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April 27, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-27

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Sevenitieth Year

!hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will PrevawV

Editorials printed

in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, APRIL 27, 1960


Uniqueness at Stake,
Under New Admissions Policy

THE UNIVERSITY is on the verge of making
a choice which may mean the death of
its unique and excellent educational system.
In the next five years the University is going
to be forced by rising numbers of applications
to choose between two interpretations of re-
sponsibility: responsibility to the state and re-
sponsibility to ideals of education and service
to the nation. ,
The dilemma is not to be underrated. The
University has a traditional concern with the
state of Michigan, and a definite feeling of its
duty to provide a superior education to the
citizens of the state. But the University is more
than a state service, it is an institution of
higher education. And as such it has a re-
sponsibility to the nation as a whole, a duty
to improve and spread the quality of college
THE UNIVERSITY has a unique quality and
a special standing in the ranks of superior
institutions. It combines the low cost and
availability of the state university with super-
iority of students, research, and faculty which
comes, in part, from its cosmopolitan nature.
Because the University has an opportunity,
which most state schools have not-to pick its
students from everywhere in the country-its
educational standards have been formed dif-
ferently from the usual state institution. From
the reputation for quality which it has attain-
ed, it would seem that these standards are
In the past, the University's desire for state
service and its desire for the kind of cosmo-
politan nature which leads to educational su-
periority have not come into such serious con-
flict. All qualified students from the state have
been accepted. But in addition to this, and as
a service to the in-state students, a group of
excellent out-of-state students, usually about
30 per cent of the freshman class, has been
permitted to enter. This group has played a
vital part in making the University unique
among state schools.
TIS combination of ideals is no longer
possible. And in answer to the dilemma
which faces them, the administration has

chosen to limit out-of-state enrollment, put-
ting their responsibility to the state students
above their responsibility to the University
and to the nation.
Are they right? It is .impossible to tell. Ser-
vice to the state is a noble ideal and" a prac-
tical obligation, considering the amount of
monetary support the University receives from
the Legislature.
But the thousands of people who love and
support the University, and the nation which
looks to it among a handful of other schools
for the highest quality education have a prior
IN TIMES as difficult as these, it is the duty
of the University to broaden its scope, to
increase its excellence, not to turn its back on
a world which needs the brand of education
which it supports.
The number of 18-year-olds in the popula-
tion is due to Increase by 50 per cent in the
next five years. This kind of expansion will
require severe limitations on University en-
rollment from somewhere.
But severe limitations on the numbers of
out-of-state students will have a detrimental
effect on the University. Both President Hat-
cher and Vice-President Niehuss have said
that if the percentage of out-of-state students
falls below a certain level, the results will be
damaging. And the fact remains that the Uni-
versity is presently superior to any of the other
state institutions, which tend to be provincial
in nature.
THE PROBLEM is not solvable without some
kind of sacrifice. But the sacrifice should
be as limited as possible. It would be best if
the University were to sacrifice its compre-
hensive service to the state, and accept instead
tle finest students from Michigan and the
rest of the country in the 70-30 ratio which
has been found workable and beneficial to the
in-state students:
This would cut out only the less qualified
students, and improve even further the ex-
cellence and reputation of the school, rather
than destroying it by cutting off the roots of
its superiority--its cosmopolitan nature.

"Oh Dear - Sometimes I Think They're
Not Even Listening"
- l-.,
< ~
Willr Rhee KeepPromies?.

Can State Find
Revenue for Education?
Daily Staff Writer
THE UNIVERSITY'S much-reduced appropriation comes before the
State Legislature for final decision within two weeks.
With no increases in the appropriation likely, increased fees for
both in-state and out-state University students are being considered
by the University.
Applications for admission to the University for next semester have
risen sharply.
Legislators and educators are increasingly harried. The "crisis"
never ends; the, problem gets bigger every day and has assumed an

Daily. Staff Writer
AT PRESENT South Korea is in
its most serious political crisis
since the end of the Korean strife
in 1953.
Last week students throughout
that nation rioted in protest of
the March 15 elections in which
Syngman Rhee was elected for his
fourth term as president, and Lee
Ki-Poong was elected vice-presi-
dent. Students and members of
the Democratic party accused
Rhee's Liberal party of rigging the
When the Police force was un-
able to halt the riots. Rhee de-
clared a "state of seige" in several
cities. More than a hundred per-
sons were killed and several hun-
dred more were injured.
While there was little doubt
that Rhee would have been re-
elected, the opposition questioned
the fact that Lee would have de-
feated curt ent Democratic vice-
president, John M. Chang in a

fair election. In the Korean polit-
ical scheme there exists the un-
usual possibility of having the
president from one party and the
vice-president from another.
THAT WAS THE situation
which occurred after the 1956
To prevent the same thing from
happening again, Rhee's Liberal
party allegedly rigged the elec-
tions. They wanted to be sure that
a member of their own party held
the position of vice-president, in
case the 85 year old Rhee should
die during his next term, leaving
the vice-president to fill his post.
Members of the opposition party
were kept from the polls, and
there was some question as to
whether or not the ballot boxes
were stuffed.
As a result of the rioting and
United States pressure, the Kor-
ean cabinet resigned late last
week. Their resignations were fol-
lowed by those of Chang, Lee and
finally Rhee.

De Gaulle Forges Poicy

AFTER HIS VISIT to Washington, it can be
said that on the German question Gen. de
Gaulle is now the leader and the chief spokes-
man of the Western alliance. It was high time
for a change. For until recently we have had no
German policy. We have had only a tangle of
slogans and fictions about reunification which
could lead to no solution and settlement of the
German problem, and were not seriously meant
to do so.
Gen. de Gaulle has assumed the leadership
of that alliance by sweeping aside the hack-
neyed slogans and the equivocal fictions. He
has given the alliance a new lead in how to
think and how to talk about the cold war and
about Germany.
Let us hope that the speech-writers in the
Pentagon and the State Department will give
close attention to the change in style, which
was demonstrated in the press conference on
Saturday and the address to Congress on Mon-
day a y
PERHAPS THE greatest difference between'
Gen. de Gaulle's way of thinking and the
conventional thinking of the day is that he sees
and treats the Soviet Union as primarily a
European great .power, and only incidentally
as the headquarters of world Communism. For
him Russ* existed long before Lenin and will
exist long after Khrushchev. Russia is a Euro-
pean nation with national interests in Europe
and the central clue to policy in dealing with
Russia is to be found not in the writings of
Marx and Lenin but in the history of Russia.
This does not mean that Communism, which
is a secular religion, does not play a great role
in the Soviet Union and in its relations with
the rest of the world. What it does mean is that
in negotiating with the Soviet Union, the states-
man should fix his eyes on the Russian na-
tional interest, not let himself be razzle-dazzled
by the ideology.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
JIM BENAGH . ........ ...sports Editor
PETER DAWSON ............ Associate City Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL ...........,.eersonnel Director
JOAN KAATZ ...... Magazine Editor
BARTON HUTHWAITE . Associate Editorial Director
FRED KATZ...............Associate Sports Editor
DAVE LYON ................ Associate Sports Editor
JO HARDEE................... Contributing Editor

Having fixed his eye on the Russian national
interest, on what any Russian government
would protect or aim at, the statesman can
know where lies the true area of negotiation.
When he stands "firm," as the saying goes, he
knows concretely where to stand firm, where
is the point at which Russia's national interests
and ours should be accommodated.
GEN. DE GAULLE is one whom not the most
foolish among us would call soft on Com
munism. And yet, when he speaks of the Soviet
Union, he does it with cool and impeccable
courtesy. He does not stoop to the vulgar epi-
thets which the ghost writers feel they must
sprinkle through almost every official utter-
ance. This courtesy comes from the fact that
Gen. de Gaulle sees France and he sees Russia
as perennial nations within a European society.
This style and tone does not mean, as some
may think, that Gen. de Gaulle is a lordly
figure left over from another age. There is much
reason to think that in talking with Mr. K. as
the head of one European power to the head
of another European power, he holds the key
which can unlock the door to a detente, that is
to a relaxation of tension.
The key to the door is that the national in-
terest of France demands that there shall be
no revival of pan-Germanism, and that even
a political union of the two contemporary Ger-
manys should be put off for a long time. This
is also Russia's national interest. Communist
ideology no doubt demands the unification of
all the Germans under a Communist state. But
the national interest of Russia is different from
that. The Russian national interest is to prevent
the rise of so formidable a competitive Com-
munist power in Europe as all the Germanys
would make. Russia has quite enough competi-
tion of that sort in China and the rest of Asia.
THIS IS THE reason why the Khrushchev-
de Gaulle talks have been followed by such
an improvement in the climate. Undoubtedly
Gen. de Gaulle made it clear to Khrushchev
what is the French interest in relation to the
German question, and that at bottom it is not
radically different from the Russian national
interest. Since then, Mr. K. has known that if
he wants to protect the national interests of
Russia in Germany and in Eastern Europe, an
understanding is possible. But if he waits to
expand Communism instead of protecting Rus-
sia, he will run into a stone wall,
The reader must remember that statesmen
cannot say these things in so many words. What
i a ntnvc na.-..- - a n-Ov l a. IN--r ^ff nicll

Rhee has said he will disband
his Liberal party and relinquish
his powers. Monday he agreed to
permit a new presidential elec-
RHEE, WHO HAS dominated
Korean politics since 1948, is a
strong leader. He has run Korea
almost dictatorially. More than
once he has defied world opinion.
In view of the kind of man he
has shown himself to be, is it
necessarily pessimistic to wonder
whether he is actually severing
himself from all power, or wheth-.
er he is merely using a new meth-
od to continue his power? Cer-
tainly there is no single man in
Korea today who is likely to de-
feat him should he run for presi-
dent in the new election.
* * *
SOUTH KOREA is of vital con-
cern to the United States. Its
struggles as it learns to live with
democracy are being watched by
countries all over the world.
What happens in that small
nation in the next few weeks may
have untold effects on the entire
world. If Rhee is sincere in his'
promise to revise the political sit-
uation, the result might lead to a,
stable democracy for Korea.
New Books at Library
Smith. William Dale - A Mul-
titude of Men; N.Y., Simon &
Schuster, 1960.
Stacey, C. P. - Quebec, 1759;
N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1960.
Szulc, Ted - Twilight of the
Tyrants; N.Y., Henry Holt & Co.,
Williamson, James A. - The
English Channel; N.Y., The World
Publishing Co., 1960.

unreal, nightmarish quality. Prof.
Merrit M. Chambers, visiting pro-
fessor of higher education at the
University, spoke at the National
Conference on School Finance last
week and injected into the picture
a note of realism-and of reassur-
"Any impression that the states
have scraped the bottom of the
barrel of revenue sources is ap-
parently quite erroneous," Prof.
Chambers said.
* * *
panorama" of state tax systems
he described includes two states
with a general retail sales tax at
four cents on the dollar, more
than a dozen states with no gen-
eral sales taxes, more than 30
states with personal and corpor-
ate income taxes (but more than
a fourth have none) and at least
two states with neither general
sales taxes nor income taxes of
any kind.
Though the statistics are not
common knowledge, the informa-
tion is scarcely new or startling.
But hearing it spoken recalls the
facts to mind and may have the
power to soothe and then reacti-
vate the troubled minds of edu-
cators, legislators and students
who are bogged down in pointless
bickering, forced to make day-to-
day decisions and talked into
accepting a hand-to-mouth exis-
tence for state education because
there seems no other way out.
IN MICHIGAN the constitution
limits the general sales tax to
three cents on the dollar, and a
statute adding one more cent in
the form of a "use tax" was de-
clared unconstitutional by the
state supreme court. But the ques-
tion of amending the constitution
on this point will be on the ballot
in November.
Michigan has neither individual
income taxes nor corporation net
income taxes, apparently in the
belief that this is the way to
attract industries. Prof. Chambers
terms this "a somewhat doubtful
In any case, the Michigan tax
system leaves room in which to
expand and strengthen the state's
financing of public education.
"will not be made primarily by
politicians or by educators, or by
bankers or by economists. It will
be made because the masses of
the people demand good schools
for their children, and are willing
to pay for them."
A survey made for the Council
of State College Presidents indi-
cates that the people of the state
are conscious of the growing pres-
sure on colleges in the state and
that a majority of them think
that higher taxes along-with no
raises in tuition - should take
care of expansion of state colleges
and universities.
Legislators who have legal room
in which to work and the ap-
proval of the public are missing
the boat if they don't take advan-
tage of the situation.
As Prof. Chambers said, "many
of the states can find the revenue
with which to double their state
appropriations for education with-
in the next ten to twenty years,
and some of them will do so, and

Seale Set
To Direct
WITH THE arrival of Douglas
Seale from England, all three
directors who are to have charge
of this summer's Shakespearean
productions in the Stratford, On
tario, Festival theatre, are now in
Stratford awaiting the beginning
of rehearsals on May 2.
Seale, who will direct "King
John," joins Michael Langham,
artistic director of the festival
who will stage "Romeo and Juliet,"
and Douglas Campbell, who will
direct "A Midsummer Night's
Seale's first task is to accustom
himself to Stratford's platform
style stage, its pillars and its many
levels. Although he has not worked
on it previously, he attended a
performance of '(Hamlet" in the
Festival theatre during the sum-
mer of 1957 when Christopher
Plummer played the title role. This
year, Mr. Plummer will be work-
ing under Mr. Seale's direction as
Philip, the Bastard, in "King
John." The director has yet to
meet his two other principals -
Douglas Rain, 'who will be play-
ing the title role, and Julie Harris,
who will be seen as Blanch.
THIS WILL BE Mr. Seale's sec-
ond staging of the infrequently-
produced historical play within
three years. In 1957 he produced
it at the Memorial Theatre, Strat-
ford-on-Avon, the same' year that
he staged "Richard III"'and the
tario Festival theatre, are now in
Vic. His most recent assignment
in, England was -also at the Old
Vic where he directed a produc-
tion of "Saint Joan" for the cur-
rent season.
A director and actor since 1940,
Mr. Seale has been associated with
the Birmingham Repertory thea-
tre, Sadlers' Wells and the State
Theatre, Amsterdam, as well as
with the Old Vic and the Strat-
ford Memorial.
(Continued from Page 2)
women. Infants equipment and cloth-
ing and children's clothing. These are
available for all Foreign Students an
Families needing the above items.
Ushering: Sign-up sheets for people
who wish to usher for the next De-
partment of Speech Playbill production"
are on the bulletin board outside room
1502 Frieze Building.
Pictures for new student I.D. cards
will be taken at Photographic Services,
526 Ad. Building, from wed., April 27
until 5:00 P.M. on Fri., April 2.
After that date, up new pictures will
be taken until registration for the fall
Application for English Honors Cur-
riculum: There will be a meeting for
students interested in entering the
English Honors Curriculum next fall
on Thurs., April 28, at 4:00 p.m. in 240
Mason Hall. The nature of the program
will be discussed, and the students will
(Continued on Page 5)

Khrushchev Toughens
West Berlint Policyl
A-sociated Press News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV, agreeing with the West that disarmament
is the prime issue for the summit conference, talks tougher and
tougher as time goes on over the matter of West Berlin.
Now he says that if the Soviet Unipn gets no concessions on Berlin
she will sign a peace treaty with East Germany which will take away
the Western right of access to the city by land, sea or air. That's what

he says. Maybe it is
he thinks. His ability
stick in the face of
termination to stay

even what
to make it
Allied de-
is another

Pacifist Ideal Clarified

SINCE THE TIME for any such
attempt will not come before the
summit conference and President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit to
the U.S.S.R., a good bet is that
the Soviet Premier is merely
maneuvering for position at this
By keeping disarmament at the
head of the list, Khrushchev is,
after a fashion, going along with
the Allied desire, highlighted by
Charles de Gaulle's speech to Con-
gress Monday, to talk all around
the Berlin issue while maintain-
inig the status quo.
At the same time he keeps the
board set for a deal under which
he could trade off some of the
synthetic urgency with which he
has surrounded the Berlin issue in
favor of an agreement in princi-
ple on disarmament which he may
hope will eventually weaken the
Allied defense structure.
DE GAULLE, latest Alliedleader
to confer~ with .Khrushchev, rives
the Soviet Premier creditfor a
cer'tain amount of sincerity in
wanting to relieve East-West ten-
sions. Russia, says the French
macPidAnt hasc hanved in the last

To the Editor:
AFTERREADING the editorial
in Sunday's Daily, "Pacifistic
Ideal Poor~ly Implemented," sev-
eral points apparently need clari-
First of all, the writer questions
the effect of a petition upon the
State Department's policy deter-
mination. This would imply that
the State Department has little
regard for the voices of the citi-
zenry. Indeed, this may be the
case. If it is, we are leaving all
policy decisions in the hands of
the "experts."
By so doing, we reinforce the
all too common attitude that the
individual does not have a voice
in determining where the flow of
world events will lead him. When
this feeling becomes universal, let
us hope that the word benevolent
can be used to describe the leader-
S * * *
THE EDITORIAL further con-
tends the petition contains the
"perfect replica of the United
States' stand" with regard to the

1959 self-imposed ban run out at
the beginning of this year. Such a
ban is, of course, the first step in
any disarmament plan.
One purpose of the Sane Nu-
clear Policy's petition is the at-
tempt to counteract the influen-
tial effects of those departments.
These two groups receive over $46
billion worth of military expendi-
tures annually. It is hardly plaus-
ible to believe that the military
lobby enthusiastically backs any
State Department plans to discuss
disarmament with the Russians.
The Congress rejecteda proposal
to spend $300,000 for a study of
disarmament implications, imply-
ing that it was not very enthused
about even studying the problems.
THE LAST POINT in the edi-
torial concerns the petition's ap-
parent avoidance and vagueness
when dealing with the economics
of disarmament. To spell out a
program for economically adjust-
ing to arms reduction is clearly
impossible on a petition which
gives the high points of the issues.

ties arising from acceptance of
the first steps. They are also aware
of the complexity of the arms race
and the chaotic military policies
now existing. The choice can be
made between the two. There is
still time.
Co-Chairman, Young Friends
-David Giltrow, 'GlEd.
More Sentiment . .
To the Editor:
f WRITE as an old-time U. of M.
chauvinist ('30), and I have to
speak my mind about the great
University of Michigan Band.
I heard it in Carnegie Hall re-
cently and agree with the critics
that it is a great symphony band
and a great credit to its con-
The grievance I have is that it
is only a great symphony band
and not a great University of
Michigan band. The program in
Carnegie Hal was devoted to Ros-
sini, Giannini, Verdi, etc., none of
whom ever wrote a University of

emotional value to its graduates.
A good deal of the lusty music
and warm sentimental ballads of
American colleges is distinctly
our own, and belongs as an art
form along with other accepted
indigenous music like Negrospir-
IT IS NOTHING to be ashamed
of. It is warm and rich, and com-
petes successfully on the commer-
cial market with the best of other
classical and popular composi-
There is no reason to dye our
hair and learn a different langu-
age in order to cross over into a
culture not our own when we
have a very substantial one that
belongs to us.
* * *
I NOTICED from the fact that
about three-quarters of the audi-
ence stood up when "The Yellow
and Blue" was finally played, that
the patronage at this concert was
almost wholly Michigan.
After a long and begging ova-
tion, "The 'Victors" was also



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