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March 24, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-24

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ewis Views Asia Student Life'

degree our students don't," he
found. They have greater con-
cerns about the economy and na-
tional politics, both of which are
in part, he said, a concern for
their future.
"In Tokyo st~udents demon-
strated at the Diet over an agree-
ment with the United States-
leftist groups one day, reaction-
aries the next," he said.
"In Hong Kong the only groups
I talked with who were really
concerned over the new territory
agreements were students. And
everywhere I went students and
professors raised a lot of ques-
tions about our foreign policy."
Mr. Lewis also interviewed many
former Michigan students during
his trip. One of their major con-
cerns, he said, was that when
they returned home they were
expected to be experts on Amer-
Want To Learn
"Why don't you make us learn
more about the economy, the
political system, and the Univer-
sity we attended?" they asked
He said he is now working with
Student Government Council on
this problem, discussing possible
lectures and discussion groups
with voluntary attendance for
these students.
In general though, Lewis said,
"College students are very much
the same everywhere, once you
get beyond the impact of their
individual cultures. Coffee houses
in Tokyo are "like the Union-
only the music is live," he said.
Students abroad also complain
about many of the same things
Americans do, he said--residence
hall facilities, food, heat, the ex-
am system.
"It made no difference whether
they had comprehensive exams at
the end of three years of pro-,
gress, or a system like ours-
whether the tests were subjective
or objective -- they wanted it
changed," he said.

To Produce
Con greve's
Comic Play
William Congreve's restoration
comedy, "Way of the World," will
be presented on the Playbill series
April 6 through April 9 in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Prof. Paul Mueschke of the
English department and his wife
have recently written a book
which offers a revolutionary in-
terpretation of this play. The
book, "A New View of Congreve's
'Way of the World'," draws atten-
tion to the element of serious
thought in the play.
By establishing the plot as a
legacy - conflict, the Mueschkes
have been able to clarify the wit
and morality of Congreve's play.
The book is based on the as-
sumption that Congreve was writ-
ing a moral, reflective comedy
and the play should therefore be
viewed as an "ethical as well as
an aesthetic achievement."
Scene-by-Scene Analysis
From a scene-by-scene analysis,
the Mueschkes conclude that in
this play Congreve no longer sub-
scribes to the "carpe diem"
philosophy of other Restoration
authors or even to the philosophy
of his own earlier plays.
"Way of the World" reflects the
"permanent and universal values
which civilized man, regardless of
creed or country, has promulgated
and cherished."
The Mueschke interpretation is
welcomed by theatre directors
who have been tempted to pro-
duce "Way of the World" for its
brilliance, but have been detered
by its seventeenth century repu-
tation for immorality.
"Way of the World" is admit-
tedly Congreve's greatest work,"
Prof. Mueschke said. "It repre-
sents the highest achievement in
English comedy for a period cov-
ering over half a century."
Meets with Authors
Prof. Halstead of the speech
department, director of the Play-
bill production, met with Prof.
and Mrs. Mueschke before begin-
ning his work on the play.
Emphasis is on staging the play
as it would have been staged in
Congreve's day. A set of ancient
theatrical grooves discovered in
an abandoned opera house last
year will be used by Ralph W.
Duckwall in the Ann Arbor pro-
Continuously changing scenes
will be simulated by means of
sliding sets in and out of view of
the audience using the grooves.
Costumes and the women's hair-
dressings will also be in keeping
with those times.
Condit Lecture
Set for Today
"Architecture and the Intellec-
tual and Technical World" will be
the subject of a guest lecture by
Prof. Carl W. Condit, Associate
Professor of History of Science at
Northwestern University.
The lecture, to be given at 3:30
p.m. today in the Architecture
Aud. will use skyscrapers and sus-
pension bridges as two basic ex-
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results
3 *

Vidar, Rattner Exhibit To Continue at Art Museum


Two art exhibitions are cur-
rently on display at the Univer-
sity's Museum of Art.
The showing of 22 oils and sev-
eral drawings done by Prof. Frede
Vidar, of the design school, will
contine through April 6.
"Although Vidar is concerned


with the Byzantine culture, he
treats it in his paintings in a
contemporary fashion," Prof. Wil-
liam Lewis of the design school
"The actual subject of the
paintings is Mount Athos. Athos
is actually a government, a reli-

gion, and a way of life in an
ancient society."
"Vidar represents this society
through the use of symbols and
physical attributes. These paint-
ings are abstract in the true sense
of the word," Prof. Lewis said.
"What makes Athos important'
is its unchanging culture. It is as

if you cut them off from the
world 600 years ago."
Prof. Vidar, who visited Mount
Athos in 1958, has exhibited sev-
eral times in New York and
throughout the United States,
Europe and Australia.
This exhibition, which is spon-
sored jointly by the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies and
the College of Architecture and
Design, is the third and last of
the current winter series demon-
strating work accomplished under
Rackham grants.
The second exhibition is com-
posed of paintings and drawings
by Abraham Rattner and will be
shown until April 3rd.
"Rattner is a religious painter.
Traditional subjects from the old
testament are handled in a con-
temporary manner," Prof. Lewis
said. "The subject matter is al-
ways present but the composition
becomes more and more domi-
"There is, for instance, a whole
series of drawings which develops
into a study for the 'Last Judge-
ment Triptych.' This is for me the
most interaesting part of the ex-
hibit," he said.
Each oil paint of Rattner's "The
Last Judgement Triptych" is 48
inches by 96 inches. The actual
oil, represented by a color trans-
parency, is composed of three sep-
arate oils mounted together.
"The color in Rattner's works
is brilliant. In fact, its intensity
is a bit unusual even in these
times," Prof. Lewis added.

--Daily-Paul Kryzmicki
TRADITIONAL SUBJECTS-The paintings of Abarham Rattner treat religious scenes from the Old
Testament in a conwemporary manner. The Rattner exhibit will be on display at the Art Museum
until April 3rd.

I Police Releasej
Student Held
a - a ) i
SFor Robbery
A 21-year-old law student being
TWNO held by local police on suspicion
ENCOR E of armed robbery was released to-
H ITS ! The student, Ronald B. Rosen-
stein, was arrested after a local
../7 WHAT GOES ON WHEN T7EI/GH GO OFi*! resident told police, he was ap-
proached about 2 a.m. Sunday by'
a young man who jammed a knife
'Pin his back and demanded money.
r According to Gregory Katopo-
dis, of the Ann Arbor Detective
SBureau, Rosenstein was ordered
released by the prosecutor after
the resident gave a different ver-
sion of his story on questioning.
Katopodis said he admitted
that his assailant did not use a}
knife, and that the assailant asked
him if he had any money, rather4
than demanding money.
Rosenstein claimed he was home
I l usin bed at the time of the incident,
Katopodis added.
T H E P E R ECT F U R L UG6 H Rosenstein withdrew from the
Law School Tuesday, telling Mrs.
Starring:Tony -Helen L. Betts, Law School re-
corder, that he intended to go
nt the army. i
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/ Plen ..:.int

Danes Call
For Boycott
DENMARK-The Union of Dan-
ish Socialist students urged the
Scandinavian countries to lead a
full-scale economic boycott against
South Africa because of its racial
In a letter to the National Union
the attitude held by Denmark and
of Danish Students, the Union said
Norway during UN debates about
the apartheid policy was "luke-
warm" and added: "The South
African government is a colossus
with feet of clay. It can only be
a question of time until it topples,
but we must contribute to its fall
as soon as possible.
"The first step will be a total
economic boycott against South
w , ,
GERMANY (EAST)-A bulletin
from the State Secretariat for
Higher Education says in the fu-
ture East German students will not
be allowed to study at institutions
of higher learning of the Western
world, "as important as it might
be in certain fields."
From now on, the students will
only have the possibility of study-
ing a few semesters, under certain
conditions, at universities in the
countries of the East Bloc.
At present there are about 1,000
East German students participat-
ing in this exchange program.
There are also about 1,000 foreign
students from such countries as
Iraq, Guinea, the Sudan; the
United Arab Republic, Indonesia,
and Burma studying at institutions
of East Germany.
* * *
GERMANY (EAST)-A district
court in Thurginia sentenced four
students of the Ilmenau Electro-
technic Institute to long peniten-
tiary terms.
The students were reproached
with having sent information
about the work at the Institute,
their departments, and about the
professors to fellow students who
have fled to West Germany.
The court termed this "espion-
age" and laid down penal servitude
of from three to four years.

To Present
"Escurial," a one-act play by
Michael de Gehlderode, will be
presented by the Laboratory Play-
bill at 4:10 p.m. today at the Arena
theatre in the Frieze Bldg.
The play takes place in the
throne room of "Escurial," the
palace of Phillip the Second about
1600 A.D. "As the play begins, one
of Phillip's four queens is dying,"
David H. Burr, Grad., the director,
"Since he is nearly insane under
normal circumstances, he is utterly
insane in this extreme situation.
Phillip is afraid of death and, I
feel, his conscience is needling him
because he feels no sorrow about
the queen's death," Burr added.
Calls for Jester
"King Phillip calls in Folial, the
court jester, and in a brillant piece
of dialogue he and the jester
change places. Due to these cir-
cumstances the absolute truth sur-
rounding their situation is brought
to light."
The clown has made love to the
queen while she has made the
king "chatter with freezing looks."
When this is revealed there is a
struggle for the crown. However,
when a monk announces the death
of the queen, Folial's spirit is
ThenKing regains the crown and
has the clown executed.
Cast Set
King Phillip is played by Jack
Rouse, '61BAd.; Folial by Ty Mc-
Connell, '61; the monk by Patrick
Chester, '60, and the executioner
by William O'Brien, '61.
"My primary concern in doing
-this play is to present to an Amer-
ican audience a production of a
play by a Spanish writer of great
merit who is practically unknown,"
Burr said.
"Recently there has been a great
deal of inquiry and criticism of
and about his work which can be
further illuminated and extended
by production," he added.


-Daily-Paul Kryzmicki
BYZANTINE CULTURE-The oils and drawings of Professor
Frede Bezar of the design school, portraying the ancient society
of Mount Athos are on exhibit at the Art Museum.



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in T)TrEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO 131
General Notices
Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles
impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960 will
be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any-
one wishing to reclaim one in this
group must do so before the begin-
ning of Spring vacation (March 26).
Persons who have lost bicycles dur-
ing the past two years are urged to
check the impounded bicycles as many
of these either have no license or one
that has been defaced.
The Bicycle Storage Garages, located
on the south side of East Washington
St. between Fletcher and Forest, are
open Mon., Tues., and Thur., between 5
and 6 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a.m. to
noon. For further information regard-
ing the Bicycle Control Program, call
Ext. 3148.
Bicycles must be stored at the owners'
place of residence during vacation.
Campus racks will be cleaned out dur-
ing the Spring Vacation. May we also
remind all bicycle owners that, to
comply with City and University regu-
lations and to protect your property,
you must register your bicycle at the
City Hall and attach the 1960 license.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 22. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than April 12. Please
submit nineteen copies of all com-

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University of Michigan Non-Academic
Employees Local No. 1583, AFSCME,
AFL-CIO will regularly meet Thurs.,
March 24, at 8:00 p.m. in room C201 of
the Ann Arbor High School. Three un-
ion members from France will be spe-
cial guests.
Engineers: Copies of the "Engineers'
Job Directory" for 1960 are now avail-
able at the Engineering Placement Serv-
ice, Room 128H West Engineering Build-
ing. Free to Seniors and Graduate stu-
Library Hours During Spring Recess.
The General Library, the Undergraduate
Library, and divisional libraries will be
open on regularly scheduled hours un-
til noon on Sat., March 26. The Univer-
sity libraries will be open on short
schedules from Mon., March 28, through
Fri., April 1. Libraries will be closed
Sun., March 27 and April 3, also Sat.,
April 2.
The General Library and the Under-
graduate Library will be open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. through Fri,
March 28-April 1. The Audio Room, in
the Undergraduate Library, will be
closed during the spring recess. vaca-
tion hours for divisional libraries will
be posted on the doors of each library.
For information regarding library hours,
when divisional libraries cannot be
reached by telephone, call ext. 3184.
All libraries will resume regular sched-
ules Mon., April 4.
Benjamin F. Moore, President of the
University's Non-Academic Employees
Local No. 1583, AFSCME, AFL-CIO an-
nounces a special meeting of the local,
Bun., March 27, at 6:00 p.m. at Park
Ridge Community Center on Harriet St.
in Ypsilanti.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Public Health.
Tentative lists of seniors for June grad-
uation have been posted on the bulle-
tin board in the first floor lobby, Ad.
Bldg. Any changes therefrom should
be requested of the Recorder at Office
of Registration and Records window
Number A, 1513 Ad. Bldg.
All students who expect to receive
education and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Pub-
lic Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get
instructors' signatures March. 24, 25, or
26 BEFORE Spring Recess and turn the
completed form in to the Dean's office
before leaving campus. VA Form VB7-
6553, Monthly Certification of Training,
for the month of March is to be signed
in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 142
Ad. Bldg. on April 4, 5, 6, and 7 AFTER
Spring Recess.
There will be a meeting for any male
students and faculty members Thurs.,
March 24 at eight p.m., who are in-
terested in organizing a Fencing club.
The meeting will be held in the intra-
mural office at the east end of the
gym in the Sports Building.
June Graduates: Commencement an-
nouncement orders will be taken April
4-8 at the Student Activities Building,


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