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April 20, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-20

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~4r l t 4" 4bal
Seventieth Year

When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wit Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Appeal for Due Process
Misses Point of Picketing

oNE OF TIlE most consistent appeals by
those who are wont to discourage picketing
and other forms of active protest against dis-
crimination in the United States has been the
plea to remain within some sort of legal-judi-
cial framework.
Although conservative thought has not found
particularly clear expression on this campus,
that which has been offered has characteristi-
cally urged compliance with "procedural due
To an individual of well-established conserv-
ative principles, this adherence to due process
is paramount in consideration of any action
to be taken. Whatever is done, it is argued,
must be accomplished with careful attention to
existing legal channels.
However, from another standpoint, it is
rather difficult to imagine distinctions being
made along the fine lines of legal and judicial
considerations, when one considers the revolu-
tionary nature of the current anti-discrimina-
tion campaigns and the impact of the his-
torical and political traditions that are the
heritage of the disruptions.
FOR CLOSE to two hundred years, the
American Negro has been literally perse-
cuted fromo ne end of the country to the
other. By sheer weight of prejudice and hate,
the lot of the Southern Negro in particular
has been constricted to one of passiveness-he
has borne oppression with an enforced hu-
Slowly, however, forces of educational and
legislative origins have pushed wider the door
of Negro freedom, until today there is genuine

alarm on the part of those who would keep it
Governmental and commercial institutions
in many different areas of the country are fast
becoming the focal points of protests against
discrimination. The national capitol is being
marched on, bias clauses in fraternities are
being attacked, letters are being sent to state
officials . . . the list could be supported with
specific examples ad infinitum.
AND THROUGH IT ALL, the most significant
general impression one gets is the tremen-
dous impetus with -which the present move-
ment is gaining speed. Prejudice and hate are
emotional issues, and the tide which is rising
against them also carries the vigor and con-
tagion of emotional convictions.
It is precisely this vigor and contagion which
is causing many of the stand-pat and "let's
wait and see" school to shake their heads at
the apparent violations of strict legal judicial
It would seem, however, that "procedural due
process" is just a little too much to expect. The
proverbial yoke of oppression has been riding
heavily on the back of the American Negro for
more generations than anyone now living can
tell of.
When the time comes for throwing it off, and
to an increasing number of people it would
seem to have arrived, it is going to be ex-
tremely difficult to blame the oppressed for
not treating the traditions of their oppressors
with kid gloves.

Darkest Africa
Challenge To Offer Stimuluso

Students Stage Revol
e Revol
ith Satirical Thrusts
New York Times Staff Member
WARSAWBitter and savage satires of contemporary life have be-
come the hallmark of the student theatres that flourish in the
principal cities of Poland.
The products deal with a large variety of subjects-love, housing,
censorship, politics and the traditional concepts of Polish history.
Nothing is spared.
This nonconformism has gone beyond the usual protest literature
and drama that prevail in most countries. It questions the very foun-

dations of Poland's past


THE STUDENT theatre groups
tour the country and attract big
audiences, which see their daily
lives portrayed in easily recog-
nizeable allusions and situations.
An expressionistic form of acting
and staging adds to the starkness
of the performances. The stage
sets are frequently futuristic to
accentuate the dramatic effect.
A typical theatrical company is
that of the Bombom student group
of Gdansk (Danzig). Thisgroup
has been presenting a series of
sketches in one of the theatres
of the Palace of Culture, a gift
from Stalin to the Polish people.
IN SEVERAL sketches the stu-
dents ridicule many of the famous
figures in Polish history who pre-
ferred heroic death to the loss of
their rights. The actors portray
mock-heroics in a suicidal tradi-
tion that, in the students' view,
contributed nothing of practical
Another series of sketches in
the same show depicted the Polish
"Everyman" as threadbare and
reduced to the status of a vagrant
pursued by the police-for no
other reason, apparently, than
that it is the job of the police
to pursue and persecute people.
The songs offer bitter, rather
than witty, parodies of life under
Poland's present Communist re-
gime. It is a common observation
in Warsaw that the most stimu-
lating theatre and talents are
those of the student groups.
* * * .
THE VISITOR to Warsaw gains
the impression from these shows
that Poland's students are in com-
plete intellectual revolt against
society, the state of their country
and the place of their country in
the world.
The scripts and performances
do not indicate defeatism, but
rather a spirit of defiance and a
refusal to accept the world of
today as final.
Another significant phenome-
non in Warsaw has been the
strong resurgence of savage sa-
tiric jokes about everyone and
everything of importance. These
jokes, usually unprintable, ap-
proximate the category known as
"gallows humor."
Students in general seem to
form the most radical group -in
the country. Their questioning
attitude appears to involve a fun-
damental re-examination of the
very bases of Polish society.
--Courtesy New York Times Service



Unavowed Understanding

THE OMENS are now more favorable that at
the summit meeting in May there will be
no serious crisis over the German question, no
irreconcilable conflict between the Russians
and ourselves, no real quarrel between the
British and the West Germans.
The prospects are that there will be much
talk but no negotiations about the German
question and there is a fair prospect of an
interim working arrangement about West Ber-
Something. it would seem, has happened to
change the climate. The public thing that has
happened is that Mr. Khrushchev has been to
Paris, has had talks with Gen. de Gaulle, and
that while nothing concrete was agreed upon,
Mr. Khrushchev went home in a good humor.
As we know that Gen. de Gaulle is a hard and
resolute man who gives away nothing he wants
to keep, and as Mr. Khrushchev is a tough and
persistent man, why is it that the confronta-
tion of these two men has been followed by
such an improvement in the atmosphere?
MY GUESS is that on the German question
there is now, as between France and the
Soviet Union, a basic parallelism-that it is
most likely that Mr. K. has now at last real-
ized it. He has realized too, we may assume,
that on the German question Gen. de Gaulle
is in a position to speak for the West. The
basis of this parallelism of policy is that in
neither camp is there any serious intention of
proceeding toward the reunification of Ger-
On both sides there is a fear of the power
of a reunited Germany. This is the basic un-
derstanding which, while it cannot now be
publicly avowed by either side, makes it likely
that there will be no collision at the summit.
Both sides realize that in the long run Ger-
man nationalism will not accept gladly the
present dismemberment. But for the short run
which may be at least a few more years, the
partition is acceptable, indeed unavoidable as
long as the occupying powers are determined
not to risk a war over the German question.
The Germans are not strong enough to
unify themselves and the United States has no
intention whatever of going to war in order
to unify them. On the other hand, a deal
between West Germany and the Soviet Union
at the expense of Poland and the West, though
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
JIM BENAGH . . . .. . . . . . . ........,. ..Sports Editor
PETER DAWSON............. Associate City Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL ., . ........... MrazonneiDirector
JOAN KAATZ .... Magazine Editor
BARTON HiTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director
FRED KATZ ................Associate Sports Editor
DAVE LYON ................Associate Sports Editor
JO HARDEE . ...,........ Contributing Editor
Business Staff
RnNAI) Pr,. DW'RAAln l,.im 4an a

a theoretical possibility, would now be enor-
mously and intolerably dangerous.
THOUGH there is no agreement between the
West and the East, a decision has in fact
been taken to keep Germany divided. On both
sides, the decision is masked by official formu-
lae. On the Soviet side the formula is to say
that East and West Germany are "free" to
work out their own reunion. On the Western
side the real decision is masked by the repeti-
tion of the demand that the two Germanys
should be reunited by a free election.
Beneath these formulae, which are really
fictions used for propaganda and for the sake
of appearances, the reality is something like
this. The Soviet Union means to raise the
standard of life in East Germany to a level
where East Germany can stand comparison
with West Germany. Moscow believes that this
will greatly reduce German popular pressure
for reunification.
The West, with France as its leader in this
matter, is determined to give the West Ger-
mans prosperity in the Common Market and
status in NATO; it is determined to give the
West Germans everything they want except
the reunification of their country.
Mr. K. would like to imprison and isolate
the West Germans. The French intend to elect
them to their clubs, and to bind them by self-
interest against the lures and the snares of re-
SEEN FROM EUROPE, the division of the
Germans, which has resulted from the dis-
memberment of Hitler's empire, is more "nor-
mal" than is their union.
When we speak of reunification, we mean
the reunification of East and West Germany
with its capital in a reunited Berlin. Though
we all speak of it more or less, the fact is that
France does not want the reunification. Britain
does not want it. While we have some yearnings
for it, we accept the partition. An Adenauer's
Germany opposes the partition in principle but
is quite willing to live with it in fact.
ALL THIS NARROWS the German question
down to the question of West Berlin. For
on the future of the various Germanys there
is a working understanding between East and
There is some reason to think that the
new flexibility, which the Russians had hinted
at recently, may be due to their having had
some second thoughts about Berlin. It was
easy to say that the allied occupation of West
Berlin must end. But what if the impossible
happened, what if the allies did in fact sur-
render West Berlin to Eastern Germany, what
would happen if Berlin became the biggest
city in Eastern Germany?
For West Berlin would have to be united
with East Berlin and the result would be a
quarrelsome city of three and a half million
people as the capital of a country of about
eighteen millions. The ,Berliners are a lively
lot, and in trying to swallow them, the East
German state might well be biting off more
than it could chew.
We' do not know this hut it is not at all

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article, drawn up by one of the or-
ganizers of Challenge at the Uni-
versity, is a statement of principle
applying some of the program's gen-
eral goals and means to specific ones
Daily Guest Writer
T e Idea....
THE MODERN world challenges
us with problems more vast
and comprehensive than any pre-
vious society has had to face.
Nuclear power, mass industrial-
ized societies, undeveloped areas,
racial and national tensions-all
have created conflicts so far-
reaching and often so explosive
that they pose inescapable dan-
gers to our civilization. Our most
basic assumptions about the world
are being called into question and
challenged. People all over the
world are trying to understand
the complex forces at work on
them. We are struggling to bring
these forces under control before
they dominate us. And the very
possibility of control, equally new
in history, makes it all the more
imperative that we fully under-
stand the problems. As citizens of
the years to come, we cannot avoid
As university students today,
(Continued from Page 2)
or Female. At least a BA from an ac-
credited college plui further experience
or education for higher position. May
13th is final date for filing applicatin.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Interview: April 21 and 22. Mr. Alford
of Camp Lawrence Cory of Rochester,
N.Y., will interview for men counselors.
This is a big YMCA camp and the pay
is good.
April 21. Mr. Harry Constant of Paper-
mate Co. will interview marketing and
Sales Juniors for summer work in De-
troit, Mich., Pittsburgh, Pa., Grand
Rapids. Mich. and Cleveland, .
The-Summer Placement is open and
interviews take place from 1:30 to 5:00
every afternoon and Friday mornings
from 8 30 to 12, in D528 of the S.A.B.
Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs are
available to students. Applications for
these jobs can be made In the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Room 1020
Administration Building, during the
following hours: Monday through Fri-
day, 8:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m.
Employers aesirous of hiring students
for part-time work should contact
Bill Wenrich, Student Interviewer at,
NOrmandy 3-1511, extension 2939,
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 1020, daily.
6 Meal jobs
1 Cost accountant, experienced (5 days
per week, 2 brs. per day).
3 Library Assistants.
1 Experienced accountant - bookkeeper
(20 hrs. per week).
10 Odd jobs.
10 Salesmen (Commission for 3 weeks
in June-good money,

however, we find that our en-
vironment does not enable us to
understand these contemporary
challenges. Our concern and our
sensitivity have become intellec-
tualized and fragmented to the
point where we cannot feel the
significance of, or respond cre-
atively to today's most crucial is-
sues. They remain strangely di-
vorced from our sphere of con-
cern. Students all over the coun-
try and at the University need
and are demanding a program to
help them explore these issues
with depth and vigor. Challenge
is such a program; its goals are
the creation of a widespread
awareness of major contemporary
problems, and the encouragement
of an active response to them.
The Means . .
TO ACCOMPLISH these ends,
Challenge sponsors a program of
critical discussion and debate
throughout the semester on a cen-
tral topic. There are three main
types of presentation: 1) Lec-
tures, panels, and debates on the
topic by prominent visitors to
the campus or prominent mem-
bers of the University community;
2) Smaller, informal discussion
groups on the topic in living units
between faculty members and the
residents of the living units; 3) A
weekend colloquium featuring ma-
jor speeches by men of national
prominence who will confront the
topic not as an academic question,
but as an issue demanding per-
sonal action.
To encourage an active response,
Challenge works with other cam-
pus organizations to channel in-
terested students into constructive,
responsible participation. Chal-
lenge is not primarily an action
group. It rather attempts to stim-
ulate concern and action, and
then direct energies to where
they can find a creative outlet.
Challenge, to be effective, must
draw participation and support
from all parts of the University
and its community. It is non-par-
tisan on all issues, and attempts
to present the complete spectrum
of views on every topic. It is not
directly connected with any spe-
cific campus organization. It at-
tempts to involve people from all
parts of the University, the Uni-
versity community, and other col-
leges and universities throughout
the area.
The Need ,
FACED WITH the widespread
lack of interest and concern
among the student body, inter-
ested young people at Yale Uni-
versity about two years ago
founded Challenge. It has since
spread rapidly among Eastern col-
leges such as Haverford, Smith,
Swarthmore, and Vassar; and into
the West to Antioch, Chicago, and
Reed. At each of these schools, it
New Books at Library
Ross, Irwin - The Image Mer-
chants; NY, Doubleday & Co.,
Rowson, Frank, Jr. - They
Laughed When I Sat Down; NY,
McGraw-Hill, 1959.
Ryan. Cornelius -- The Lonm.

has succeeded in arousing contro-
versy and interest among the stu-
We at Michigan feel the need
for a Challenge to offset the
indifference of most students to
problems whichdosnot immedi-
ately affect them. To us, this
parochialism seems especially
dominant here at the University,
probably more sothan at the uni-
versities which have already insti-
tuted Challenge programs.
The ponderous size of the Uni-
versity, the isolation of the stu-
dent from the faculty,the grade-
point fetish, and the involvement
of many of us in time-consuming
extra-curricular activities are all
counter-pressures preventing us
from developing the organic intel-
lectual outlook on the world which
is the true goal of a liberal edu-
cation. Challenge can be an im-
portant step toward the recovery
of the experience which our uni-
versity environment has denied
us. Through it, we can gain a
comprehension of the major issues
of our world as relevant and im-
portant life-problems which de-
mand solution from us.

A scends,
To the Editor:
I AGREE with your two major
criticisms of the film "Black
Orpheus" only to a certain point.
You say, "the more important
scenes appeal primarily to the
intellectual when they should be
courting the emotinal." I feel it
is impossible to discuss this until
you have qualified which scenes
,are the "more important" ones.
I have but one point to make in
this respect. After having seen
the film four times, I feel it would
not have succeeded in learving me
with the feelings it did if it were
es intellectually oriented as you
But in your article you make
two statements with which I ve-
hemently disagree and find far
from being accurate. You begin by
describing carnival as something
in which the Brazilian Negroes
engage once a year and which is
comparable to the Mardi Gras.
* * *
ON BOTH points you are very
misinformed. As one whose home
is in Rio de Janeiro, I cn testify
that carnival is the one time of
the year in which the entire pop-
ulation participates. Negro, white,
poor and rich, all let out their
emotions through rhythmic danc-
ing for three days until dawn. By
inferring that carnival only be-
longs to the Negroes, you destroy
it of its greatest property which
is its ability to intoxicate all Bra-
zilians with the same feeling.
As for saying that carnival is
comparable to Mardi Gras, you
have again committed a grave
error. Carnival has no equal, it
is a drug that penetrates each
person. It exists with the people
instead of existing for the people
as does its commercial imitator,
Mardi Gras. One can only separ
ate himself from carnival by phy-
sically escaping. Whereas with
Mardi Gras, one can very easily
be an observer on the sidelines.
* * *
YOU ALSO neglected, to make a
point of the fact that the entire
cast consists of "non-profession-
als." To give you an example, the
part of Mira, Orpheus' fiancee, is
aptly portrayed by the daughter
of the maid of our friends in Rio.
In view of all this, although the
film does have, an intellectual,
mythical background, it doesn't
prevent the emotional impact of
carnival from permeating both
the actors, and the audience. I
can't understand why it failed in
your case. Are you sure this is the
film's shortcoming?
-Margot Jacobson, '62
Aid to Moscow .. .
To the Editor:
RECENTLY, Dr. Wallace R.
Brode, scientific adviser to the
Secretary of State, received Amer-
ican Chemical Society's Priestley
Medal which is the highest Ameri-
can award for distinguished serv-
ice in the field of chemistry.
Dr. Brode apparently attempted
to rise to the occasion and pro-
posed a plan to reorganize and
redirect the scientific research in
America along the Soviet lines
which would provide a de-empha-
sis of the "so-called fundamental

research, merely dedicated to an
increase in the world's sum, total
of knowledge."
I suspect that Dr. Brode's re-
marks caused considerable concern
among the science czars of Mos-
cow. If, during some unfortunate
moment of amnesia of the princi-a
ples on which this country was
founded, Dr. Brode's plan should
be put into practice, a major ar-
tery supplying fundamental scien-
tific intelligence without cost to
the Soviet government would be
lost to the Soviet Union and the
Soviet scientists may not be able
to engage so fully in their work
applied for the "glory of the
Communist Party."
Dr. Brode also pointed out that
his plan would be very popular
with those scientists with whom
"pure science is going out of



Don't Be A Litter-Bug




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