ihee Offers Resignation,
DEMONSTRATORS-Korean police used fire hoses to control rioters in earlier stages of the rioting.
They have been ordered, on penalty of court-martial, not to fire on the anti-Rhee demonstrators.
Khrushchev Threatens Access to Berlin
e+ ,
MOSCOW M - Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev told the Western
powers yesterday they either must
sign a peace treaty with Com-
munist East Germany or "forfeit
the right of access to West Berlin
by land, water and air."
The Soviet leader referred to
West Berlin as "territorially an
inalienable part of the German
Democratic Republic.' The United
States challenges this, pointing to,
agreements signed toward the end
of World War II setting Berlin
apart from occupation zones of
the four powers.
Khrushchev addressed the Su-
preme Soviet (parliament) of the
Azerbaijan Soviet Republic, to
frequent bursts of loud applause.
The occasion was the 40th anni-
versary of establishment of So-
viet Power in Azerbaijan. It was
Khrushchev's first major address
since he returned early this month
from France.
Began Discussion
The Soviet leader began his dis-
cussion of international affairs by
saying his trips abroad, particu-
larly to the United States last
September, contributed to the re-
laxation of tensions, and he added
he thought the process of relaxa-
tion would continue.
He said he would go to the
Summit Meeting, opening May 16
in Paris, "with the most sincere
determination not only to contri-
bute to overall improvement of
the international situation, but
also to do everything toward
reaching understanding with the
heads of state and government of
the Western Powers and secure
some progress in solving problems
which are knocking at the door."
Major Problem
Khrushchev said disarmament
would be the major problem. The
question of Germany and Berlin!
he listed second. East-West rela-
tions next, and nuclear weapons
tests fourth.
On disarmament, Khrushchev
claimed the proposals made by
the west during the 10-nation dis-
armament committee meeting in
Geneva were designed not for dis-
armament, "but to introduce con-
trol without disarmament."
"The Soviet Union will uphold
its position to the end in order to
secure the solution of the disarm-
ament problem," Khrushchev said.
"Disarmament is the root problem
on which depends the elimination
of the threat of a new war. We
cannot and will not agree to con-
trol being substituted for disarm-
Living Costs
Set Record
WASHINGTON M)-Rising food
prices pushed the nation's living
cost to a new record in March.
The forecast is for a continu-
ing gradual uptrend.
The labor department reported
today its consumer price index
rose one-tenth of 1 per cent be-
tween February and March.
This put the index at 125.7 per
cent of the 1947-49 average, high-
est point in history. Prices are
running 1.6 per cent above a year
The increase is sufficient to
boost pay rates of more than 800,-
000 railroad workers by a penny
an hour on a six-month living
cost adjustment. No pay change is
required for 320,000 electrical and
aircraft industry"workers based on
a quarterly adjustment.
Arnold Chase, labor department'
price chief, said food prices are
expected to continue rising sea-
onally through July or August,
this pointing toward still higher
cost-of-living marks.
Noisy Mobs
Statement Follows
Third U.S. Protest
SEOUL (-President Syngman
Rhee, $5-year-old father of his
country, has offered to resign and
permit new presidential elections,
Seoul's martial law command an-
nounced yesterday.
The announcement was issued
as a milling, shouting mob of
many thousands jammed down-
town Seoul in menacing anti-
government gestures.
The demonstrations began at
dusk Monday and went on noisily
through the night and day.
One person was killed and 21
were injured Sunday.
The announcement Rhee would
quit if the people want him to fol-
lowed a third strong United States
statement proposing that Rhee
speed action on "justifiable griev-
ances" of the Korean people.
Calls On Koreans
The statement, issued by the
United States embassy, called on
Koreans to support efforts to re-
store order but said, "there is an
equally deep obligation on the part
of the authorities to take immed-
iate adequate action to meet just-
ifiable grievances."
"This is no time for temporiz-
ing," the embassy said, adding it
was "watching with deepening
concern the anguish of this na-
The martial law's command
quoted Rhee as saying "since the
March 15 elections are said to
have been greatly fraudulent,
there will be new elections called."
To Resign
"If the people want, I (Rhee)
will resign from the presidency,"
the statement broadcast by the
government radio said.
This promise followed his de-
cision Sunday to sever himself
from his ruling Liberal party. The
party is blamed for alleged frauds
and strong arm tactics in the
election that returned Rhee to a
four-year term.
In the election, Rhee's running
mate and alleged election rigger,
Lee K-Pong, was chosen vice-
Young.Koreans, unappeased by
Rhee's move to quit partisan poli-
tics, dismissal of his old Liberal
cabinet and first steps in choos-
ing a new independent govern
ment, defied martial law and
troops in the renewed demonstra-
March In Streets
Antigovernment forces marched
tht streets from Monday evening
into daylight Tuesday-and push-
ed against cordons of soldiers who
were under orders to hold their
An 18-year-old high school boy
demonstrator was killed in the
turmoil. Seoul National Hospital
said he had been shot through the
Confirmed but unofficial re-
ports listed 21 wounded.
Heedless of troop reinforce-
ments and tanks pouring into
Seoul, mobs were fepelled twice
by gunfire when they tried to
break into the home of Vice-Presi-
dent Lee Ki-Pong, who is accused
of rigging the national elections
last March 15.
Martial law headquarters im-
plied the shots were fired by
The Democratic State Central
Committee voted Sunday not to
take a stand on the proposed No-
vember vote on a constitutional
The decision ignored the appeal
by Gov. G. Mennen Williams for
support of the measure. Williams
had been the first to sign a peti-
tion circulated by the League of
Women Voters and much of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce call-
ing for constitutional reform.
State AFL-CIO president August
Scholle had been soft-pedaling the
constitution issue for weeks, while
the Governor and State Demo-
cratic Chairman Neil Staebler pre-
dicted its support by the Party.
Candidates, however, are some-
what in support of the convention
proposal being included in their
Bagwell Supports
Paul D. Bagwell, 1958 GOP gu-
bernatorial nominee, has been in
support of the measure for two
years, and the Republican State
Central Committee has pledged its
support to reform the old constitu-
Both Secretary of State James
M. Hare and Lt. Gov. John B.
Swainson are also supporting the
measure in their campaigns to re-
place Williams.
Romney Speaks
Meanwhile George Romney,
president of American Motors and
head of the Citizens for Michigan
organization, said that the CFM
has failed to create the hoped for
He said, however, that he felt
that the basic idea and approach
of CFM was needed in Michigan,
but that he had not anticipated
the apathy that the organization
had encountered.
The directors of CFM voted to
establish the organization's posi-
tion on the constitutional conven-
tion by submitting a recommenda-
tion to local chapters to support it.
Chinia, India
Still Dispute
NEW DELHI (P)-India and
Red China have failed to settle
their dispute over 51,000 square
miles of Himalayan borderlands.
But a joint communique yester-
day said Premier Chou En-lai and
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
agreed that officials of their gov-
ernments should meet from June
through September to examine all
documents bearing on the dis-
And Chou told a news confer-
ence Red China will respect the
McMahon line marking the fron-
tiers of Tibet and Northeast India.
"The so-called McMahon line is
completely unacceptable to
China," Chou said, "but we are
willing to maintain the present
status in that sector. We will not
cross that line."
In return, he added, he wants
India to recognize Red China's
claim to 15,000 square miles in
the Ladakh section of Kashmir
in the Northwest, but "the govern-
ment of India is not entirely
agreed to this."
Varsity Debate
MICHIGAN Women Debaters
WISCONSIN Women Debaters
Rackham APRIL
Ampitheater 26
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