4:10 Department of Speech
Institute Director Describ
No admission charge
"An artist both reflects and
creates his times" Sam Hunter,
director of the Minneapolis Insti-
tute of Arts, said yesterday.
Speaking on "Directions in Con-
temporary Art," Hunter stressed
that it was important to seek out
the historical reasons and ideas
behind art to use as guideposts
in understanding the sensations
of the work.
Emphasis on Expression
However, interpreters should be
cautious in studying culture as a
painting causation, as painting is
and should be basically approach-
ed as a sensual art. Artists may
be measured by their culture only
as much as they arise from and
are related to the mass of peo-
ple in their own time.
Artists in our time place a great-
er emphasis on expression, inven-
Union To Hold
Photo ,contest
The Union is sponsoring a pho-
tography contest as part of its
Creative Arts Festival.
The contest is open to all stu-
dents and closes on May 2. All
entries must be at least 5 by 7
inches and mounted on cardboard.
The photographer's name must be
on the back.
wishes to announce that PETITIONS
RE NOW AVAILABLE for next year's offices
These may be picked up
etween 8:30-4:30 daily in the Hillel office,
and are due no later than Thurs., April 21
at 5:00 P.M.
s Role of Art
tion and construction rather than
the objective imagery and repre-
sentation of the past. This change
or revolution reflects a new spirit
of subjectivity towards man's re-
lation to the universe, Hunter
The chaos expressed in modern
painting is both a reflection of the
Universe as man, the fragment,
sees it, and is a protest against
the growing uniformism of man
in the machine world.
Man is in danger of becoming
a thing among the things he pro-
duces, but, the fact that man sees
and depicts this shows his possi-
bility of becoming better, he noted.
One of Handmade Things
Hie points out that painting is
one of the last handmade personal
things left in our culture. In the
art of painting, spontaneity and
the abstract idiom can still be ex-
Modern painting comes very
close to existentialism in that it
expresses the drama of man re-
vealing himself in a personal
spontaneous work. Man is por-
trayed subjectively as a fragment
in a chaotic universe, but still as
an individual.
While accepting chaos, the art-
ist still seeks new systems and
order out of chaos. The preoccupa-
tion with detail in colors and form
and the consideration of the paint-
ing as a whole act are examples
of this, he said,
The modern artist expresses the
humiliations and exasperations,
of the human form, but as he does
this he portrays man, battered but
erect, withstanding the forces of
his time.
DIAL NO 8-6416
A o ,,rt ,i,. . ... RwI0o
7-9 P.M.
WHOOPEE-Spiffy, the 1960 Michigras mascot, looks out over
the Diag from his pedestal at the center of the campus.
Michigras Offers Chance
For'Second Childhood,
,e NO 2-4786 for Classified Ads
_ __. 1
All the cowboys who have out-
grown their cap pistols, the retired
conductors of toy trains, the mud-
pie bakers from wayback, will
have a chance to relive the good
old days this weekend as Michi-
gras, 1960, opens with the theme
of T.O.Y.-To Our Youth.
In housing units all over cam-
pus, workers are building giant
wooden soldiers, dolls, and toy
trains. The parade of toys, which
is this year's Michigras parade,
will take place on Friday, from
2:45 until 4 p.m.
Look at this scene from tIe most ouraggeouiy funny movie you1!tsee in 1960!-
tlcn'416 Campu4
Under the auspices of the De- Band Leads Parade
partment of Slavic Languages and In the parade will be 28 floats,
Literature, Prof. Boris 0. Unbe- led by the Michigan Marching
gaun, of Columbia University, who Band. Seven high schoolbands
teaches comparative Slavonic will also strike up the tune, amidst
philology, will speak on "Language fire engines, a calliope, an organ
and Civilization in the Slavic grinder, roller skaters, tandem
World" at 8 p.m. today, Aud. C, bikes, clowns, animal acts, and, hot
Angell Hall. on the trail, a sheriff's posse.
Professors Lamb and Goodman At Yost Fieldhouse, a super-
of the political science depart- htucnunhs bee tndpthe
meatwil be he uest ofthehousing units are setting up their
ment will be the guests of the booths today and tomorrow. There
Young Republicans at 7:30 p.m. will be skill, refreshment, and en-
today, in the Student Activities tertainment booths.
Bldg. Current politics will be the In the middle of the fieldhouse
topic of discussion.Intemdlofhellhus
* s stands the biggest toy of all, a set
of blocks forty feet high, which
A group of representatives of all is the Michigras Central Commit-
fields of medicine, including a rep- tee's exhibit.
resentative of the Michigan Health Spify on Diag
Council from Lansing, will lead a y
panel discussion concerning ca- Out on the Diag stands Michi-
reers in medicine at 4:15 p.m. to- gan's biggest doll, Spiffy, the
day in the Multipurpose Rm. of Michigras mascot. Every day this
the Undergraduate Library. Dis- week, Spiffy's pals have been pre-
plays and literature will be on senting skits on the Diag; tomor-
hand and a auestion period will row the Central Committee will
present a skit and unwrap a sur-
Meanwhile, other members of
Spiffy's gang have been chalking
boards with Michigras signs,
stamping bags in bookstores, and
putting "summons tickets" on cars
and "impounded tickets" on bikes,
which command the owner of the
car or bike to appear at Michigras.
To Determine
Student Talk
For Program
Applicants for the position of
student speaker at commencement
must submit a paragraph stating
the central theme of their pro-
posed speech and an outline de-
veloping their idea by April 29.
Also due on this date will be a
brief statement of the applicant's
activities, academic progress and
speaking experience, Barry Peeb-
les, '60E, of the Senior Board said.
The position of speaker is open
to any senior who will graduate
in either June or August, Peebles
said. Speeches must be of approxi-
mately five minutes duration.
The information required be-
fore April 29 may be mailed or
taken to Senior Board, Rm. 3077
East Engineering Bldg., Ann Ar-
bor. Anyone desiring more infor-
mation may contact Peebles at NO
3-6211 or Frederick Kolfiat, '60
A&D, Senior Board president, at
NO 2-1155.
Olympia, Part 1, Thursday and
It seems a feeble understate-
ment at this point in time to
say that Nazi Germany's posi-
tive contribution to the world
was almost nil. Yet if a com-
pilation of the handful of such
contributions were attempted,
the documentary films of Leni
Riefenstahl would c e r t a i n 1 y
rank near the top of the list.
Miss Riefenstahl had been a
popular German actress and
dancer for half a decadewhen.
in 1932; her work as a director
caught Adolf Hitler's eye. She
assumed a role in the Nazi
party as official recorder of the
elaborate fascist ritual. Her
documentary films of the annu-
al party rallies at Nuremberg in
the early 1930's established her
international reputation as a
master of stage craft and an
authentic genius at film editing.
Seeing the 1936 Olympic
Games in Berlin as an oppor-
tunity to disseminate the Nazi
doctrine of "Strength Through
Joy", Hitler gave Miss Riefen-
stahl a free hand in capturing
the festival on film.
The gifted favorite of the
Fuhrer produced a masterpiece
virtually unrivaled in the field
of the documentary film.
Bestowed with almost unlim-
ited funds, she hand-picked
more than a hundred camera
men, c o n f e r r i n g with them
nightly during the shooting of
the Games to co-ordinate and
shape this monumental work.
The Olympiade over, she set
to work cutting more than 240
hours of footage to three and a
half hours screening time. It
took her 18 months. The result
is as if the Olympics of 1936
had been staged for her spe-
cific thematic purposes.
The diving events become an
essay in the fluidity of motion,
the water steeplechase becomes
a Chaplinesque comedy and the
sprint events virtually lift the
spectator from his seat and
thrust him into the intense
Telling shots of crowd reac-
tion, quick informal shots of
the athlete, and the ever-pres-
ent visages of Hitler and his
grinning henchman, Herman
Goering, are interlaced in the
production which, along with a
brilliantly synchronized musi-
cal score, attains a remarkable
Along with an earlier Riefen-
stahl work, "Triumph of The
Will," "Olympia" stands as a
unique cinematic accomplish-
ment, not only for its superb
technical achievements, but for
the sense of organization which
its director brings to the film.
It is inconceivable that a
work comparable to this rare-
ly-seen picture will ever again
be produced.
Our Saturday and Sunday
showing, The Man Between, is
in the genre of the internation-
al intrigue movie.
While most of the films of
this type are little more than.
cliche-ridden cops and robbers
stories, Carol Reed's terse, un-
derstated direction make this
one of the better post-war sus-
pense films.
Thestory isof a man(James
Mason) who tries to rescue his
fiance, played by Claire Bloom,
from East German kidnappers.
It was shot amid the wreckage
of the Berlin of the late 1940's.
The style is much like that of
two of Reed's earlier master-
pieces, Odd Man Out and Third
The British director is amas-
ter at investing even the most
simple scene with drama and
suspense. One early episode
finds Miss Bloom walking down
a s t r e e t, unknowingly ap-
proaching her kidnappers who
wait for her in a car.
The falling snow covers the
car leaving only t heia re a
clearedl biv the wzindA ai mld'wt4in'
ToNY CuRS or was it DEAN MAFI:N caught by JANy wL.G.
rigt n the ad! (and can those boys aCt) All she could say was...
be held.
The University's dance clubs
and dance concentrates will pre-
sent a dance interpretation of a
Zen verse, "Haiku," at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Lydia Mendels-
Sohn Theatre.
* " s
The 103rd music school concert
of the current season will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m. today in Aud.
DIAL O2-6264
(Through Friday)
.A, Angell Hall. The bill will feature'
Clyde Carpenter, French horn;
Charles Fisher, piano; and Florian
Mueller, oboe.
44 'V 4 'V 4' +?Y 'V+'V 'V '4' 'V 4V 'V 4 'V ,mac
40 P.M. (o cam0pus) PRD
10P.M. -r5:30mP.M.PAAD
VEj ee ' Of 1iU5 DV-ESTSELE &i se ,.BE it7 . B PICTJR
GiterWMa qdAd
at 7:00 and 9:00
(Berlin Olympic Games, 1936) Part 1
at 7:00 and 9:00