See Page 4.
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Mostly cloudy,
occasional snow flurries.
-Daily-Phil Niffenegger
CONTROL REWARDS-Prof. Donald Freedman sees the need for
'programs reducing rewards for large families" in order to combat
overpopulation of the world.
Wa nt Is Research
On Birth Conttrol
Providing information and materials for birth control in under-
developed countries cannot provide the answer to the world population
problem, Prof. Ronald Freedman of the sociology department said last
Speaking at the third in a series of Student Government Council
seminars observing United Nations Week, Prof. Freedman said that
without research on the nature of family organization and the
increase of the birth rate in these countries, merely making facilities
for birth control available is not enough. The present UN agencies
"studying trends in population and
offering assistance to countries
who come to them for help are
0 Post o e sufficient, he said. But the really
important questions are, "what
motivates large families?" and
d uadS "How can we motivate small fami-
eu IKE
Date Set
The new elections for president
and vice-president of the literary
college senior class will take place
Wednesday. "
Michael Sklar, '60, chairman of W iw
the Joint Judiciary Council, has
announced the rules as:
1) The ballot for each office will Laborator
be unchanged and there will be nodionfrm ewptinng
additions from new petitioning.
2) Candidates are not required ssu
to run.,sueR p
3) No candidate may spend more
money in behalf of his campaign The University's Wllo
than what was spent prior to TaorUies ted rel
March 15. Laboratories conducted res
4) There is to be no further individual projects this yea
campaigning. ing from defense-oriented
Judic To Tally Michigan to studies of nas
Judi To allyin space.
Polling places will be at the The $8.8 million worth
entrance to the Undergraduate Li- in engineering and the
brary and the entrance to Mason sciences was backed mostl
Hall. The counting of votes and sfede sa s gov ern m ta
announcement of winners will take deral government, and
place on Wednesday night. main related to national
.the Laboratories' 1959 Am
Only members of Joint Judiciary port relates. '
Council and the Senior Board will.Thte th
be poll workers in all cases. This, the thirteenth3
University research activi
Sklar said the Council wishes to tered at Willow Run, begs
stress to the campus that only the formal establishment
second semester juniors, first se- low Run Laboratories as a
mester seniors, and 1961 graduates sity unit.
may vote. All persons voting il- Project Michigan
legally are subject to disciplinary Larest study at the Labo
Iaction from the Council.,ags td tteLb
Liston m Cndida.eis Project Michigan. Deali
List Candidates combat surveillance and to
Candidates for senior class presi- quisition, it accounted fo:
dent are: Irwin Dinn, Richard A. cent of the work.
Gavril, Michael J. Gillman, Don- The report notes: "Projec
ald G. Linker, Richard E. Meyer igan, now in its sixth
and Robert J. Vollen. operation, is a continuingr
Running for vice-president are: and development program
Ronald M. Greenberg, Lawrence neering and the physical
May and Robert A. Wood. for advancing the Army'
The Senior Board considered term capabilities in the
the implications of the cheating combat surveillance and
involved in the election. "Joint acquisition.
Judiciary Council is interested in "The Army's requireme
the purely mechanical aspects of target 'sensing'-including
the problem while Senior Board detection, location, and ti
is interested in the more moral- target analysis; and the as
View Politician's Perceptions,
The perception that congress-
men and constituents have of each
other, and agreement over legisla-
tion in civil right, social'welfare,
and foreign policy were discussed
last night by Profs. Warren E.
Miller and Donald E. Stokes at a
political science roundtable meet-
Prof. Miller, assistant program
director of the University Survey
Research Center and Prof. Stokes,
study director of the Center, have
been working to explain "the
poorly understood national elec-
toral conduct and behavior."
Their study is based upon the
records of the roll-call voting
strongly organized districts, there
is a high degree of agreement.
Where they have weakly organized
districts, the agreement is less.
Among Southern Democrats, he
added, there is less policy agree-
ment where the party is strong
because the party action tends to
inhibit agreement.
GOP More Predictable
"No matter if it's a question of
strongly organized districts versus
weaker ones among Northern Re-
publicans," Prof. Miller said,
"there is no difference in level of
policy agreement between the con-
stituents and their representa-
Prof. Stokes followed Prof.
Miller's comments with "the un-
derstanding of the ultimate ques-
tion of policy agreement."
Knowledge Assumed
"The framers of the Constitu-
tion created a lower House which
would depend on the wishes of the
people," Prof. Stokes said. "This
assumed that the congressman
would have to know the difference
of opinion in his district as well
as take a stand on his own. But, it
also assumed that the constituents
would have to know the issues of
legislative policy and then take a
stand which would influence the
behavior at the poles."
Congressmen have a perception
of what are the constituent atti-
tudes in their districts as reflected
in congressional opinion and their
own behavior as congressmen,
Prof. Stokes claimed. But on the
constituent side, the situation is
a charicature of what one might
expect to find.
In order to test whether voters
are aware of their congressmen
and their respective actions, the
Survey Research Center conducted
a survey which asked whether
they had heard or read about local
congressional incumbents and
their opponets.
"In areas where Democrats op-
posed Republicans, lass than one-
fifth of the people had read or
heard about both candidates, Prof.
Stokwes revealed. Of all those who
voted in 1958, less than one-fourth
of the people had heard or read
about either candidate.
The people's perception of their
legislature is thin, Stokes said,
adding that decisions are based on
party labels and statements like,
"He's a good man. He is sincere."
Both Profs. Miller and Stokes
are co-authors of "The American
Voter," which is forthcoming.
... political perceptions
John Hale, assistant dean of
men and director of the men's
residence halls, said yesterday
that it will probably be impossible
to have upperclass or freshman
housing for men by September.
He said the biggest block to
forming the houses is getting the
support of the student govern-
ment organizations concerned.
Hale commented that the support
of the residence hall student gov-
ernment should be obtained.
"Who do we work with-the offi-
cers of the old Inter-House Coun-
cil or the Inter-Quadrangle that
isn't even formed yet?" he asked.
He added that getting informa-
tion and acceptance of the idea
from University units such as the
literary college would not be diffi-
cult. The Board of Governors for
Residence Halls gave their per-
mission for work to be done In
implementing the use of a maxi-
mum of three houses for either
upperclass or freshman housing
last week.
The stipulation was made that
Hale should report back to the
Board periodically so that the
feasibility of setting up the pro-
gram by next September could be
Anotherddifficulty that will be
encountered is making all plans
in time so that incoming fresh-
men and students that are inter-
ested on campus can be notified.
In discussing the two new types
of housing, Hale mentioned an-
other problem that must be con-
sidered. He said that, economical-
ly, a freshman house must be
formed at least one year before
upperclass housing.
He explained that if they took
over a house for upperclass hous-
ing there would be a problem In
filling it. With the normal turn-
over, they could expect to have
a nucleus of 50 or 60 students re-
maining in the house as upper
class students.
However, Hale commented that
not more than 30 other upper-
class students could be expected
to move in from other houses.
This would leave a hole of about
30 students in the house; the
University can't afford this, he
The freshman house would sup-
ply enough students to supple-
ment the students transferring
from other units on campus.
Tri CM t3T i1
Must Shift Emphasis
"Providing information and ma-
terials for birth control won't help
unless we provide programs re-
ducing rewards for large families.
Attempts to force birth control on
people have failed.
"In India, for example, having
children carries rewards," he ex-
plained. "In the Indian village, life
centers around the family, which
provides virtually the only social
security available."
He emphasized that his sugges-
tions are for a short-range pro-
gram dealing with today's pressing
needs in crowded areas Where
large families are common. It will
not solve the long-range problem
of a general increase in the world
Sees Future Growth
There are three billion people
in the world today, he pointed out.
If the present rate of growth is
1.6 per cent per year continues,
by the end of the century there
would be 6.5 billion, and by the
year 2460 three would be 2,450
million, or 100,000 per square mile
for all the land area in the world.
"The world population has in-
creased six-fold since 1650. This
population explosion is due to a
sharp decrease in the death rate,
which in turn was caused by the
social, industrial and other revo-
lutions in Western civilization
which began about 1870."
istic," Fred Kolflat, '60A&D, presi-
dent of the Board, said.
Kolflat said the main points
1) Cheating was unfortunate but
not a reflection on the campus as
a whole.
2) It was discouraging that so
few people voted..
The new ID cards do not give
the student's year, enabling stu-
dents to vote who weren't juniors.
This was in violation of the elec-
tion rules and in the nature of the
cheating, Kolflat said.
Regents Plan
To Examine
The University Regents will
meet at 10 a.m. today in the Re-
gents' Room of the Administra-
tion Building.
The appropriations report is
scheduled for discussion at today's
meeting. A report from the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics is also on the agenda.
A recommendation for institu-
tional membership in the Inter-
national Association of Univer-
sities may also be considered.
The Regents may also grant
leaves of absence for the coming
information transmission, process-
ing, storage and display."
Radar Research
Other projects include advanced
experimental models of two major
radar systems, work on electron-
spin resistance and administration
of the Infrared Information and
Analysis Center, which is a clear-
inghouse for infrared knowledge.
Willow Run Laboratories also
took part in the growing research
preparing for space conquest.
"The problems of space explora-
tion brought the Laboratories into
comprehensive study of naviga-
tional techniques for interplane-
tary space flight-the means of
guiding a vehicle to its destination
in the solar system so that it ar-
rives at the proper point with the
proper vector velocity," it is re-
Added to Defense
Noting "earlier activities which
played, an important part in the
nation's air defense effort," the
Annual Report points out: "In
1946, Project Wizard was initiated;
it was aimed at defense against
ballistic missiles.
"This evolved, in 1950, into a
collaborative effort with the Boe-
ing Aircraft Company on the de-
sign of the BOMARC missile sys-
tem." These activities were fol-
lowed by Project ADIS, directed
toward an integrated system of air
... legislative agreement
decisions and interviews with rep-
resentatives of the 85th Congress,
and 1,700 constituents.
Three-Part System
In order to understand the levels
of agreement between the constit-
uents' desires and the roll-call
actions taken by congressmen un-
der differing conditions, Prof.
Miller suggested that the party
system might be divided into three
parts: Northern Democrats, South-
ern Democrats and Northern Re-
Prof. Miller said that among
Northern Democrats who have
Computer Helps Solve
Translation Dilemmas
A solution to the problem of analyzing grammar of Russian sen-
tences by electronic computer was announced by Harvard University
last week.
Prof. Ladislav Matejka of the University's Slavic languages de-
partment assisted in the earlier stages of the project. The computer
system, which has been in the works for over seven years, marks a
Smajor advance in the field of ma-
Quills Aid
Current research into the quills
of chicken feathers may result in
a significant contribution to man's
knowledge of the detailed struc-
ture of the protein molecule.
Basic research work in this field
of biophysics is now being done by
Prof. Samuel Krimm of the physics
department through a grant from
the Public Health Service. "The
importance of the study," Prof.
Krimm, director of the Biophysics
Research Center, said, "lies in our
belief that the physical structure
-the three dimensional configura-
tion-determines the behavior and
functions of the molecule."
Discoveries in this field may aid
understanding of the body en-
zymes. Enzymes, which are protein
structures, act as catalysts in
biological systems; they speed up
or slow down chemical reactions
without being changed themselves.
Quill Work
Krimm works with the quill of
the feather, part of a general class
of fibrous proteins which at pres-
ent seem easier to analyze than
the globular proteins.
X-ray diffraction and infrared
spectroscopy are the two means
Prof. Krimm uses to collect data
about the protein molecules,
"Since the quills are partly cry-
stalline," Prof. Krimm explained,
"they will diffract electro-mag-
netic rays, in this case those of
X-ray frequency."
The diffractions are recorded as
scatterings of light on a photo-
graphic plate. Since the molecules
have a periodic structure, the X-
rays are diffracted into a charac-
teristic pattern. By studying the
various patterns that the mole-
cules yield, Prof. Krimm attempts
to discover the physical structure
of the protein.
"The gathering of data in this
manner is a relatively simple ex-
perimental process. Trying to de-
duce what structure produces
such diffractions and absorptions
is altogether another matter."
Eliminate Models
Much work has been done elim-
inating certain structures as can-
didates for the makeup of a pro-
tein molecule. These "models"
are formulated and then tested
by mathematical analysis on a
computer or by optical diffrac-
tions of a scaled-up model of the
proposed molecule.
Prof. Krimm is now testing a
tentative model. "It seems better
than any other previous ones
tested, but we may not know for
Walter Sees
No Chance
For Change
Several Members
From Both Parties
Give Support to Plae
WASHINGTON () -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower urged yes-
terday that the United States fling
wider its gates to immigrants and
refugees, including Orientals, and
drastically change the national
origins basis for admission.
Chairman Francis E. Walter (D-
Pa.) of the House Immigration
Subcommittee promptly declared
Eisenhower's sweeping proposals
have no chance. Walter suggested
they were offered as a Republican
vote-attracting maneuver in this
Presidential election year.
However, several Republicans--
and Democrats-stepped forward
to support Eisenhower in this re-
newal of a campaign the Presi-
dent has waged, off and on, during
the seven years he has been in the
White House.
Plan's Effect:
As set forth in a special message
to Congress, Eisenhower's Immi-
gration plan would:
1) Double the over-all number
of immigrants each year from the
present 154,000 to 308,000. The an-
nual total would be fixed at one-
sixth of 1 per cent of the United
States population. The total would
be based on this country's 1960
census figures, rather than the
1920 census as now.
2) Abandon the long contro-
versial concept of basing national
immigration quotas on the racial
and ethnic composition of the
United States as of 1920, and sub-
stitute a new base - the actual
number accepted from each area,
between 1924 and 1959.
If adopted, this change would
mean admission of many more
Italians and nationals of other
Southern Europeans which always
have had more persons seeking to
enter the United States than their
quotas would allow.
Reduce Migrants
Conversely, the new approach
would reduce migrants from
Northern European nations and
Britain, countries which custom-
arily have not filled their quotas.
3) Unused quotas would be dis-
tributed among nations with over-
subscribed quotas.
1 4) Remove the current restric-
tive limit of 2,000 on quotas with-
in what is called the Asiatic-P-
cific triangle. This would place
countries like Japan on the same
footing as other nations and erase
a situation which has irked many
Eastern peoples for decades.
Admit Refugees
5) Permit admission of what Ei-
senhower referred to as "many
thousands of persons who are refu-
gees without a country as a result
of political upheavals and their
flight from persecution."
The President noted that this
is World Refugee Year and that
69 nations have banded to seek
permanent solutions for the prob-
lems of peoples uprooted by po-
litical, racial or religious persecu-
tion, or national calamity.
While offering his ideas, Eisen-
hower invited Congress to draft
legislation that would accomplish
the same purposes, if in different
ways. So long as they are con-
structive, the President said, "I
will be glad to approve them."
Court Refuses
Defense Pleas
None of the 29 persons arrested
for alleged homosexuality has been
dismissed from an Ann Arbor
court because of "entrapment" by
police officers.
In cases handled thus far, courts
have decided arrest procedures
were all legitimate.
JGP Asks:* What Can You Lose ?'
chine translation.
Previously, many computers
had been set up to give the Eng-
lish equivalent for any number of
foreign languages fed into the
machines, but never before had
it been possible to receive the in-
flected word and the grammatical
information necessary for com-
plete translation.
Prof. Matejka, who was one of
five people originally helping con-
struct the translating program,
worked on the project from June,
1957, until he was offered a posi-
tion as assistant professorat the
University last September.
He said he was hesitant to work
on the translating machine when
offered the position.
See GROUP, Page 8
SGC To Seat
Six Members
Student Government Council
will seat its six newly-elected
members at a special meeting at
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