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By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Sigma Phi Epsilon's party at the
Social highlight of the weekend house tomorrow night.
will be Alpha Sigma Phi's pledge+
formal, a dinner dance tomorrow Toga-clad guests will arrive at
at the Washtenaw Country Club the Theta Xi house at 8:30 p.m.
with music by the Ray Louis or- tomorrow. They will sit on the
chestra. floor to eat their dinner of chick-
* * * en, fruit and long loaves of bread
to the accompaniment of Al Blas-
Tomorrow night will see a er's music.
strange conglomeration of sinister r«m *
underworld characters assembled Members of Phi Rho Sigma and
at Sigma Mu's Untouchable Party.te besfwihdancemtoande
The hoods and their dates wil their dates will dance to the
be attired in traditional double- Dixieland music of the Boll Weev-
breasted "gangster suits." ils tomorrow night.
* * *
They will engage in such whole- Bob Elliott and his band will
some recreations as gambling,BoElitanhsbndwl
operatinga backroom still whose play at the Phi Epsilon Pi party
product will be drunk in a make- tomorrow evening.
shift speakeasy, and reenacting * *
the famous St. Valentine's Day Members of Delta Chi and their
murders. dates will dance to the music of
IThe Kingsmen will provide mu- the "Men of Note" at the frater-
The ingmenwillproidemu-nity house tomorrow evening.
sic for the cheery occasion. ny u t r e i
Tau Delta Phi will be the scene
Johnny Harberd and his band of a "Wild West" party tomorrow
will be the main attraction at night. Guests will visit a gambling
casino and a covered wagon in
0 T f17 which Western movies will be
V iew s UI ihWsshown. Dance music will be pro-
vided by the band of Larry Kass.
Aud o A4rea Dick Tilkin' and his band will
play at a semi-formal party at Phi
Sigma Kappa tomorrow evening.
The audio room at the Under- Andy Anderson will play sooth-
Thgemusdc for the PUi Deta
graduate Library offers students ing music for the Phi Del
and faculty the opportunity to' Thetas and their dates at a pa-
hear carefully-selected tapes and jama party at the house tomor-
recordings under most favorable row night.
* * *
listening conditions. Williams House of West Quad
Seventy-two separate booths are is rushing the season with a
available where students may lis- Springtime in Hawaii semi-formal
ten through individual ear phones dance tomorrow, featuring the
to a wide selection of class-re- music of Dave Juillet.u
quired or pleasure recordings. * *.
Each booth contains two sets of The Fresh Air Camp will be the
earphones and a selector dial scene of Tau Epsilon Phi's first
which allows a choice among the annual "Trademark Ball" tomor-
14 prepared programs broadcast row night. After a riotous bus
from the control room. ride-there will be dancing at the
Most of the channels are used camp to the music of an or-
for course-required recordings for chestra. '
music literature, English litera- * *
ture and foreign language litera- Phi Mu Almunae Club will hon-
ture classes. or the new Delta Xi pledges with
"However, we like to have one a tea at the chapter house from
channel reserved for the Univer- 3-5 p.m. Sunday. During the get-
sity fm radio station, WUOM. and acquainted period, each pledge
two channels reserved for specially will give a short biographical
prepared concert programs," Mar- sketch of another pledge instead
garita Anderson-Imbert, librarian of introducing herself.
in charge of the audio room said. * . «
Concert programs, arranged by Alpha Xi Delta will hold an
Charlotte Lyddell, Grad., musicol- open house from 3-5 p.m. Sunday
ogist, are always posted in the in honor of its new pledges.
audio room. Often there are so Everyone is invited to attend.
many required music literature * *.«
records that the desired channels This year's edition of Alpha
cannot be devoted to pleasurable Epsilon Pi's annual Toga Party
concerts will be held tomorrow evening.
"The Library could easily use Togas imported directly from
two more channels," Mrs. Ander- Rome will be worn to this tradi-
son-Imbert said. tional affair, which is always held
"Every care is taken to make shortly after the Ides of March.
the music from the control room + * *
as nearly perfect as possible. Our Alpha Kappa Lambda will hold
equipment produces very good a "Supressed Desire" party begin-
sound; this is necessary because ning at 9 p.m. tomorrow. Cos-
poor quality would irritate the tumes representing the wearer's
sensitive ears of trained music secret ambition will be worn.
students," she added
Tells Origins of Russian Intelligentsia
"The Russian inteligentsia orig-
inated in the fusing of the young
gentry, who broke away from the
official class," Prof. Martin Malia
of the University of California at
Berkeley, said yesterday.
The intelligentsia were much
more than just intellectuals, he'
said. "They made an enormous
impact on the whole of modern'
history, and eventually won in the
Revolution of 1917.
"They were not just 'conscious-
striken noblemen'," he said. "They
democratic element in a profound-
ly undemocratic society-in under-
standing what this class was."
The universities, seminaries and
high schools, modernizing under
Alexander the First, provided the
meeting place for the young gentry
and the "raznochintsy," or "people
of diverse estates."
Groups Unite
These two groups were fused by
the 1840's, he said, and the gentry
dominated the group until the
1860's when the lower class mem-
bers of the intelligentsia gained
more influence. "This gave the
intelligentsia a more radical and
embittered tone," he said.
"They had a feeling of apart-
ness and superoirity because they
believed that they embodied the
rationality, humanity and con-
sciousness of Russia," he said.
In the 1860's when the govern-
ment tried to reform archaic and
barbaric structures by emanci-
pating the peasants, it whetted the
appetitte of the intelligentsia; he
said. "They demanded the com-
plete realization of the universal,
rational idea of man," he said.
"They demanded social democ-
racy immediately, and when they
didn't get it they went to the
people to stir them up by their
conspiratorial activity."
In Vacuum
Because of the extremely simple
Russian social structure composed
of peasants and gentry which ex-
isted in until the 1890's, the alien-
ated intelligentsia existed in a
vacuum, unlike the intelligentsia
of the West, he said, where in-
terest groups lent substance to
generalized protests.
"After 100 years they made con-
tact with the explosive, anarchic
base which was 90 per cent of the
population," he said, "and from
1890 to 1915 their cohesion was
sufficient so they could hold to-
gether long enough to profit from
collapse when it came In 1917."
B'nai B'rith H illel Foundation
1429 Hill Street
Tonight, Friday, March 18, 7:15
Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
... views intelligentsia
came from every class, and were
a cohesive group only in terms
of ideology."
"It has to be recognized," he
said, "that the intelligentsia was
a class, and that its sole principle
of cohesion was commitment to
ideas as opposed to immediate it --
Adopt Idealism
The Russian intelligentsia as-
sumed distinct characteristics in
the 1830's and 1840's, he said,
when the young intellectuals of
the gentry adopted the German
philosophic idealism of Kant.
This philosophy assigns an im-
portant place to intellect and in-
tellectuals, who "dominate the
world by thought," because one
of its principles is that "the whole
structure of the universe comes to
a culmination in man's mind."
"The adoption of an egotistic
philosophical principle marks
them as a group hostile and feel-
ing itself superior to the rest of
society," he said.
'Moral Scandal'
"After 1762, for the first time
in Russia there was a class of free
men," he said, explaining that
after that date men were no longer
bound legally to serve the mon-
archy. "The younger and better
educated found submission to au-
tocracy a moral scandal."
"They generalized, then, from
their own sense of individual dig-
nity of all men."
"They tried out these moral
principles in the Decembrist revolt
in 1825," he said. "Its failure pre-
cipitated the full development of
this class of alienated intellectu-
Prof. Malia also stressed "the
importance of the universities and
of the school system-the most
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