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April 21, 1960 - Image 1

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ZI: r

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Mostly cloudy with showers
ending in the late afternoon.

VOL. LXX, No. 139




i 1

Mendenhall Speaks'
On 'Bible Values'
Says Faith Based on Low Worth
Of Historical, Cultural Activities
"Biblical faith is based on the conviction that nothing historical
or cultural can be intrinsically of supreme value-this is idolatry,"
Prof. George E. Mendenhall said last night.
In a lecture on the "Biblical Hierarchy of Values," Prof. Menden-
hall of the Near Eastern studies department said that under this
definition, certain institutions are excluded from being of supreme
For example, governing states exist for functions beyond them-
selves, and when they fail, they lose the right to exist. It was this
realization, Prof. Mendenhall added, that allowed prophets frequently

Set To Hold
Open House
Fletcher Hall, which will be
changed from a women's to a
men's residence next year, will
hold open house between 2 and 5
p.m. on Sunday for prospective
Accommodations, which will be
"room only," are thought by As-
sistant Dean of Men Karl D.
Streiff to be especially convenient
for men with meal jobs or for
grade who, because of academic
program, cannot meet meal hours.
The three-story brick building
is located at 915 Sybil St., four
blocks south of the central cam-
pus, and has a capacity for about
75 men. The rooms are all two-
room suites for three men with
furniture provided by the Univer-
sity. Kitchen facilities will not be
Any single student, graduate or
undergraduate, is eligible for. resi-
dence and, if interested, is urged
to make application with his as-
sociate adviser. The rate will be
$264 per year.
Fletcher, which was originally
a men's residence was changed
about five years ago, when over-
c r o w d e d conditions demanded
more women's housing.
Plan 1ights
A special meeting to plan Michi-
gan's participation in the Confer-
ence on Human Rights in the
North will be held at 8 p.m. today
in Rm. 38 of the Union, Al Haber,
'60, conference coordinator, an-
nounced yesterday.
The Conference, sponsored by
the national organization of Stu-
dents for Democratic Society, will
be held in Ann Arbor April 28-
May 1. Approximately 400 stu-
dents from more than 50 colleges
will participate.
Several well - known speakers
will address the conference, which
will also feature 10 students who
participated in demonstrations in
the South.
"We have great anticipation
that a permanent organization
will come out of the conference
to coordinate student action pro-
grams throughout the country,"
Haber said, explaining the pur-
pose of the conference.
All students and faculty mem-
bers interested in human rights
are enouraged to attend the
planning- meeting, he stressed.
The conference, having been in
the works for months in advance,
will be sponsored locally by the
Political Issues Club as the official
hosts of the SDS at the University.
aroyle Sold
Out by Noon;
More on Way
In the aftermath of a buying
rush that exhausted the first
printing of yesterday's edition of
"Gargoyle" Editor Dick Pollinger,
'60, promised to have a new supply
of the magazine's final issue by
tomorrow morning.
Students were buying up to five

to predict the destruction of their
Supreme Value
Even ethical systems cannot be
included as having supreme value,
because they are a result of a re-
lationship with God, not the rela-
tionship itself.
"Have we broken with values?"
he asked. Are there other things
besides statistics from which to
draw values? If the statistical
interpretation, which relies on the

Bias Rule
In Council
Student Government Council
last night began clearing the decks
for final consideration of the
Haber-Miller motion to eliminate
discrimination in fraternities and
It voted to change the name of
the watchdog committee the reso-
lution would set up, and to subject
the committee's general procedures
to Council approval. A motion to
delete some of the criteria for de-
termination of discrimination was
The amendments were presented
by IFC president, Jon Trost, '61.
Further amendments will be
considered next week, and final
disposition is scheduled for the
May 4 meeting.
Watchdog Committee
The watchdog committee, origi-
nally called the "Committee on
Discriminatory Practices in Stu-
dent Organizations," is now named
"Committee on Membership in
Student Organizations." Trost ar-
gued "the word discrimination
rings a negative bell. . . ." and
added the intent of the Haber-
Miller is concerned with the basis
of membership, not the procedures
for joining an organization.
He originally proposed "mem-
bership practices" but the motion
was altered at suggestion of SGC
president John Feldkamp, '61.
The second amendment specified
that the procedures of the pro-
posed committee be approved by
SGC, in addition to' the original
motion's proviso that they be made
public. Also, the Council approved
a suggestion by Roger Season-
wein, '61, that the Council sanc-
tion "standard" rather than "de-
tailed" procedures.
The latter is the wording of the
original motion. Al Haber, '60, em-
phasized the committee must vary
its specific practices somewhat
with different cases, so "standard"
was a more appropriate word.
The Council turned down bids
to remove the criteria "national
origin," "ancestry" and "creed"
from the general statement of the
motion: "No recognized student
organization may 'prohibit or
otherwise restrict membership or
membership activities on the basis
of race, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry."
Restrict Clubs
Trost argued inclusion of the
latter two standards would restrict
nationality clubs. Haber replied
that it was social clubs with no
national basis rather than the for-
eign students' organizations the
criteria would apply to. He added
special provision should be made
to sanction the nationality clubs.
Union President Perry Morton,
'61, suggested too many special
clauses might mean a new rule
was needed, but Seasonwein said
the Council must "tailor make" the

Occupation and education are
important in determining public
attitudes toward higher education,
a Survey Research Center study
This second analysis of data,
involving a representative cross-
section of 950 persons in the state,
shows just who is more aware of
rising enrollments, who is less
satisfied with faculty pay, and who
has a more accurate concept of
what college costs.
They are people with more
formal education, those in white-
collar jobs, and those planning to
send children to college.
Only six per cent of the "white-
collar" group (as compared to 30
per cent of the "blue - collar"
group) failed to predict some size-
able increase in future enrollment.
Estimate Future Enrollment
In these occupational groups,
persons planning or providing for

their children's college education
are less likely to underestimate
future enrollment.
Do people think professors are
adequately paid? More people with
college training think faculty
members are underpaid than those
with only grade school background
--42 per cent of them see no reason
for salary increases.
Union members are significantly
more favorable toward pay in-
creases than those with only grade
school diplomas.
Annual School Cost
"An educator might reasonably
expect something like half of the
Michigan public to have a fairly
reliable idea of what it is likely to
cost a family to send a child to
a large Michigan school for a
year," according to the preliminary
The second report indicates
some groups know more about col-
lege costs than others.
Only six per cent of those with

college training who plan to fi-
nance a college education give
serious underestimates-less than
$800 a year-for schools in the
state. Twenty-six per cent of those
with a grade school education un-
Difference in Outlooks
On the other hand, the survey
concludes, "In the white - collar
groups, plans to send a child to
college tend to be associated with
a realistic view of college costs,
and in the blue-collar groups with
what appears to be rather an op-
timistic one."
Two sets of solutions for the
problems higher education faces
were proposed in the survey - 1)
building more colleges or expand-
ing existing facilities, and 2) pri-
vate versus tax support for meet-
ing increasing financial needs.
People thinking of sending chil-
dren to college are less likely to
favor simply expanding existing
schools, or to advocate placing the

entire burden of increasing costs
on students and their families.
Only ten per cent of this group
felt students and their families
should meet all increased costs,
compared with 25 per cent of the
sample as a whole.
Opinions Divided
The breakdown is this: 44 per
cent preferred use of taxes alone
to meet increased costs, 23 per cent
favored depending on students and
their families, and 26 per cent'
would like to see a combination of
the two methods.
The combination was nominated
as a solution more often by white
collar (37 per cent) than by blue
collar workers (23 per cent), and
more often by those with more
education than by those with less.,
Persons seem more willing to ex-
tend tax support to an institution
when it means little to them per-
sonally if they are convinced of
the school's functional efficiency
and broader social utility.

Sixty-eight per cent of those
have no plans for educatin
child, but who give big universi
high ratings on economy, favor
Fifty-two per cent of those
say that colleges do nothing
teach their own students we
reject tax support and have
dents and their families alone 1
any increase in cost.
Only One Answer
Most college-trained people
that making present schools la:
is only one answer to the ri
enrollments problem. The of
alternative is building new schc
The report shows "no system
connection" between personal
litical preferences and alterna
sources of support-taxes or
parents' pocketbook.
Stephen Withey of the Cer
who directed the study, says e
further analysis will be relea



...speaks on Bible
number of supporters, is true,1
then in the University, "football
is one of the supreme values,'
judging from the filled stadium."
Discusses Bible
This statistical basis for values
contrasts with the Biblical con-
ception of God. One of the most
outstanding characteristics in the
Bible is that all discussions of
values are directly connected to
concrete situations. This points
out the fact that value Judg-
ments are important and relevant
to reality.
The relationship between God
and the natural world is also
stressed in the Bible, he added.
The idea that God is powerful
enough to change nature is seen
in the predictilon that one day
"the wolf shall dwell with the

Rhee Cabinet
Steps Down
'En Masse'
SEOUL WP)-The South Korean
cabinet resigned yesterday in the
face of civilian rebellion at home
and a rebuke to the Rhee regime
from the United States for harsh
suppression of democratic rights.
President Syngman Rhee, still
the strong man at age 85, remain-
ed in office.
the opposition quickly reacted
to the cabinet's departure, saying
this was not convincing evidence
of reform.
The resignation of the 12-man
cabinet came in the wake of
bloody antigovernment violence
that has shaken the country and
brought martial law.
Possible Attempt
The cabinet resignation was
viewed as a possible attempt to
have Rhee's ministers accept
blame for the harsh military
measures used to suppress civilian
demonstrations protesting the con-
duct of the March elections.
Unless accompanied by a firm
promise of reforms, the cabinet
resignation was not expected to
appease Koreans who turned out
by thousands Tuesday to demon-
strate against the government and
demand new elections.
Police gunfire then cut down
nearly 1,000 persons.
Not 'Basic Factor'
Vice President John Chang, a
member of the Democratic Party
in opposition to Rhee's Liberal
Party, was quick to declare the
cabinet resignation "cannot be a
basic factor in dealing with the
turbulent situation. Only a fair
election can be."
The demonstrations against the
government were set off by
charges that the March 15 elec-
tion of the unopposed Rhee and
his contested candidate for vice
president, Lee Ki - Poon, was
Chang, speaking at a hastily
called news conference, rejected
any suggestion of a coalition cab-
inet and urged that the National




-David Giltrow
PICKETERS-Two University students face further action as a result of their arrest Saturday for
violating a city ordinance against littering the streets. Thirteen other students were released.
Commission A ttacks Discrimination

Two Pickets Still Subjeel

Bingley Speaks to SGC
On Extension for SAI

The City Human Relations Com-
mission has agreed to take the
lead in arousing citizen interest
for the enactment of an anti-
discrimination housing ordinance.
The commission assigned its ex-
ecutive committee to implement a
recommendation submitted by
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, a commission
member. It called for "the as-
sumption of leadership in edu-
cating the community to the need
for a local ordinance in housing,
and enlisting citizen support for
the ordinance."
Anti-discrimination legislation
was presented to the City Council
April 7 by a special council com-
mittee, as the result of a March,
1959, study which recommended
such legislation.
Latest Report
The latest report of the com-
mission's housing committee sub-'
mitted by Lewis, its chairman,

pinpointed discrimination prob-
lems still existing in Ann Arbor.
Citing specific cases, the report
showed that one of the chief prob-
lems is that home owners report'
realtors refuse to list homes on a
basis of open occupancy.
"Realtors argue that they have
to sell by the specification of the
seller, and that each person
should be able to dispose of his
property as he sees fit. However,
they do not want to follow this
when a request is made to sell on
an open occupancy basis."
Make Report
The report pointed out that in
one neighborhood after a house
had been shown to a Negro couple,
nearby residents were called to-
gether and encouraged by realtors
to put up enough money to "buy
out" the seller.
When this action failed, the
house was quickly sold with no

Construction on the addition to the Student Activities Building Assem:
will begin around August 1, Assistant Dean of Men John V. Bingley ately.
told SGC last night. Hisv
The addition will be financed by student fees. Bingley termed widespr
this "perfectly justifiable" since the new structure will service students ficient
by placing in the same building the offices of people primarily con-f aroused
cerned with student life on cam-
The expansion was planned five JA.PANESE GENERAL:
years ago when the present Stu-
dent Activities Building was pro-
jected. At that time a student
referendum was held which ap-
proved the plans. Bingley pointed
out that a student vote on such
issues is unusual.
No Provision
There will be no provision made
in the construction of the addi-
tion for expanding upward, but
Bingley said that he expects the
facilities to be adequate for the
next several years.
Discussing the priority of new
building construction, Bingleyj
stressed that "a good deal of care-'-
ful thinking has gone into the
planning of this campus in thej
past twenty-five years." Construc-
tion is not "sporadic, haphazard
or whimsical."
Pass Motion to;
The !Council passed a motion tov

bly be convened immeai-
views seemed to reflect a
read belief that naming of
cabinet would not be suf-
change to satisfy the
d nation.

Bishop Speaks on Tojo

consideration given to the Negro
In another case, two University
graduate students arranged to
sublet an apartment. The land-
lord had agreed to a sublet after
refusing to release the original
tenants from their lease.
Breaks Agreement
But when he discovered the
sublet tenants were Negroes, he
broke off the sublet agreement
and took up the lease. "The two
young men were immediately
without housing for no other
reason than color," the report
The report noted the program
established in cooperation with
the Council of Churches to assist
those unable to buy, rent or sell
proper housing through the nor-
mal channels.
It recognized the commission's
work toward implementing the
announced policy of the Regents
relating to discrimination in off-
campus housing.
The housing committee found
"members of minority groups have
had assistance in finding housing
to suit their needs in all sections
of Ann Arbor and have been ac-
cepted in their neighborhoods as
any other people woud have been."
Plan Address
At Convocation
Prof. Howard Hanson, director
of the Eastern School of Music,
will address the University's 37th
annual Honors Convocation at 11
a.m. May 13 in Hill Auditorium.
His speech, entitled "The Cre-
ative Arts of the Space Age," will
be delivered before undergradu-
ates who have received a 3.5 aver-
age or above during the last two
semesters. Freshmen will be hon-
ored on the basis of first semester

Of Students
Not Learned
Authorities Say Pair
May Have Dropped
Leaflets on Sidewalk
Two University students appre-
hended by police here Saturday
with 13 others distributing anti-
discrimination leaflets, face fur-
ther investigation on the charge
of violating a city littering ordin-
ance, Assistant City Attorney
Samuel J. Elden said last night.
The names of the two students
were not available. Meanwhile, the
remaining 13 demonstrators have
been definitely released from fur-
ther investigation.
Study by city police following a
meeting with the demonstrators
Tuesday showed "the two students
had been observed by detectives
to have in fact littered leaflets on
the ground, whereas the others
had handed them to a third per-
son," Elden explained.
Report On Charge
Attorneys for the demonstrators
Harold Norris of the Detroit
chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union and David E. Utley
of Pontiac, had earlier informed
him no demonstrators had been
seen littering, he said.
But later detectives Lt. Ceorge
Stauch and Sgt. Duane' Bauer
showed this was not the case.
Before a decision is reached on
whether or not the littering ordi-
nance was violated, the police
must complete their investigation
and Elden must wind up his legal
research on the matter.
Final Action
"I hope any final action will
come by the end of the week,"
Elden said. "At that time, if a
violation of the ordinance is found
the subjects will be so advised; if
none is found, the proceedings
will be dismissed."
The 14 students and one Uni-
versity employee were apprehend-
ed while demonstrating at the
Cousins Shop and Ann Arbor
branches of the S. S. Kresge Co.
and the F. W. Woolworth Co.,
whose Southern branches alleg-
edly practice segregation.
John Leggett, Grad., spokes-
man for the demonstrators, said
that as far as he knew, none of
the 15 picketers previously under
investigation had been notified by
police that they were those still
under investigation.
Police Plan
Elden said police plan to observe
any picketing on future weekends
to be certain no city or state laws
are violated.
He said that providing the leaf-

"General Tojo, Prime Minister when Japan declared war, is
considered one of the three great war lords of World War II,
Buddhist Bishop Shinsho Hanayama, onetime chaplain at Sugamo
prison, Japan, commented.
General Tojo was brought to Sugamo to stand trial before an
Allied tribunal. Most of the Japanese people hated Tojo because he
had declared war and because the Japanese people had been defeated.
However, Bishop Hanayama points out that this is a great misunder-
standing, as he could not declare war himself and "All of the Japan-
ese people are responsible for it."
At the end of two years of trials, General Tojo was among seven
sentenced to die by hanging.
Usually Serious
As Bishop Hanayama remembers him, Tojo was usually serious
and almost always took a seat in the front of his chapel.
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