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April 21, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-21

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Seventieth Year

U.S. Linked to Rhee

Opinions Are Free
th Will Prevail"

itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.,
Exam Schedule Shows
A dminis trative Expediency

Associated Press News Analyst
THE KOREAN upheaval can
leave the United States State
Department once more breathing
the melancholy prayer: "Save us
from our friends."
Once again, Communism gets
an invaluable gift of propaganda
to use in the global political war
centering about the future of
Asia, Africa and Latin America.
United States policy again finds
itself entrapped in a snare.

Cold war experiency has pro-
duced among many people in the
uncommitted world the impression
that anything goes, so long as it
goes under the label of anti-
* * *
fortified by United States support
of unpopular regimes-Batista of
Cuba, to name one-for what
must appear to the puzzled pub-
lic of some countries to be only

Confusion Rhee Say.. .

S, WE ARE getting an education . . . yes,
'e are getting an education .. . yes, we ale
ng an ..
it sometimes this becomes difficult to be-
when the University consciously plans
abortion such as the recently announced
ilnation schedule.
though the examination period theoreti-
r extends from May 27 to June 7, the
>rity of students will be home long before
latter date. For the way that the schedule
inceived, tests will be over by June 3, ex-
for some "special examinations."
IT stands now, examinations will be given
ater than the June 3 date in only 31
ses offered by eight departments of the
ary college. And only those students taking
graphy I, Physics 54 and Sociology 60 will
equired to take an exam on the last day.
is true that a schedule that in effect will
nly a week long is often seen at other,
ges, particularly in the East. But' at these
ols the examination period is preceded
at least a week, or more, of a reading
jd in which students may complete their
ing and begin a review of .their courses.
E ONE DAY which the University has
esignated as its "study period" seems more

of a mockery than anything else. For although
there are no rules to the effect that studying
for final examinations cannot begin until the
last, day of classes is finished, due to such
things as quizzes, last minute term papers and
the like, an early start on studying for final
exams is often difficulty if not impossible.
The jammed exam schedule leaves little
doubt that administrative conveniece seems
more important than student needs in planning
examinations. Certainly the amount of work
on records which must be completed before the
summer session begins is phenomenal, but
penalizing students both psychologically and
academically because of it is not only unfair
in itself, but incompatible with the purposes
of a University.
F THE ACTIONS of the University are to
foster expediency rather than knowledge, if
the concern of the University is administrative
detail rather than its students, then it does
not seem to be an unfair question to ask why
we are here . . . why are we here . . . why are
we . . .?
(This editorial stands basically as it did last
year, when it first ran. Only the dates and a
few numbers have been changed, both of which
show that its content was disregerded by Uni-
versity acdm;inisr ators.)

the reason that such leaders pro-
claim themselves anti-Communist.
Many, including friends of the
United States, consider Syngman
Rhee to be at least a near-dicta-
tor, supported, by United States
This time, the explosion can
hurt badly, and the Washington
rebuke of Rhee may prove too
The United States, after going
to war to rescue the country from
Communist invasion and envelop-
ment, let it be known South Korea
would become a showcase of de-j
mocracy in Asia.
MANY KOREANS, however mis-
takenly, look upon Rhee's ruling
liberal party as a creation of the
United States. Recent events can
easily lead to a wave of anti-
Americanism, not only in South
Korea, but well beyond its bor-
ders. The Communists already are
happily beating the propaganda
What happened in the showcase
of democracy?
Rhee, advertising himself as the
staunch friend of the United
States and firm foe of Commun-
ism, seemed intent upon perpetu-
ating his liberal party in office.
The United States now appar
ently concedes Rhee. used toug-h,
repressive measures and question-
able devices in the mid-March
* * *
BEFORE the voting took place,f
Rhee's Democratic Party opponent
died. Therefore Rhee ran unop-
posed, rolling up 9,633,376 votes,
his running mate, LeeKi-Poong,
was declared vice-president with
8,337,376 votes to 1,843,758 for the
Democratic incumbent, John M.
Chang. This, to say the least, was
a remarkable reversal of 1956
when the Democrats won the vice-
The results were unrest, demon-
strations, and more police repres-
sion until public anger boiled over
into this week's rioting.
Soviet propagandists picture the
South Korean regime, in broad-
casts to the uncommitted world,
as one resting on American bay-
onets. This, the Communists tell
Asians, is what American democ-
racy means.

Fifty-Four Years
Of Irresponsibility
W HAT IS THE Gargoyle story? In short, how can a magazine
boasting a cast of 152, by actual mast-head count, claim to be
out of people. It is certainly curious.
The comments above, while not actually an integral part of a
consideration of the latest Gargoyle, are prompted by the attending
publicity claiming that this issue represents the initiation of a halt
after 54 years of more or less continuing publication: What next?

After Curfew, What Then?

Gargoyle for April, 1960, contains
the fourth Daily satire of the era,
but not much else. The magazine
itself is a rather' odd collection of
advertising, lengthy lists of names,
outraged editorials, and, some-
where hidden, a really peachy X-
ray of Michigras.
This Michigras portrait is full
of unbelievable detail, with five
surprises to the square inch. It's
* * *
Daily is filled to the very brim
with sly recollections of all of the
past mistakes made by everyone
except, possibly, Gargoyle. To be
sure, a great deal of The Michigan
Doily is barely comprehensible
only to insiders farthest in the
centre of the inner circle, but
even the most withdrawn and
aloof schizophrenic or Dean orI
Regent cannot help but shudder
with glee at something.
In the past, it has been claimed
that satires of The Daily are more
or less meaningless to the outside
world; but anyone who habitually
ready the real Daily :ought to
,appreciate much of Gargoyle's
analysis of current events.
* *
heard of Roger Seasonwind,
'6BAD, or the Queen of Women?
Can Rev. Fred Loose be entirely
unknown? The jargon of The
Daily review, with eight adjectives
and nine adverbs to each new
idea; the unworldly context of
the Doily Officious Bulletin; the
illiterate advertising; sports-lan-
guage; and (good grief) Gorp-all
of these curiosities must be known
wherever crowds gather.
Perhaps earlier Daily satires
have been more imaginative with
advertising satire (or so it might
be claimed), but the elements of
shrewd and petty malicious at-
tacks upon the grim people are,
fortunately, to be found every-
SCHOLARLY discussions of
Gargoyles are never to be at-
tempted, at least not during April.
It has always been considered that
the purchase of a Gargoyle is an
obligation not to be forgotten.
For those who produce Gargoyle
are the forgotten men of the year;
they work long hours, quarrel
among themselves, worry about
administration opinion, and grope
for ideas.
Looking at Gargoyle is a re-
warding experience for young and
old. If you can understand the
implications of every reference,
however vague, then you can truly
claim to be well-informed of the
most astonishing depths of ,the
campus today. Surely a new cam-
pus group will emerge from the
grotto to keep Gargoyle creeping
about for another 54 years.
Summing Up: Behind Gargoyle's
thin, slightly weary smile, four
hundred pointed remarks, one
hundred frightening drawings,
fourteen astonishing photographs,
and one rotting monster.
-David Kessel


HE INCREASING productivity of our econ-
omy has resulted in a marked rise in the
ount of free time available to both adults
I their children.
'or adults, television or a night at the
ivies seems to suffice. For children in their
ly teens the problem is more complicated.
excitement, no adventure is provided by
wing the exploits of others. As a result they
m the streets both on foot and in cars.
rig warfare, reckless driving, and stealing
provide a temporary relief from boredom.
%s long as they are free to roam with no
ervision or planned activity the problem of
enile delinquency will remain. The curfew
v that has recently been enacted aids the
ice in insuring that those in their early
ns will be supervised.
HE LAW is fairly liberal in its setting of a
curfew-I0 p.m. for those under 12 and
dnight for those under 16.
'imes such as these offer enough latitude to
ure that all activities planned for these
groups will be completed. Thus those still
the streets would have a legitimate reason
y if accompanied by their parents, or other
cults," or if sent on an errand. This is
vided for in the law.
t'he curfew only will cut into the dangerous
ndering caused by unsupervised free time.
d so, by requiring the parents to once again
ume the roles of mothers and fathers in-
ad of merely providers, possibly an attrac-
ri will be formed within the home that will
sen the appeal to thrills caused by 'delin-


WHATEVER brings children to spend more
time these days away from home, a state-
wide curfew will hardly send them back to
their mothers' arms.
Yet the state legislature has set up a curfew
(and Gov. G. Mennen Williams said he just
wouldn't go against the legislature's wishes
on this). The new rule requires children under
16 to be off the streets before midnight and
those under 12 to be home by 10 p.m.
But note: children accompanied by parents,
guardians or other designated adults would be
exempted as those sent on a special errand by
parents or guardians. And, of course, the new
law will not supplant any local curfew regula-
NEITHER Gov. G. Mennen Williams nor the
Michigan Youth Commission director think
a curfew will work. Director Rabinovitz even
says, "Police don't need it to keep kids off the
Who does need it? Parents? If they were
concerned about their children they would be
looking after their children themselves. The
public? Juvenile delinquency is only a result
of more basically malignant social trends. Even
if juvenile delinquency is decamped, these in-
fluences will show elsewhere.
A curfew won't work. Teenagers who don't
"look their age" will be difficult to spot when
out past the witching hour. And one 17-year-
old "chaperoning" a group of under-16s will
hardly keep the rocks from the store windows,
or the hubcaps on citizens' cars.
And no young freshmen at the University-
there are some-will come home from a date
by twelve.

Thank 'U'
(EDITOR'S NOTE:. The following
open letter to the University student
body was sent in care of The Daily
To the Editor:
YOUR SUPPORT in our struggle
to eliminate the democratically
deteriorating practice of segrega-
tion has sparked the morale of
each of us. The picketing and other
non-violent techniques which you
have applied to the chain stores
as well as the local stores which
exercise this undemocratic policy
is a credit to the American ideal.
We will win our struggle with the
aid of you and others like you. ,
--Charles Shockley
Pres., NAACP Youth Council
Virginia State Colege
for Negroes.
Freedom Now..
To the Editor:
E1 H. GRIFFITH'S "Mind Your
Own Business" letter to the
Editor in last Saturday's Daily is
typical of the Southerners who
favors integration if it can just be
postponed a few centuries.
The problem with this is that
some southern citizens would
rather not wait this long. A friend
of mine was asked to eat his sand-
wich in the kitchen on the day
he returned from Korea. Just how
long would it take Mr. Griffith's
".,early as 1956 . . . without
outside help . . Quiet, Unpubli-
cized integration" to get this
Korean veteran a seat at the
It really doesn not matter how
long because he will not wait. His
impatience is best expressed in a
poem by Langston Hughes:
I tire so of hearing people say.
Let things take their course,
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom
When I'm dead-
I cannot live on tomorrow's
Freedom is a strong seed
Planted in a great need.
I live here too;
I want freedom-
Just as you.
-Don Eldridge, Grad.
Dubious First . .
To the Editor:
IT IS ONLY. fitting that Ann
Arbor, whose Congressional rep-
resentative, George Meader, voted
against the civil rights bill, should
be the first northern community
to harass demonstrators against
segregation. Town and Gown are
still with us.
-Donald H. VanLiew, Grad.

-Daily-James Richman
".. .tiger of Communism often come disguised as kitten of democracy"

Educational Aid or Waste of Time?

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Sherman Sit-
ber, '61, ist member of the LSA
Steering Committee.)
Daily Guest Writer
THE LSA Steering Committee
has been discussing the pos-
sible institution of a comprehen-
sive examination of some form or
other to be taken by all LSA
students at the end of their senior
year. This idea has certain obvious
merits, but also a not unsubstan-
tial number of drawbacks.
The rationale behind such an
examination, or group of exami-
nations, is not quite so simple as
what might at first meet the eye.
The test would not be aimed
strictly at measuring the body of
knowledge that a student still re-
members from the courses he took
during his four years of college,
although it would probably ac-
complish this also. But, the main
value in a comprehenmive exami-
nation lies in its helping to foster
a type of educational philosophy
consistent with the ideal aims of
the University.
IT IS CLEAR that many stu-
dents come through the Univer-
sity with the notion that they are
here to learn the body of knowl-
edge contained in their courses,
and then leave the school, an
"educated person." Furthermore,
it is understandable how such
ideas can be and are generated.
There is really not too much stim-
ulus for the student to tie together
in his mind, disciplines and con-

cepts gained from a wide variety
of his concentration courses. Con-
sequently, there exists a strong
tendency to Isolate the material
of one's courses as separate sub-
jects and not to make them blend
with each other.
A comprehensive examination
in the fourth year might help to
curb this tendency and to cause
a wider view of the inter-relation
of various course material and
disciplines. The value of the ex-
aminations would be gained both
from preparing for and from the
very act of taking them.
Comprehensive examinations,
with similar rationale, have been
instituted at many of the Eastern
colleges for a number of years,
and have been found to be quite
successful there. But there are
some difficulties which will have
to be considered if a similar com-
prehenive is to be instituted here.
TilE FIRST problem would be
In practically devising an exami-
nation or set of examinations that
would accomplish all that they are
ideally intended to accomplish-
An effective comprehensive would
have to consist of a number of
different forms of tests to be ad-
ministered at different times dur-
ing a certain examination period.
It would have to be extensive and
rigorous, and require many hours.
To devise such examinations would
cost much time, money, and effort.
Even then, there might be some
doubt as to their value.
Furthermore, there is the fear

that the results of these tests
might be given too much emphasis
for post-college years in evaluating
one's record at college. This could
create a situation analogous to,
but even worse than, the neurotic
"grade-consciousness" evident in
regular course examinations. Pre-
paring for them might degenerate
into a mad period of memorizing,
cramming, and hunting the exam
files bare. If such a mockery were
to be made of the comprehensives,
their very purpose would be de-
IT IS EVIDENT that there is a
problem. The course structure and
grading system necessary in the
University do not permit the bud-
ding of a broad educational phi-
losophy within each student. In-
dividual courses tend to become'
Comprehensive exams might re-
duce this problem somewhat, and,
in that case, would be valuable.
But it is equally possible that, if
not executed carefully, it could
possibly result in much wasted
time, effort, and money.


The Unbeatable Foe: Apathy

) A POLITICIAN, the thing that hurts
sn't so much the indignity heaped upon
. by his opponents as the indifference he's
ed under by the public.
his is a politically minded land, and to a
igner politics sometimes seems to be our
or recreation.
et this interest, as every politician knows,
be over-estimated.
lhe West Virginia primaries coming up
y 10, for instance, could mean the death
presidential hopes for either Sen. John F.
inedy (D-Mass.) or Sen. Hubert H. Hum-
ey (D-Minn.).
LCH HAS worked x'aru. 5ach has spent
money. Each make a good speech. Each de-
es the careful scrutiny of the electorate.
et a survey there iast week showed that
ny voters had trouble remembering who was
ning. One man remembered Kennedy's
ne, but he thought his opponent was a
ow named Murphy.
or is West Virginia unique. Anyone who
ever wandered around the grass roots has
nd that a disturbing number of voters
ldn't care less
L's curious that the better our communi-
ons the more poorly we may be informed.
;h newspapers, radio, television and news
gazines to tempt eye and ear, how can any-

'N l?'r Lincoln debate Douglas? It's easier
to go to a nearby drive-in, or to turn on TV
and watch a western.
MAYBE there have always been islands of
indifference, but the early writers didn't
find them.
Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French ob-
server, visited here over a century ago, and
gave this report on pre-election activities:
"For a long while before the appointed time
has come, the election becomes the important
and, so to speak, the all-engrossing topic of
discussion. Factional ardor is redoubled, and
all the artificial passions which the imagina-
tion can create in a happy and peaceful land
are agitated and brought to light . . .
"As the election draws near, the activity of
intrigue and the agitation of the populace in-
crease; the citizens are divided into hostile
camps, each of which assumes the name of its
favorite candidate; the whole nation glows with
feverish excitement; the ele'ction is the daily
theme of the press, the subject of private con-
versation, the end of every thought and action,
the sole interest of the present.
"It is true that as soon as the choice is
determined, this ardor is dispelled, calm re-
turns, and the river, which had nearly broken
its banks, sinks to its usual level; but who can
refrain from astonishment that such a storm
should have arisen?"


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Dailynassumes no edl-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 147
General Notices
Attention June Graduates: Order
Caps and Gowns now at Moe's Sport
Shops, 711 North University.
National Zeta Tau Alpha Scholarship.
Eligibility: 1961 Senior, cumulative B
average, evidence of need, independent
or affiliate. Two to be recommended
from this campus. Applications open
through Tues., April 26, at the Office
of the Dean of Women.
The School of Natural Resources will
hold its annual Honors Convocation at
11 a.m. Thurs., April 21, in the Rack
ham Amphitheatre. Speaker, Dr. Joseph

Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music and Public Health.
Tentative lists of seniors for June
graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Ad, Building. Any changes therefrom
should be requested of the Recorder
at Office of Registration and Records
window Number A, 1513 Ad. Building.
Today at 4:10 the Department of
Speech will present "The Carriages of
Gottlieb," a one-act play by Ron Sos-
si, LSA '61. The performance will be
in Trueblood Aud. No admission will
be charged.
Faculty Recital: Florian Mueller, obo-
ist; Clyde Carpenter, French horn; and
Charles Fisher, pianist, will present a
recital including the works of Edith
Boroff, Samuel Adler, David Stanley
Smith, Karel B. Jirak, and Leslie Bas-.
sett, on Thurs., April 21, at 8:30 p.m.
in Aud. A.
Lecture: Dr. Osamu Hayaishi, Chair-

"Just an Old Cold Front on the Way Out -I Hope"
r Cr~ -y 1.
"5 , j~ij DTI- Y ,-
. ... -


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