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March 18, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-18

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Of Me
To preventr
War Threat
Request Nuclear Halt,;
Weapon Ban in Space
GENEVA (A) - The Western
powers proposed at the 10-nation
disarmament conference yesterday,
that all nations agree at once to
report their missile test flights in
advance to avoid the danger of
war by accident.
United States delegate Frederick
M. Eaton linked this idea with
two other suggestions for easing
world tensions - the banning of
weapons of mass destruction in
outer space and the prompt halt-
ing of production of nuclear ma-
terials for war purposes.
In the two - hour session the
Communist side exhibited the first
sign of interest 'in the Western
plan since the talks began Tues-
Between them, Polish delegate
Marian Naszkowski and Czechoslo-
vak delegate Jiri Nosek asked
seven questions relating to me-
chanics of the three-phased arms
cut system advanced by the United
States,.Britain, France, Italy and
Hopeful Sign
This development in itself was
regarded as a hopeful sign in the.
Western camp. One sobree said it
showed at least that the confer-
ence was moving into the realm
of 'detailed discussions.
Eaton said the world should not
expect the conference to give birth
suddenly to a complete disarma-
ment agreement "like Venus aris-
ing from the sea."
He also warned the Communist
side - the Soviet Union, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Romania and Bul-
garia - that the United States
Government would never enter
into a disarmament agreement
which failed to contain a central
element of control.
No Details
The New York attorney did not
go into detail concerning his pro-
posal fora notification system on
missile flghts. Other Westerners
suggested, however, it might be
possible to work out such a system
using some existing international
Nations intending to conduct
tests would send in an advance
notification of the time and the
course of their missiles. This would
eliminate the element of surprise
and tend to forestall miscalula-
tions which could lead to tragedy.
A ban against sending weapons
of mass destruction into outer
space is referred to in the first
stage of the Western plan. It calls
for an immediate study with the
purpose of setting up a system of
on - site 'inspections to prevent
Stresses Need
British Minister of State David
Ormsby -CGore and French dis-
armament expert Jules Moch have
stressed the need to solve this
problem before scientists come up
with the absolute weapon-a plat-
form in space which, in answer to
ground controls, could fire off nu-

clear weapons against any target
on earth.
Some experts estimate the de-
velopment of such a weapon is
less than 10 years away.





Asks Export-Boosting Dri
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday United States businesses from said privately these ma
launched a many-sided govern- seeking foreign markets. more than $10 million.
ment-wide drive to increase Amer- Asks Cooperation Can Add Jobs
ican exports, and thereby to re- The President said the "cooper- "Expanded exports can a
duce the nation's international ation and support of the Congress stantially to the millions
payments deficit and outflow of are vital to the success of the already generated for our
gold. program," although he added by export trade," the Whit
In a special message to Con- much can be done under existing message said.
gress, Eisenhow'er announced that law. Eisenhower noted that
the government for the first time Eisenhower did not specifically exports will help sustain A
will guarantee exporters against say so, but it appeared that the overseas investments, forei
losses arising from political risks main contribution expected of tary outlays and econmoic
abroad-in effect, a federal credit Congress would be to provide the went on: "To support thea
insurance plan for export sales. money for expanded staffs and tial activities, which are '
Such risks include curbs on the facilities in the commerce, state in our international bal
movement of currency, seizures of and agriculture departments to payments, we must . . . pr
property, barriers to imports, and 'step up trade promotion activities rising volume of exports ar
losses arising from war or civil here and' overseastrade."
strife. * These have deterred many Eisenhower announced he will The message did not st,
seek shortly "supplemental appro- problem arising from the e
priations necessary for rapid pro- Unitedl States payments




Police Halt Racial Disorders


By The Associated Press

Racialoutbursts flared in Flor-
ida and Georgia Thursday and
authorities, aware of what one
termed the rumble of mobs, moved
quickly to halt disorder.
Eight Negro college students
leaving a variety store in St. Aug-
ustine, Fla., where sitdown demon-
strations have been staged three
days in succession, were attacked
by a group of white men. Fists
flew and the Negroes fled with the
white men pursuing.
A crowd gathered but dispersed
when an officer threatened it with
tear gas. The Negroes were hurried
away in a taxi called by police.
Sixty policemen, armed with tear
gas, and state police dispersed
groups of jeering Negro and white
teen-agers in downtown Savannah,
Ga., following a St. Patrick's Day
Troopers Alerted
Twenty state troopers were sent
to Savannah earlier after police
advised they feared trouble be-
cause of crowds attracted by the
parade. An integration sitdown
demonstration in the city Wednes-
day caused the arrest of three
Georgia and Alabama governors
received protests from a group of
students at the University against
use of law enforcement officers in
breaking up the demonstrations.
John Feldkamp, '60, president of
the Student Government Council,
wrote that picketing and sit-in
strikes represent legitimate forms
of protest against discrimination.
The Grand Dragon of the Mis-
sissippi Ku Klux Klan issued an
order in Biloxi for Klan members

to refrain from entering any prop-
erty employing more than one per-
son of African descent. Walter A..
Bailey, head of the recently re-
activated Klan, said the order was
in answer to an NAACP order for
Negroes to boycott chain store
lunch counters.
Calls for Force
Gov. Leroy Collin of Florida
called for the full force of the law
to halt lunch counter demonstra-
In New York, the F. W. Wool-
worth Co., S. H. Kress Co., and
W. T. Grant Co., chain retail
stores with outlets in the South,
said they would maintain lunch
counter segregation there or
close them.
The companies said local
custom regarding lunch count-
ers must be respected.
tions by Negroes. At the same time
he said, social adjustments must
be made to restore racial harmony.
New sit-down demonstrations
were staged in North Carolina.
Police arrested 29 Negroes when
they refused to leave two store
lunch counters at New Bern, N.C.
Negro students of South Caro-
lina State College at Orangeburg,
where recent demonstrations led
to mass arrests, were put on notice
they would be expelled for any
further protests.
Eleven Negroes, mostly students,

who were arrested in a variety
store sitdown demonstration in
Tallahassee, were convicted of dis-
turbing the peace. They were fined
$300 each and given suspended jail
While Southern states struggled
with the problem, the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People extended its in-
tegration campaign to the West.
The Las Vegas chapter asked
Mayor Oran Gragson to call a
bi-racial meeting aimed at ending
segregation in public places in the
Delays Trial
Trial of the first group of 350
Negro students involved in Or-
angeburg demonstrations was de-
layed until Friday after defense
attorneys protested that Negroes
are excluded from jury service.
An 18-member panel drawn for
the first trial was white.
In Little Rock, Ark., five Negroes
were fined $250 and given 30 days
in jail yesterday for participating
in a demonstration last Thursday.
About 50 Negroes, most of whom
had been in. municipal court for
the trial, promptly invaded the
downtown area and took lunch
counter seats in two drug and
three department stores. Store
managers closed the lunch coun-
ters and the Negroes left peace-
There were no arrests yesterday,
although police patrolled the
downtown area in force.
There has been no violence of
any kind in any of the demonstra-
tions in Little Rock.

LANSING (P) - Detroit Coun-
cilman Edward D. Connor carried
his governor bid in the Democratic
Aug. 2 primary into outstate ter-
ritory yesterday.
Connor, 51 years-old, lunched
with about 80 Democratic House
members, legislative employes,
party functionaries in the Capitol
and newsmen. None of the 12
Democratic Senate members show-
ed up.
In a brief talk, he restated the
substance of the announcement he
made Wednesday in wading into
the primary against Lt. Gov. John
B. Swainson and Secretary of
State James M. Hare.
The veteran councilman said he
thought he could beat both but
recognized them as worthy op-
Connor stressed his intention, if
elected, to work closely with legis-
lators and said "I know a governor
could do nothing by himself."

... asks quota changes




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For the June brides-your china
and silver patterns should be
selected with care. Come in
between classes and browse.
We know you will find just what
you will treasure forever.

Y/ '

Second Fron .Page

March 18, 1960

Page 3

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s" r, WAR

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