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November 21, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-11-21

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Cambodia Chief
Ends Foreign Aid
U.S. Fears Red Chinese Influence
Indicated by Sihanouk's Decision
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (P)-Americans prepared last night to
dismantle their aid machinery, fearful that Cambodia's refusal to
accept further United States assistance will swing the nation into
Red China's powerful orbit.
United States Ambassador Philip D. Sprouse was summoned to
the foreign ministry,.presumably to get the word that United States

food and dollars no longer area
Meyer Backs
Council Draft
ROME (W) - Albert Gregory
Cardinal Meyer of Chicago led a
group of American prelates yes-
terday in defense of the proposed
Ecumenical Council declaration. on
Jews and religious liberty.
The council also voted approval
of allowing the use of modern
languages in Mass,
In another development, Pope
Paul reaffirmed the position of the
bishops in the hierarchy with the
Pope at their head.


welcome. He has not seen Prince
oNorodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's
chief of state, for several months.
(In Washington, the State De-
partment reported Cambodia sent
a note asking negotiations to end
United States aid. Sihanouk was
said to have expressed his thanks
for aid and reaffirmed his friend-
t ship.)
Halt Work'
Work on all aid projects halted
Tuesday after Sihanouk told a
cheering rally that as of now no
more American aid would be ac-
cepted. Despite repeated Washing-
ton denials, he again charged
that United States aid was being
used to undermine his government.
The United States has been
pouring $30 million a year in mili-
tary and economic aid into the
country to try to keep it neutral
in the struggle to save Southeast
Asia from a Communist takeover.
From Red China came enthu-
siastic approval of Sihanouk's de-
Exchange Reserve
While Cambodia has a $90 mil-
lon foreign exchange reserve that
should keep it going for several
years, the impact on its economy
will be severe now that aid has
Sihanouk will ask the three mil-
lion Cambodians to tighten their
belts, will nationalize a number of
businesses Dec. 31 and has an-
nounced the government will take
over banks next July.
Officials said aid programs,
mostly agricultural and educa-
tional projects, will be closed out
as soon as possible. Offices will be
closed and equipment sold or

Set Policy
On Issues
A t Parley_.
Resolutions covering a wide
range of topics and passed by the
All-College Conservative Confer-
ence which met on campus last
weekend have been released by
conference director Robert Able-
son, '65.
Statements included:
Civil Rights-The federal gov-
ernment should move to enforce
the equal voting rights of all citi-
zens. The Attorney General should
have the power to initiate suits on
behalf of individuals who can rea-
sonably claim to have been the
object of discrimination.
Withhold Funds
Federal funds should be with-
held from federally-sponsored pro-
jects which practice discrimina-
tion, and projects which are com-
pleted should be subject to order
of the attorney general to desist
from such practices.
All segregation by state and
local governments is clearly un-
constitutional and immoral.
(A minority of the 'conferees
disagreed with this position and
issued a report opposing segrega-.
tion and supporting the lawful
efforts of Negroes to gain equal
treatment and voting rights.)
United Nations-The UN should
refrain from such action as will
interfere with a country's domes-
tic procedures. If the UN persists
in such intervention, the United
States should refuse to continue
to finance it.
Make Itself Heard
The United States should regis-
ter a more aggressive effort to
make itself heard in the various
UN agencies, many of which are
controlled by Communist nations.
The, United States should also
explore the possibility of revoking
voting rights of non-paid-up
Viet Nam-The United States
should take care not to offer its
suport to regimes in Southeast
Asia that may be controlled by
Communists. (This is not to imply
that the new Vietnamese regime
is Communist, however.)

Associated Press Special Correspondent
JAKARTA - Gen. Abdul Haris
Nasution, Indonesia's deputy
prime minister and minister of
defense, says the Communists are
a problem in Indonesia, but adds,
"the problem is not as it is in
other anti-Communist countries."
He implies that Indonesian
Communists are different from
other Communists around the
world. Nasution's thinking is not
shared by Westerners.
T h e Indonesian Communist
Party has grown to enormous
proportions. It now claims a mem-
bership of 2.5 million whichr would
make it the biggest in the world
outside the Communist bloc.
Only Power
It has the only truly organized
political structure in Indonesia. It
would be capable of taking over a
government and ruling the coun-
try's 100 million predominantly
Moslem people. But it shows no
signs of impatience.
T h e Indonesian Communist
Party (PKI) under the leadership
of veteran D. N. Aidit seems sat-
isfied to work hard for respecta-
bility, to cooperate with President
Sukarno's regime and to be a po-
tent force in Indonesian political
life. It is not ready for a take-
over. It is aware that it does not
have enough strength in the mil-
itary, and that Nasution's forces
would hit hard if the Communists
made an attempt.

But it remains a potent threat
to turn an enormously strategic
nation, stretching for thousands
of miles across the oceans below
Southeast Asia, into a member of
the world Communist camp. It is
playing a waiting game, apparent-
ly hoping that Sukarno will be
pushed farther and farther away
from the West into more and more
reliance on the Communist bloc.
Power Play
The party does not yet have
sufficient Soviet support for a
strike for power in Indonesia. This
has aroused dissatisfaction with
Moscow and has played a part in
the party's involvement in the
Chinese-Soviet battle over how re-
volution should develop.
Policy statements of the PKI
sound pro-Chinese, but there is
no reason to believe Aidit is a Red
Chinese puppet.. He shares the
Chinese view that all American
and British influence should be
expelled from Asia. But he seems
to be neutral in the Moscow-Pe-
king war. Indeed, PKI seems to
be taking advantage of it.
The Moscow - Peking quarrel
gives PKI an opportunity to ap-
pear independent in the eyes of
Indonesians. It pursues its aims
in. the Moscow-approved manner,
through participation in parlia-
ment and hidden subversion. But
if the party is parliamentary, it
is because PKI has no other
choice. It also manages to look

pan-Asian, which pleases the
Smash Revolution
If PKI tried violent revolution,
the Indonesian army unquestion-
ably would move to smash it.
Thus, the party welcomes some-
thing like the Malaysia-Indonesia
crisis, which could build up to
proportions sufficient to keep the
army preoccupied on the Borneo
borders. That would give the
Communists an opportunity to get
ahead in the capital.
All the party's strength is in
Java, the central and most popu-
lous Indonesian island with 65
mlilion people. It is doubtful
whether the Communists, should
they try to take over Indonesia
some day, could hold Sumatra or
many of the other islands. If they
took ,over, then, they would find
themselves an island with many
people and few resources a sort
of super-Cuba 'whose support
would drain the Communist bloc.
There are about 10 political
parties in Indonesia, but most
don't mean much. All, except the
Communists, are fairly disorgan-
ized, including the Indonesian Na-
tional Party founded by Sukarno
No Count
Parties don't count under Su-
karno's party who have leanings
to the extreme left. Among them
is Chaerul Saleh, a man with ex-
treme leftist tendencies who is
minister of industries and even a
possible successor to Sukarno.
Leaders of other parties, includ-
ing the Socialist Sutan Sjahrir
and the Masjumi party leader
Mohammed Natsir, are in jail.
They've been there since martial
law in 1957 when there was a
rebel attempt against the Jakarta
Thus the Communists remain
the strongest force. In addition,
the Communists have control in
the leadership of Sobsi, the big-
gest labor federation, in the BI
or Farmer's Union, in the Per-
muda Rakjat, which is the youth
movement, and other mass organ-
Still, Nasution says, "Commun-
ism is obviously becoming a prob-
lem in Indonesia, because, as it
is with every other political creed,
it has friend and foe. But its
problem is not as it is in the anti-

Communist countries. The Indo-
nesian Communist Party accepts
Panjat Sila (the five principles of
peaceful coexistence), a state
ideology which includes the prin-
ciple of God Almightly and up-
holds the political manifesto of
the Republic of Indonesia. That's
why this party was legalized . .."
It's the sort of reasoning one
expects fromthe Indonesian re-
gime. If the regime really believes
this, the Indonesian Communists
already have achieved a signifi-
cant victory.
Pre diets Taxf
Michigan may have to adopt a
state income tax soon or raise its'
four per cent sales tax, Alan K.
Campbell, director of research in
metropolitan finance at Syracuse
University, said.
"It is inevitable that Michigan
raise the sales tax or go to an
income tax. With the prospect of
vastly increasing expenditures
these are the only broad-based
sources left to Michigan," he said.
In a paper he pointed out that
spending has jumped 128 per cent
at the state and local level in the
last 10 years across the nation,
campared to a 25 per cent in-
crease in federal spending for
domestic purposes.
The biggest factor in the in-
creases is education, while welfare,
generally a big governmental ex-
pense, has increased more slowly.
Costs increase when suburban-
ites ask for more services from
cities where they no longer live.
Also, the financial pressure of
education remains in the central
"The total impact is likely to
create pressure for more expendi-
tures," Campbell said. "There is a
taxpayers' revolt largely because
of the inaction of the Legislature
to meet its responsibilities."
Generally, he noted, states with
an income tax or a sales tax are
being pressured into adopting both
as the demand for more revenue

Leader Views Local Communist Types

loo ks

UN Passes Declaration
Scoring Discrimination
UNITED NATIONS (P)-The United Nations General Assembly
approved overwhelmingly yesterday a sweeping declaration calling
on governments to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.
South Africa, condemned for its apartheid policies, did not
participate in the vote.
The 111-nation assembly endorsed by acclamation a declaration
of general principles. It approved, 101-0, an appeal to governments
"to implement and publicize the
The third part of the package,
W ord ews authorizing moves to convert the
declaration of principles into an
I Rouund~uinternational convention, w a s
adopted 89-0 with 14 abstentions.
The future convention would be
By The Associated Press binding on nations that sign it.
WASHINGTON - The Senate Although the declaration itself
WASH TONm $ - Then Senthe was approved by acclamation and
voted to trim $90 million from the announced as unanimously adopt-'cvla sp e pr g m y st d y e ,So h Afi 's G P. M se
civilian space program yesterday ednouth Afa's GaimP.l Moost-
after rejecting a move to slash theaedlaeuthatis G.le.aton be
man-n-th-mon prjec by 519asked later that his delegation be
man-on-the-moon project by $519 recorded as not participating in
the vote.
Voting followed a lengthy hassle
CARACAS-Police and troops over one provision which the
fought snipers in downtown Cara- United States claimed would in-
cas yesterday, the second day of fringe on constitutional guaran-
a pro-Communist campaign of tees of free speech. The final draft
gave in to the United States de-

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called yesterday for a Justice De-
partment investigation of all news-
paper mergers or suspensions.
It adopted a resolution asking
Congress for a law requiring news-
paper publishers to give the de-
partment 90 days notice of any
contemplated merger, consolida-
tion, or acquisition.
Finance Committee voted yester-
day to go alone with the House
on raising the temporary national
debt ceiling from $309 billion to
$315 billion. Senate action on the
measure may come today.
LANSING-Gov. George Rom-
ney yesterday formally called the
Legislature into special session
Dec. 3 to consider laws imple-
menting the new constitution.
NEW YORK - Proposal of a
two for one split by American
Telephone and Telegraph Corp.
helped push stocks upward on the
Stock Exchange yesterday. Dow-
Jones averages showed 30 indus-
trials up 5.41, 20 rails up .12, 15
utilities up .60 and 65 stocks up .93.


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