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April 28, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-28

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'... I Repeat-This is a Test ...I!t"


ml-01gan Da l
Seventieth Year


Wolfe Play Performed

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hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

[URSDAY, APRIL 28, 1960


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Conference To Measure
Student Re-Awakening

NATIONAL and local experts, who for years
have pinned the ambiguous label of
"apathy" "on the American College Student,
are suddenly switching their song in light of
a supposed renaissance of political activity on
American campuses.
Indeed, they have a good deal of evidence:
the widespread sit-in movement and last
week's Washington conference on student
demonstrations in the South are particularly
telling examples, as is the quickly-expanding
CHALLENGE program concept. On the local
scene, repeated picketing is perhaps the most
significant example of the trend.
This weekend will provide an interesting
measurement of the extent of the new re-
awakening. About 400 students from 50 schools
will be on hand for a locally-generated Con-
ference on Human Rights in the North.
CERTAINLY the topic is important, and has
attracted increasing local, national and
world interest.
Certainly the weekend program promises to
be well-coordinated and elaborately planned.
Certainly the participants and featured
speakers should be informed and stimulating.
Above all, the concept of a serious, analytic
conference on social action techniques is
praiseworthy, and something practiced too in-
frequently. Those attending will break into

small sections, attempting to create an intense
climate of thought directed solely at possible
modes of action.
Nevertheless, one wonders if the conference
will have a potent impact on many University
students or Ann Arbor residents, other than
those few already participating in the current
non-violent picketing.
VARIOUS other conferences, generally well-
publicized and of major importance, have
attracted the minds of very few students in the
past. This year's poorly-attended campus
United Nations comes to mind as a striking.
example of such a failure.
If University students do not attend, the
growing belief in the nationwide college re-
awakening will be rendered dubious. Obviously
the 400-odd students coming to Ann Arbor are
politically active, but perhaps they are a min-
ority, hence not very representative of Ameri-
can students.
Considering past affairs in Ann Arbor, it
doesn't seem likely that interest in the Con-
ference will be high. But hopefully, the alleged
re-awakening really is extensive. If so, it will
be encouraging to see local individuals actually
accepting their free opportunity to seriously
attend a conference which might measurably
affect their social condition.



In Smooth, Epic Style
THERE ARE two major problems involved in a production of Ketti
Frings' adaptation of "Look Homeward, Angel." The first is to catch
the epic quality of Wolfe's prose and structure, the second, to keep the
play compact, realistic and composed.
Both of these problems were ably, and occasionally magnificently,
worked out by the director and actors of the Speech Department
productions. For two and one-half hours the play leaped, soared acid
sometimes staggered across the stage, mingling good solid performance
with moments of real excellence. The story covers several months in


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French Pressure for A-Bomb

MSU ROTC Issue Lives Ont
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Last week the Michigan State University trustees voted to continue compulsory
ROTC, climaxing several months of intense controversy on the campus. The student newspaper print-
the following editorial after the trustees' vote.)

WE HOPE the Board of Trustees are not so
naive that they believe that their decision
of last Thursday regarding the ROTC issue
will end the controversy.
Saturday's protest on the grounds of the
State Capitol building was only one indication
that as long as the Trustees continue to admit
intelligent thinking students to MSU they will
never be able to hand down such a decision
without repercussions.
It is indeed unfortunate that the Board
members were not at the rally to answer the
questions on some of the signs that were
being hoisted for the public to see.
As it was, such placards as "One Trustee
Equals 100 PhD's" and "Politics and Universi-
ties Don't Mix" must have made the passers-by
wonder if maybe we aren't just fighting for
the end of compulsory ROTC after all. If
that thought was transferred, then the rally
was at least a small success.
1IHE BASIC QUESTION to us seems to be
one of the Board's relationship to the uni-
versity and whether or not this relationship is
in the form of a supreme ruling body that
cannot be challenged, such as the United
States Supreme Court.
If this is the case, then we had best abide
by the decision and make no further qualms

about it, whether we think the decision is wise
or not.
HOWEVER, if the Board is not supreme,
which we feel is the case, then we certainly
have a right to question how four men can
reverse the detailed and time-consuming find-
ings of a faculty committee and then justify
their stand by simply saying:
"We've raised the most spoiled generation
ever. These kids need this kind of discipline."
If Mr. C. Allen Harlan I MSU trusteel ever
made his presence felt before, it was nothing
compared to the ripple which that statement
caused here on campus.
Surely we deserve a better explanation than
that if we are to ignore the vote of our faculty
and the feeling of a vast majority of our
fellow students.
The Trustees had best realize right now that
this issue is far from dead. MSU students who
are told that this is a "forward-looking" uni-
versity will not be satisfied with decisions of
this kind that involve the very basis of free
thinking, a necessary ingredient of any pro-
gressive university.
If similar demonstration of Saturday's type
are held in the future, the Board might even-
tually be forced to wake up to this fact.

I -me -
PRESIDENT Charles de Gaulle
doesn't know it, but he has set
off a chain reaction of atomic ar-
gument behind the scenes in the
Eisenhower administration.
It has been over the question of
turning the know-how of the A-
bomb over to the French.
Before de Gaulle left Paris on
his trip, Secretary of State Her-
ter urgently appealed to the
French to call off plans for an un-
derground atomic test on the is-
land of Corsica. Herter approach-
ed French Foreign Minister Couve
de Murville when he was in Wash-
ington two weeks ago and told
him that the Corsica test would
complicate Western efforts to
reach an atomic agreement at
The French foreign minister,
however, was under rigid instrue-
tions from de Gaulle and flatly
refused-unless the United States
agreed to give France some Ameri-
can atomic bombs. This bargain-
ing position is behind de Gaulle's
drive to develop a French bomb.
It's also one of the chief subjects
he is discussing in Washington.


He'll call off French experiments
--if the USA gives him its bombs.
* * *
the backstage jockeying inside the
administration and inside Cong-
ress comes in.
For the congressional joint
atomic energy committee has
warned the White House in blunt
language that Ike cannot promise
de Gaulle any atomic secrets or
any American bombs. This com-
mittee includes such potent per-
sonalities as Sen. Clinton Ander-
son (D-N.Mex.), Sen Bourke Hick-
enlooper (R-Ia.), and Rep. Chet
Holifield (D-Calif.). And both Re-
publicans and Democrats believe
there are so many Communists in
France that giving the A-bomb to
the French would be like giving
it to Moscow.
So. fearing that Ike might be
swayed by de Gaulle's charm, the
congressional committee carefully
reminded the White House last
week that Ike's hands wel'e tied
by law.
senators heard reports that a sec-
ret memo was being prepared in-

Are Students Dedicated?

Blood and Freedom in Korea

NEW DELHI--The news about Syngman Rhee
is one of the stirring events of a stirring
Consider what happened. The Koreans
struggled hard to achieve their nationhood.
Then they struggled again to preserve their
freedom against the Communist attack from
the North. They emerged from a bloody,
drawn-out war to find themselves saddled with,
a government under an embittered tyrannical
old man who made a farce out of Parliamen-
tary democracy.
He gagged the press, hounded the opposition
leaders, rigged elections. He branded all oppo-
sition as Communist-inspired and sought to
exploit the old battle-cries of an earlier na-
tionalism, using his services to the past as a
way of shackling the present.
The result, especially after the last rigged
elections, were student riots moved by a cour-
age born of despair. Rhee met them with
bloody police repression, 130 of the student
demonstrators are dead, hundreds of others
wounded and the jails filled with still others.
The blood of the students bought at least
a measure of freedom for the rest of the
nation. Rhee was compelled to yield; he has
agreed to step down.
A NUMBER of questions come to mind in
assessing the meaning of what has hap-
pened. How about the role of the American
government in keeping Rhee in power so long?
The Republic of Korea could not have survived
the Communist attack without American and
UN help nor could it have survived economi-
cally without what the American economy
pumps into it.

Communist stance of the regime than about
its honesty or its democratic fiber.
IT IS NOT hard to guess that as soon as the
riots and shootings took place the American
leaders moved swiftly and decisively to with-
draw their support from the Rhee government.
That, at least, must be said for them. They
acted late but they did act.
But there is another aspect of Rhee's sur-
render which is worth noting. Could this have
happened in the Communist regime of North
Korea, or could it have happened in China,
whose propagandists will doubtless try to ex-
ploit the episode and say that even a new
regime will be no improvement.
It is hard to see either the North Korean
or Chinese Communist leaders yielding to any
mass protest or demonstration. There is evi-
dence that China in the past year had to deal
with sharp discontent but the blanket of cen-
sorship and silence kept news of it pretty ef-
fectively from the world. Not hundreds but
thousands or tens of thousands of young stu-
dents might die in China but no Chinese jour-
nalist would be allowed to report it and trained
seals from abroad might never tell or never
even get to know it.
N O MATTER how corrupt and tyrannical a
regime may be, as long as it has to operate
in the open it must reckon with the wrath of
its people and the conscience of mankind. That
is what the Korean shootings have shown,,just
as the massacre of the Africans at Langa and
Sharpeville showed it. Verwoerd's government
still survives, but in the end it faces a doom

To the Editor:
A SHORT time ago a friend
asked me if there were any
cause for which I would be willing
to die. I had to admit there was
none. Obviously, I have lots of
Thomas B. Morgan writes (in
March Esquire) that the young
people of today are "a generation
with nothing to say. All that
seems real about their self-ex-
pression ... is their dedication to
unreality, to songs of watered-
down, self-pitying blues - that -
aren't blues, and to aimless hos-
Of course, Morgan is being
proved wrong by at least one
small segment of Americansyouth.
Southern Negro students are
manifestly dedicated to a reality-
the reality of a cause for which
they will stand, will risk their
physical well being, and, appar-
ently will even die. Could it be
that they have a lesson to teach
Northern students? If they do,
few of the latter seem willing to
SEVERAL weeks ago two stu-
dents from Virginia who had been
participating in sit-in demonstra-
tions, were in Ann Arbor to raise
funds for the legal defense of
those who have been arrested in
the South for demonstrating. The
Daily, The Ann Arbor News and
radio stations WUOM and WHRV
all gave advance publicity to the
public meeting at which they ap-
peared. The result? Of the 23,000
students of this campus only about
100 turned out to learn what these
leaders of American youth had to
True, immediately after the two
young men returned to the South
and their cause, almost $900 was
raised on campus for democracy.
This was important and is testi-
mony to those who collected the
funds and to those who gave;
but it averages out to not quite
four cents for each student at
thn. Vniverltv.in fi. o ne ss

the Conference for Human Rights
in the North meets on campus
April 28-May 1.
-John D. Milligan, Grad.
Injustice. .
To the Editor:
WISH to call your attention to
a strange legal case which has
been struggling through the Lan-
sing Circuit Court this winter and
which was last week airea before
the State Pardon Board. Walter
Pecho, a former Lansing resident,
was convicted in 1954 for the 2nd
degree murder of his wife.
His attorney, Robert H. Warner
(Law '58) has amassed what to
me is an amazing array of evi-
dence indicating Mr. Pecho's in-
nocence-that Mrs. Pecho com-
mitted suicide. I am morally con-
vinced Mr. Pecho has spent over
five years in Jackson Prison for
a crime he did not commit.
BUT RATHER than review the
details of the case-which seem
monumental in their one-sided-
ness-I refer interested parties to
the Detroit newspapers of the
past week, and particularly to
page one of the Detroit Free Press
of April 21, in which it is made
graphically clear that the testi-
mony which convicted Mr. Pecho
in 1954 is now unbelievably ir-
rationally confused.
The case was refused a new
trial earlier, on grounds of lack-
ing new evidence. It is now being
reviewed by the Pardon Board,
which is expected to make its
recommendation to Governor Wil-
liams late this week.
I am told that public interest
in the case is extremely high and
that letters to the Governor's of-
fice are welcomed. Anyone wish-
ing to express himself in this way,
on behalf of Mr. Pecho, will, I am
firmly convinced, help in a very
real way, however small, to allev-
late a miscarriage of the tragic
and often forgotten fact-the fal-
libility of human judgement.

side the Pentagon advising that
the commander-in-chief had pow-
er to delegate use of nuclear
weapons to our allies. The Penta-
gon memo reasoned somewhat like
Since Gen. Lauris Norstad, a
United States officer, is com-
mander of NATO, atomic weapons
couldbe turned over to units un
der him and even though the
weapons were actually in the
hands of French and German
units, they would still be in his
custody and therefore within the
Discussion inside the Pentagon
also dealt with the use of nuclear
interceptors by our allies.
In defending Europe from air
attack, the most important weapon
will be the air-to-air missile. The
U.S. armed forces have now de-
veloped efficient air-to-air mis-
siles, the Sidewinder and the
Genie, fired from interceptor
planes at enemy planes. However,
the Genie carries nuclear war-
heads which under the law can-
not be given to NATO allies.
* * *
that if a French pilot, flying over
France as a part of NATO, inter-
cepted a hostile plane, he would
not have time to phone NATO
headquarters and ask: "can I use
a nuclear Genie to shoot this
plane down?"
Time is too precious in this
kind of attack, so the Pentagon
argued that French, German, and
other NATO planes should be per-
mitted to carry nuclear air-to-air
missiles and use them.
About this time, Congressman
Chet Holifield of California learn-
ed via the grapevine what was
going on in the Pentagon and
conferred with Sen. Clint Ander-
son of New Mexico, chairman of
the joint atomic energ'y commit-
tee. Anderson in turn warned
Chairman John McCone of the
Atomic Energy Commission.
As a result, AEC Chairman
McCone vetoed the plan to put
air-to-air missiles in our NATO
Pentagon officials are still
chafing over this restriction and
are inclined to side with de Gaulle.
They point out that the defense
of Europe is largely in continen-
tal, not American hands. Most of
the interceptor planes on guard
over the continent are French or
German, or British. Yet they can-
not carry air-to-air nuclear mis-
eral Norstad and President de
Gaulle negotiated an agreement
whereby a joint nuclear task force
was set up under NATO. It is com-
posed of American and French
troops armed with atomic weapons
and is able to move fast into any
sector of NATO. However, there
has been no agreement to turn
nuclear weapons over to France.
Only the American units can
have A-weapons, and this is one
thing de Gaulle wants to change.
For the last two years, how-
ever, United States control of A-
weapons has been only nominal.
General Norstad has the right to
store nuclear weapons at his dis-
cretion and usually he has stored
warheads on top of missiles. Or
he has stored them immediately
adjacent to the units that are
going to use them.
In England, the only country
rumA wo hav e nn, i+ hn rm.

the lives of the Gants, Wolfe's
counterpart for his own family.
Wolfe represents himself as Eu-
gene, the youngest son, and tells
the tale of his first love and his
first tragedy, the death of his
THE UNDENIABLE star of the
show was Eugene, played by
Richard Lenz. Type-cast for the
lean, shambling looks of Wolfe's
youth, Mr. Lenz gave a boyish,
natural and sincere performance
without ever losing the sense of
the most flowery pasages.
Of the other leading characters,
Lorraine Small, in the role of
Eliza Gant, was the most con-
vincing performer. The role of
Eliza is not an easy one; it re-
quires nuances of characterization
and combinations of motivation
which are really difficult to
achieve. In most instances,uMiss
Small achieved them admirably.
The only possible complaint
about her performance is that she
makes the woman a bit one-sided,
almost too much the sharp dealer,
the domineering mother. It is hard
to see how her sensitive son, Ben,
could ever have loved her, even as
a child.
Some of the funniest moments
of the play came from the bit
players, who were nearly without
exception good and excellently
handled by the director. Possibly
the funniest scene is the one be-
tween Madam Elizabeth, proprietor
of the local bordello, and W. .
Grant, as they discuss old times.
Even the remarkably unresponsive
audience laughed at this. Nancy
Enggass, as the Madam, was su-
* * *
OTHERS of the leading charac-
ters were not quite as strong as
they could have been. Albert Katz,
as the father, tended to be quite
unsympathetic, far better in his
pouts and whines than in his
titantic passages.
Elizabeth Robertson portrayed
Eugene's great love, Laura, with
sensitivity and warmth. She
seemed, however, too small in
contrast with the other charac-
ters, and far too weak for Eugene.
Howard Green, as Ben Gant,
was never the focal, point of the
audience's sympathy, as he should
be, until the very end. He handled
the long, near-poetic passages
probably better than anyone else,
but his Ben never attained the
warmth and purpose that it
Doctor Maguire, played by Ron-
ald Sossi, was one of the best of
a group of well-played parts.
The direction of this production,
as far as locking, interpretation
and cohere ce, is truly wonderful.
Prof. Baird has made a fine and
meaningful whole of a sprawling,
technically difficult play, But
something has to be done with
the set, so the audience doesn't
worry about it falling on the
actors through the whole second
-Faith Weinstein

Associated Press News Analyst
PRAVDA is explaining a great
deal these days.
The program of the world Com-
munist attack is being outlined in
the Kremlin's chief newspaper.
In brief, it Is this: while holding
the line in the advanced nations,
Communism will infiltrate and
dominate nationalist movements
in underdeveloped countries.
Pravada's words render absurd
the argument whether Fidel Cas-
tro of Cuba Is truly a Communist.
The Communists are not concern-
ed with what label Castro or any
other extreme nationalist leader
wears in any impatient, emerging
contry of the underdeveloped
* * *
USING LENIN as its authority,
Pravda counsels Communists to
merge their movement in such
countries with ideas of patriotism
and national aspirations, and turn
these aspirations toward "the in-
terests and aims of the world rev-
olutionarydand socialist move-
ment, (and) COmestruggle for soc-
ialism and Communism." This ad-
vice is contained in a newly re-
vised biography of Lenin, the last
of which was printed April 18 in
"Lenin. " the authors coun-
seled, "taught that correctly un-
derstood national interests do not
contradict international socialist
interests. On the contrary, only
a correct understanding and con-
sistent putting into practice of
the principles of proletarian soc-
ialist internationalism make it
possible to achievenational inter-
ests of this or that people, this or
that country."
"PROLETARIAN international-
ism" is a synonym for the world
Communist movement under the
unquestioned control of the Soviet
Communist party.
This advice points the direction
o Communist activity, aimed at
th soft underbelly of the western
world, the under-developed areas.
Progress in this direction requires
a lowered western guard. Thus an
atmosphere of relaxed tension
with regard to the threat of nuc-
lear war is desirable.
Many times Khrushchev him-
self ha's issued this instruction:
peaceful coexistence means only
the absence of shooting war. In
no way does it indicate any slack-
ening of the political' war in which
world Communism is engaged.
Khrushchev and Moscow also
have laid down rigid marching
orders. The 1957 world Commu-
nist meeting in Moscow still Is
the starting point. There all Com
munists were warned that Mos-
cow is supreme boss in the devel
opment of Communist expansion,




(Continued from Page 2)
istration, Psychology, Bus. Admni, or
Liberal Arts with interest in tetine

Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (Day School)
-4th Grade; Sci/Math, Eng., Soc. Stud.
for Gifted Children (Grades 5-8).
Port Huron, Mich. (Twp. Sch. Dist.)

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