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February 09, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-09

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9, 1960




ailing Club Sings, Works
Vaiting for New 'Season'

Wright Theatre Opens

In a neglected corner of the
SAB, a strangely garbed group
sands, varnishes, and sews Jet
14's back together, to the tune of
A red-sweatshirted redhead
sands a boom, the boom doing
double duty as bass fiddle. An
overturned hull makes an ideal
bongo, while the grating sand-
paper creates an authentic back-
ground of work.
From Belafonte they turn to
the "sloop John- B," unfurling the
sails on the cement floor to check
for dangerous frays. In the bal-
cony another group varnished the
Emmons Gets
Ardath H. Emmons, a labora-
tory supervisor of the University's
Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, has
accepted an appointment as di-
rector of the University of Mis-h
souri Research Reactor Facility.
In his new position, Emmons
will be "responsible for the design
and specifications of the reactor
installation and oversee the pur-
chase and reconstruction of the
reactor. The appointment to begin
in February also carries the title
of associate professor of chemical

smooth wood and checks the lines
f or weakness.
Too late for blue-nose sailing
and too soon for ice-boating, the
Michigan Sailing Club meets ev-
ery Thursday night to re-condi-
tion their boats.
First the iceboats are checked
to be ready for the cold season
and then the 8 Jet 14's are over-
One by one, the boats are trail-
ered in from Bass Line Lake to
be revarnished and repaired from
the hard nine months racing and
pleasure sailing.
As each boat is finished it is
returned to its den in the lake-
front boat house until the ice
breaks up.
The one-man4ce boats are read-
ied to go at an instant's notice to
wherever ice is reported.
During the sailing season mem-
bers gather for evening meetings
in West Engineering in more sub-
dued outfits, but when work or the
water is involved, comfort and
warmth are the criteria. Thus,
patched jeans, shirts and foul-
weather gear are in order.
When the songs run out and
the varnish dries on their clothes
its time to quit for the evening,
and go home to study. The engi-
neers and naval architects to their
slide rules and the lit stUdents to
fine arts bluebooks.
However, they are all sailors.

WRIGHT CREATION-The Dallas Theatre Center, designed by the late architect Frank Lloyd
Wright, nestles in a wooded area of the Texas city. The structure, the only theatre designed by
Wright, opened its door for the first production in December.


Untouchable Heads Government


NEW DELHI (AP)-Damodaram + , -.



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Sinjiviah is an untouchable and
in many an Indian village there'
are still Brahmans who would
consider the sight of him a pol-
Damodaram Sanjiviah is also
'U' Grads Win
More Wilsonk
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships
have been awarded to more Uni-
versity graduates than to those
of any other state-supported in-
Since 1945, 55 University gradu-
ates have received the fellowships,
Prof. Richard C. Boys, of the Eng-
lish department and former na-
tional director of the fellowships,
Only Princeton, Harvard. Yale
and Cornell, all privately-support-
ed universities, can boast a high-
er number of graduates with
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships.
The University is the eighth
most popular place in the nation
in attracting fellowship winners
to study. The number of winners
on campus is exceeded only by
those at Harvard, Yale, Princeton,
Columbia, University of California
at Berkeley, University of Chicago
and University of Wisconsin.

the chief minister-chief execu-
tive officer-of Andhra, one of the
biggest states in the Indian Un-
He became the first untouch-
able ever to hold such office when
chosen in January to succeedl
Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, who had,
been elected president of the gov-
erning Congress Party.-
To Ignore Caste
Although Sanjivah's selection
has been hailed throughout the
nation as an indication of how
things have changed in India, he
emphasizes that caste, or lack ofc
it, will have nothing to do with the 1
way he runs his office.
"My masters are the 31 million'
people of Andhra," he said in an
interview, "not Andhra's 41/ mil-
lion untouchables or the 60 mil-
lion untouchables of India."
He cautioned, nevertheless, that
the Untouchables "are the weak-
est links in the national body poli-
tic and the strength of a chain
lies in its weakest link."
Choice Significant
The selection of Sanjiviah to
top political office is significant:
for social and political reasons.
Technically, the practices of shun-
ning untouchables and assigning
them only the most undesirable of
tasks has been outlawed. In prac-
tice, particularly at the village lev-
el, the practice flourishes.
Sanjiviah's rise to high office
may contribute to rolling back
such discrimination, which is one

of the avowed aims of Prime Min-
ister Nehru and the Congress
Importance also attaches to law-
yer Sanjiviah's selection because
he is an able politician, and in
Andhra, more than in most states,
the Congress Party is in desperate
need of new and able leadership.
This huge and wealthy state is
a top Communist target in the
1962 elections. Along with Kerala
and West Bengal, it is one of the
states Communist strategists talk
openly of winning two years from

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