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March 11, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-11

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Continued cold with
winds from northeast!

. .

VOL. LXX, No. 112
New Residence Hall
Government Passed
Inter-Quadrangle Council Created
By Ratification of Board, Houses
A new student governing body for the residence halls gained final
approval yesterday.
Following ratification of its constitution by the Board of Gov-
ernors, the Inter-Quadrangle Council replaced the Inter-House Coun-
cil. As the constitution already had been passed by the Presidium and
two-thirds of the house councils the Board's action was the last
Boren Chertkov, '60, serving as president of IQC, announced
shortly before the meeting that 17 house councils had approved the
constitution; only 16 were neded



Fwi" T

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Several legislators chided the
University yseterday for. "scare
talk" about its financial and aca-
demic future.
Meanwhile, the University and
other state agencies remained
worried while the Legislature con-
tinued its deliberations in Lansing.
The money situation could come
to its climax by next week. .when
appropriations for building and
operations may be decided.
Agree To Delay
Republicans decided in caucus
yesterday to hold off final talks
on capital outlay until next Mon-
day night.

Shortly after, the higher edu-
cation bill will move through the
Senate, and then to the House for
final considerations. '
What's at stake?
Officials at universities and
other state agencies generally feel
their futures as quality institu-
tions might be impaired if suffi-
cient funds are not granted.
The University, for example,
has not begun a new building in
three years and "faculty raiding"
by other schools has been an ad-
mittedndanger, particularly since
last winter.
The University has asked an

operating budget for fiscal 1960-
61 of $40.5 million. Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams pared the total to
$35.7 million in his request to
the Legislature. The Senate Ap-
propriations Committee, in turn,
has reduced the figure to $34.9
'U' Warns Legislature
This amounts to an increase of
nearly $1.5 million over the pres-
ent operating budget, but Univer-
sity oficials have repeatedly
warned even more money is need-
ed if the University is to retain
its competitive standing among
American schools.
What will happen to the budget

request when it reaches the House
flopr next week is uncertain. But
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kingston)
told The Daily yesterday that
House action "will stay close to
that of the Senate"-meaning the
University will not receive as
much as it wants.
Green acknowledged University,
officials "are sincere in their de-
sires, and probably one hundred
per cent correct from their point
of view.
Must Consider State
"But from our point of view, we
must deal with many other prob-
lems across the state. We feel the,
universities may be pinched, but

won't suffer too much," he added.
Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield),
chairman of the Senate Appropri-
ations Committee, has already in-
dicated, that state spending for
higher education will be minimal.
"I said long ago the state
schools would have to justify every
cent requested," Porter said. "I am
not sure how they have justified
increases in many places."
Another member of the com-
mittee, Sen. Frantz Beadle (R-
St. Clair) explained the com-
mittee bases its decision upon the
capacity of the dwindling General
Fund. "We can only spend what
we have.",

"If the University is w
about losing teachers, it s
raise its tuition," Beadle sugg
"The University can stand tC
fees when you realize that e
thing else is rising in price."
Sen. Lynn 0. Francis (R
land), a third member of the
mittee, criticized the Unii
for "telling us that we ma,
our professors by 'raiding' fo
last five years, and nothin
happened yet."
University officials have re
to commit themselves yet to
tion raises, but admit tha
creases might be an eve



Need Million
To Establish
New College
If western Michigan wantsi
four-year college it needs $1 mi
lion in "earnest money" befo
the Legislature will approvea
charter, Rep. Allison Green (R
Kingston) said yesterday.
Green, House Republican fio
leader and vice-chairman of ti
Education Committee, outlinedi
pattern for any prospective sta
four-year colleges-state approv
will follow only after land an
sizeable funds have been acquire
Green allowed the Grand Rapic
college bill to be reported out on]
after Grand Rapids-area legisl.
tors agreed to the pattern.
Seek New Institution
Their bill seeks a state chart
for a four-year college, to be con
structed in the Grand Rapids arei
servicing eight communities.
On Wednesday, western Michi
gan Reps. Thomas J. Whinery, An
drew Bolt and Edward A. Borg
man conferred with Green on th
issue for two hours. Green re
ported telling them Grand Rapid
would not receive his support un
less it was backed as adequatel
as the University's Flint branc
opened in 1956.
Flint philanthropist C. S. Mot
provided both land and a one mil
lion dollar building, before th
state took over yearly operatin
Cites MSU-O Example
Green also noted that the Oak
land branch of Michigan Stat
University first acquired a plani
then the state handled operatini
Green's opinions didn't find un
animous support within his edu
cation committee. Some of th
representatives on the nine-ma
committee approved the Gran
Rapids College bill as originall
"I'm for more colleges, rathe
than growth of the present bi
ones into giants," Rep. Dominic
Jacobetti (D-Negaunee) declared
explaining his approval of th
Grand Rapids charter.
Castro Seizes
More Cuban,
U.S. Property
HAVANA M-)-Prime Ministei
Fidel Castro's government seeme
to be moving with increasing
speed yesterday in the seizure o
properties, both American and
Castro's propaganda outlets ex-
panded their attacks on the
United Statesras the Prime Minis-
ter conferred at length with Presi-
dent Osvaldo Dorticos and other
For the second day "Revolu-
cdon," the semi-official newspaper,
announced the takeover of im-
portant industrial properties, this
time the 35 million dollar com-
panies of Burke and James
Hedges, brothers.
Their 21 companies, including
textile mills, have been under
the supervision of government in-
tervenors for months. They were
finally confiscated on the ground
that the Hedges enriched them-
selves illegally with the aid of
ex-dictator Fulgenco Batista.
The brothers are of United
States origin, but Burke became
a Cuban citizen to serve as a
Batista ambassador to Brazil.
The government Wednesday

confiscated the 40 million dollar

for approval.
Scott opposes
Only one house, Scott of South
Quadrangle, has voted against the
constitution. Scott's president John
R. DeVries, '61, said that several
objections had prompted the
council's unanimous rejection.
The council disliked the slate
system of election of officers, the
judiciary provision, the paying of
3 dues and the imposition of a gov-
- erning body higher than the quad-
- rangle on the house.
t DeVries said that the action of
- his house was atypical as most of
the houses were passing the new
r plan without dissent.
However isolated elements of
opposition were found in East
Quadrangle. William. Townsend,
'61E, president of Hinsdale said
ithat members of the council were
opposed to the slate method of
selection and having power origi-
i nate in IQC rather than the house
as before.
. Could Reverse
He added that he had already
transmitted an unofficial approval
r to IQC, but that the final result
could be the opposite. He said that
elements in Cooley House were
also opposed to the slate system.
Townsend said that under the
system no one from East Quad
could run for the office of presi-
dent due to the qualifications set
for the office.
Hinsdale stopped all participa-
tion in IHC last year because of
opposition to the IHC's structure.
Year's Work
IQC came into existence after
almost one year of work on re-
vising the structure of the old
organization. A committee to
recommend changes reported back
to the Presidium several weeks
Their report combined with
comments by the house presidents
formed the framework for the new:
The committee setup to write
the constitution reported back to
the Presidium a little over a week
ago. With minor changes their
constitution was approved by the
presidents and sent to the house
councils for ratification.
The primary changes in the new
organization deal with the elec-
tion of officers and its structure.
Under the old organization the
governing body was the Presidium,
which consisted of the presidents
of all the houses. Under the new
plan, the basic unit will be the
Executive Committee
The executive committee will;
consist of a president, vice-presi-
dent, secretary-treasurer, and each
quad's president and official repre-
sentative. The chairmen of stand-
ing committees will also sit on the
committee but without vote.
Under the slate system students
wishing to run for president will
also select two others to run for
the offices of vice-president and
secretary - treasurer. The houses
will only vote to fill the office of
president. The winning candidate
will carry in the remaining mem-
bers of his slate.
With the approval of the con-
stitution the Presidium went out
of existence with only the old
officers of IHC remaining in of-
fice until new ones can be elected.

Post Sought
By Morris
May Oppose Bagwell
In August GOP Race





LANSING 0P)--Sen. Carlton 4H.
Morris, Kalamazoo conservative,
yesterday jumped into the Repub-
lican race for governor on an
anti-Solidarity House platform.
His announcement removed any
sixth two-year term in the Senate.
in the Aug. 2 primary will go by
default to Paul D. Bagwell, de-
feated 1958 candidate, widely re-
garded as a Republican liberal.
Bagwell is expected to declare in
Morris, 42, is rounding out his
sixth two-year terf in the Senate.
A lawyer, he was the leading
GOP strategist in last year's mar-
athon battle of taxes. He sounded
the Republican battle cry in Jan-
uary when he said an income tax
would pass "over my dead body."
In his formal announcement,
Morris led off by asserting the,
state government and all its
branches are dominated or con-I
trolled by Solidarity House, home
of the United Auto Workers in
The people, he said, "had repre-
sentative governments stolen from
them by Solidarity House with
the outstanding single exception
of the state Senate."
He proclaimed himself a con-
servative, thoroughbred Republi-
can opposed to the "tax-and-
spend programs which have black-
ened Michigan's good name in
recent years."
Bagwell and Gov. Williams wel-
comed Morris into the primary.
Bagwell and Gov Williams said
the had invited his critics to"trot
out an opponent and allarently
this is it.

No Cloture;
To onnue
refused yesterday to put a time
limit on its marathon civil rights
It then went on to defeat one
amendment, opposed by the
Southerners, giving the attorney
general broad injunctive powers
in civil rights cases.
Later the Senate adopted one
amendment favored by the South-
The overall resultof the roll call
votes was to show that allout
Senate advocates of civil rights
legislation are not in position to
get their way in the bitter elec-
tion-year battle.
Reject Cloture
By a vote of 53-42, the Senate
first rejected a move to invoke the
Senate's debate-limiting cloture
rule and thus crush a filibuster
by Southern foes of civil rights
A two-thirds majority was re-
quired to put the rule into effect.
But backers of the move fell 22
votes short of that, failing even to
muster a majority.
The negative vote occasioned
some surprise, although no one
had predicted cloture would be
voted at this stage.
Both the Senate party leaders,
Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson of
Texas and Republican Everett
Dirksen of Illinois, opposed clo-
ture. They preferred instead to
work toward some civil rights law
that the overwhelming majority
of the Senate would accept.
Amendment Tabled
Then, by a 55-38 vote, the Sen-
ate tabled and thus killed an
amendment to empower the at-
torney general to bring school
desegregation and other civil rights
suits in behalf of individual citi-
It quickly followed this with an
89-0 vote reducing the penalties
provided in the Administration's
civil rights bill for obstructing by
force or threats court orders in
school desegregation cases.
The amendment, offered by Sen.
Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-N.C.), cut
penalties from a $10,000 fine or
two years in jail to a $1,000 fine
or one year in jail..

Explains CORE Movement

Asks House
For Suppor
Republicans Offer
For Capital Outlay

Passive resistance to discrim-
ination, as practiced currently
through the nation, was described
for the Political Issues Club last
Anna Holden, Grad., explained
her allegiance to the Congress of
Racial Equality, whose recent
pamphlet inspired the sit-down
strikes in Greensboro, N.C.
A national organization work-
ing to erase the color line through
direct nonviolent action, CORE
began at the University of Chi-
cago 18 years ago when mixed
groups of students were refused
service at a restaurant, Miss
Holden said.
Four years ago CORE started a'
program of planned passive re-
sistance in Nashville, Tenn.
A group of Negroes would drive
up to a drive-in theater and re-
quest admission. If refused, the
car behind, probably occupied
by white people would ask why
the other car had been refused.
They usually drove away after
thought about permitting Negroes
to enter such places in the future.
Sit In
CORE used a technique called
"sit in," as its most powerful
weapon of defense. OnepNegro,
one white, and one mixed group
would enter a restaurant during
a busy hour and dem-and service.
"Persistence was the key element;
restaurant would have to serve.
all three groups to avoid trouble
and maintain a turnover, Miss
Holden said.
"We were interested in integra-
tion, not desegregation, which
has a bad psychological connota-
She said that unsuccessful at-
tempts taught CORE members

-Daily-Phil Niffenegger
PASSIVE RESISTANCE-That is how the Congress of Racial
Equality will strive for integration throughout America, Miss
Anna Holden told the Political Issues Club last night.

that it is not wise to try to in-
volve a whole communiy in such
programs. She accounted for some
of the failure, by having people
unfamiliar with resistance take
part in their work for integration.
Avoids Prominent Persons
She also stressed keeping away
from "prominent people" for sup-
port because these people are the
most susceptible to weaken un-
der pressure.
Defining CORE's approach,
Miss Holden said, "Before making

Governors Proposals Cut,
:As Session Nears Finish
LANSING ()--"We've got too many laws anyway," said silver-
haired Harry Litowich, the dapper senator from Benton Harbor.
He talked specifically of seven bills that lay dead in his Agricul-
ture Committee, all of them cut down by yesterday's deadline for
approving bills for floor debate.
Four hundred and five other bills-more than half of all sub-
mitted since the 1960 Legislature first met Jan. 13-just had been
Sswept into the discard by other

plans, we study a situation be-
cause we need to know what con-
fronts us. In the Southern states
where there is direct opposition
it is easier to know where we
stand than in the border states
where we do not know how a
group may feel about integration."
She. added that the members
of CORE must pledge not to re-
taliate if attacked or vigorously'
opposed in the act of serving their
cause which stresses peaceful
means. "The individual must sub-
mit to the group plans and obey
on the spot decisions of a super-
ior,"' she continued.
Explains Resistance
Miss Holden proceeded to ex-
plain, the methods by which
CORE works for integration by
passive means. Striving for pub-
lic accommodation, CORE mem-
bers form "standing lines," refus-
ing to leave unless given tickets
or permission to enter. "In St.
Louis, CORE members worked for
greater rights in employment; we
wanted jobs for Negroes other
than positions as janitors and
maids," she said.
Discusses Law
When asked about the magni-
tude of legal restrictions placed
upon Negroes often in the South,
Miss Holden claimed that these
laws are often overemphasized.
She said there are fewer laws
than most people believe.
"When an issue comes up, the
officials of a town pass law to
meet the situation and maintain
segregation," she declared.'
She added that the effectivness
of CORE Is steadly is increasing
"The NAACP has recognized the
need for passive resistnce. In the
concerned with the legal suits;
but they can only change the
tice," Miss Holden stated.
Cl * 10 -~~1. 1

By The Associated Press
Williams pleaded with the
publican-dominated House W
and Means Committee yestere
seeking the possible revival of
$150 million capital outlay p
Williams' proposal for the
tablishment of a state builc
authority having power to is
bonds to finance construction
rejected by. the Senate Wedr
The issuance of the bonds wC
now require a constitutib
amendment with the two-th:
approval of both houses needed
put the amendment proposal
the November ballot.
Suggest Capital Program
In addition, some Republic
in the legislature proposed a 4
million bond issue program, poi
ing outtheir figure would m
about one-fifth the $500 mill
asked by state agencies. It
pointed out that taxes are
furnishing the. revenue expec
and the voters should decide
they want the state to begin
building program.
The last big capital outlay p
gram was effected in 1957 wl
$37.7 million was appropriated
Put Off Decision
There was no immediate c
crete result from Williams' ho
long discussion with the Ho
committee, but Republican n
jority members agreed to consi
the problem again, consult ti
colleagues, and discuss the p
posal in caucus during the we
Republican House Leader A
son Green (R-Kingston) said y
terday, "chances are not good
get the program on the balli
Several legislators have said
appropriation for capital out
will not exceed $20 million.
Only $5.7 million was budge
for this fiscal year, and Repul
cans indicated there will be lit
more in the budget for the com
The total appropriations bud
figure proposed by Republicans
$396 million, $13 million less th
the $409 million requested byi
Governor. ~Republicans sayt
revenues will not be able to 'si
port the amount asked by
Moratorium on Building
There has been a general h
to new state construction sir
1957. The building moratorium Y
been most predominant in t
fields of education and men
The legislators raised the G(
ernor's request for public welfi
funds from $59 to $61 milli
Wednesday. House Ways a
Means Committee members Si
the extra appropriation was

. . . seeks nomination

SGC Backs Anti-Discrimination

Student Government Council
voted Wednesday to support anti-
discrimination strikes' in the
Southern states.
The Council will send letters to
eight governors of Southern'
states as well as to the general
offices of four chain stores pick-
eted recently by students because
of discrimination against Negroes
at lunch-counters.
The letter to the chain stores
includes the following: "We urge

among the four the Council will
Expressing SGC's sympathy
and support" for the student
demonstrations, the letter states
discrimination, whether on the
basis of race, religion, national
origin or any other arbitrary
basis, has no place in our society.
"Picketing and sit-in strikes by
individuals or groups represent
legitimate forms of protest
against such discrimination in
places of business."

strators from assault by those
holding other views and action
which deprives students of their
right to an education on the same
two counts.
Make Specific Incidents
Specific allusions to incidents in
the particular states will be made
in letters to the governors.
Copies of the letters will be
made available to the press in
the states contacted: Alabama,
Georgia, Louisiana, North and
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas

from local and national chapters
of student organizations.
He asserted, "An affidavit.
is no practical basis for consid-
eration whether or not an organ-
ization (or individual) meets a
required regulation. Either the
Committee is to proceed to work
where there is evidence or it is
Further, Martens expressed a
belief that the Council's philo-
sophy opposed regulations involv-

Senate and House standing com-
Few lawmakers were seen weep-
Among the bills killed were
measures .naking up the bulk of
Gov. Williams' 12th and last legis-
lative program.
In a frenzy of 11th hour activ-
ity, more than 120 of the 897 legis-
lative proposals on file barely es-
caped the ax.
These included the governor's
proposal for setting up a council
on economic growth, a bill to
charter a four-year college at
Grand Rapids and-viola-a bill
to give lawmakers a $2,500-a-year

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