Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
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Warmer in the afternoon; little
change in evening temperatures.
See Pace 4
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Morality Shows Courage
DEMONSTRATORS -- Charles Shockley (left) and Virginius
Thornton of Virginia State College for Negroes visited Ann Arbor
Sunday as guests of the local NAACP.
Amherst Students Prepare
To Back Sit-Down Strikes
Special To The Daly
The first student march on Washington in support of lunch
counter sit-down strikes in the South is being organized at Amherst
The Student Council, Christian Association, and "Amherst-Stu-
dent," the campus newspaper, are leaders. Plans have been made to
picket the White House Thursday.
A leader of the drive has said the protest "will forcibly dramatize
the younger generation's support of the Southern Negro's attempt to
Demonstrations against segre-
gation in the South represent a
new morality of the American
Negro-a "morality of courage,"
according to Virginius Thornton,
Negro educator from Petersburg,
Thornton, 4 years old, is a
graduate assistant in the history
department of the Virginia State
College for Negroes. He and senior
biology major Charles Shockley,
22 years old, were invited to speak
to the local NAACP chapter on
protest demonstrations in the
South in which they have been
Thornton explained that he
went to jail following the first
protest against segregation in the
Petersburg Public Library. Five
hundred are now willing to go to
The Emancipation Proclamation
was 100 years old, he pointed out.
"For a long time the Negro has
asked for equality; now he's de-
manding it."
Inequality of voting rights in
Petersburg amounts to taxation
of Negroes without representa-
~tion, Shockley said. A person wish-
ing to register is handed a blank
sheet which must be filled out
with eight items in a prescribed
order; if one is irregular, the per-
son may not register. Shockley
said many Virginia Negroes are
only semi-literate.
The library, focus of Petersburg
demonstrations, is segregated into
a white library upstairs, a Negro
one in the basement.
Given To City
The building was given to the
city in 1923, Thornton said, with
S upport
University students will solicit
funds for lawyers to defend stu-
dent demonstrators arrested for
protesting discrimination in the
South, Brereton Bissell, '61, said
In the Mason Hall lobby stu-
dents wishing to help carry
buckets in the fundddrive will
be signed up, he added.
the provision it would revert to
the donor's family if segregation
was not maintained.
The present heir of the donor
wrote the Petersburg City Coun-
cil last June saying times have
changed and the library should be
desegregated. The City Council
did not release the letter.
Recently, since the library was
See CITES, Page 2
. .. We are entering a new
technological era, an era in which
drastic changes are being made
in our world of work . . ."1
This new era will be keynoted
by use of "the most recent and
dramatic advances in technology
-those identified as automation,"
two University social scientists
point out.
Studying ways to cope with
changes automation will bring,
they say companies which want
to introduce automation will have
to plan for the social as well as
the technical impact of the
"People must be considered as
being integral parts of the pro-
duction process," Professors Floyd
C. Mann and L. Richard Hoffman
of the Survey Research Center
indicate in their just-published
book "Automation and the Work-
er." It is based on a study of two
electric power plants, conventional
Stand and highly autometized Ad-
Impact of Automation
The authors deal with "the im-
pact of automation on the or-
ganization of work and on the
work life of the people involved."
And they note automation may
not work well unless these work-
ers are considered every step of
the way.
"Several traps await the plan-
ners of technological change --
traps that are rarely side-stepped
except by the thoroughly initi-
ated," they warn.
What are these traps? First,
businessmen may be "preoccupied"
with the machinery being changed
- the heavy investment which
automation requires demands top
management's attention. Manage-
ment fails to work so fully with
the people whose jobs are being
changed-"to recognize the deli-
cate interactive balance between.
technical and social systems."
Express Misgivings
So while the new technological
changes are being introduced,
"certain groups and individuals
begin to express misgivings about'
the functions they will be ex-
pected to perform.
"They may even actively resist
the implementation of the new
Management "patches up" its
personal problems, and returns its
attention to technical problems,
anly to have personnel difficulties
erupt again. A design for auto-
mation which considers at the
start the psychological and social
factors as well as the technologi-
cal and economic ones will check
this trouble, the authors believe.
Second 'Trap'
A second "trap" awaits would-
be automatizers-committing re-
sources too soon to one irrevoc-
able plan. Professors Mann and
Hoffman suggest: "At the end of
each stage (in changing over to
automation) an evaluation could
be made, along with a forecast of
the effectiveness of continued
change in that direction, with the
possibility of alternative actions
being taken if the evaluations
were poor."
Third pitfall-overlooking the
impact of automation in one unit
on the rest of the company. Start
of work at Advance plant defi-
nitely affected workers at older
plant Stand.
Steady Employment
"While automation thus in-
creased the prestige of a handful
of men working in the new plant,
the vast majority of production
employees felt they suffered some'
Most company workers realized
that Advance's greater efficiency
in production meant steady er
ployment for workers at Advanc
They felt that an economic dow
turn wold bring layoffs at t
older less efficient plants.
"Thus," the social scientists r
port, "whereas automation spell
job security and opportunity R
personal growth for the men
the ne'r plant, it created feelin
of fear and job insecurity in th
workers in the older plant.
Press Too Hard
"Such feelings can be expect
to result in mounting pressure b
the unions for guarantees of jo
security, resistance to any chang
in the older plants which mig
be interpreted in any way
threatening the security of jo
there, and incrpased rumors abm
any management activity which
perceived as eventually cuttin
costs at the expense of people."
Fourth "trap"' pressin
See SEE, Page 2
Democrats To
Education Allocatio
City Reviews
4 Million
GOP Budget
City Administrator Guy C. Lar-
com submitted a $4 million budget
for fiscal 1960-61 to the new City
Council last night.
The budget, which includes $4,-
098,840, excluding self - financed
utilities, calls for a tax increase of
.89 mills, the first increase in three
The General. Operating Fund,
comprising three-fourths of the
total budget, accounts for $195,000
of the operating expense increase
which signifies an improvement or
expansion in operating programs.
The major increase is for im-
proved public safety, including ad-
ditions to and changes in the po-
lice, fire andehealth departments.
New Offices
Expenses were also attributed
to the 1960 presidential election,'
a full-time city personnel officer,
a new position in the assessor's
office and special expenditures in-
cluding City Hall improvements.
The new Department of Park-
ing and Traffic Engineering, per-
sonnel advancements, and the
Parks and Recreation budget are
other major expense areas.
The Special section of the Gen-
eral Fund includes pension and so-
cial security expenses, as well as
capital outlay for construction
and street maintenance and im-
Increase Necessary
Larcom said the tax increase, the
first in three years, was needed
for "necessary and significant in-
creases," but "still does not meet'
all of the city's needs."
Among these he listed a new
City Hall, additional fire stations,
and proposed major highways that
are not covered by weight and gas
tax income.
In other action, Council heard
census director Kurt Will warn
that "hard - to - find" University
students may cut into city profits
from the 1960 census.
Will said census enumerators
have become discouraged because
of the necessity of many "call-
backs" to determine numbers of
students in unsupervised housing.
Receives Fee
The city receives $11 per year
from the federal government for
each individual counted, Will em-
phasized. If the enumerators could
uncover tenmore students, for ex-
ample, the city would profit by
$1,100 until the 1970 census.
Larcom was authorized to dis-
burse up to $500 at his discretion.
W ,
eradicate the social injustices done
to him." It is also intended to
protest token integration and the
weak stand taken by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower about rac-
ial problems.
The protest, which will be lead
by the Student Council president,
is intended to be a peaceful dem-
onstration. All marchers are re-
quired to wear sport coats and
ties, there will be no talking by,
the picketers and no women will
be allowed in the procession.
It is hoped that 100 students,
one tenth of Amherst's enroll-
ment, will participate. By yester-
day afternoon 75 students had
signed up to go.
The administration has given
unofficial approval of the action,
the associate managing editor of
the "Student" reported. Test
schedules were rearranged to allow
enough time for students to go on
the 400 mile trip to Washington.
There has been a reaction
against the march at the college.
NSA Elects
Roger Seasonwein, '61, was
elected chairman of the Michigan
Region of the United States Na-
tional Student Association Sun-
The post of executive vice-
chairman was won by John Feld-
kamp, '61, Student Government
Council president. A third Univer-
sity student, Casey King, '62, was
nominated for the office of inter-
national affairs vice-chairman but
declined to run just before the
election. Wynell Whitmore, from
Wayne State University, after be-
ing defeated by Seasonwein for
chairman was elected national af-
fairs vice-chairman. The fourth
state office, international affairs
vice-chairman, was filled by Jo
Ann Madonna of Marygrove Col-
"The Michigan Region needs an
effective sounding board for stu-
dent opinion," Seasonwein said.
"Of course increased communi-
cation is merely a means to an
end-betterment of student gov-
ernment on every campus."
He said the Michigan Region
must solidify their present position
instead of merely embarking on
an expansive campaign. "We must
improve our internal position
while trying to increase the num-
ber of member organizations.
Central Michigan University
hosted close to 100 representa-
tives from 11 Michigan colleges.
Michigan State University, Mus-
kegon Community College and'
Northwood College, while not
members of NSA, sent representa-
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Mary Wellman, Panliel President,
Instructor Boroff Attacks
Faculties, Administrations
By University Press Service
Not satisfied with finding that students "go to college because
it's the thing to do," and that a "college degree has become a B.$. to
most students," David Boroff, the Brooklyn College English instructor
who has recently been criticizing American education, has now leveled
his sights at the faculties, curricula and administrations of America's
colleges.and universities.
In an article in Harper's Magazine: "American Colleges: What
Their Catalogues Never Tell You," Boroff observed that "college pro-
fessors and students are actors in
avast comedy; a mad travesty of CR0W E C N
solemn ritual, wasted time, and W E COND]
trumped up c'aims."
Two-Year Study
Basing his findings on a two- lU ' M usi
year study of a dozen campuses,
where he talked with presidents,
deans, professors and students,,
Boroff found fault with much of
America's higher educational in-
From scholarly journals to
extra-curricular activities, from.
professors to students, and from '
administrators to curricula, Boroff
concluded that colleges can be
divided into two categories; "those
which we might call adolescent
reservations, fenced off from seri-
ous adult concerns, and those
which represent a transition toy
Pertaining to curriculum and
teaching, Boroff complained about
the scarcity of new ideas, depth
and breadth, "Talk to students
and you can compile a bleak an-
thology of boredom, inertia, ,and
ineptness among teachers."
To Combat Lethargy
"I think success is reached in
a living unit when every mem-
ber of the house is happy as an
This definition, stressing de-
velopment of the various facets
of the individual, is one way of
stating the philosophy behind
Mary Wellman's direction of
Panhellenic during her year as
A low voice, a calm face and
smooth hair complement Mary's
responsive, self-contained atti-
tude toward her full life.
Her conversation reflects a
wide range of objectives and
interests, and a quiet concern
for developing them in the sim-
plest, most effective way. The
stereotype organization woman
-typically rather than repre-
sentative - is Mary Wellman's
direct opposite.
"The idea of having a routine
life scares me," she says. "I'd
hate to fall into a rut." Mary
likes to select courses from
widely diverse fields, as well as
those relating to her major, ele-
mentary education.
She has particularly enjoyed
studying fine arts and English,
and has an enthusiastic outside
interest in music.
As retiring Panhellenic presi-
dent, Mary emphasized that "in
my organization, the activity
doesn't have to be a back-
breaker." She sees student or-
ganizations moving away from
"activity for activity's sake."
Reexamine Activities
Students in extracurricular
activities are devoting more and
more time to examining their
activities with a view to cutting
out unnecessary "mickey-
mouse," Mary says, attributing
this trend to increased aca-
demic expectations.
.A. C ..... . . . . ...
c School Endures emergency Situation
'We've been living in an emer-
gency situation for over ten years,"
Dean Earl V. Moore remarked on
the needs of the music school.
Three years ago, he said re-
cently, the Regents approved let-
ting a $3.9 million contract for a
music school building in the ex-
pectation that the legislature
would provide funds for initiating
construction. While the project
has been stalled for lack of ap-
propriations, inflation has pushed
the estimated cost to $4,435,000.
In the meantime, students are
forced to work in cramped quar-
ters, utilizing such unorthodox
areas as hallways and storage
rooms for rehearsal and practice
Moore explained that, although
music students need two to four
of space." The practicing students
often disturb one another.
"Library facilities are spread
from books temporarily housed in
the chemistry building to the per-
manent collection in the general
library and in Burton Tower." The
music school library in Burton
Tower offers only 28 seats to ac-
commodate the 610 music students.
Crowded Conditions
Crowded conditions have ren-
dered almost inaccessible the Stell-
man Collection of Books and
Manuscripts acquired in Belgium
in 1954 at a cost of $100,000 to
the Michigan Alumni Fund.
According to Moore, this collec-
tion "makes the University a po-
tentially important center for
musicological research," but the
existing conditions make it im-
possible to shelve and catalogue
it adequately.