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April 28, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-28

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Official' s



Takes ive'"s ,d I


selds to Bias Appeal

Of Family
Vice-President Called
Target of Crowds
SEOUL (R)-The Seoul Martial
Law Command announced that
Vice-President-Elect Lee Ki Poong
and his wife and two sons com-
mitted suicide in a building on the
grounds of the presidential man-
sion about 5:40 a.m. today.
The family had disappeared
from public view this week at the
height of the bloody uprising
against the now fallen government
of Syngman Rhee.
Home Minister Lee Ho was
quoted by a Korean news service
as saying one of Lee's sons, who
also is the adopted son of Rhee,
shothandnkilled his father, his
mother and a younger brother,
then turned the gun on himself.
Ki-Poong Target
Lee Ki-Poong, controversial and
disavowed Vice - President - elect,
was a chief target of antigovern-
ment demonstrations that brought
the downfall of the Rhee govern-:
The son named as the killer was
Lee Kang Suk, an arny lieutenant.;
Korean press reports called the
deaths a suicide pact.
The martial law command said
the bodies of the four were taken
to Metropolitan Army Hospital,
,where it was confirmed that all
were dead.
Official Announcement
The command announcement
"Around 5:40 a.m. Thursday,
Mr. Lee Ki-Poong, Mrs. Maria
Park Lee, his first son, 2nd Lt.
Lee Kang Suk (Rhee), and his
second son, Lee Kang-uh, com-
mitted suicide at the official resi-
dence Number 36 of the Presi-
dential Residence, located at 1
Sejong Street, Seoul.
"Their bodies were inspected and
confirmed at the scene of the sui-
cide by the prosecutor and physi-
cians and were moved to the Met-
ropolitan Army Hospital. An offi-
cial investigation is under way."
Family Missing
The Lee family had not been
seen since Tuesday at the height
of the uprisings when their home
was sacked and burned by mobs.
Lee Ki-Poong and Rhee were
long time friends and the old pres-
ident, who yesterday finally quit

eral judge stepped aside yesterday
from presiding over Teamsters
Union President James R. Hoffa's
ouster trial.
A second Judge took over and
quickly rejected a Hoffa move to
delay the case.
F. Dickinson Letts, the 85-year-
old United States District Judge
who created the monitor system
supervising Hoff a's rule of the
Teamsters, disqualified himself on
the basis of Hoffa's charges of
No Legal Choice
Letts said that, without any
intention of admitting any truth
in the bias charges, he had no
choice under the law but to step
aside once the charges were raised.
However, Letts retained control
of the monitor situation.
In what one of the opposing at-
torneys called a "double lateral
forward pass," the case then went
to Chief Judge David A. Pine who
quickly assigned Judge Joseph R.
Jackson to sit as trial judge in
place of Letts.
Jackson, nearly 80 years old, is
a retired member of the United
States Court of Customs and
Patent Appeals.
Hears Pretrial Motions
He immediately began hearing
pretrail motions. Teamsters law-
yers pleaded for a trial delay with
various motions still pending be-
fore Letts and the United States
Court of Appeals are decided.
"Denied," Jackson said crisply
the moment arguments ended.
He ordered more argument this
morning on another Hoffa motion
to cancel the trial altogether. If
that is denied, Jackson said, the
case will get under way.
The trial is a civil one, based!
on contentions of court-appointed

Denies U.S.
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day that Syngman Rhee has made
mistakes but the United Statesa
has had no part in inciting the
riots which drove the Korean
President out of powers.
Eisenhower said the most he
ever did was to point out that;
there were irregularities in the
last Korean election and voice a'
hope they could be stopped lest
they lead to trouble. This, he said,
was just a friendly gesture to a;
man who has been a tremendous
patriot but who made mistakes as
he grew older.
First Conference
This was Eisenhower's first news'
conference in a month and the
first since discontent with the out-
come of the Korean elections re-
sulted in demonstrations, violence
and finally in Rhee's resignation
At one point, Eisenhower said
that "I bitterly resent violence in
connection with these things." He
said he had told Rhee there could'
be trouble in Korea.
But to questions whether the
United States government ever
indicated to Korea that it thought
Rhee should leave office, Eisen-
hower replied that "To charge.
America with interference in the
internal affairs of Korea is not
Great Patriot
"Now," he said, "we start off
with this: Syngman Rhee is not
only, has been not only a great
man in his area, but he has been1
a tremendous patriot. I think he{
is one of those men that can be!
called 'the father of his country.'
"As he has grown older, there
would be no doubt that here and
there there has (sic) been mis-
"Now, in this last election, there
were certain irregularities and
the most that I ever did, and as
this was a friendly gesture for a
man I know and respect and ad-
mire, I said that trouble could
come out of such irregularities
and hoped that they could be

Far East
THE HAGUE (-)-Spearheaded
by an aircraft carrier, land, sea
and air reinforcements are being
sent to Dutch New Guinea in a
"show the flag" demonstration
against Indonesia's designs on
that jungle territory in the South
The government announced the
military buildup yesterday.
The Dutch blamed "aggressive
elements in the foreign .policy of
the Indonesian government, ac-
companied by the strengthening
of Indonesia's potential."
Angry Reaction
In Jakarta, Indonesian offic-
ials reacted angrily to the Dutch
military plans. One said he con-
siders the moves "highly hothead-
ed and provocative."
The Indonesian Joint Defense
Council, comprising Chiefs of
Staff of the Army, Navy and Air
Force, met reportedly to discuss
latest developments around West
New Guinea.
The Dutch part of New Guinea,
an island where Americans fought
heavy battles in World War II
against the Japanese, has been a
source of bitter dispute between
Indonesia and the Netherlands
ever since the Dutch gave their
former East Indies colonies inde-
pendence in 1949.
Claim Area
The Indonesians claim the area,
about the size of Montana, was
included in the settlement and
have complained to the United
Nations several times withqut suc-
cess. At times they have threaten-
ed invasion. Recently Indonesia
bought jet planes from the Com-
munist bloc.
The Dutch say the island's 700,-
000 people, many of them savages
living in the most primitive con-
ditions, have no desire to belong
to Indonesia and not enough
knowledge of the modern World
to govern themselves.
The announcements of a troop
buildup came as a shock in the
In the past year there have been
numerous reports that defenses on
the island have already been
strengthened. This brought com-
plaints from the opposition, which
wants to pursue a more flexible

SAC Bombers May ExC

Requested Ap
WASHINGTON () - An air-
borne alert of bombers poised to
strike back instantly at an aggres-
sor may be backed by House
spending chiefs with far more
funds than President Dwight D,
Eisenhower recommended.
Chairman George H. Mahon (D-
Tex) of the House Defense Ap-
propriations Subcommittee, drop-
ped the hint during questioning
'of Gen. Thomas S. Power, head
of the Strategic Air Command.
The SAC Commander testified
March 21 and a transcript was
made public today in censored
To Build Reserves
Power told the subcommittee
the Air Force wanted to push
ahead with stocking of spare parts
and building up crews so an air-
borne alert could be set up in-
stantly if needed. But he indi-
cated money requests for this were
pared down by higher authority
in the Administration.
The Air Force did get $100 mil-
lion last December to begin buy-
ing parts and the budget for the

year starting July 1 has 90 millic
more earmarked for the purpose
E i s e n h o w e r Administratic
spokesmen have declared the
amounts enough to get ready fc
a possible airborne alert, whic
they contend is not needed now
Power's testimony indicated Y
had asked for 571 million dollar
Mahon told him:
"I am encouraging you, I hop
to try to sell this packages and -
get going with it because I fe
a lot safer if you had the cal
ability. . . .
Cohesion Needed
"I thought we might suggest a
appropriation of 200 or 300 ml
lion dollars to give this thing
boost, but there is no use in of
appropriating vast sums of mono
if you military people cannot g
together on this thing."
Power assured the subcommitt'
that, even with his SAC plan
only on a ground alert, his con
mand could react within secon
after it was known that the Unite
States was actually attacked.

(p~ £Id$§anC Uai11j

Second Front Page

Thursday, April 28, 1960

Page 3


LEGAL HUDDLE - Teamsters' Union President James Hoffa
speaks with his attorney during a conference yesterday before
the beginning of a suit asking the ouster of Hoffa. The proceed-
ings are civil in nature and no criminal charges are being
brought against Hoffa in this case,

monitors that Hoffa, serving pro-
visionally as Teamsters chief since
early 1958, has violated anticor-
ruption promises he made upon
taking office.
Hoffa is accused of misusing
some $600,000 in union funds in
various business enterprises, in-
cluding a Florida real estate de-
velopment that was supposed to
sell retirement sites to Teamsters
members. Hoffa claims he is inno-
cent of anything wrong.

Atomic Submarine
Added to Atlantic Fleet

G R O T O N, CONN. MA) - The
United States Navy's first atomic
hunter-killer submarine, the Tul-
libee, slid smoothly down the ways
yesterday to become the newest
weapon in the nation's floating
The 273-foot long, 2,600-ton

his post, had hand-picked Lee as ship, plunged into the placid
his running mate in last month's Thames River in a light rain only
elections. a few minutes after a high Navy
l t
i S
Strip Toes
I 50 §
17 Nickels Arcade

officer charged the Soviet Union
with trying "to enslave the world."
Vice Adm. Edmund F. Taylor,
Commander of the Atlantic anti-
submarine fleet, sharply called
Russia a tyranny that was threat-
ening "the hard-won freedom of
mankind" and seeking "in many
and devious ways to enslave the
Taylor, whose job it is to keep
and eye on enemy submarines said
that the SovietUnion's submarine
fleet is "greater than any nation
has ever had in peacetime-eight
'times larger than Hitler's U-boat
force in 193-four times the size
of our own submarine force to-
About 1,000 persons watched the
launching ceremonies in the north
yards of the builder, the Electric
Boat Division of General Dynam-
ics Corp.
The sponsor was Mrs. John F.
Davidson, widow of Lt. Comdr.
Charles F. Drindupke, skipper of
the World War II Tullibee.
Togo Achieves
LOME, TOGO (A') - The little
African Republic of Togo was born
yesterday amid the boom of 101
cannon shots and the cheers of
70,000 natives jamming the palm-
lined streets of this festive capi-
Following the final cannon shot
shortly after midnight, Premier'
Sylvanus Olympio stepped to al
high rostrum in front of govern-
ment headquarters and officially
proclaimed independence.
The ceremony ended 70 years of
foreign rule, the last 14 of which
Togo was administered by France
as a U.N. trust territory.

.Ike Plat
WASHINGTON (A')-Democrats
in the House and Senate denounc-
ed as political yesterday the an-
nouncement that vice-President
Richard M. Nixon might sit in
temporarily for President Dwight
D. Eisenhower at the Summit con-
Fifty - five Democratic House
members joined in a statement
demanding that Eisenhower "ex-
plain why during this election
year he has suddenly decided to
relinquish his job as President to
the candidate he has endorsed as
his successor."
"By this obvious and transpar-
ent move," the House Democrats'
said, "the Republican Administra-
tion has subordinated the hopes
of Americans and free men every-
where for peace in the world to
the political ambitions of Vice-
President Nixon."
Sens. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa)
and Albert Gore (D-Tenn) told
the Senate that in making the
announcement White House Press
Secretary Jame~s C. Hagerty was
seeking political advantage for
Clark called Hagerty's state-
ment a "slight to the Secretary of
State. He said Hagerty "deliber-
ately injected partisan politics
into the Summit" to benefit Nix-
on as the potential Republican
presidential nominee,
Agreeing that this constituted a
snub for Secretary of State Chris-
tian A. Herter, Gore said that"i
the Summit conference is to be
involved in partisan politics, I
cannot believe the cause of peace
would be served and I do not be-
lieve our allies would appreciate


European Year Plan
A lull academic year for under-
graduate students at the University of
Vienna including three Fleld - Study -
Tours through Europe. English-taught
courses. German laniguage study.
Rousing in Austrian homes.
AppUcation deadline: JUNE 15.
COST: $2,125


In LIFE, May 2, you'll find
delight in world-shaking news
stories, color-clad pictorial es-
says, the story behind Minsky's
burlesque, student news and
sports. All this comes to your
newsstand on Thursday, April
28 - on Friday if you prefer to
get your glimpse at LIFE via
the U.S. mail. With Michigras
behind and exams right around
the corner, LIFE will keep you
abreast of the news and life in
this fast-moving world.
the news we find Ike and de
Gaulle writing the next chapter
in the story of historic travels,
as the two grand old soldiers
prepare for the coming summit
conference. LIFE takes this op-
portunity to relate some of the
great traditions, and more trau-
matic moments, connected with
the past which France now em-
bodies in Gen. Charles de
Gaulle. Joan of Arc, Napoleon's
tomb denote French history in
vivid color on LIFE's pages.
Further scenes fill five full
pages of colorful photography
use in LIFE to grasp the full
rioting highlights the news fur-
ther as LIFE covers in detail
the story of hopeful reformers
in the southern part of that
well-known peninsula. And
these protests against undemo-
cratic practices are led by stu-
dents, we tell you. Success fin-
ally rnmes to the diligent nro-

dents. The heavier animal gets
10 pages of full color as we
see the bonebreaking sport of
steeplechasing. If you're still
hot for the chase, you had bet-
ter look at those pictures again.
The really daring feat, thoug1
is the photographers. . . The
horse shoes he gets aren't lab-
eled good luck.
The photo essay about the
more intelligent, or at least the
less weighty, animal deals with
the problem of student drop-
outs in high school. LIFE
chooses to concentrate on this
problem in a series of articles.
This week you'll find the back-
ground material, while part two
will deal with the remedies now
being used. Don't miss LIFE, no
matter what week it is.
makes its appearance in the
short story article in LIFE. The
famous raid that changed the
course of burlesque is related
in the May 2 issue. You'll read.
about the case of the People vs.
Fifi, Chubby, Curls, Raymond,
Scratch, et al. Incidentally, this
type of article is to be read in
your spare time and not if you
have two zoology exams in the
same week. Lots of luck with
that anyhow.
just briefly hits the scene in
LIFE, May 2, as amateurs hit
the dirt in their attempts to be-
come pro football players. The
Los Angeles Chargers of the
new American football leaguge
opened their doors to any fans
who wished to try out for the
team. As could be expected,
Monday morning quarterbacks
came out full force.
C'EST LA VIE-Other articles
abound in the pages of LIFT{
this week. For those of you
who dwell in the quads, turn
to page 49 and learn how the
California coeds and guys play
chess. Just one warning-keep
$10 for that fine for removing
the screen on your window.

This Is Anne

Don't you wish you had one like this?
(The dog, not the outfit)
Well, you can have one like this
(The outfit, not the dog)
If you ask for the striped ticking Jamaicas
. I-41-,-, _- _--------- - -



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