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April 12, 1960 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-12

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Mary Wellman,
Panhel President

(Continued from Page 1)
mon aims among the individ-
uals who participate in them,
Mary said.
For instance, Assembly and
Panhel are very much alike in
aim, she thinks.
"Our problems are different,
because we're dealing with very
different types of living units,
but the girls are the same. They
have common goals and prob-
The universal goal of fulfill-
ing each girl's personal poten-
tial, scholastic and social, may
be approached from different
directions. The affiliate systems
uses a concept of obligation as
the dormitory uses freedom, to
achieve the same end.
"The affiliated woman is
under the pressure of knowing
somebody actively cares about
her and what she does," Mary
explained. This pressure is di-
rected toward developing the
individual rather than driving
toward conformism, she added.
Panhel Coordinates
Panhellenic, as a coordinat-
ing organization, reflects this
interested, personal relation-
ship between the girl and the
group by seeking to promote
some ideas they think are im-
In accordance with her feel-
ing that "you have to limit
what you're going to do," Mary
has made an effort to pare
down the functions of her own
executive committee. "If you
can start or carry on two or
three good ideas, the organiza-
tion will serve its purpose effec-
"Effectiveness should be
measured not in the amount of
time spent, but in the endeav-
ors chosen and how they're car-
ried out," she asserted.
Stresses Scholarship
"Scholarship is one of the
areas I've been stressing since
I came in," she said, mention-
ing the high grade average of
her executive committee as an
example of successful results of
her effort to promote a better
environment for scholastics.
"As we've pushed the aca-
demic, we got a direct reaction
the other way at first. Maybe
we were swinging the pendulum
too far," she recalled.
A proper balance between the
social and scholastic sides of
life comes from an overall real-
ization on each girl's part of
what her objectives are, Mary
said. With this in mind, a girl
gains the depth of perspective
which will enable her to evalu-
ate the importance of the vari-
ous aspects of her life.
"As a guide, we might be a
little one-sided about cutting
down the mickey-mouse in ac-
tivities," Mary admitted, add-
ing quickly, "but it's necessary
to keep emphasizing your point
over and over to get people to
realize and accept it."
Attitude Important
Another objective Mary has
worked for centers around
house function and the attitude
of a sorority toward an event
planned to benefit and appeal
to a house as a whole.
She stressed that this idea
must ultimately be developed
in the individual houses and

girls. "The central question lies
in the value of the event for the
"You can look at it from two
points of view. From one side,
the function will benefit all the
girls even if they might not
realize it at the time. Wanting
every girl to attend has to do
with the basic idea of social
"On the other hand, you must
see that if a girl who isn't in-
terested is made to come, the
function won't be beneficial to
"To make the concept of ob-
ligation meaningful, you must
be careful when and how it is
used, keeping the realistic bene-
fits in mind," she said, outlin-
ing the problem which led her
to encourage sororities to ex-
amine the idea of house func-
Problems Parallel
She compared it with the
problem facing student organi-
zations and their demands on
participants. "We cannot pre-
sume to plan all the leisure
time of a person's life."
Mary thinks her executive
committee has been successful
in communicating with the in-
dividual affiliate and meeting
her needs. The delegate meet-
ings, with all sorority presi-
dents, have been especially pro-
"Of course, we don't have the
panacea for all problems. Our
ideas aren't new, and continu-
ous work is the way to produce
results in these areas," she
Mary speaks of the great divi-
sion seen on other campuses
between affiliates and inde-
pendents as "unfortunate and
Spirit Cooperative
She is proud of the coopera-
tive spirit at the University be-
tween sororities and between
affiliated and independent
"I wouldn't want to be a
member of an affiliated system
that thought it was privileged.
"Not that I don't believe in
my organization," she was care-
ful to make clear. "I believe in
it thoroughly and think it has
a lot to offer both in and after
the college years."
"But I do think the problem
of reputation is one reason be-
hind the snowballing in activ-
She attributed sororities' re-
quiring members to participate
in too many activities to a feel-
ing that people must do certain
things to preserve their repu-
tation because other people are
doing them. The point to be
considered is the worth of the
activity itself, she thinks.
"And besides, I think this
businem of reputation is myth,"
she asserted.
If the individual affiliate is
happy and doing what is worth-
while for herself, the affiliate
system will thrive, Mary feels,
"and that's a big task."
A person with Mary Well-
man's broadness of perspective
is perhaps best fitted to reflect
the goals, needs and problems
of the diverse group she repre-
sents, and to seek answers to
the questions facing them.

Cite Change
Of Morality
By Negroes
(Continued from Page 1)
closed rather than desegregated,
the heir released the letter to the
press explaining when it was
Groups Petition
The bi-racial groups petitioned
the City Council asking for dis-
cussions aimed at working out
Petersburg's problems. These were
the Virginia Council on Human
Relations, the Ministerial Union
and the Petersburg Improvement
Association. Thornton and Shock-
ley are vice-presidents of the
latter group.
The Council decided the issue
was "not important," Shockley
said. It postponed consideration
of the petition indefinitely.
Demonstrators in Petersburg
were arrested for violating an
anti-trespass ordinance on public
property passed by the Council
to maintain segregation in the
Make Protest
Students organized in February
to make the first protest. Fifteen
went into the white library and
asked for service; they were dir-
ected to the Negro section of the
building. The Negroes proceeded
to sit in, while the police were
When police arrived they ex-
plained their presence was neces-
sary to see that law and order
were preserved. Although the
demonstration was peaceful, the
library closed 45 minutes later, at
12:45 in the afternoon.
Instead of filing an injunction
against the city, protesters re-
quested the City Council to work'
toward integration in the library.
Instead, the Council enacted the
ordinance outlawing trespass on
public property, despite the letter
from the heir which was in their
Taken To Jail
As a resident of New Jersey,
Shockley could not be arrested,
but Thornton was taken to jail
with 13 other demonstrators,
where they were given a choice
of standing bail or sleeping on the
They elected to remain in jail
and were herded into an 8 by 24
foot room usually used to incar-
cerate mentally deranged persons,
Thornton said.
Despite *the arrests, Petersburg
Negroes will continue to seek in-
tegration of the library, Thornton
said. There has been no court
test of the anti-trespass law under
which the demonstrators were
Need For Funds
Many Negroes are willing to
participate in the continued dem-
onstrations, but there is need for
funds to support them. The anti-
trespass law calls for a maximum
$1000 fine though no 'ane has been
fined over $150 to date.
The faculty and administration
of Virginia State College have
publicly backed the demonstra-
tions in which their students have
played a leading role. At first
when the demonstrations began
there was fear that some students
would be suspended, according to
But an administration state-
ment declares that students have
as much right to protest as any-
one else.
Little Likelihood
There is little likelihood of the
administration's backing down on
this stand due to financial coerc-
ion by the state legislature, Thorn-
ton said.

Thornton and Shockley, leaders
in the Petersburg demonstrations,
also participated in Richmond
The Richmond demonstrations,
though student-led, showed the
unity of Virginia as a group, in
Thornton's opinion. When 34 col-
lege students were arrested on
charges of picketing a department
store, all the Negro teachers and
other professional people in the
state turned in their charge plates
to the store, he said. Some even
joined the pickets.
It's necessary to picket all the
way around the block six days a
week, he explained. Three-fourths
of the picketers were non-stu-
dents, including some whites. They
have received police protection
from "undersirables" who have
threatened them, Thornton said.
Shockley and Thornton said
they are impressed with the re-
sponse elicited by their visit to
Ann Arbor. After the lecture they
gave Sunday, sponsored by the
local NAACP chapter, a check for
over $100 was turned over to them
for funds to get legal aid for stu-
dents arrested for protesting.

'Fire Places'
To Hold Lines
Rising mysteriously at the ends
of the Angell Hall corridors are
massive fire place-like ptructures.
These walls of concrete will
house telephone terminals for
Angell Hall. The presence of these
terminals will make extension
phones in Angell Hall easier to in-
stall and service.
The terminal housing units are
being built by the telephone com-
pany under University financing.

doing" their new jobs, they may
frequently fear the machines they
manage. Costly breakdowns can
But automation properly han-
dled offers great promise, Profes-
sors Mann and Hoffman say. Jobs
in automated plants are more
Greater demands on the work-
ers brought "a greater feeling that
now their jobs best utilized their
abilities." Workers also liked "to
learn new things and acquire new
knowledge and skills on the job.
Work in automated plants brings
these challenges.
Further, business organization
may be streamlined (since with
automation the work force is cut
substantially). And it was found
that greater emphasis is placed
on human relations skills in
supervision under automation.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING... .? You might try the
superlative song, dance and laugh loaded musical comedy
treat of the season.
Produced by

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All seats reserved

Four Performances
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Last Year's Winner Takes
First Place in Science Fair

A 16 - year - old Saline High
School boy and a 15-year-old Ann
Arbor High School girl have won
top honors in the Second Annual
Southeastern Michigan Science
Fair held here April 9-10.
The 1959 first place winner,
Michael Washburn, made a repeat
performance as the leading senior
male student with his exhibit,
"The Effects of Rapid Hydrostatic
Pressure Changes on a Fish."

Mary Ann Tiffany, the out-
standing girl in the senior divis-
ion, displayed an exhibit entitled
"Imperfections and Etch Pits
The winners were awarded $25
prizes, Argus cameras and an all-
expense-paid trip to the National
Science Fair, which will be held
in Indianapolis on May 11-14.
Other winners included: Don
Cramer, Ypsilanti; Patty Pastor,
Chelsea; David Mandenhall, Mi-
lan; Tim Craine, Stephan Porter,
Michael Rice, Robert Hatcher, and
Louis Cutrona, all of Ann Arbor.
11-1 .1






April 12, 1960
Am. Nuclear Soc., Business Meeting.
April 13, 7:30 pm., Union, Rmn. 3-D.
Speaker: Dr. T. Haynie, U. Hospital
Staff, "Medical Applications of Radio-
isotopes." Refreshments served, new
members welcome.

00.1959 -u*"



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