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April 27, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-27

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Voters Back Nixon, Kennedy

By The Associated Press
BOSTON M-)- Sen. John F.
Kennedy proved himself the over-
whelming favorite son of his home
state Democrats yesterday with
a runaway victory in the presi-
dential primaries.
Kennedy even ran well on the
6OP ballot, picking up about five
per cent of the write-in votes of
cross-over Republicans.
Vice President Richard M. Nix-
on, while dominating the Repub-
lican primary, managed to pick
up the votes of about once in a
hundred of the Democratic write-
Voting was light. With a quar-
ter of the precincts reported, a
seven per cent turnout was mndi-

cated, as was predicted in ad-
None of the contenders cam-
paigned in Massachusetts and
contests for places on the delega-
tion to the national conventions
were few and of only local im-
Poor Showing
Adlai E. Stevenson, two - time
loser as a Democratic candidate
for president-and' not running
but draftable this year--made a
poor showing.
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New
York, a potential Republican can-
didate who withdrew, ran a poor
second to Nixon in the Republican
Sen. 'Hubert H. Humphrey of
Minnesota, Kennedy's chief comn-

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petitor in the primaries in Wis-
consin and West Virginia, made
a poor showing in the Democratic
With 534 precincts of 1619 re-
ported, the preference write-in
showed these scores:
Democratic: Kennedy 21,002,
Humphrey 213, Sen. Lyndon B.
Johnson 65, Stevenson 1,039, Sen.
Stuart Symington 92, Nixon 252.
Republican: Nixon 10,496,
United Nations Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge 101, Rockefeller 795,
Kennedy 507.
Election Oddity
An election oddity turned up in
two Boston precincts, one in
Chinatown, the other in the Rox-
bury Negro section ofthe city.
In both precincts not a single
write-in was reported for any can-
No names of candidates, either
announced or potential, were
printed on the ballots. Instead
voters could indicate their prefer-
ence for president by writing in
his name in a blank space.
Kennedy also swept into a com-
manding lead over four other
Democrats in the "write-in race"
in the Pennsylvania presidential
Republican votes piled up for
Vice President Richard Nixon,
running unopposed on the GOP
All the votes for Democrats were
write-inshnone having officially
entered the primary. They were
being tabulated for Kennedy, Ad-
ja E. Stevenson, and Sens. Hum-
phrey, Symngton, and Johnson.
GOP write-ins for New York's
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller also
were being counted.
Unofficial tabulations from 1292
of the state's 9,013 precincts show-
ed: Kennedy 10,121, Humphrey
215, Symington 115, Stevenson
437, Johnson 32.
The Republican count gave
Nixon 117,934 votes and 515 write-
ins for Rockefeller.
Danne miller,
Warner Tell
Plans To Run
Republican State Rep. James F.
Warner of Ypsilanti and Demo-
crat William F. Dannemiller, an
Ypsilanti a t to r n e y, announced
their candidacy for the State Leg-
islature's second district in Wash-
tenaw County yesterday.
Warner, who is seeking his
third straight term in the House
of Representatives, promised to
work for "more economies" and
criticized state income tax pro-
"People expect to pay for nec-
essary functions of good state
government, but they also expect
the Legislature and' administra-
tion to be as careful and econom-
ical in spending the tax dollar as
they would be with their own
pocketbooks," he said.
During this three terms in of-
flee, Warner said he has, as a
member of the House Ways and
Means Committee, tried "to elim-'
inate waste and make for more
economies in certain departments
of state government."
Warner will be opposed in the
Aug. 2 primary election contest
for the GOP nomination by Vivian
S. Richards of Milan, who an-
nounced his candidacy last Feb-
Dannemiller, who is the first
Democrat to announce his bid this
year, is a graduate of the Univer-
"We must continue to provide
that political and social climate
wherein each and every human
being can realize to the utmost
his individual capacities for hap-
piness, self-realization and econ-
omic accomplishment," Dannmil-

ler said.

To Launch
Peace Talks
In Industry
WASHINGTON () -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
asked American business and or-
ganized labor to arrange a series
of summit peace conferences to
assure better relations and the
nation's economic growth.
After conferring at the White
House with AFL-CIO President
George Meany, Eisenhower said
the government will help get the
conferences going but then will
let the participants negotiate on
their own.
Eisenhower's statement added:
"The purpose would be to con-
sider among other things the in-
terest of the public, as well as
mutual interests, in the mainte-
nance of industrial peace, price
stability, incentive for continuous
investment, economic growth, pro-
ductivity and world labor stand-
Eisenhower said he asked Meany
-and will soon ask President Ru-
dolph Bannow of the National
Association of Manufacturers -
each to designate three represen-
tatives to a conference planning
This committee would develop,
without government help, an
agenda for the conferences, addi-
tional participants to be invited,
the time and place for the first
meeting, and other matters.
Eisenhower said the conference
delegates should be top level ex-
ecutives of the AFL-CIO and
either presidents or board chair-
men of firms having collective
bargaining agreements with AFL-
CIO unions.
Secretary of Labor James P.
Mitchell, who attended Eisen-
hower's meeting with Meany, told
newsmen later he hoped the con-
ferences would develop into a con-
tinuing mechanism for both sides
to thrash out mutual problems.
"The success or failure will be
up to labor and management
themselves," Mitchell said.
"But I am hopeful that left on'
their own, with government urg-
ing to accomplish better under-
standing, they will do so."
Mitchell conceded that prior at-
tempts at holding labor-manage-
ment talks generally have failed.
But he said he considered business
and labor now are more mature
and for that reason there is more
reason to hope for success this
Mitchell said he hoped the six-
man arrangements group will get
together in the next few weeks.
Bill Provides
For Delegates
LANSING WP)-A bill providing
for partisan nomination and elec-
tion of delegates to a constitu-
tional convention was signed into
law yesterday by Gov. G. Mennen
If a constitutional convention is
approved, the Legislature only
will be required to set the times
for nomination and election of
The legislature failed to place
the constitutional convention on
the ballot by resolution.
The League of Women Voters
and the State Junior Chamber
of Commerce now are trying to
gather enough signatures to put
the proposal on the November
ballot by petition.

15 Nations
To Meeting
Ambassador Gives
Resignation, Apology
States called yesterday for a
speedup by South Korea's govern-
ment in removing "the grievances
of the people" and summoned a
special meeting of nations which
fought the Communists in Korea.
In a related development, Am-
bassador You Chan Yang an-
nounced he is submitting his res-
ignation after nearly nine years
as Seoul envoy to Washington
"because I have made mistakes."
Incorrect Declaration
Yang said that under instruc-
tions from his government, he
had wrongly declared in public
that the Communists fomented
the demonstrations seething in
his homeland. He said he found
out from a friend in Korea that
this was not so and "I want to
publicly apologize for the state-
ments which I have made.
The Korean diplomat said also
he had received a threat from a
Korean businessman here, Koh
Byong Choll, to get out of the
embassy in 24 hours or be forced
out. But Yang denied this influ-
enced his decision to submit his
U.S. Concerned
United States concern that Kor-
ean President Syngman Rhee has
not moved adequately to meet
popular discontent was shown in
a State Department statement.
"President Rhee seems to rec-
ognize that the current unrest in
Korea stems from various abuses,
particularly the election irregu-
larities of March 15 and that this
unrest is. a genuine expression of
popular discontent," the statement
"He has promised to hold new
elections and indicated that he is
prepared to resign. He also asked
the vice president-elect to resign.
"We are naturally following
these developments closely in the
hope that adequate measures will
be taken to redress the grievances
of the people. The last press re-
ports from Seoul, however, indi-
cate the demonstrations against
the government are continuing."
Want Quick Reform
State Department press officer
Lincoln White, who read the
statement in response to a ques-
tion, added that Washington
hopes to see the reforms take
place" as soon as possible.
The 15 countries who joined
with the United States in the
Korean War were asked to send
their diplomatic representatives
here to an afternoon meeting with
Assistant Secretary of State J.
Graham Parsons.
The Korean War allies, most of
whom still have contingents in
the Asian land, are concerned lest
the disturbances south of the
armistice line tempt the heavily
armed Communists once again to
invade across the 38th parallel
dividing North from South Korea.

Japanese Radicals Protest U.S. Pact

TOKYO (P)-Six thousand radi-
cal left-wing university students
tried to batter their way through
massed police lines into the Par-
liament Bldg. yesterday in pro-
test against Japan's new security
pact with the United States.
Members of the Zengakuren
N aStiern 1 Students Association
were cheered on by black-uni-
formed leaders. The leaders ex-
horted the youths to emulate
South Korean students who forced
President Syngman Rhee to bow
to their demands for reforms.
But the anti-American Japanese
students lacked both the inspira-
tion and mettle of the pro-Ameri-
can Koreans.
ike ToAsk
For Action
In Congress
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower soon will
attempt to prod Congress into act-
ing on his stalled legislative pro-
gram and into killing what he
considers budget-busting proposals
sponsored by Democrats.
Republican congressional lead-
ers announced the plan for a
special message yesterday after
their weekly meeting with Eisen-
hower at the White House.
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
nois and Rep. Charles Halleck of
Indiana, the GOP leaders, men-
tioned some of the things Eisen-
hower opposed but did not detail
to reporters what he will press
Congress to pass. They said he
will list what he is for and what
he's against.
Dirksen said the President is
"quite sensitive" because Congress
has been in session almost four
months and has acted on only one
major administration measure, the
civil rights bill. The legislators
plan to adjourn early in July be-
fore the national political conven-
tion opens.
Eisenhower is quite concerned,
Dirksen said, that Congress so far
has sidetracked many of his pro-
In response to questions, Dirk-
sen mentioned only the $4,175,-
000,000 foreign aid program -
which some members of Congress
want to cut by $1.5 billion - and
minimum wage legislation.
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Baton - wielding police t h r e w
back the massed assaults of the
chanting, shouting young men
and women in a four-hour series
of shoving contests punctuated by
free-for-alls which left many faces
At least 30 police and more than
100 demonstrators were injured.
Eighteen students, including
one of the leaders, were arrested
in the riot, which many regarded
as a trial test for demonstrations
the students plan when President
Dwight D. Eisenhower visits Japan
in June.
The youths are members of the
radical wing of Zengakuren, which
was thrown out of the Communist
Party for its extreme policies.
The group has staged repeated
protests against the military
treaty, signed in Washington last
January and now up for ratifica-
tion by the Japanese Diet.
Used Riot Force
Police rushed 6,000 riot force
men into the fray. Two thousand
others were held in reserve, but
never used.
Three bumper-to-bumper rows
of police cars and trucks barred,
the way of the mob into the Par-
liament Bldg.
Disregarding police advice to go
home, the shouting students
charged the police cordon. Some
swung flag staffs to topple officers
from the roofs of trucks. Others
hurled themselves on the police
and fell with them on top of the
demonstrators below.
The major force of police let
the vanguard of the youths scale
the third row of trucks, then
swung into action.
They quickly broke up the'
charge, using hands as much as
possible but sticks when necessary.

The main body of the students
fell' back. Many of those who
broke through were bleeding at
the nose and mouth as they were
led away by officers.
During the peak of the battle
in front of the building, several
thousand Japanese quietly march-
ed to the side gate and presented
petitions urging that the treaty
be scrapped.
The students, like the opposi--
tion socialists and leftwing labor
groups, want Japan to cut its
military ties with the United
States. They want Japan neutral-
ized, but openly advocate closer
ties with Red China.
Give Cheers
T~o de. Gaulle
In New York
NEW YORK (iP-French Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle made an-
other of his great triumphal re-
turns yesterday, this time to New
York City.
At one point he strode away
from his security guard to embrace
well wishers in Times Square.
Police estimated a million per-
sons lined lower Broadway to roar
a greeting to the austere old war-
rior. De Gaulle is one of the few
men ever to receive a second ticker
tap parade up the historic Man-
hatten canyon of heroes.
De Gaulle last came here in
1945 as premier of his nation's
first provisional postwar govern-

U.S. Tells



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Second Front Page

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Wednesday, April 27, 1960

Page 3



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