on picketing
Wednesday night was high-
lighted by the roll-call decision
"not to rescind," which in effect
lent support to student picket-
Those voting "not to res-
cind": Bartlett, Bassey, Feld-
kamp, Golnes, Greenberg, Hab-
er, Hayden, Shah, Seasonwein.
Those voting "to rescind":
Adams, Hadley, Hanson, Ken-
nedy, Morton, Rosemergy, Ros-
enbaum, Trost, Warnock.
The tie vote represented a de-
cision "not to rescind."
tion of anti-discrimination pledge
cards, the purchase of placards,
and a request for the support of
other student organizations, Ann
Arbor civic and church groups,
and University faculty.
The Council voted to eliminate
such procedures, but to retain the
Haber-Seasonwein suggestion for
establishment of the two com-
Climax of the evening's debate
had come earlier, when SGC de-
feated the motion to rescind the
portion of the April 13 motion
calling for endorsement of the
protest. Rescinding was proposed
by Administrative Vice-President
James Hadley, '61.
The roll-call vote was nine-to-
eight for Hadley's motion, but
SGC President John Feldkamp,
'61, voted against rescinding, thus
retaining the April 13 stand.

Put Through
Housing Bill
Democrats yesterday rammed
through, 214-163, a billion-dollar
housing aid bill which Republi-
cans said is ticketed for a veto if
it gets to the White House.
Before the final roll call vote
sending the measure to the Sen-
ate, the House beat down an anti-
discrimination amendment, 235-
On that vote, all four Negro
members-Democrat's every one-
opposed the Republican-sponsored
amendment which a key Demo-
crat denounced as a trick to beat
the bill.
A main feature of the measure
would provide a billion dollars to
buy at face value home mortgages
insured by FHA or guaranteed by
the Veterans Administration.
May Boost Industry
Those who pushed it in the face
of Eisenhower Administration ob-
jections said it would give a lift
to the house building industry and
tend to hold down interest rates.
The measure reaches far beyond
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
specifications, prompting GOP
leaders to predict a veto if it
clears Congress in its present
On the showdown, 201 Demo-
crats and 13 Republicans voted to
pass it while 40 Democrats, chief-'
ly Southerners, and 123 Republi-
cans voted "no."
A key skirmish was over an
amendment which would deny ap-
plication of the mortgage-pur-
chase fund to housing where there
is racial discrimination. The
amendment was offered by Rep.
Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich).
'Parliamentary Trick'
Opponents called it "a mere
parliamentary trick to defeat the
bill" py rallying Southerners on
the side of Republican opponents.
Bentley denied any such intent,
saying he had been concerned
over the discrimination problem
for some time.
Northern Democrats who norm-
ally rally behind antidiscrimina-
tion legislation apparently ac-
cepted GOP opposition arguments
and they help beat the amend-
ment, first on a 126-83 nonrecord
vote and then on the 235-139 roll
The billion-dollar fund under
the bill would be used by the fed-
eral National Mortgage Associa-
tion to purchase at par mortgages
generally up to $13,500 each, or
$14,500 in highcost areas.
The Federal Housing Adminis-
tration would be given discretion-
ary authority to reduce its mort-
gage insurance charge by as much
as half - from one-half to one-
fourth of one per cent.

Southern Negroes have adopted
"non-violence" in their struggle
against segregation; not because
they are pascifists, but because
non-violence "essentially immo-
bilizes the police power" of the
Southern states, Bayard Rustin
told the delegates to the Confer-
ence on Human Rights in the
North last night.
Rustin, the executive director
of the Committee to Defend Mar-
tin Luther King, Jr. in the strug-
gle for Freedom in South, de-
livered the keynote address to the
Conference. Rev. King was origi-
nally scheduled to deliver the
keynote address. He remained in
Alabama, however, to prepare for
a forthcoming trial on evasion of
state income taxes.
Rev. Ralph W. Abernathy, an-
other associate of Rev. King, was
then scheduled to give the ad-
dress. However, Rev. Abernathy
also became involved in legal ac-
tion. Alabama Gov. John Patter-
son personally sued Rev. Aber-
nathy for libel.
In Advertisement
The alleged libel occurred in an
advertisement of the King defense
fund that appeared recently in the
New York Times.
"So with some trepidation, I
agreed to come," Rustin joked.
The Conference on Human
Rights in The North will continue
today with a schedule of panels,
work groups and movies.
The evening panel discussion is
entitled "The Social and Political
Organization of the Negro Com-
The two speakers will be Ted
Cobb, deputy director of the Chi-
cag?Urban League, and Herbert
Hill, labor secretary of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People.
It will be held at 8:30 p.m. in
the Union Ballroom. The panel
discussion will be open to the pub-
During the day there will be
panel discussions of "The Politics
of Change," "Change and the
Role of the Large Institution" and
"Change and the Community
Films will be shown about the
integration crisis in Levittown,
Pa. and the Montgomery bus boy-
In addition there will be sepa-
rate meetings for members of the
faculty and Ann Arbor townspeo-
ple. Both of these meetings will be
held at 4 p.m. in the Union.

Non-Violence Key to Fight



--Daily-Ian MacNiven
KEYNOTE SPEAKER-Bayard Rustin, a friend and associate of
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave the keynote address to the
Conference for Human Rights in the North. The Conference,
which began yesterday, will continue through Sunday.

"These things do go in threes, you
Rustin explained that the
Southern Negroes "realized" that
they "could be wiped out" if they
used violence.
"In the past, whenever the
Negro moved toward democracy,
the state-instead of protecting-
brutalized" the Negro.
Now, he said, segregations are
forced to rely on other techniques:
fire hoses, baseball bats, and hood-
lums shoving lighted cigarettes
down the neck of Negro demon-
Enunciated First Time
"In 1954 the Supreme Court,
for the first time, enunciated the
principle that the Negro was equal
and that any segregation was not
"Segregation cannot help but
cause inferiority feelings in the
Negro and superiority feelings in
the white," he said. "The time
No Skirts
NEW YORK (P)-There was
sad news at Columbia Univer-
sity yesterday - and you
couldn't tell who felt worse, the
boys or girls.
Slacks and bermuda shorts
are out for coeds-in class and,
Mrs. Millicent M c I n t o s h,
president of Barnard College,
the undergraduate women's
part of the university, requested
that coeds wear skirts to class-
es "to contribute favorably to
the image of the university."
Many male students had sup-
ported the coeds in their anti-
skirt campaign.

has come for a mass assault on
Lunch-counters, and libraries
"will not, if they continue to exist,7
be segregated. If they are segre-
gated, they will not exist. Either
way the institution (of segrega-
tion) will be destroyed," he told
the Conference.
"The Negro students in the
South have found an ideology,"
Ruskin added, "with which they
can destroy one institution and
replace it with another. If they
(the Southern- whites)l want .li-
braries, they will be integrated-
or there will be no libraries."
Show Success
Rustin claimed that the fight to
desegregate the lunch counters of
the chain stores has begun to
show some success. The lunch
counters of ten stores, he said,
have been integrated.
In a talk with reporters after
the speech, Rustin discussed the
question of picketing in theNorth.
He said picketing and boycotting
"definitely" do some good.
He added that he does not know
for certain, but that he has
"heard" that the volume of two
national stores has been off from
four to 14 per cent.
Another important effect of the
Northern demonstrations, he said,
was to give heart to the Negro
students in the South.
Rustin also discussed the prob-
lem of Northern Negro "apathy"
toward the situation with a group
from the Ann Arbor branch of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People.
Psychological Problem
He said that the problem was
primarily psychological. Some
Northern Negroes have to fight
discrimination every day on their
jobs, and want a rest from it on
the weekends.
He asserted other Negroes were
"only half-liberated" and were
very hesitant to do anything as
conspicuous as carry a sign in a
picket line.
And still others, he concluded,
were just too comfortable in their
new-found middle-class position
to take an interest in the picket-
Rustin also explained why he
did not give the Conference spe-
cific advice on a program. "Adults
should not make these decisions
for the students," he said.
"You must decide how far you
must go," he told the students.
Loyalty Oath
Not Favored
By Humphrey
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn)
,, I- ± i _ _ r - _ ,

Riots Touched Off
By Korean Protests
ISTANBUL () - Thousands of
tough Turkish troops patrolled Is-
tanbul last night to curb Korea-
like demonstrations against the
strongman government of Premier
Adnan Menderes.
Inflamed by the example of
youths in Korea, about 10,000 stu-
dents and others touched off a
noisy protest against the Mend-
eres regime yesterday. It grew into,
a riot.
About 50 persons were injured
and four, by some accounts, died.
Martial law was invoked in Istan-
bul and also in Ankara although
no disturbances were reported in
the capital.
Calm Restored
The presence of so many troops,
some of them battle-hardened
veterans of the Korean war, re-
stored an atmosphere of calm by
Shouting slogans of praise for
Korean students whose pressure
ended Syngman Rhee's regime
this week, demonstrators denounc-
ed Menderes as a dictator, de-
manded his resignation and cried
for "liberty."
Turkey is a staunch anti-com-
munist ally of the United States.
Like Korea, she has received bil-
lions of dollars of United States
Conference Scheduled
The demonstration erupted as
representatives of the North At-
lantic Treaty alliance prepared for
a conference here Monday.
Menderes called off a flight to
Iran, where he had intended to
join a CENTO (Central Treaty
Organization) meeting.
Sparking the student uprising
was a stormy session of parlia-
ment when powers of a special
parliamentary commission were
The commission was set up a
week ago to probe the opposition
People's Republican Party headed
by former Premier Ismet Inonu.
The party, among other things,
stands for a cautious foreign pol-
icy and a less close identification
with the United States.
The parliamentary commission
has banned political activity, and
party politics came to a halt
Nations Want
To Negotiate
PARIS (P) -- The government
leaders of the United States, Brit-
ain and Russia may hold some
meetings without France at the
Big-Pour Summit talks if pros-
pects for a nuclear test ban are
good, informed sources said yes-
These three-power test ban
talks could be a sort of formal
conference within the Big-Four
meetings. France is not represent-
ed at the three-power test ban
talks at Geneva.
Any meetings of P r e s i d e nt
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Prime Min-
ister Harold MacMillan and Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev with-
out French President Charles de
Gaulle are still problematical,
however, informants said.
But If Khrushchev comes to the
May 16 summit sessions in Paris
ready to agree to a properly in-
spected test ban, the United
States and Britain are reported
ready to negotiate with or with-

out de Gaulle.
The Western feeling is that the
Russians are marking time at the
Geneva test ban talks, possibly to
permit Khrushchev to come to
Paris and make a propaganda
splash by appearing as the champ-
ion of a test ban.
Progress toward a test ban is


Brother Anton inus Views Modern


A lean, black-suited man with
iron gray hair, Brother Antoninus,
poet of the San Francisco "Ren-
aissance," paced the lecture plat-
form slowly and regarded his au-
dience with half-closed eyes.
Then he took a volume of verse
from the lectern and began to
"A poem is always the begin-
ning," the lay brother of the
Dominican Monks said, "but never
the end."
When one begins with a poem, he
explained, one seeks something
absolutely beyond momentary
comprehension. Whether one dis-
covers what one seeks depends up-
on ourselves and the situation.
The poet must begin at a par-
ticular point, and look for a
manifestation of the terminus
which is always a mystery, he
added. If a noem is successful. it

and consciousness are primary, he
Brother Antoninus considers
Fyodor Dostoevsky the greatest
Dionysian writer of modern times.
Dostoevsky was more interested in
man than in God, the poet noted,
but in some respects this makes
him a greater religious writer
than the person who seeks God
"Man cannot find God in Isola-
tion," Brother Antoninus said, "we
must find him with our fellow
men. We can only understand
God in analogy to ourselves, and
therefore, in order to know God
we must know man."
Religious Quest
The modern artist who delves
into man's nature finds that he is
really undertaking a religious
quest, Brother Anoninus said. "He
descends into the depths of his
own consciousness to battle the

cism from the Apollonian influ-
ences of his culture.
Appalled by Inrush
In each generation, the poet
said, the "Apollonian ego," repre-
senting the formalized structure
of civilized society and its affairs
and institutions, is appalled by a
new inrush of the Dionysian spirit.
"Although the poetic explora-
tion of consciousness reveals good
as well as evil, anxious Apollonian
critics find it difficult to distin-
guish between true inspiration and
rebellious affront to order.
"Thus, the Apollonian ego often
crucifies its redeemer because he
seems a heretic," he added.
In order for a poem to reach
the desired terminal point, Brother
Antoninus said, it needs unity.
"If art is successful, it unifies
by its own means and we are not
tricked when we give ourselves up
to it or accept it. The unity of art

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