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April 21, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-21

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Army Troops Hold Seoul
As Death Toll Passes 100

-AP Wirephoto
DEMONSTRATIONS--Police block the path against rioters in South Korea's capital city of Seoul.
Bloody demonstrations have marked political dissent during the first of the week.
Buddhist Bishop Discusses Church Role

Korean City
Seems Quiet
After Riots
U.S. Note Stirs Rhee
To Pledge Correction
SEOUL (R')-- Heavily armed
troops and police kept a vigilant
guard yesterday while quiet but
uneasy Seoul counted its dead in
antigovernment rioting which
nearly brought revolution.
Korea's death toll passed 100
and seemed likely to reach 150.
President Syngman Rhee, stung
by a stern United States rebuke,
promised to investigate and cor-
rect "major causes of discontent."
But the 85-year-old president,
elected to a fourth four-year term
in March, stressed that the time
jto fix the blame for the uprisings
will not come until "the necessity
for martial law no longer exists."
Last Group
The last major group of demon-
strators in the Seoul area, an anti-
government band of several hun-
dred young people armed with a
few carbines, was broken up. Sev-
eral of its members were shot in
exchanges with police in the capi-
tal's northeast outskirts, site of
1Seoul's universities.
Lt. Gen. Song Yo-Chan, army
Rchief of staff who 1s in charge of
martial law, said leaders of the
band were arrested.
Seoul was like a city recovering
from battle. Many hundreds of
wounded law in hospitals, victims
of riots sparked by about 30,000
, students and citizens Tuesday
when they demonstrated against
the government.
Climax Unrest
The riots climaxed weeks of un-
rest and demonstrations protest-
ing the elections in which Rhee's
running mate swamped the oppo-
sition Democratic candidate for
vice - president. The opposition
claims Rhee's Liberal Party rigged
the election and used harsh pres-
sures to insure the success of the
Liberal vice presidential nominee.
While weeping women claimed
their dead, the official count of
bodies in Seoul totaled 92. Pusan,
one of the other cities under mar-
tial law, had 11. At least 50 in
hospitals were in critical condi-
At Kwangju, one of the troubled
towns under martial law, police
and soldiers fired blank cartridges
to disperse a crowd of college and
high school boys trying to revive
the demonstrations.

Arrests Made in Police Raid
and soldiers backed by armored take full charge of the government tions Secretary General Dag
cars arrested 700 Negroes yester- within a week, "even though he marskjold in London next n
day in raids on native settlements might have to do so from his bed- did not herald "a departure
outside major cities on South Afri- room," Louw declared. the government's standpoint
ca's Cape Peninsula. More than No Departure there should be no interfere:
a thousand have been seized in Louw also said the government's the domestic affairs of m
the last 48 hours. announced decision to discuss its states (of the UN)."
The raids are part of the drive racial problems with United Na- The talks stem from the
to squelch an abortive week-long 1 UN Security Council rese
strike called by the outlawed N " 1 asking South Africa .to end
African National Congress pro- XOn .ia es segregation.
testing the government's strict
apartheid laws.rMeanwhile, the apartheid.
Failure of the strike brought inIDtceafrmd huc
demands-from liberal white groupsR eassu ra ce fered to join the Anglican C
in a petition to the governm
for an end to emergency regula inallow the self - exiled And
tions permitting raids on Negro alwtesl xldA
From Vote Bishop of Johannesburg, the
settlements bn emtgrwithout dsearc h. rwar r -1 Rev. so o icadAboeReeve
rants and detention of hundredstie oe am ise e
in jail indefinitely. By The Associated Press vestigating the March 21 Sh
Reconsider Approach ville shootings in which 67 Ne
Lands Minister Paul Sauer, act- tok were killed and 186 wound
Lands Miister Pal Sauerreassurance yesterday fromwhtpoie
ing government head, said Tues- the New Jersey Republican pri- white police.
day South Africa would "recon- mary that he is charting the right Reeves criticized the poli
sider in earnest and honesty her kind of political course. the killings and fled the co
whole approach to the native ques- The smashing way in which Sen. fearing arrest. He first we
tion." Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) won the British protectorate of S
But in a statement to parlia- renomination in Tuesday's ballot- land and later to Rhodesia.
ment today, Foreign Minister Eric ing seemed likely to mute the A dispatch from Salisbury,
Louw rejected any basic changes clamor from some Republicans for desia,' said he had left
in government policy, including a more conservative route than aboard a plane bound for Lo
racial segregation. He also turned Nixon has chosen to take as the The Bishop's wife and three
oven sggestios fohe a olition party's prospective presidential dren are scheduled to said
United Party which proposed eas- nominee. South Africa for Britain Fr
ing the Negroes' lot. Case's ability to surmount by
If there is any change, Louw weekend campaigning a well-
said, Prime Minister Hendrik Ver- financed, intensive drive by his
woerd will make it. Verwoerd, re- avowedly conservative opponent,
covering from two bullet wounds Robert Morris, shored up Nixon's
inflicted by a white assassin April decision to stick to his Vice-Presi-
9, probably will be well enough to dential chores and to avoid politi-
cal stumping until he gets the -

The role of Buddhism and its
sects in modern Japan was the
subject of a lecture given last night
at Rackham Hall by Bishop Shin-
sho Hanayama, leader of the
Buddhist churches in the United
Bishop Hanayama discussed the
meaning of his own sect, Amidism,
and its foundations. The sect orig-
inates from two sanscript words
which mean "long life."
The organization of Amidism
was begun by a priest Genshin
who gathered a "Collection of3
Famous Sentences" from Indian
and Chinese religious sources.
Founds Sect
About one century later, Honen,,
the founder of the Jodoshu sect,,
arose. He was followed by a dis-
ciple, Shinran, who founded what
is today the largest sect .in Japan}
-Jodo Shinshu.
Bishop Hanayama pointed out
that the difference between the
sects of Buddhism lies in the man-
ner "salvation" is found-the way,
of approaching Buddha.I
According to Zen Buddhism, thei
only way to attain this goal isI
through meditation and concen-I
tration. One must concentrate his
mind in order to become calm.
Another sect stipulates that all
of a person must be given-not
only body and mind, but also his
soul and personal possessions-in
order to come close to Buddha.
Diligence, endurance, grace and
compassion are also necessary.
Discusses Religion
Turning to the modern religious
philosophies in Japan, Bishop Ha-
nayama said that Buddhism was1
previously practiced only by male
priests and that females were pro-

hibited from participating. How-
ever, according to Shinran, all of
nature is one common people and,
therefore, such prohibitions should
not be practiced.
Related to this outlook has been
the erasure of other distinctions in
the religion, notably that between
the noble and the poor.
Cites Characteristic
Bishop Hanayama cited another
important characteristic of modern
Buddhism, having to do with a
person's Salvation. If one believesI
in "Buddha's great vow to save
all human begins, then he is
'saved' at that moment." After
this, he can behave naturally with
regard to religion, always remain-
ing thankful for having been
saved by Amida Buddha.
After the war, Bishop Hanaya-
ma was asked to become Buddhist
chaplain at Sugamo prison. In
this capacity, he came in contact
with some of the most notorious
war criminals in Japan.
One of them was General Tojo.
An incident which Bishop Hana-
yama related was the day Gen-
eral Tojo came to tell him that
"Bodhisattva Kannon" (mercy in
feminine form) had appeared in
his room. Tojo explained that an
American officer gave him a hand-
kerchief when he sneezed. Looking
at the handkerchief, Tojo dis-
covered the word "Cannon" print-
ed on it. At first, this meant "big;
gun" to him. But, when he pro-
nounced it in Japanese style, it
meant Kannon-mercy.
His book, "The Way of Deliver-
ance," is an account of his experi-
ences with the prisoners and has
been translated into English and
Bishop Hanayama notes that,,
"We common people understand
Mercy Buddha - Kannon -- in
sculpture or image or drawing,

sometimes in letters. But, the deal
Mercy Buddha could not be de-
noted by human art.
After his lecture, Bishop Hana-
yama donned his ceremonial robes
in order to show the audience
what was customarily worn,
Dr. Hanayama will remain on
the campus through Thursday,
visiting a number of undergradu-
ate classes. He is being co-spon-
sored by the Student Government
Council and the Department of
Far Eastern Studies,
Tape Prove s
No Misquote
NEW YORK (-)-Former Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman claimed
yesterday he was misquoted about
Communist influence on Negro sit-
down demonstrators.
But a tape recording contra-
dicted him.
At a Cornell University news
conference Monday Truman dis-
cussed student sit-downs in the
South to end segregation of public
eating facilities. A tape recording
made by an Ithaca television sta-
tion has him saying:
"I don't think they're all stu-
dents. I think this was engineered
by the Communists."
Later, Truman was asked if he
still thought Communists had
something to do with the demon-
strations and tape recorded his
answer as:
"I wouldn't be surprised."
When reporters raised the sub-
ject of the Cornell news confer-
ence yesterday during Truman's
morning stroll here, he told them:
"I was misquoted and I have ne
further comment."

B ritainPlans
'Radar' Unit
LONDON W)-A London news-
paper reported yesterday that
Britain is working on a radar de-
vice that would turn the H-bomb
into a boomerang.
The device would explode enemy
rockets over the country which
fires them and thus turn the bomb
into "the most devastating boom-
erang in history," the newspaper
It gave this account:
"This fantastic development will
have a profound effect on the
whole balance of power between
East and West, on the disamament
negotiations and on the summit
Official spokesmen treated the
report in guarded fashion but in-
dicated that any development of
this kind is a long way off. The
Ministry of Defense said:
"How far developments in this
field have gone cannot be discussed
on the ground of security."
In Washington Pentagon sci-
entists said they could recall no
development similar to the device
described by the newspaper, which
gave no source for the story that
it splashed under the headline
"H-bomb Buster."


~~it.C M#ripra t
Second Front Page

Thursday, April 21, 1960

Page 3





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